def test_dhdpos1DNPos(self): ha = pot1.harmonicOsc(x_shift=-5) hb = pot1.harmonicOsc(x_shift=5) setattr(ha, "nDim", 1) setattr(hb, "nDim", 1) positions = [5, -5, 2, 0] expected_result = np.array( [[[10.], [0.], [10.]], [[0.], [0.], [0.]], [[7.], [1.0862069], [5.9137931]], [[5.], [2.5], [2.5]]], ndmin=2) potential = pot.envelopedPotential(V_is=[ha, hb]) dhdpos = potential.dhdpos(positions) self.assertEqual( type(expected_result), type(dhdpos), msg= "returnType of potential was not correct! it should be an np.array" ) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(desired=expected_result, actual=dhdpos, err_msg="The results of " + + " are not correct!", decimal=8)
def test_dHdlam(self): ha = pot.harmonicOsc(k=1.0, x_shift=-5.0) hb = pot.harmonicOsc(k=1.0, x_shift=5.0) potential = pot.expCoupledHosc(ha=ha, hb=hb, lam=0) positions = np.linspace(-10, 10, num=5) # energies only for pot HA lam = 0 potential.set_lam(lam=lam) expected_result = np.array([ 4.009080e-001, 4.009080e-001, 0.000, -5.846620e+053, -8.526387e+107 ]) energies = potential.dhdlam(positions) self.assertEqual( type(expected_result), type(energies), msg= "returnType of potential was not correct! it should be an np.array" ) np.testing.assert_allclose(desired=expected_result, actual=energies, err_msg="The results of " + + " are not correct wit lambda " + str(lam) + "!\n\tPositions: " + str(positions) + "\n\tEnergies: " + str(energies))
def test_check_positions_1DNPosSameState_Iterable_multiPos(self): ha = pot1.harmonicOsc(x_shift=-5) hb = pot1.harmonicOsc(x_shift=5) potential = pot.envelopedPotential(V_is=[ha, hb]) positions = np.array([4, 2, 3]) expected = np.array([[[4], [4]], [[2], [2]], [[3], [3]]], ndmin=3) checked = potential._check_positions_type_multiPos(positions=positions) #print(checked) np.testing.assert_equal(checked, expected, "not the same sorry.")
def test_energies_1DNPos(self): ha = pot1.harmonicOsc(x_shift=-5) hb = pot1.harmonicOsc(x_shift=5) potential = pot.envelopedPotential(V_is=[ha, hb]) positions = [0, 0.5, 1, 2] expected = np.array([11.80685282, 10.11828465, 7.9999546, 4.5]) energies = potential.ene(positions) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(energies, expected, err_msg="not the same sorry.", decimal=5)
def test_check_positions1DNPos(self): ha = pot1.harmonicOsc(x_shift=-5) hb = pot1.harmonicOsc(x_shift=5) potential = pot.envelopedPotential(V_is=[ha, hb]) positions = [0, 0.5, 1, 2] expected = np.array( [[[0], [0]], [[0.5], [0.5]], [[1], [1]], [[2], [2]]], ndmin=2) checked = potential._check_positions_type(positions=positions) #print(checked) np.testing.assert_equal(checked, expected, "not the same sorry.") energies = potential.ene(positions)
def redraw_states(self,nstates_event): self.nstates = nstates_event["new"] #Plotting stuff for line in if(line != self.eds_line): del line self.positions_state = np.arange(-4, 4*self.nstates, 0.5) self.positions = [[x] for x in self.positions_state] V_is=[pot.harmonicOsc(x_shift=state*4, k=10) for state in range(self.nstates)] for state_e in [V.ene(self.positions_state) for V in V_is]:, state_e, alpha=0.8, lw=5)[-4,(4*self.nstates)]) #pot self.Eoffs = self.eds_pot.Eoff_i if(len(self.Eoffs)<self.nstates): for x in range(len(self.Eoffs), self.nstates): self.Eoffs.append(0) elif(len(self.Eoffs)>self.nstates): self.Eoffs= self.Eoffs[:self.nstates] self.eoff_sliders_box.children=self.make_eoff_sliders(self.nstates) self.eds_pot = potN.envelopedPotential(V_is=V_is, s=np.log10(1+(self.s**1.5/1000)), Eoff_i=self.Eoffs) eds_enes = self.eds_pot.ene(self.positions) self.eds_line.set_data(self.positions, eds_enes) self.fig.canvas.draw() self.fig.canvas.flush_events()
def test_energiesND1Pos_singlePos(self): ha = pot1.harmonicOsc(x_shift=-5) hb = pot1.harmonicOsc(x_shift=5) position = [5, -5] expected_result = 61.80685281944005 potential = pot.envelopedPotential(V_is=[ha, hb]) potential._set_singlePos_mode() energies = potential.ene(position) #print(energies) self.assertEqual( type(expected_result), type(energies), msg= "returnType of potential was not correct! it should be an np.array" ) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(desired=expected_result, actual=energies, err_msg="The results of " + + " are not correct!", decimal=8)
def test_energies(self): fc = 1.0 x_shift = 0.0 y_shift = 0.0 positions = [0, 2, 1, 0.5] expected_result = np.array([0, 2, 0.5, 0.125]) potential = pot.harmonicOsc(k=fc, x_shift=x_shift, y_shift=y_shift) energies = potential.ene(positions) self.assertEqual( type(expected_result), type(energies), msg= "returnType of potential was not correct! it should be an np.array" ) self.assertListEqual(list(expected_result), list(energies), msg="The results of " + + " are not correct!")
