Example #1
	def trans(self, imap, omap):
		"""Transpose of apply. omap = U.T(imap). Omap argument specifies the shape of the result,
		but its values may be destroyed during the operation."""
		imap = np.ascontiguousarray(utils.moveaxis(imap,0,-1))
		omap = np.ascontiguousarray(utils.moveaxis(omap,0,-1))
		interpol.map_coordinates(omap, self.skew_pix, odata=imap, trans=True, order=self.order)
		return np.ascontiguousarray(utils.moveaxis(omap,-1,0))
Example #2
def box2pix(shape, wcs, box):
    """Convert one or several bounding boxes of shape [2,2] or [n,2,2]
	into pixel counding boxes in standard python half-open format.
	The box must be [{from,to},...].
    nphi = int(np.round(np.abs(360. / wcs.wcs.cdelt[0])))
    box = np.asarray(box)
    fbox = box.reshape(-1, 2, 2)
    if wcs.wcs.cdelt[0] < 0: fbox[..., 1] = fbox[..., ::-1, 1]
    # Must rollaxis because sky2pix expects [{dec,ra},...]
    ibox = enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, utils.moveaxis(fbox, 2, 0), corner=True)
    # FIXME: This is one of many places in the code that will break if a bounding
    # box goes more than half the way around the sky. Properly fixing
    # this will require a big overhaul, especially if we want to handle
    # bounding boxes that are bigger than the full sky.
    ibox[1] = utils.unwrap_range(ibox[1].T, nphi).T
    #ibox[1] = utils.unwind(ibox[1], nphi)
    # We now have [{y,x},:,{from,to}
    # Truncate to integer, and add one to endpoint to make halfopen interval
    ibox = np.floor(np.sort(ibox, 2)).astype(int)
    # Add 1 to endpoint to make halfopen interval
    ibox[:, :, 1] += 1
    #ibox = np.array([np.floor(ibox[0]),np.ceil(ibox[1])]).astype(int)
    # Shuffle to [:,{from,to},{y,x}]
    ibox = utils.moveaxis(ibox, 0, 2)
    return ibox.reshape(box.shape)
Example #3
	def apply(self, map):
		"""Apply unskew operation to map, returning an array where the scanning motion
		goes along the vertical axis."""
		work = np.ascontiguousarray(utils.moveaxis(map,0,-1))
		omap = interpol.map_coordinates(work, self.skew_pix, order=self.order)
		omap = np.ascontiguousarray(utils.moveaxis(omap,-1,0))
		return omap
Example #4
def slice_downgrade(d, s, axis=-1):
	"""Slice array d along the specified axis using the Slice s,
	but interpret the step part of the slice as downgrading rather
	than skipping."""
	a = moveaxis(d, axis, 0)
	step = s.step or 1
	a = a[s.start:s.stop:-1 if step < 0 else 1]
	step = abs(step)
	# Handle the whole blocks first
	a2 = a[:len(a)/step*step]
	a2 = np.mean(a2.reshape((len(a2)/step,step)+a2.shape[1:]),1)
	# Then append the incomplete block
	if len(a2)*step != len(a):
		rest = a[len(a2)*step:]
		a2 = np.concatenate([a2,[np.mean(rest,0)]],0)
	return moveaxis(a2, 0, axis)
Example #5
def draw_map_field_mpl(map, args, crange=None, printer=noprint):
	"""Render a map field using matplotlib. Less tested and
	maintained than draw_map_field, and supports fewer features.
	Returns an object one can call savefig on to draw."""
