Example #1
    def step(self):
        """ Take a gradient step """
        self.t += 1

        from mitsuba.core import Float
        lr_t = ek.detach(Float(self.lr * ek.sqrt(1 - self.beta_2**self.t) /
                               (1 - self.beta_1**self.t), literal=False))

        for k, p in self.params.items():
            g_p = ek.gradient(p)
            size = ek.slices(g_p)

            if size == 0:
            elif size != ek.slices(self.state[k][0]):
                # Reset state if data size has changed

            m_tp, v_tp = self.state[k]
            m_t = self.beta_1 * m_tp + (1 - self.beta_1) * g_p
            v_t = self.beta_2 * v_tp + (1 - self.beta_2) * ek.sqr(g_p)
            self.state[k] = (m_t, v_t)

            u = ek.detach(p) - lr_t * m_t / (ek.sqrt(v_t) + self.epsilon)
            u = type(p)(u)
            self.params[k] = u
def test01_coordinate_system(variant_scalar_rgb):
    from mitsuba.core import coordinate_system, warp

    def branchless_onb(n):
        Building an Orthonormal Basis, Revisited
        Tom Duff, James Burgess, Per Christensen, Christophe Hery,
        Andrew Kensler, Max Liani, and Ryusuke Villemin
        sign = ek.copysign(1.0, n[2])
        a = -1.0 / (sign + n[2])
        b = n[0] * n[1] * a
        return (
            [1.0 + sign * n[0] * n[0] * a, sign * b, -sign * n[0]],
            [b, sign + n[1] * n[1] * a, -n[1]]

    a = [0.70710678, -0. , -0.70710678]
    b = [-0.,  1.,  0.]
    assert ek.allclose(
        branchless_onb([ek.sqrt(0.5), 0, ek.sqrt(0.5)]), (a, b), atol=1e-6)
    assert ek.allclose(
        coordinate_system([ek.sqrt(0.5), 0, ek.sqrt(0.5)]), (a, b), atol=1e-6)

    for u in ek.linspace(Float, 0, 1, 10):
        for v in ek.linspace(Float, 0, 1, 10):
            n = warp.square_to_uniform_sphere([u, v])
            s1, t1 = branchless_onb(n)
            s2, t2 = coordinate_system(n)
            assert ek.allclose(s1, s2, atol=1e-6)
            assert ek.allclose(t1, t2, atol=1e-6)
def test01_fresnel(variant_scalar_rgb):
    from mitsuba.render import fresnel

    ct_crit = -ek.sqrt(1 - 1 / 1.5**2)
    assert ek.allclose(fresnel(1, 1.5), (0.04, -1, 1.5, 1 / 1.5))
    assert ek.allclose(fresnel(-1, 1.5), (0.04, 1, 1 / 1.5, 1.5))
    assert ek.allclose(fresnel(1, 1 / 1.5), (0.04, -1, 1 / 1.5, 1.5))
    assert ek.allclose(fresnel(-1, 1 / 1.5), (0.04, 1, 1.5, 1 / 1.5))
    assert ek.allclose(fresnel(0, 1.5), (1, ct_crit, 1.5, 1 / 1.5))
    assert ek.allclose(fresnel(0, 1 / 1.5), (1, 0, 1 / 1.5, 1.5))

    # Spot check at 45 deg (1 -> 1.5)
    # Source: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/phyopt/freseq.html
    F, cos_theta_t, _, scale = fresnel(ek.cos(45 * ek.pi / 180), 1.5)
    cos_theta_t_ref = -ek.cos(28.1255057020557 * ek.pi / 180)
    F_ref = 0.5 * (0.09201336304552442**2 + 0.3033370452904235**2)
    L = (scale * ek.sqrt(1 - ek.cos(45 * ek.pi / 180)**2))**2 + cos_theta_t**2
    assert ek.allclose(L, 1)
    assert ek.allclose(cos_theta_t, cos_theta_t_ref)
    assert ek.allclose(F, F_ref)

    # 1.5 -> 1
    F, cos_theta_t, _, _ = fresnel(ek.cos(45 * ek.pi / 180), 1 / 1.5)
    assert ek.allclose(F, 1)
    assert ek.allclose(cos_theta_t, 0)

