def plot_1DPotential_dhdpos(potential: _potential1DCls, positions: list, color=style.potential_color(1), x_range=None, y_range=None, title: str = None, ax=None, yUnit: str = "kT"): # generat Data energies = potential.force(positions=positions) # is there already a figure? if (ax is None): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = None # plot ax.plot(positions, energies, c=color) ax.set_xlim(min(x_range), max(x_range)) if ( x_range != None) else ax.set_xlim(min(positions), max(positions)) ax.set_ylim(min(y_range), max(y_range)) if ( y_range != None) else ax.set_ylim(min(energies), max(energies)) ax.set_xlabel('$r$') ax.set_ylabel('$\partial V / \partial r\\ [' + yUnit + ']$') ax.set_title(title) if ( title != None) else ax.set_title("Potential " + str( if (ax != None): return fig, ax else: return ax
def plot_1DPotential(potential: _potential1DCls, positions: list, out_path: str = None, x_range=None, y_range=None, title: str = None, ax=None): fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2) plot_1DPotential_V(potential=potential, positions=positions, ax=axes[0], x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, title="", color=style.potential_color(0)) plot_1DPotential_dhdpos(potential=potential, positions=positions, ax=axes[1], x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, title="") fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.8) fig.suptitle(title, y=0.95) if (title != None) else fig.suptitle( "" + str(, y=0.96) if (out_path): fig.savefig(out_path) plt.close(fig) return fig, out_path
def envPot_diffS_compare(eds_potential: pot.envelopedPotential, s_values: list, positions: list, y_range: tuple = None, title: str = None, out_path: str = None): ##row/column ratio per_row = 4 n_rows = (len(s_values) // per_row) + 1 if ( (len(s_values) % per_row) > 0) else (len(s_values) // per_row) ##plot fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=n_rows, ncols=per_row, figsize=(20, 10)) axes = [ax for ax_row in axes for ax in ax_row] for ind, (ax, s) in enumerate(zip(axes, s_values)): color = style.potential_color(ind % len(style.potential_color)) eds_potential.s = s y = eds_potential.ene(positions) ax.plot(positions, y, c=color) # styling ax.set_xlim(min(positions), max(positions)) ax.set_title("s_" + str(significant_decimals(s))) ax.set_ylabel("Vr/[kJ]") ax.set_xlabel("r") if (y_range != None): ax.set_ylim(y_range) ##optionals if (title): fig.suptitle(title) if (out_path): fig.savefig(out_path) return fig, axes
def plot_1DPotential_Termoverlay(potential: _potential1DCls, positions: list, x_range=None, y_range=None, title: str = None, ax=None): # generate dat energies = potential.ene(positions=positions) dVdpos = potential.force(positions=positions) # is there already a figure? if (ax is None): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = None color = style.potential_color(1) color1 = style.potential_color(2) color2 = style.potential_color(3) ax.plot(positions, energies, label="V", c=color) ax.plot(positions, list(map(abs, dVdpos)), label="absdVdpos", c=color1) ax.plot(positions, dVdpos, label="dVdpos", c=color2) ax.set_xlim(min(x_range), max(x_range)) if ( x_range != None) else ax.set_xlim(min(positions), max(positions)) ax.set_ylim(min(y_range), max(y_range)) if (y_range != None) else ax.set_ylim( min([min(energies), min(dVdpos)]), max([max(energies), max(dVdpos)])) ax.set_ylabel("$V/kJ$") ax.set_xlabel("$x$") ax.legend() ax.set_title(title) if ( title != None) else ax.set_title("Potential " + str(potential.__name__)) if (ax != None): return fig, ax else: return ax
