Example #1
File: scan.py Project: Nium14/enlib
	def resample(self, mapping):
		res = cpy.deepcopy(self)
		res.boresight = np.ascontiguousarray(utils.interpol(res.boresight.T, mapping.oimap[None], order=1).T)
		res.hwp       = utils.interpol(utils.unwind(res.hwp), mapping.oimap[None], order=1)
		res.hwp_phase = np.ascontiguousarray(utils.interpol(res.hwp_phase.T, mapping.oimap[None], order=1).T)
			res.dark_tod = utils.interpol(res.dark_tod, mapping.oimap[None])
			res.dark_cut = resample_cut(res.dark_cut, mapping)
		except AttributeError as e: pass
		res.cut          = resample_cut(res.cut,          mapping)
		res.cut_noiseest = resample_cut(res.cut_noiseest, mapping)
		res.noise        = res.noise.resample(mapping)
		res.mapping      = mapping
		return res
Example #2
def aberrate(imap,
    pol = imap.ndim > 2
    pos = imap.posmap()
    # The ::-1 stuff switches between dec,ra and ra,dec ordering.
    # It is a bit confusing to have different conventions in enmap
    # and coordinates.
    pos = remap(pos[::-1],
    pos[:2] = pos[1::-1]
    pix = imap.sky2pix(pos[:2], corner=True)  # interpol needs corners
    omap = en.ndmap(utils.interpol(imap, pix, mode=mode, order=order),
    if pol:
        c, s = np.cos(2 * pos[2]), np.sin(2 * pos[2])
        omap[1] = c * omap[1] + s * omap[2]
        omap[2] = -s * omap[1] + c * omap[2]
    if modulation:
        omap *= pos[2 + pol]
    return omap
Example #3
	def get_samples(self, verbose=False):
		"""Return the actual detector samples. Slow! Data is read from disk and
		calibrated on the fly, so store the result if you need to reuse it."""
		# Because we've read the tod_shape field earlier, we know that reading tod
		# won't cause any additional truncation of the samples or detectors.
		# tags is only needed here for read_combo support, but that is mostly broken
		# anyway.
		t1 = time.time()
		self.d += actdata.read(self.entry, fields=["tod", "tags"], dets=self.d.dets)
		t2 = time.time()
		if verbose: print "read  %-14s in %6.3f s" % ("tod", t2-t1)
		if config.get("tod_skip_deconv"): ops = ["tod_real"]
		else: ops = ["tod"]
		actdata.calibrate(self.d, operations=ops, verbose=verbose)
		tod = self.d.tod
		# Remove tod from our local d, so we won't end up hauling it around forever
		del self.d.tod
		# HWP resample if needed
		if self.mapping is not None:
			tod = np.ascontiguousarray(utils.interpol(tod, self.mapping.oimap[None], order=1, mask_nan=False))
		method = config.get("downsample_method")
		for s in self.sampslices:
			srange = slice(s.start, s.stop, np.sign(s.step) if s.step else None)
			tod = tod[:,srange]
			tod = resample.resample(tod, 1.0/np.abs(s.step or 1), method=method)
		tod = np.ascontiguousarray(tod)
		return tod
Example #4
 def __call__(self, poss, amps, taus, dets=None):
     if dets is None: dets = np.arange(len(self.rdata.dets))
     rmask = np.in1d(self.rdata.detmap, dets)
     if np.sum(rmask) == 0:
         return np.zeros([0, self.rdata.pos.shape[1]], float)
     rpos = self.rdata.pos[rmask]
     mask = self.mask[rmask]
     detinds = build_detinds(self.rdata.detmap[rmask], dets)
     # Evaluate the plain beam
     r = np.sum((rpos - poss[detinds][:, None])**2, -1)**0.5
     bpix = r / self.dr
     model = utils.interpol(self.rdata.beam[1],
     # Must mask invalid regions *before* fourier stuff
     model *= mask
     # Apply the butterworth filter and time constants
     fmodel = fft.rfft(model)
     tfilters = filters.tconst_filter(self.rdata.freqs[None],
                                      taus[:, None]) * self.rdata.butter
     fmodel *= tfilters[detinds]
     fft.ifft(fmodel, model, normalize=True)
     # Apply the amplitudes
     model *= amps[detinds, None]
     return model
Example #5
    def get_samples(self, verbose=False):
        """Return the actual detector samples. Slow! Data is read from disk and
		calibrated on the fly, so store the result if you need to reuse it."""