    F, cos_theta_t, _, scale = fresnel(ek.cos(10 * ek.pi / 180), 1 / 1.5)
    cos_theta_t_ref = -ek.cos(15.098086605159006 * ek.pi / 180)
    F_ref = 0.5 * (0.19046797197779405**2 + 0.20949431963852014**2)
    L = (scale * ek.sqrt(1 - ek.cos(10 * ek.pi / 180)**2))**2 + cos_theta_t**2
    assert ek.allclose(L, 1)
    assert ek.allclose(cos_theta_t, cos_theta_t_ref)
    assert ek.allclose(F, F_ref)
Example #4
def sph_convert(v):
    x2 = ek.pow(v.x, 2)
    y2 = ek.pow(v.y, 2)
    z2 = ek.pow(v.z, 2)

    r = ek.sqrt(x2 + y2 + z2)
    phi = ek.atan2(v.y, v.x)
    theta = ek.atan2(ek.sqrt(x2 + y2), v.z)

    return r, theta, phi
Example #5
def acosh_(a0):
    if not a0.IsFloat:
        raise Exception("acosh(): requires floating point operands!")
    ar, sr = _check1(a0)
    if not a0.IsSpecial:
        for i in range(sr):
            ar[i] = _ek.acosh(a0[i])
    elif a0.IsComplex:
        return 2 * _ek.log(_ek.sqrt(.5 * (a0 + 1)) + _ek.sqrt(.5 * (a0 - 1)))
        raise Exception("acosh(): unsupported array type!")
    return ar
Example #6
def test01_gauss_lobatto(variant_scalar_rgb):
    from mitsuba.core.quad import gauss_lobatto

    assert ek.allclose(gauss_lobatto(2), [[-1, 1], [1.0, 1.0]])
    assert ek.allclose(gauss_lobatto(3),
                       [[-1, 0, 1], [1.0 / 3.0, 4.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0]])
    assert ek.allclose(gauss_lobatto(4),
                       [[-1, -ek.sqrt(1.0 / 5.0),
                         ek.sqrt(1.0 / 5.0), 1],
                        [1.0 / 6.0, 5.0 / 6.0, 5.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 6.0]])
    assert ek.allclose(
        [[-1, -ek.sqrt(3.0 / 7.0), 0,
          ek.sqrt(3.0 / 7.0), 1],
         [1.0 / 10.0, 49.0 / 90.0, 32.0 / 45.0, 49.0 / 90.0, 1.0 / 10.0]])
Example #7
def test05_specular_reflection(variant_scalar_rgb):
    from mitsuba.core import Matrix4f
    from mitsuba.render.mueller import specular_reflection
    import numpy as np

    # Identity matrix (and no phase shift) at perpendicular incidence
    assert ek.allclose(specular_reflection(1, 1.5),   Matrix4f.identity()*0.04)
    assert ek.allclose(specular_reflection(1, 1/1.5), Matrix4f.identity()*0.04)

    # 180 deg phase shift at grazing incidence
    assert ek.allclose(specular_reflection(0, 1.5),   [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,-1,0],[0,0,0,-1]], atol=1e-6)
    assert ek.allclose(specular_reflection(0, 1/1.5), [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,-1,0],[0,0,0,-1]], atol=1e-6)

    # Perfect linear polarization at Brewster's angle
    M = np.zeros((4, 4))
    M[0:2, 0:2] = 0.0739645
    assert ek.allclose(specular_reflection(ek.cos(ek.atan(1/1.5)), 1/1.5), M, atol=1e-6)
    assert ek.allclose(specular_reflection(ek.cos(ek.atan(1.5)), 1.5), M, atol=1e-6)

    # 180 deg phase shift just below Brewster's angle (air -> glass)
    M = specular_reflection(ek.cos(ek.atan(1.5)+1e-4), 1.5)
    assert M[0, 0] > 0 and M[1, 1] > 0 and M[2, 2] < 0 and M[3, 3] < 0
    M = specular_reflection(ek.cos(ek.atan(1/1.5)+1e-4), 1/1.5)
    assert M[0, 0] > 0 and M[1, 1] > 0 and M[2, 2] < 0 and M[3, 3] < 0