def test_dHdpos(self): ha = pot.harmonicOsc(k=1.0, x_shift=-5.0) hb = pot.harmonicOsc(k=1.0, x_shift=5.0) potential = pot.expCoupledHosc(ha=ha, hb=hb, lam=0) positions = np.linspace(-10, 10, num=5) #energies only for pot HA lam = 0 potential.set_lam(lam=lam) expected_result = np.array([ -1304235.5118838537, 0.0, 1.9168317203608185e-05, 1.469697537672566e-10, 8.451488578640889e-16 ]) energies = potential.dhdpos(positions) ##print("GOT", list(energies)) self.assertEqual( type(expected_result), type(energies), msg= "returnType of potential was not correct! it should be an np.array" ) #np.testing.assert_almost_equal(desired=expected_result, actual=energies, err_msg="The results of "" are not correct wit lambda "+str(lam)+"!\n\tPositions: "+str(positions)+"\n\tEnergies: "+str(energies), decimal=2) #energies only for pot HB lam = 1 expected_result = np.array([ -2.6622529026263318e+17, -680412108183.5752, -1304235.5118838537, 0.0, 1.9168317203608185e-05 ]) potential.set_lam(lam=lam) energies = potential.dhdpos(positions) ##print("GOT2", list(energies)) self.assertEqual( type(expected_result), type(energies), msg= "returnType of potential was not correct! it should be an np.array" ) #np.testing.assert_almost_equal(desired=expected_result, actual=energies, err_msg="The results of "" are not correct wit lambda "+str(lam)+"!\n\tPositions: "+str(positions)+"\n\tEnergies: "+str(energies), decimal=2) #energies merged for pot HB and HA lam = 0.5 expected_result = np.array([ -1.331126451319687e+17, -340206054091.7876, -652117.7559323427, 7.34848768836283e-11, 9.584158602226667e-06 ]) potential.set_lam(lam=lam) energies = potential.dhdpos(positions) ##print("GOT3", list(energies)) self.assertEqual( type(expected_result), type(energies), msg= "returnType of potential was not correct! it should be an np.array" ) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( desired=expected_result, actual=energies, err_msg="The results of " + + " are not correct wit lambda " + str(lam) + "!\n\tPositions: " + str(positions) + "\n\tEnergies: " + str(energies), decimal=2)
def test_energies(self): ha = pot.harmonicOsc(k=1.0, x_shift=-5.0) hb = pot.harmonicOsc(k=1.0, x_shift=5.0) potential = pot.expCoupledHosc(ha=ha, hb=hb, lam=0) positions = np.linspace(-10, 10, num=5) # energies only for pot HA lam = 0 expected_result = np.array([12.5, 0, 12.5, 50, 112.5]) potential.set_lam(lam=lam) energies = potential.ene(positions) self.assertEqual( type(expected_result), type(energies), msg= "returnType of potential was not correct! it should be an np.array" ) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( desired=expected_result, actual=energies, err_msg="The results of " + + " are not correct wit lambda " + str(lam) + "!\n\tPositions: " + str(positions) + "\n\tEnergies: " + str(energies), decimal=2) # energies only for pot HB lam = 1 expected_result = np.array([112.5, 50, 12.5, 0, 12.5]) potential.set_lam(lam=lam) energies = potential.ene(positions) self.assertEqual( type(expected_result), type(energies), msg= "returnType of potential was not correct! it should be an np.array" ) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( desired=expected_result, actual=energies, err_msg="The results of " + + " are not correct wit lambda " + str(lam) + "!\n\tPositions: " + str(positions) + "\n\tEnergies: " + str(energies), decimal=2) # energies merged for pot HB and HA lam = 0.5 expected_result = np.array([12.78, 0.28, 12.5, 0.28, 12.78]) potential.set_lam(lam=lam) energies = potential.ene(positions) self.assertEqual( type(expected_result), type(energies), msg= "returnType of potential was not correct! it should be an np.array" ) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( desired=expected_result, actual=energies, err_msg="The results of " + + " are not correct wit lambda " + str(lam) + "!\n\tPositions: " + str(positions) + "\n\tEnergies: " + str(energies), decimal=2)
def test_constructor(self): potential = pot.harmonicOsc()