        # Because we've read the tod_shape field earlier, we know that reading tod
        # won't cause any additional truncation of the samples or detectors.
        # tags is only needed here for read_combo support, but that is mostly broken
        # anyway.
        t1 = time.time()
        self.d += actdata.read(self.entry,
                               fields=["tod", "tags"],
        #if debug_inject is not None: self.d.tod += debug_inject
        t2 = time.time()
        if verbose: print("read  %-14s in %6.3f s" % ("tod", t2 - t1))
        if config.get("tod_skip_deconv"): ops = ["tod_real"]
        else: ops = ["tod"]
        actdata.calibrate(self.d, operations=ops, verbose=verbose)
        tod = self.d.tod
        # Remove tod from our local d, so we won't end up hauling it around forever
        del self.d.tod
        # HWP resample if needed
        if self.mapping is not None:
            tod = np.ascontiguousarray(
        method = config.get("downsample_method")
        for s in self.sampslices:
            tod = scan.slice_tod_samps(tod, s, method=method)
        tod = np.ascontiguousarray(tod)
        return tod
Example #6
 def __init__(self, shape, inspec, scale):
     freqs = fft.rfftfreq(shape[-2]) * scale
     # Should check units of fourier space here. Should
     # rescaling from samples to az change the value of the
     # spectrum? How much of that is handled by the hitcounts?
     self.spec_full = utils.interpol(inspec, freqs[None])
     self.scale = scale
Example #7
def eval_srcs_loop(posmap, poss, amps, beam, cres, nhit, cell_srcs):
    # Loop through each cell
    ncy, ncx = nhit.shape
    model = enmap.zeros(amps.shape[-1:] + posmap.shape[-2:], posmap.wcs,
    for cy in range(ncy):
        for cx in range(ncx):
            nsrc = nhit[cy, cx]
            if nsrc == 0: continue
            srcs = cell_srcs[cy, cx, :nsrc]
            y1, y2 = (cy + 0) * cres[0], (cy + 1) * cres[0]
            x1, x2 = (cx + 0) * cres[1], (cx + 1) * cres[1]
            pixpos = posmap[:, y1:y2, x1:x2]
            srcpos = poss[srcs].T  # [2,nsrc]
            srcamp = amps[srcs].T  # [ncomp,nsrc]
            diff = pixpos[:, None, :, :] - srcpos[:, :, None, None]
            r = (diff[0]**2 +
                 (diff[1] * np.cos(pixpos[0, None, :, :]))**2)**0.5
            bpix = (r - beam[0, 0]) / (beam[0, 1] - beam[0, 0])
            # Evaluate the beam at these locations
            bval = utils.interpol(beam[1],
                                  order=1)  # [nsrc,ry,rx]
            cmodel = srcamp[:, :, None, None] * bval
            cmodel = np.sum(cmodel, -3)
            model[:, y1:y2, x1:x2] += cmodel
    return model
Example #8
def interpol_pos(from_sys, to_sys, name_or_pos, mjd, site=None, dt=10):
    """Given the name of an ephemeris object or a [ra,dec]-type position
	in radians in from_sys, compute its position in the specified coordinate system for
	each mjd. The mjds are assumed to be sampled densely enough that
	interpolation will work. For ephemeris objects, positions are
	computed in steps of 10 seconds by default (controlled by the dt argument)."""