    # Complex phase shift in the total internal reflection case
    eta = 1/1.5
    cos_theta_min = ek.sqrt((1 - eta**2) / (1 + eta**2))
    M = specular_reflection(cos_theta_min, eta).numpy()
    assert np.all(M[0:2, 2:4] == 0) and np.all(M[2:4, 0:2] == 0) and ek.allclose(M[0:2, 0:2], np.eye(2), atol=1e-6)
    phi_delta = 4*ek.atan(eta)
    assert ek.allclose(M[2:4, 2:4], [[ek.cos(phi_delta), ek.sin(phi_delta)], [-ek.sin(phi_delta), ek.cos(phi_delta)]])
Example #8
def test15_test_avx512_approx():
    Float = get_class('enoki.llvm.Float')

    x = ek.linspace(Float, 0, 10, 1000)
    o = ek.full(Float, 1, 1000)
    assert ek.allclose(ek.rsqrt(x), o / ek.sqrt(x), rtol=2e-7, atol=0)
    assert ek.allclose(ek.rcp(x), o / x, rtol=2e-7, atol=0)
Example #9
def test05_scalar(t):
    if not ek.is_array_v(t) or ek.array_size_v(t) == 0:

    if ek.is_mask_v(t):
        assert ek.all_nested(t(True))
        assert ek.any_nested(t(True))
        assert ek.none_nested(t(False))
        assert ek.all_nested(t(False) ^ t(True))
        assert ek.all_nested(ek.eq(t(False), t(False)))
        assert ek.none_nested(ek.eq(t(True), t(False)))

    if ek.is_arithmetic_v(t):
        assert t(1) + t(1) == t(2)
        assert t(3) - t(1) == t(2)
        assert t(2) * t(2) == t(4)
        assert ek.min(t(2), t(3)) == t(2)
        assert ek.max(t(2), t(3)) == t(3)

        if ek.is_signed_v(t):
            assert t(2) * t(-2) == t(-4)
            assert ek.abs(t(-2)) == t(2)

        if ek.is_integral_v(t):
            assert t(6) // t(2) == t(3)
            assert t(7) % t(2) == t(1)
            assert t(7) >> 1 == t(3)
            assert t(7) << 1 == t(14)
            assert t(1) | t(2) == t(3)
            assert t(1) ^ t(3) == t(2)
            assert t(1) & t(3) == t(1)
            assert t(6) / t(2) == t(3)
            assert ek.sqrt(t(4)) == t(2)
            assert ek.fmadd(t(1), t(2), t(3)) == t(5)
            assert ek.fmsub(t(1), t(2), t(3)) == t(-1)
            assert ek.fnmadd(t(1), t(2), t(3)) == t(1)
            assert ek.fnmsub(t(1), t(2), t(3)) == t(-5)
            assert (t(1) & True) == t(1)
            assert (t(1) & False) == t(0)
            assert (t(1) | False) == t(1)

        assert ek.all_nested(t(3) > t(2))
        assert ek.all_nested(ek.eq(t(2), t(2)))
        assert ek.all_nested(ek.neq(t(3), t(2)))
        assert ek.all_nested(t(1) >= t(1))
        assert ek.all_nested(t(2) < t(3))
        assert ek.all_nested(t(1) <= t(1))
        assert ek.select(ek.eq(t(2), t(2)), t(4), t(5)) == t(4)
        assert ek.select(ek.eq(t(3), t(2)), t(4), t(5)) == t(5)
        t2 = t(2)
        assert ek.hsum(t2) == t.Value(2 * len(t2))
        assert ek.dot(t2, t2) == t.Value(4 * len(t2))
        assert ek.dot_async(t2, t2) == t(4 * len(t2))

        value = t(1)
        value[ek.eq(value, t(1))] = t(2)
        value[ek.eq(value, t(3))] = t(5)
        assert value == t(2)
Example #10
def test03_type_promotion():
    import enoki.packet as s

    assert type(s.Array1b() | s.Array1b()) is s.Array1b
    assert type(s.Array1b() ^ s.Array1b()) is s.Array1b
    assert type(s.Array1b() & s.Array1b()) is s.Array1b

    with pytest.raises(ek.Exception) as ei:
        _ = s.Array1b() + s.Array1b()
    assert "add(): requires arithmetic operands!" in str(ei.value)

    assert type(s.Array1i() + s.Array1i()) is s.Array1i
    assert type(s.Array1i() + s.Array1u()) is s.Array1u
    assert type(s.Array1i() + s.Array1i64()) is s.Array1i64
    assert type(s.Array1i() + s.Array1u64()) is s.Array1u64
    assert type(s.Array1i() + s.Array1f()) is s.Array1f
    assert type(s.Array1i() + s.Array1f64()) is s.Array1f64

    with pytest.raises(ek.Exception) as ei:
        _ = ek.sqrt(s.Array1i())
    assert "sqrt(): requires floating point operands!" in str(ei.value)