	map, color = prepare_map_field(map, args, crange, printer=printer)
	# Set up matplotlib. We do it locally here to
	# avoid having it as a dependency in general
	with printer.time("matplotplib", 3):
		import matplotlib
		from matplotlib import pyplot, ticker
		matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 10})
		dpi, pad = args.mpl_dpi, args.mpl_pad
		winch, hinch = map.shape[2]/dpi, map.shape[1]/dpi
		fig  = pyplot.figure(figsize=(winch+pad,hinch+pad))
		box  = map.box()*180/np.pi
		pyplot.imshow(utils.moveaxis(color,0,2), extent=[box[0,1],box[1,1],box[1,0],box[0,0]])
		# Make conformal in center of image
		if args.grid % 2:
			ax = pyplot.axes()
			ticks = np.full(2,1.0); ticks[:] = [float(w) for w in args.ticks.split(",")]
			if args.subticks:
				pyplot.grid(True, which="major", linewidth=2)
				pyplot.grid(True, which="minor", linewidth=1)
	return pyplot
Example #6
def draw_colorbar(crange, width, args):
    col = tuple([
        int(args.font_color[i:i + 2], 16)
        for i in range(0, len(args.font_color), 2)
    font = cgrid.get_font(args.font_size)
    fmt = "%g"
    labels, boxes = [], []
    for val in crange:
        labels.append(fmt % val)
    boxes = np.array(boxes, int)
    lw, lh = np.max(boxes, 0)
    img = PIL.Image.new("RGBA", (width, lh))
    draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    # Draw the labels on the image
    draw.text((lw - boxes[0, 0], 0), labels[0], col, font=font)
    draw.text((width - lw, 0), labels[1], col, font=font)
    # Draw the color bar itself
    bar_data = np.zeros((lh, width - 2 * lw))
    bar_data[:] = np.linspace(0, 1, bar_data.shape[-1])
    bar_col = map_to_color(bar_data[None], [0, 1], args)
    bar_img = PIL.Image.fromarray(utils.moveaxis(bar_col, 0,
    # Overlay it on the output image
    img.paste(bar_img, (lw, 0))
    bounds = np.array([[0, 0], [width, lh]])
    return img, bounds
Example #7
def overlaps_any(box, refboxes):
	rdec, rra = utils.moveaxis(refboxes - box[0,:], 2,0)
	wdec, wra = box[1]   - box[0]
	rra -= np.floor(rra[:,0,None]/(2*np.pi)+0.5)*(2*np.pi)
	for i in range(-1,2):
		nra = rra + i*(2*np.pi)
		if np.any((nra[:,1]>0)&(nra[:,0]<wra)&(rdec[:,1]>0)&(rdec[:,0]<wdec)): return True
	return False
Example #8
def overlaps_any(box, refboxes):
	rdec, rra = utils.moveaxis(refboxes - box[0,:], 2,0)
	wdec, wra = np.abs(box[1]   - box[0])
	rra -= np.floor(rra[:,0,None]/(2*np.pi)+0.5)*(2*np.pi)
	for i in range(-1,2):
		nra = rra + i*(2*np.pi)
		if np.any((nra[:,1]>0)&(nra[:,0]<wra)&(rdec[:,1]>0)&(rdec[:,0]<wdec)): return True
	return False
Example #9
def cellify(map, res):
	"""Given a map [...,ny,nx] and a cell resolution [ry,rx], return map
	reshaped into a cell grid [...,ncelly,ncellx,ry,rx]. The map will be
	truncated if necessary"""
	res    = np.array(res,int)
	cshape = map.shape[-2:]/res
	omap   = map[...,:cshape[0]*res[0],:cshape[1]*res[1]]
	omap   = omap.reshape(omap.shape[:-2]+(cshape[0],res[0],cshape[1],res[1]))
	omap   = utils.moveaxis(omap, -3, -2)
	return omap
Example #10
def draw_map_field(map, args, crange=None, return_layers=False, return_info=False, printer=noprint, cache=None):
	"""Draw a single map field, resulting in a single image. Adds a coordinate grid
	and lables as specified by args. If return_layers is True, an array will be
	returned instead of an image, wich each entry being a component of the image,
	such as the base image, the coordinate grid, the labels, etc. If return_bounds
	is True, then the """
	map, color = prepare_map_field(map, args, crange, printer=printer)
	tag    = (tuple(map.shape), map.wcs.to_header_string(), repr(args))
	layers = []
	names  = []
	# Image layer