def envPot_differentS_overlay_plot(eds_potential: pot.envelopedPotential, s_values: list, positions: list, y_range: tuple = None, hide_legend: bool = False, title: str = None, out_path: str = None, axes=None): # generate energy values ys = [] for s in s_values: eds_potential.s = s enes = eds_potential.ene(positions) ys.append(enes) # plotting if (axes is None): fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(20, 10)) else: fig = None for i, (s, y) in enumerate(reversed(list(zip(s_values, ys)))): color = style.potential_color(i % 12) axes.plot(positions, y, label="s_" + str(significant_decimals(s)), color=color) # styling axes.set_xlim(min(positions), max(positions)) axes.set_ylabel("Vr/[kJ]") axes.set_xlabel("r") if (title is None): axes.set_title("different $V_{r}$s with different s-values overlayed ") else: axes.set_title(title) ##optionals if (y_range != None): axes.set_ylim(y_range) if (not hide_legend): axes.legend() if (title and not isinstance(fig, type(None))): fig.suptitle(title) if (out_path and not isinstance(fig, type(None))): fig.savefig(out_path) #if (not isinstance(fig, type(None))): return fig, axes
def plot_envelopedPotential_system(eds_potential: pot.envelopedPotential, positions: list, s_value: float = None, Eoffi: list = None, y_range: tuple = None, title: str = None, out_path: str = None): if (s_value != None): eds_potential.s = s_value # set new s if (Eoffi != None): if (len(Eoffi) == len(eds_potential.V_is)): eds_potential.set_Eoff(Eoffi) else: raise IOError("There are " + str(len(eds_potential.V_is)) + " states and " + str(Eoffi) + ", but the numbers have to be equal!") ##calc energies energy_Vr = eds_potential.ene(positions) energy_Vis = [state.ene(positions) for state in eds_potential.V_is] num_states = len(eds_potential.V_is) ##plot nicely fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 10)) axes = [ax for ax_row in axes for ax in ax_row] y_values = energy_Vis + [energy_Vr] labels = ["state_" + str(ind) for ind in range(1, len(energy_Vis) + 1)] + ["refState"] for i, (ax, y, label) in enumerate(zip(axes, y_values, labels)): color = style.potential_color(i % 12) ax.plot(positions, y, c=color) ax.set_xlim(min(positions), max(positions)) ax.set_ylim(y_range) ax.set_title(label) ax.set_ylabel("Vr/[kJ]") ax.set_xlabel("r_" + label) ##optionals if (title): fig.suptitle(title) if (out_path): fig.savefig(out_path) return fig, axes
def envPot_differentS_overlay_min0_plot(eds_potential: pot.envelopedPotential, s_values: list, positions: list, y_range: tuple = None, hide_legend: bool = False, title: str = None, out_path: str = None): # generate energy values ys = [] scale = 1 # 0.1 for s in s_values: eds_potential.s = s enes = eds_potential.ene(positions) y_min = min(enes) y = list(map(lambda z: (z - y_min) * scale, enes)) ys.append(y) # plotting fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(20, 10)) for i, (s, y) in enumerate(reversed(list(zip(s_values, ys)))): color = style.potential_color(i % len(style.potential_color)) axes.plot(positions, y, label="s_" + str(significant_decimals(s)), c=color) if (y_range != None): axes.set_ylim(y_range) axes.set_xlim(min(positions), max(positions)) # styling axes.set_ylabel("Vr/[kJ]") axes.set_xlabel("r") axes.set_title( "different Vrs aligned at 0 with different s-values overlayed ") ##optionals if (not hide_legend): axes.legend() if (title): fig.suptitle(title) if (out_path): fig.savefig(out_path) return fig, axes