    assert type(s.Array1f() + s.Array1f()) is s.Array1f
    assert type(s.Array1f() + s.Array1u()) is s.Array1f
    assert type(s.Array1f() + s.Array1i64()) is s.Array1f
    assert type(s.Array1f() + s.Array1u64()) is s.Array1f
    assert type(s.Array1f() + s.Array1f()) is s.Array1f
    assert type(s.Array1f() + s.Array1f64()) is s.Array1f64

    assert type(s.Array1f() | s.Array1b()) is s.Array1f
    assert type(s.Array1f() ^ s.Array1b()) is s.Array1f
    assert type(s.Array1f() & s.Array1b()) is s.Array1f
def test02_unit_frame(variant_scalar_rgb):
    from mitsuba.core import Frame3f, Vector2f, Vector3f

    for theta in [30 * mitsuba.core.math.Pi / 180, 95 * mitsuba.core.math.Pi / 180]:
        phi = 73 * mitsuba.core.math.Pi / 180
        sin_theta, cos_theta = ek.sin(theta), ek.cos(theta)
        sin_phi, cos_phi = ek.sin(phi), ek.cos(phi)

        v = Vector3f(
            cos_phi * sin_theta,
            sin_phi * sin_theta,
        f = Frame3f(Vector3f(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) / ek.sqrt(14))

        v2 = f.to_local(v)
        v3 = f.to_world(v2)

        assert ek.allclose(v3, v)

        assert ek.allclose(Frame3f.cos_theta(v), cos_theta)
        assert ek.allclose(Frame3f.sin_theta(v), sin_theta)
        assert ek.allclose(Frame3f.cos_phi(v), cos_phi)
        assert ek.allclose(Frame3f.sin_phi(v), sin_phi)
        assert ek.allclose(Frame3f.cos_theta_2(v), cos_theta * cos_theta)
        assert ek.allclose(Frame3f.sin_theta_2(v), sin_theta * sin_theta)
        assert ek.allclose(Frame3f.cos_phi_2(v), cos_phi * cos_phi)
        assert ek.allclose(Frame3f.sin_phi_2(v), sin_phi * sin_phi)
        assert ek.allclose(Vector2f(Frame3f.sincos_phi(v)), [sin_phi, cos_phi])
        assert ek.allclose(Vector2f(Frame3f.sincos_phi_2(v)), [sin_phi * sin_phi, cos_phi * cos_phi])
def test04_surface_area(variant_scalar_rgb):
    from mitsuba.core import xml, Transform4f

    # Unifomly-scaled rectangle
    rect = xml.load_dict({
        Transform4f([[2, 0, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    assert ek.allclose(rect.surface_area(), 2.0 * 2.0 * 2.0 * 2.0)

    # Rectangle sheared along the Z-axis
    rect = xml.load_dict({
        Transform4f([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    assert ek.allclose(rect.surface_area(), 2.0 * 2.0 * ek.sqrt(2.0))

    # Rectangle sheared along the X-axis (shouldn't affect surface_area)
    rect = xml.load_dict({
        Transform4f([[1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    assert ek.allclose(rect.surface_area(), 2.0 * 2.0)
def test04_sample_direct(variant_scalar_rgb):
    from mitsuba.core import xml, Ray3f
    from mitsuba.render import Interaction3f

    sphere = xml.load_dict({"type": "sphere"})

    def sample_cone(sample, cos_theta_max):
        cos_theta = (1 - sample[1]) + sample[1] * cos_theta_max
        sin_theta = ek.sqrt(1 - cos_theta * cos_theta)
        phi = 2 * ek.pi * sample[0]
        s, c = ek.sin(phi), ek.cos(phi)
        return [c * sin_theta, s * sin_theta, cos_theta]

    it = Interaction3f.zero()
    it.p = [0, 0, -3]
    it.t = 0
    sin_cone_angle = 1.0 / it.p[2]
    cos_cone_angle = ek.sqrt(1 - sin_cone_angle**2)