    box = utils.widen_box([np.min(mjd), np.max(mjd)], 1e-2)
    sub_nsamp = max(3, int((box[1] - box[0]) * 24. * 3600 / dt))
    sub_mjd = np.linspace(box[0], box[1], sub_nsamp, endpoint=True)
    if isinstance(name_or_pos, basestring):
        sub_from = ephem_pos(name_or_pos, sub_mjd)
        pos = np.asarray(name_or_pos)
        assert pos.ndim == 1
        sub_from = np.zeros([2, sub_nsamp])
        sub_from[:] = np.asarray(name_or_pos)[:, None]
    sub_pos = transform_raw(from_sys,
    sub_pos[1] = utils.rewind(sub_pos[1], ref="auto")
    inds = (mjd - box[0]) * (sub_nsamp - 1) / (box[1] - box[0])
    full_pos = utils.interpol(sub_pos, inds[None], order=3)
    return full_pos
Example #9
	def __init__(self, shape, inspec, scale):
		freqs = fft.rfftfreq(shape[-2]) * scale
		# Should check units of fourier space here. Should
		# rescaling from samples to az change the value of the
		# spectrum? How much of that is handled by the hitcounts?
		self.spec_full = utils.interpol(inspec, freqs[None])
		self.scale = scale
Example #10
 def __init__(self, shape, inspec, scale, corrfun):
     freqs = np.abs(fft.fftfreq(shape[-2]) * scale)
     spec_full = utils.interpol(inspec, np.abs(freqs[None]))
     # Build our 2d noise spectrum. First get the stripy part.
     ps_stripe = np.tile(1 / spec_full[:, None], [1, shape[-1]])
     # Then get our common mode
     ps_cmode = fft.fft(corrfun * 1j, axes=[-2, -1])
     # Scale common mode to have the same DC level as the striping
     ps_cmode *= ps_stripe[0, 0] / ps_cmode[0, 0]
     ps_tot = ps_stripe + ps_cmode
     self.inv_ps = 1 / ps_tot
Example #11
	def __init__(self, shape, inspec, scale, corrfun):
		freqs = np.abs(fft.fftfreq(shape[-2]) * scale)
		spec_full = utils.interpol(inspec, np.abs(freqs[None]))
		# Build our 2d noise spectrum. First get the stripy part.
		ps_stripe = np.tile(1/spec_full[:,None], [1,shape[-1]])
		# Then get our common mode
		ps_cmode  = fft.fft(corrfun*1j,axes=[-2,-1])
		# Scale common mode to have the same DC level as the striping
		ps_cmode *= ps_stripe[0,0]/ps_cmode[0,0]
		ps_tot    = ps_stripe + ps_cmode
		self.inv_ps = 1/ps_tot
Example #12
def lens_map_flat(cmb_map, phi_map):
    raw_pix = cmb_map.pixmap() + enmap.grad_pix(phi_map)
    # And extract the interpolated values. Because of a bug in map_pixels with
    # mode="wrap", we must handle wrapping ourselves.
    npad = int(
                np.max(raw_pix -
                       np.array(cmb_map.shape[-2:])[:, None, None]))))
    pmap = enmap.pad(cmb_map, npad, wrap=True)
    return enmap.samewcs(
        utils.interpol(pmap, raw_pix + npad, order=4, mode="wrap"), cmb_map)
Example #13
def ephem_pos(objname, mjd, dt=10):
    """Computes the earth-relative angular position and radius [{ra,dec,r},ntime]
	for the given object. Uses interpolation in steps dt (seconds) to sepeed
	things up. Set dt to 0 to disable this. r has units of AU."""
    # Get low-res [ra,dec,r]
    sub_time, inds = define_subsamples(mjd, dt=dt / (24. * 3600))
    sub_pos = ephem_raw(objname, sub_time)
    # Avoid angle wraps, as they will mess up the interpolation
    sub_pos[0] = utils.unwind(sub_pos[0])
    # Interpolate to target resolution
    full_pos = utils.interpol(sub_pos, inds[None])
    return full_pos
Example #14
def ephem_vec(objname, mjd, dt=10):
    """Computes the earth-relative position vector[{x,y,z},ntime] for the
	given object. Uses interpolation in steps dt (seconds) to speed things up.