	with printer.time("to image", 3):
		img = PIL.Image.fromarray(utils.moveaxis(color,0,2)).convert('RGBA')
	# Contours
	if args.contours:
		with printer.time("draw contours", 3):
			contour_levels = calc_contours(crange, args)
			cimg = draw_contours(map, contour_levels, args)
			layers.append((cimg, [[0,0],cimg.size]))
	# Annotations
	if args.annotate:
		with printer.time("draw annotations", 3):
			def get_aimg():
				annots = parse_annotations(args.annotate)
				return draw_annotations(map, annots, args)
			aimg = get_cache(cache, ("annotate",tag), get_aimg)
			layers.append((aimg, [[0,0],aimg.size]))
	# Coordinate grid
	if args.grid % 2:
		with printer.time("draw grid", 3):
			ginfo = get_cache(cache, ("ginfo",tag), lambda: calc_gridinfo(map.shape, map.wcs, args))
			grid  = get_cache(cache, ("grid", tag), lambda: draw_grid(ginfo, args))
		if not args.nolabels:
			with printer.time("draw labels", 3):
				labels = get_cache(cache, ("labels",tag), lambda: draw_grid_labels(ginfo, args))
	# Possibly other stuff too, like point source circles
	# or contours
	with printer.time("stack layers", 3):
		layers, bounds = standardize_images(layers)
		if not return_layers: layers = merge_images(layers)
	class Info:
		def __init__(self, bounds, names):
			self.bounds = bounds
			self.names  = names
	info = Info(bounds, names)
	if return_info: return layers, info
	else: return layers
Example #11
def eval_srcs_vectorized(posmap, poss, amps, beam, cres, nhit, cell_srcs):
    # Find the coordinates of each pixel in each cell
    cposmap = cellify(posmap, cres)  # [2,cy,cx,ry,rx]
    csrcpos = poss[cell_srcs]  # [cy,cx,nmax,2]
    csrcpos = utils.moveaxis(csrcpos, -1, 0)  # [2,cy,cx,nmax]
    csrcamp = amps[cell_srcs]  # [cy,cx,nmax,ncomp2]
    csrcamp = utils.moveaxis(csrcamp, -1, 0)  # [ncomp,cy,cx,nmax]
    # Ok, we can now compute the total

    # Get the beam radial position for each pixel for each source. [cy,cx,nmax,ry,rx]
    # Express this in beam resolution units
    diff = cposmap[:, :, :, None, :, :] - csrcpos[:, :, :, :, None, None]
    bpix = (diff[0]**2 +
            (diff[1] * np.cos(cposmap[0, :, :, None, :, :]))**2)**0.5
    bpix = (bpix - beam[0, 0]) / (beam[0, 1] - beam[0, 0])
    # Evaluate the beam at these locations
    bval = utils.interpol(beam[1], bpix[None], mode="constant", order=1)
    model = csrcamp[:, :, :, :, None, None] * bval
    # Mask invalid sources
    mask = np.arange(model.shape[-3]) < nhit[:, :, None]
    model *= mask[:, :, :, None, None]
    model = np.sum(model, -3)  # [ncomp,cy,cx,ry,rx]
    model = uncellify(model)
    return model
Example #12
    id = ids[ind]
    entry = file_db[id]
    except (errors.DataMissing, AttributeError) as e:
        print "Skipping %s (%s)" % (id, e.message)
    print "%3d %4d/%d %5.1f%% %s" % (comm.rank, ind + 1, len(ids),
                                     (ind + 1) / float(len(ids)) * 100, id)
stats = todinfo.merge_tod_stats(stats)

if comm.rank == 0: print "Reducing"
for key in stats:
    stats[key] = utils.allgatherv(stats[key], comm)

# Sort by id and move id index last
inds = np.argsort(stats["id"])
for key in stats:
    stats[key] = utils.moveaxis(stats[key][inds], 0, -1)
stat_db = todinfo.Todinfo(stats)
# Merge with original tags. Rightmost overrides for overridable fields.
# For tags, we get the union. This means that stat_db can't override incorrect
# tags in scan_db, just add to them.
stat_db = scan_db + stat_db

if comm.rank == 0:
    print "Writing"
    print "Done"
Example #13
def uncellify(cmap):
	omap = utils.moveaxis(cmap, -2, -3)
	omap = omap.reshape(omap.shape[:-4]+(omap.shape[-4]*omap.shape[-3],omap.shape[-2]*omap.shape[-1]))
	return omap