    for xi_1 in ek.linspace(Float, 0, 1, 10):
        for xi_2 in ek.linspace(Float, 1e-3, 1 - 1e-3, 10):
            sample = sphere.sample_direction(it, [xi_2, 1 - xi_1])
            d = sample_cone([xi_1, xi_2], cos_cone_angle)
            its = sphere.ray_intersect(Ray3f(it.p, d, 0, []))
            assert ek.allclose(d, sample.d, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
            assert ek.allclose(its.t, sample.dist, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
            assert ek.allclose(its.p, sample.p, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
Example #14
def test04_sample_direct(variant_scalar_rgb):
    from mitsuba.core.xml import load_string
    from mitsuba.core import Ray3f
    from mitsuba.render import Interaction3f

    if mitsuba.core.MTS_ENABLE_EMBREE:
        pytest.skip("EMBREE enabled")

    sphere = load_string('<shape type="sphere" version="2.0.0"/>')

    def sample_cone(sample, cos_theta_max):
        cos_theta = (1 - sample[1]) + sample[1] * cos_theta_max
        sin_theta = ek.sqrt(1 - cos_theta * cos_theta)
        phi = 2 * ek.pi * sample[0]
        s, c = ek.sin(phi), ek.cos(phi)
        return [c * sin_theta, s * sin_theta, cos_theta]

    it = Interaction3f.zero()
    it.p = [0, 0, -3]
    it.t = 0
    sin_cone_angle = 1.0 / it.p[2]
    cos_cone_angle = ek.sqrt(1 - sin_cone_angle**2)

    for xi_1 in ek.linspace(Float, 0, 1, 10):
        for xi_2 in ek.linspace(Float, 1e-3, 1 - 1e-3, 10):
            sample = sphere.sample_direction(it, [xi_2, 1 - xi_1])
            d = sample_cone([xi_1, xi_2], cos_cone_angle)
            its = sphere.ray_intersect(Ray3f(it.p, d, 0, []))
            assert ek.allclose(d, sample.d, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
            assert ek.allclose(its.t, sample.dist, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
            assert ek.allclose(its.p, sample.p, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
Example #15
def test13_sqrt(m):
    x = m.Float(1, 4, 16)
    y = ek.sqrt(x)
    assert ek.allclose(ek.detach(y), [1, 2, 4])
    assert ek.allclose(ek.grad(x), [.5, .25, .125])
Example #16
def test02_gauss_legendre(variant_scalar_rgb):
    from mitsuba.core.quad import gauss_legendre

    assert ek.allclose(gauss_legendre(1), [[0], [2]])
    assert ek.allclose(
        [[-ek.sqrt(1.0 / 3.0), ek.sqrt(1.0 / 3.0)], [1, 1]])
    assert ek.allclose(
        [[-ek.sqrt(3.0 / 5.0), 0, ek.sqrt(3.0 / 5.0)],
         [5.0 / 9.0, 8.0 / 9.0, 5.0 / 9.0]])
    assert ek.allclose(gauss_legendre(4), [[
    ], [0.347855, 0.652145, 0.652145, 0.347855]])
Example #17
def polar_decomp(a, it=10):
    q = type(a)(a)
    for i in range(it):
        qi = _ek.inverse_transpose(q)
        gamma = _ek.sqrt(_ek.frob(qi) / _ek.frob(q))
        s1, s2 = gamma * .5, (_ek.rcp(gamma) * .5)
        for i in range(a.Size):
            q[i] = _ek.fmadd(q[i], s1, qi[i] * s2)
    return q, transpose(q) @ a
Example #18
def test02_sample_spectrum(variant_scalar_spectral, obj):
    from mitsuba.render import SurfaceInteraction3f

    si = SurfaceInteraction3f()
    assert ek.allclose(obj.sample_spectrum(si, 0), [500, 150])
    assert ek.allclose(obj.sample_spectrum(si, 1), [600, 150])
    assert ek.allclose(
        obj.sample_spectrum(si, .5),
        [500 + 100 * (ek.sqrt(10) / 2 - 1), 150]
Example #19
def rsqrt_(a0):
    if not a0.IsFloat:
        raise Exception("rsqrt(): requires floating point operands!")
    if not a0.IsSpecial:
        ar, sr = _check1(a0)
        for i in range(sr):
            ar[i] = _ek.rsqrt(a0[i])
        return ar
        return _ek.rcp(_ek.sqrt(a0))
Example #20
def test13_cont_func(variant_packet_rgb):
    # Test continuous 1D distribution integral against analytic result
    from mitsuba.core import ContinuousDistribution, Float

    x = ek.linspace(Float, -2, 2, 513)
    y = ek.exp(-ek.sqr(x))

