def connectServer(self): try: if self.connec: # Se solicitan las opciones disponibles options = client.sendMesagge(self, "options") while self.connec: # Se imprime en pantalla las opciones request = enquiries.choose('Indica la operación que desea realizar: ', options) # Se realiza la acción según la opción seleccionada por el usuario if request == "Finalizar": response = client.sendMesagge(self, request) print(response) client.closeConnection(self) if request == "Consultar": self.clientSokect.send(request.encode()) accountNumber = enquiries.freetext("Ingrese el número de cuenta a consultar:") response = client.sendMesagge(self, accountNumber) print(response["message"]) client.closeConnection(self) if request == "Agregar cuenta": self.clientSokect.send(request.encode()) accountNumber = int(enquiries.freetext("Ingrese el número de cuenta que desea agregar:")) value = enquiries.freetext("Ingrese el valor:") response = client.sendMesagge(self, "{},{}".format(accountNumber, value)) print(response["message"]) client.closeConnection(self) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Se finaliza la conexión print("\nOperación finalizada por el usuario") client.closeConnection(self)
def delete_files(tg_client, chat_id, files): """ This function deletes the file with id file_id. """ if len(files) == 0: return False file_log = get_logger() question = "\n".join( [f" {caption_text}" for (_, _, caption_text) in files]) question += "\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these files?" if choose(question, ["Yes", "No"]) == "No": return False task = tg_client.call_method( "deleteMessages", { "chat_id": chat_id, "message_ids": [msg_id for (msg_id, _, _) in files], "revoke": True }) print("Deleting... Please wait.") task.wait() if task.error_info: file_log.error("Error showing file %s", task.error_info) freetext("Oops... Something went wrong.") return False freetext("Files deleted.") return True
def search(tg_client, chat_id, _): """ This function searches for uploaded file using the RegEx provide by the user. """ search_reg = freetext( "Enter the file path to browse for ( RegEx supported )") print("Searching...") files = [] file_names = ["Select All"] try: for (msg_id, file_id, caption) in get_messages(tg_client, chat_id): if re_search(search_reg, caption): files.append((msg_id, file_id, caption)) file_names.append(caption) except re_error as re_er: get_logger().warning("Error searching %s", re_er) if len(files) == 0: return freetext("No files matched your browse") choice = long_choice("Select files", file_names, False) if file_names[0] == choice: use_files(files, tg_client, chat_id) else: use_files(files[file_names.index(choice)], tg_client, chat_id)
def menu_single(): print_header() options = [ 'I want to update ...', 'I want to update mythic of ...', 'I want to add guild role to ...', 'I want to add meta to ...', 'I want to back' ] choice = enquiries.choose('What r u wanna do?: ', options) name = enquiries.freetext('Character name: ') if choice is options[0]: CharacterUpdater.update_character(name) return menu_press_enter_and_back() if choice is options[1]: MythicUpdater.update_mythic_character(name) return menu_press_enter_and_back() if choice is options[2]: role = enquiries.freetext("Type guild role: ") CharacterUpdater.update_guild_role(name, int(role)) return menu_press_enter_and_back() if choice is options[3]: meta = enquiries.freetext("Type meta text: ") CharacterUpdater.update_meta(name, meta) return menu_press_enter_and_back() if choice is options[4]: menu_root() pass
def free(prompt, quiet): user_input = freetext(prompt) # If we're not being quiet and stdout is not being redirected, write the prompt if not quiet and sys.stdout.isatty(): click.secho(prompt, err=True, bold=True) # always print the output click.echo(user_input)
def show_file(tg_client, chat_id, files): """ This function downloads and displays the file with id file_id. """ for (msg_id, file_id, caption) in files: task = download_file( tg_client, file_id if file_id else get_file_id(tg_client, chat_id, msg_id)) if task.error_info is None: temp_file = join(gettempdir(), basename(caption)) move(task.update["local"]["path"], temp_file)"file://{temp_file}", new=2) else: get_logger().error("Error showing file %s", task.error_info) freetext("Oops... Something went wrong.")
def load_data(): """ This function tries to read phone number, chat id and list of backup folders from DATA_FILE. If they are not found it prompts user to enter them. """ try: with open(DATA_FILE, "rb") as db_file: db_dict = pickle.load(db_file) return db_dict["phone_number"], db_dict["chat_id"], db_dict[ "back_up_folders"] except FileNotFoundError: ph_no = freetext("Enter your phone number with country code: ") print("Select folders to backup.") bup_folders = get_folders() chat_id = freetext( "Enter the chat ID to be used for backup (leave blank if you are unsure): " ) if not chat_id.isnumeric(): chat_id = None os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(DATA_FILE), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(FILES_DIR), exist_ok=True) with open(DATA_FILE, "wb") as db_file: data = { "phone_number": ph_no, "chat_id": chat_id, "back_up_folders": bup_folders } pickle.dump(data, db_file) return ph_no, chat_id, bup_folders
categories = [ 'Coronavirus', 'Politics', 'Economy', 'Society', 'Sports', 'Lifestyle' ] choice = enquiries.choose('Choose a category: ', categories) use_file = enquiries.choose('Use file for emails?', ['yes', 'no']) email_list = [] if use_file == 'yes': with open('emails.txt', 'r') as file: f = file.readlines() for email in f: email_list.append(email.strip()) else: recipient = enquiries.freetext('Emails (Use comma to separate emails): ') email_list.append(recipient.split(',')) email_list = email_list[0] if choice == 'Coronavirus': News(choice).send_mail(email_list) elif choice == 'Politics': News(choice).send_mail(email_list) elif choice == 'Economy': News(choice).send_mail(email_list) elif choice == 'Society': News(choice).send_mail(email_list) elif choice == 'Sports': News(choice).send_mail(email_list) elif choice == 'Lifestyle': News(choice).send_mail(email_list)