	Set dt to 0 to disable this. The resulting vector has units of AU."""
    # Get low-res [ra,dec,r]
    sub_time, inds = define_subsamples(mjd, dt=dt / (24. * 3600))
    sub_pos = ephem_raw(objname, sub_time)
    # Convert to low-res [x,y,z]
    sub_vec = utils.ang2rect(sub_pos[:2], zenith=False) * sub_pos[2]
    # Interpolate to target resolution
    full_vec = utils.interpol(sub_vec, inds[None])
    return full_vec
Example #15
	def eval(self, rvec):
		"""Evaluate beam at positions rvec[{dra,dec},...] relative to beam center"""
		# Decompose into parallel and orthogonal parts
		rvec     = np.asanyarray(rvec).copy()
		rvec[0] *= np.cos(self.dec_ref)
		rpara    = np.sum(rvec*self.e_para[:,None,None],0)
		rorto    = np.sum(rvec*self.e_orto[:,None,None],0)
		# Evaluate each beam component
		ipara    = rpara/self.res+self.vbeam.size/2
		bpara    = utils.interpol(self.vbeam, ipara[None], mask_nan=False, order=self.order, prefilter=False)
		borto    = np.exp(-0.5*rorto**2/self.sigma**2)
		res      = enmap.samewcs(bpara*borto, rvec)
		return res
Example #16
 def eval(self, rvec):
     """Evaluate beam at positions rvec[{dra,dec},...] relative to beam center"""
     # Decompose into parallel and orthogonal parts
     rvec = np.asanyarray(rvec).copy()
     rvec[0] *= np.cos(self.dec_ref)
     rpara = np.sum(rvec * self.e_para[:, None, None], 0)
     rorto = np.sum(rvec * self.e_orto[:, None, None], 0)
     # Evaluate each beam component
     ipara = rpara / self.res + self.vbeam.size / 2
     bpara = utils.interpol(self.vbeam,
     borto = np.exp(-0.5 * rorto**2 / self.sigma**2)
     res = enmap.samewcs(bpara * borto, rvec)
     return res
Example #17
    def get_samples(self, verbose=False):
        """Return the actual detector samples. Slow! Data is read from disk and
		calibrated on the fly, so store the result if you need to reuse it."""
        # Because we've read the tod_shape field earlier, we know that reading tod
        # won't cause any additional truncation of the samples or detectors.
        # tags is only needed here for read_combo support, but that is mostly broken
        # anyway.
        t1 = time.time()
        self.d += actdata.read(self.entry,
                               fields=["tod", "tags"],
        t2 = time.time()
        if verbose: print("read  %-14s in %6.3f s" % ("tod", t2 - t1))
        if config.get("tod_skip_deconv"): ops = ["tod_real"]
        else: ops = ["tod"]
        actdata.calibrate(self.d, operations=ops, verbose=verbose)
        tod = self.d.tod
        # Remove tod from our local d, so we won't end up hauling it around forever
        del self.d.tod
        # HWP resample if needed
        if self.mapping is not None:
            tod = np.ascontiguousarray(
        method = config.get("downsample_method")
        for s in self.sampslices:
            srange = slice(s.start, s.stop,
                           np.sign(s.step) if s.step else None)
            tod = tod[:, srange]
            # make sure we get exactly the same length the cuts will be expecting
            step = np.abs(s.step or 1)
            olen = (tod.shape[1] + step - 1) // step
            tod = resample.resample(tod,
                                    float(olen) / tod.shape[1],
        tod = np.ascontiguousarray(tod)
        return tod
Example #18
def make_equispaced(d, t, quantile=0.1, order=3, mask_nan=False):
    """Given an array d[...,nt] of data that has been sampled at times t[nt],
	return an array that has been resampled to have a constant sampling rate."""