    d = ContinuousDistribution([-2, 2], y)
    assert ek.allclose(d.integral(), ek.sqrt(ek.pi) * ek.erf(2.0))
    assert ek.allclose(d.eval_pdf([1]), [ek.exp(-1)])
    assert ek.allclose(d.sample([0, 0.5, 1]), [-2, 0, 2])
Example #21
def asin_(a0):
    if not a0.IsFloat:
        raise Exception("asin(): requires floating point operands!")
    ar, sr = _check1(a0)
    if not a0.IsSpecial:
        for i in range(sr):
            ar[i] = _ek.asin(a0[i])
    elif a0.IsSpecial:
        tmp = _ek.log(type(a0)(-a0.imag, a0.real) + _ek.sqrt(1 - _ek.sqr(a0)))
        ar.real = tmp.imag
        ar.imag = -tmp.real
        raise Exception("asin(): unsupported array type!")
    return ar
Example #22
def test08_misc():
    for i in range(-5, 5):
        for j in range(-5, 5):
            a = ek.sqrt(C(i, j))
            b = cmath.sqrt(complex(i, j))
            assert ek.allclose(a, C(b))

            assert ek.allclose(ek.conj(a), C(b.conjugate()))
            assert ek.allclose(ek.abs(a), C(abs(b)))

            if i != 0 and j != 0:
                a = ek.rsqrt(C(i, j))
                b = C(1 / cmath.sqrt(complex(i, j)))
                assert ek.allclose(a, b)
Example #23
    def step(self):
        """ Take a gradient step """
        self.t += 1
        from enoki.cuda_autodiff import Float32 as Float
        lr_t = ek.detach(
            Float(self.lr * ek.sqrt(1 - self.beta_2**self.t) /
                  (1 - self.beta_1**self.t),

        for k in self.bsdf_ad_keys:
            g_p = ek.gradient(self.bsdf_map[k].reflectance.data)
            size = ek.slices(g_p)
            assert (size == ek.slices(self.state[k][0]))
            m_tp, v_tp = self.state[k]
            m_t = self.beta_1 * m_tp + (1 - self.beta_1) * g_p
            v_t = self.beta_2 * v_tp + (1 - self.beta_2) * ek.sqr(g_p)
            self.state[k] = (m_t, v_t)
            u = ek.detach(self.bsdf_map[k].reflectance.data) - lr_t * m_t / (
                ek.sqrt(v_t) + self.epsilon)
            u = type(self.bsdf_map[k].reflectance.data)(u)
            self.bsdf_map[k].reflectance.data = u

        for k in self.mesh_ad_keys:
            g_p = ek.gradient(self.mesh_map[k].vertex_positions)
            size = ek.slices(g_p)
            assert (size == ek.slices(self.state[k][0]))
            m_tp, v_tp = self.state[k]
            m_t = self.beta_1 * m_tp + (1 - self.beta_1) * g_p
            v_t = self.beta_2 * v_tp + (1 - self.beta_2) * ek.sqr(g_p)
            self.state[k] = (m_t, v_t)
            u = ek.detach(self.mesh_map[k].vertex_positions) - lr_t * m_t / (
                ek.sqrt(v_t) + self.epsilon)
            u = type(self.mesh_map[k].vertex_positions)(u)
            self.mesh_map[k].vertex_positions = u
Example #24
def sqrt_(a0):
    if not a0.IsFloat:
        raise Exception("sqrt(): requires floating point operands!")
    ar, sr = _check1(a0)
    if not a0.IsSpecial:
        for i in range(sr):
            ar[i] = _ek.sqrt(a0[i])
    elif a0.IsComplex:
        n = abs(a0)
        m = a0.real >= 0
        zero = _ek.eq(n, 0)
        t1 = _ek.sqrt(.5 * (n + abs(a0.real)))
        t2 = .5 * a0.imag / t1
        im = _ek.select(m, t2, _ek.copysign(t1, a0.imag))
        ar.real = _ek.select(m, t1, abs(t2))
        ar.imag = _ek.select(zero, 0, im)
    elif a0.IsQuaternion:
        ri = _ek.norm(a0.imag)
        cs = _ek.sqrt(a0.Complex(a0.real, ri))
        ar.imag = a0.imag * (_ek.rcp(ri) * cs.imag)
        ar.real = cs.real
        raise Exception("sqrt(): unsupported array type!")
    return ar
Example #25
def test03_distance(variant_scalar_rgb):
    from mitsuba.core import BoundingBox3f as BBox