def oneD_simulation_analysis_plot( system: systemCls, title: str = "", out_path: str = None, limits_coordinate_space: Tuple[float, float] = None, limits_potential_system_energy: Tuple[float, float] = None, limits_force: Tuple[float, float] = None, resolution_full_space=style.potential_resolution, figsize: Tuple[float, float] = figaspect(0.25) ) -> Tuple[plt.figure, str]: """ This plot gives insight into sampled coordinate - space, the position distribution and the force timeseries Parameters ---------- system: systemCls a system that carried out a simulation, which should be visualized. title: str, optional title to the output plot out_path: str, optional store the plot to the given path limits_coordinate_space: tuple, optional the coordinate space range limits_potential_system_energy: tuple, optional y-limits for the Potential energies limits_force: tuple, optional y-limits for force plots resolution_full_space: int, optional how many points, shall be used to visualize the potential function. Returns ------- Tuple[plt.figure, str] returns the generated figure and the output str """ # gather data traj = system.trajectory last_frame = traj.shape[0] - 1 x = list(traj.position) y = traj.total_potential_energy shift = traj.dhdpos # dynamic plot range if (isinstance(limits_coordinate_space, type(None))): x_pot = np.linspace( min(x) + min(x) * 0.25, max(x) + max(x) * 0.25, resolution_full_space) elif (type(limits_coordinate_space) == range): x_pot = limits_coordinate_space else: x_pot = np.linspace(min(limits_coordinate_space), max(limits_coordinate_space) + 1, resolution_full_space) ytot_space = system.potential.ene(x_pot) # plot w, h = figsize fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=[w, h]) #plot coordinate exploration ax1.scatter(x, y, c=style.trajectory_color, alpha=style.alpha_traj) # traj ax1.plot(x_pot, ytot_space, c=style.potential_light) ax1.scatter(x[0], y[0], c=style.traj_start, alpha=style.alpha_val) # start_point ax1.scatter(x[last_frame], y[last_frame], c=style.traj_end, alpha=style.alpha_val) # end_point if (isinstance(system.potential, metadynamicsPotential) ): #for metadynamics, show original potential ax1.plot(x_pot, system.potential.origPotential.ene(x_pot), c="k", alpha=style.alpha_val, zorder=10, label="original Potential") if (not isinstance(limits_potential_system_energy, type(None))): ax1.set_ylim(limits_potential_system_energy) # plot position distribution color = style.potential_color(2) viol = ax2.violinplot(x, showmeans=False, showextrema=False) ax2.boxplot(x) ax2.scatter([1], [x[0]], c=style.traj_start, alpha=style.alpha_val) # start_point ax2.scatter([1], [x[last_frame]], c=style.traj_end, alpha=style.alpha_val) # end_point viol["bodies"][0].set_facecolor(color) #plot force time series color = style.potential_color(3) ax3.plot(range(len(x)), shift, color=color) #visual_ranges: min_pos = min(x_pot) - min(x_pot) * 0.05 max_pos = max(x_pot) + min(x_pot) * 0.05 diff = max_pos - min_pos min_pos -= diff * 0.05 max_pos += diff * 0.05 ax1.set_xlim([min_pos, max_pos]) ax2.set_ylim([min_pos, max_pos]) if (limits_force is not None): ax3.set_ylim([min(limits_force), max(limits_force)]) # Labels ax1.set_ylabel("$V[kT]$") ax1.set_xlabel("$r$") ax1.set_title("Potential Sampling") ax2.set_ylabel("$r$") ax2.set_xlabel("$simulation$") ax2.set_title("Explored Space") ax3.set_xlabel("$t$") if (issubclass(system.sampler.__class__, (stochastic.stochasticSampler, optimizers.optimizer))): ax3.set_title("Shifts") ax3.set_ylabel("$dr$") elif (issubclass(system.sampler.__class__, (newtonian.newtonianSampler))): ax3.set_title("Forces") ax3.set_ylabel("$\partial V/ \partial r$") else: ax3.set_title("Shifts") # FIX this part! ax3.set_ylabel("$dr$") # raise Exception("Did not find samplers type >"+str(system.samplers.__class__)+"< ") ax2.set_xticks([]) fig.suptitle(title, y=1.1) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) fig.tight_layout() if (out_path): fig.savefig(out_path) plt.close(fig) return fig, out_path