    # Find the typical sampling rate of the input. We will lose information if
    # we don't use a sampling rate that's higher than the highest rate in the
    # input. But we also don't want to exaggerate the number of samples. Use a
    # configurable quantile as a compromise.
    dt = np.percentile(np.abs(t[1:] - t[:-1]), quantile * 100)
    # Modify so we get a whole number of samples
    nout = utils.nint(np.abs(t[-1] - t[0]) / dt) + 1
    dt = (t[-1] - t[0]) / (nout - 1)
    # Construct our output time steps
    tout = np.arange(nout) * dt + t[0]
    # To interpolate, we need the input sample number as a function of time
    samples = np.interp(tout, t, np.arange(len(t)))
    # Now that we have the samples we can finally evaluate the function
    dout = utils.interpol(d,
    return dout, tout
Example #19
def eval_srcs_vectorized(posmap, poss, amps, beam, cres, nhit, cell_srcs):
    # Find the coordinates of each pixel in each cell
    cposmap = cellify(posmap, cres)  # [2,cy,cx,ry,rx]
    csrcpos = poss[cell_srcs]  # [cy,cx,nmax,2]
    csrcpos = utils.moveaxis(csrcpos, -1, 0)  # [2,cy,cx,nmax]
    csrcamp = amps[cell_srcs]  # [cy,cx,nmax,ncomp2]
    csrcamp = utils.moveaxis(csrcamp, -1, 0)  # [ncomp,cy,cx,nmax]
    # Ok, we can now compute the total

    # Get the beam radial position for each pixel for each source. [cy,cx,nmax,ry,rx]
    # Express this in beam resolution units
    diff = cposmap[:, :, :, None, :, :] - csrcpos[:, :, :, :, None, None]
    bpix = (diff[0]**2 +
            (diff[1] * np.cos(cposmap[0, :, :, None, :, :]))**2)**0.5
    bpix = (bpix - beam[0, 0]) / (beam[0, 1] - beam[0, 0])
    # Evaluate the beam at these locations
    bval = utils.interpol(beam[1], bpix[None], mode="constant", order=1)
    model = csrcamp[:, :, :, :, None, None] * bval
    # Mask invalid sources
    mask = np.arange(model.shape[-3]) < nhit[:, :, None]
    model *= mask[:, :, :, None, None]
    model = np.sum(model, -3)  # [ncomp,cy,cx,ry,rx]
    model = uncellify(model)
    return model
Example #20
 def __call__(self, x):
     ix = ((x.T - self.box[0]) / (self.box[1] - self.box[0]) *
           (np.array(self.y.shape[1:]) - 1)).T
     return utils.interpol(self.y, ix, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
Example #21
	def calc_profile(self, off):
		pos = self.pos + off[:,None,None]
		r   = np.sum(pos**2,0)**0.5
		pix = r/self.dr
		return enmap.samewcs(utils.interpol(self.beam_pre, pix[None], prefilter=False, mask_nan=False), pos)
Example #22
	def __init__(self, shape, inspec, scale):
		freqs = np.abs(fft.fftfreq(shape[-2]) * scale)
		self.spec_full = utils.interpol(inspec, freqs[None])
		self.scale = scale
Example #23
def eval_beam(beam, l, raw=False):
    res = utils.interpol(beam, l[None], order=1, mask_nan=False)
    if not raw: res = np.exp(res)
    return res
Example #24
	def calc_profile(self, off):
		pos = self.pos + off[:,None,None]
		r   = np.sum(pos**2,0)**0.5
		pix = r/self.dr
		return enmap.samewcs(utils.interpol(self.beam_pre, pix[None], prefilter=False, mask_nan=False), pos)
Example #25
def upscale(pos, factor):
	if factor == 1: return pos
	pix = np.arange(pos.shape[-1]*factor)/float(factor)
	return utils.interpol(pos, pix[None], mask_nan=False, order=1)
Example #26
	def get_model(self, point):
		pix = self.map.sky2pix(point.T[::-1])
		return utils.interpol(self.map, pix, order=0).T
Example #27
 def __init__(self, shape, inspec, scale):
     freqs = np.abs(fft.fftfreq(shape[-2]) * scale)
     self.spec_full = utils.interpol(inspec, freqs[None])
     self.scale = scale