    assert BBox([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 5]).distance(BBox([4, 2, 3], [5, 3, 5])) == 2

    assert ek.abs(
        BBox([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 5]).distance(BBox([3, 4, 6], [7, 7, 7])) -
        ek.sqrt(3)) < 1e-6

    assert BBox([1, 2, 3],
                [2, 3, 5]).distance(BBox([1.1, 2.2, 3.3],
                                         [1.8, 2.8, 3.8])) == 0

    assert BBox([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 5]).distance([1.5, 2.5, 3.5]) == 0

    assert BBox([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 5]).distance([3, 2.5, 3.5]) == 1
Example #26
def test40_safe_functions(m):
    x = ek.linspace(m.Float, 0, 1, 10)
    y = ek.linspace(m.Float, -1, 1, 10)
    z = ek.linspace(m.Float, -1, 1, 10)
    ek.enable_grad(x, y, z)
    x2 = ek.safe_sqrt(x)
    y2 = ek.safe_acos(y)
    z2 = ek.safe_asin(z)
    assert ek.grad(x)[0] == 0
    assert ek.allclose(ek.grad(x)[1], .5 / ek.sqrt(1 / 9))
    assert x[0] == 0
    assert ek.all(ek.isfinite(ek.grad(x)))
    assert ek.all(ek.isfinite(ek.grad(y)))
    assert ek.all(ek.isfinite(ek.grad(z)))
Example #27
def test12_cont_eval(variant_packet_rgb):
    # Test continuous 1D distribution pdf/cdf against hand-computed reference
    from mitsuba.core import ContinuousDistribution
    d = ContinuousDistribution([2, 3], [1, 2])
    eps = 1e-6

    assert ek.allclose(d.integral(), 3.0 / 2.0)
    assert ek.allclose(d.normalization(), 2.0 / 3.0)
    assert ek.allclose(
        d.eval_pdf_normalized([1, 2 - eps, 2, 2.5, 3, 3 + eps, 4]),
        [0, 0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0, 4.0 / 3.0, 0, 0])
    assert ek.allclose(d.eval_cdf_normalized([1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4]),
                       [0, 0, 5.0 / 12.0, 1, 1])

    assert d.sample([0, 1]) == [2, 3]
    x, pdf = d.sample_pdf([0, 0.5, 1])
    dx = (ek.sqrt(10) - 2) / 2
    assert x == [2, 2 + dx, 3]
    assert ek.allclose(pdf,
                       [2.0 / 3.0, (4 * dx + 2 * (1 - dx)) / 3.0, 4.0 / 3.0])
def test06_phase_tir(variant_scalar_rgb):
    import numpy as np
    from mitsuba.render import fresnel_polarized

    eta = 1 / 1.5
    # Check phase shift at critical angle (total internal reflection case)
    crit = ek.asin(eta)
    a_s, a_p, _, _, _ = fresnel_polarized(ek.cos(crit), eta)

    assert ek.allclose(ek.arg(a_s), 0.0)
    assert ek.allclose(ek.arg(a_p), ek.pi) or ek.allclose(ek.arg(a_p), -ek.pi)

    # Check phase shift at grazing angle (total internal reflection case)
    a_s, a_p, _, _, _ = fresnel_polarized(0.0, eta)

    assert ek.allclose(ek.arg(a_s), ek.pi) or ek.allclose(ek.arg(a_s), -ek.pi)
    assert ek.allclose(ek.arg(a_p), 0.0)

    # Location of minimum phase difference
    cos_theta_min = ek.sqrt((1 - eta**2) / (1 + eta**2))
    phi_delta = 4 * ek.atan(eta)
    a_s, a_p, _, _, _ = fresnel_polarized(cos_theta_min, eta)
    assert ek.allclose(ek.arg(a_s) - ek.arg(a_p), phi_delta)
 def sample_cone(sample, cos_theta_max):
     cos_theta = (1 - sample[1]) + sample[1] * cos_theta_max
     sin_theta = ek.sqrt(1 - cos_theta * cos_theta)
     phi = 2 * ek.pi * sample[0]
     s, c = ek.sin(phi), ek.cos(phi)
     return [c * sin_theta, s * sin_theta, cos_theta]
Example #30
 def stdnormal_cdf(x):
     shape = x.shape
     cdf = (1.0 - ek.erf(-x.flatten() / ek.sqrt(2.0))) * 0.5
     return np.array(cdf).reshape(shape)