def oneD_biased_simulation_analysis_plot( system: systemCls, out_path: str = None, title: str = "", limits_coordinate_space: Tuple[float, float] = None, limits_potential_system_energy: Tuple[float, float] = None, limits_force: Tuple[float, float] = None, resolution_full_space: int = style.potential_resolution, figsize: Tuple[float, float] = figaspect(0.25) ) -> str: ''' Plot giving the sampled space, position distribution and forces Parameters ---------- sys: system Type The simulated system limits_potential_system_energy: tuple Defines the range of the x axis of the first plot limits_potential_system_energy: tuple Defines the range of the y axis of the first plot title: String Title for the plot out_path: str If specified, figure will be saved to this location resolution_full_space: int Number of points used for visualizing the potential space Returns ------- out_path: str Location the figure is saved to fig: Figure object ''' # gather data traj = system.trajectory last_frame = traj.shape[0] - 1 x = list(traj.position) y = traj.total_potential_energy shift = traj.dhdpos # dynamic plot range if (limits_coordinate_space is None): x_pot = np.linspace( min(x) + min(x) * 0.25, max(x) + max(x) * 0.25, resolution_full_space) elif (type(limits_coordinate_space) == range): x_pot = limits_coordinate_space else: x_pot = np.linspace(min(limits_coordinate_space), max(limits_coordinate_space) + 1, resolution_full_space) ytot_space = system.potential.ene(x_pot) # plot w, h = figsize fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=[w, h]) # traj # plot energy landscape of original and bias potential if isinstance(system.potential, metadynamicsPotential): # special figure for metadynamics simulations # plot energy landscape of original potential ytot_orig_space = system.potential.origPotential.ene(x_pot) ax1.plot(x_pot, ytot_orig_space, c='red') # plot energy landscape of total potential # ytot_bias_space = sys.potential.origPotential.ene(x_pot) + sys.potential.finished_steps* sys.potential.addPotential.ene(x_pot) # ax1.plot(x_pot, ytot_bias_space, c='blue') ax1.scatter(x, y, c=style.trajectory_color, alpha=style.alpha_traj) ax1.scatter(x[0], y[0], c=style.traj_start, alpha=style.alpha_val) # start_point ax1.scatter(x[last_frame], y[last_frame], c=style.traj_end, alpha=style.alpha_val) # end_point else: ax1.scatter(x, y, c=style.trajectory_color, alpha=style.alpha_traj) oP = system.potential.origPotential oP._update_functions() ytot_orig_space = oP.ene(x_pot) ytot_bias_space = system.potential.addPotential.ene(x_pot) ax1.plot(x_pot, ytot_orig_space, c='red') ax1.plot(x_pot, ytot_bias_space, c=style.potential_light) # plot energy landscape of total potential ax1.plot(x_pot, ytot_space, c='blue') ax1.scatter(x[0], y[0], c=style.traj_start, alpha=style.alpha_val) # start_point ax1.scatter(x[last_frame], y[last_frame], c=style.traj_end, alpha=style.alpha_val) # end_point color = style.potential_color(2) viol = ax2.violinplot(x, showmeans=False, showextrema=False) ax2.boxplot(x) ax2.scatter([1], [x[0]], c=style.traj_start, alpha=style.alpha_val) # start_point ax2.scatter([1], [x[last_frame]], c=style.traj_end, alpha=style.alpha_val) # end_point viol["bodies"][0].set_facecolor(color) color = style.potential_color(3) ax3.plot(range(len(x)), shift, color=color) # Labels ax1.set_ylabel("$V_pot$") ax1.set_xlabel("$x$") ax1.set_title("Potential Sampling") # dynamic plot range if not (limits_potential_system_energy is None): ax1.set_ylim(limits_potential_system_energy) if (limits_force is not None): ax3.set_ylim([min(limits_force), max(limits_force)]) #labels ax2.set_ylabel("$x$") ax2.set_xlabel("$simulation$") ax2.set_title("x-Distribution") ax3.set_ylabel("$dhdpos$") ax3.set_xlabel("$t$") ax3.set_title("Forces/shifts") ax2.set_xticks([]) fig.suptitle(title, y=1.08) fig.tight_layout() if (out_path): fig.savefig(out_path) plt.close(fig) return out_path, fig