def test_save(self): """ save """ p = self.preferences # Get the application scope. application = p.node('application/') tmp = join(self.tmpdir, 'test.ini') application.filename = tmp # Set a value. p.set('acme.ui.bgcolor', 'red') # Save all scopes. # Make sure a file was written. self.assertEqual(True, os.path.exists(tmp)) # Load the 'ini' file into a new preferences node and make sure the # preference is in there. p = Preferences() p.load(tmp) self.assertEqual('red', p.get('acme.ui.bgcolor')) # Cleanup. os.remove(tmp) return
def test_explicit_preferences(self): """ explicit preferences """ p = self.preferences p.load(self.example) class AcmeUI(HasTraits): """ The Acme UI class! """ # The traits that we want to initialize from preferences. bgcolor = Str width = Int ratio = Float visible = Bool acme_ui = AcmeUI() acme_ui.on_trait_change(listener) # Create an empty preferences node and use that in some of the # bindings! preferences = Preferences() # Make some bindings. bind_preference(acme_ui, 'bgcolor', 'acme.ui.bgcolor', preferences) bind_preference(acme_ui, 'width', 'acme.ui.width') bind_preference(acme_ui, 'ratio', 'acme.ui.ratio', preferences) bind_preference(acme_ui, 'visible', 'acme.ui.visible') # Make sure the object was initialized properly. self.assertEqual('', acme_ui.bgcolor) self.assertEqual(50, acme_ui.width) self.assertEqual(0.0, acme_ui.ratio) self.assertEqual(True, acme_ui.visible) return
def setUp(self): """ Prepares the test fixture before each test method is called. """ self.preferences = set_default_preferences(Preferences()) # The filename of the example preferences file. self.example = resource_filename(PKG, 'example.ini') return
def setUp(self): """ Prepares the test fixture before each test method is called. """ self.preferences = Preferences() # The filename of the example preferences file. self.example = resource_filename(PKG, 'example.ini') # A temporary directory that can safely be written to. self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
def setUp(self): """Called before each test is run""" self.preferences = set_default_preferences(Preferences()) # The filename of the example preferences file. pref_file = resource_filename('enthought.mayavi.tests', 'test_preference.ini') self.preferences.load(pref_file) self.pref = TestPreference() self.mirror = PreferencesMirror() self.mirror.preferences = self.pref
def test_save(self): """ save """ p = self.preferences # Load the preferences from an 'ini' file. p.load(self.example) # Make sure it was all loaded! self.assertEqual('blue', p.get('acme.ui.bgcolor')) self.assertEqual('50', p.get('acme.ui.width')) self.assertEqual('1.0', p.get('acme.ui.ratio')) self.assertEqual('True', p.get('acme.ui.visible')) self.assertEqual('acme ui', p.get('acme.ui.description')) self.assertEqual('[1, 2, 3, 4]', p.get('acme.ui.offsets')) self.assertEqual("['joe', 'fred', 'jane']", p.get('acme.ui.names')) self.assertEqual('splash', p.get('acme.ui.splash_screen.image')) self.assertEqual('red', p.get('acme.ui.splash_screen.fgcolor')) # Make a change. p.set('acme.ui.bgcolor', 'yellow') # Save it to another file. tmp = join(self.tmpdir, 'tmp.ini') try: # Load it into a new node. p = Preferences() p.load(tmp) # Make sure it was all loaded! self.assertEqual('yellow', p.get('acme.ui.bgcolor')) self.assertEqual('50', p.get('acme.ui.width')) self.assertEqual('1.0', p.get('acme.ui.ratio')) self.assertEqual('True', p.get('acme.ui.visible')) self.assertEqual('acme ui', p.get('acme.ui.description')) self.assertEqual('[1, 2, 3, 4]', p.get('acme.ui.offsets')) self.assertEqual("['joe', 'fred', 'jane']", p.get('acme.ui.names')) self.assertEqual('splash', p.get('acme.ui.splash_screen.image')) self.assertEqual('red', p.get('acme.ui.splash_screen.fgcolor')) finally: # Clean up! os.remove(tmp) return
def test_flush(self): """ flush """ p = self.preferences # A temporary .ini file for this test. tmp = join(self.tmpdir, 'tmp.ini') # This could be set in the constructor of course, its just here we # want to use the instance declared in 'setUp'. p.filename = tmp try: # Load the preferences from an 'ini' file. p.load(self.example) # Flush it. p.flush() # Load it into a new node. p = Preferences() p.load(tmp) # Make sure it was all loaded! self.assertEqual('blue', p.get('acme.ui.bgcolor')) self.assertEqual('50', p.get('acme.ui.width')) self.assertEqual('1.0', p.get('acme.ui.ratio')) self.assertEqual('True', p.get('acme.ui.visible')) self.assertEqual('acme ui', p.get('acme.ui.description')) self.assertEqual('[1, 2, 3, 4]', p.get('acme.ui.offsets')) self.assertEqual("['joe', 'fred', 'jane']", p.get('acme.ui.names')) self.assertEqual('splash', p.get('acme.ui.splash_screen.image')) self.assertEqual('red', p.get('acme.ui.splash_screen.fgcolor')) finally: # Clean up! os.remove(tmp) return
# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # RADPY IS NOT CERTIFIED AS A MEDICAL DEVICE. IT IS INTENDED ONLY FOR RESEARCH # PURPOSES. ANY OTHER USE IS ENTIRELY AT THE DISCRETION AND RISK OF THE USER. ################################################################################ from enthought.preferences.api import PreferencesHelper, Preferences from enthought.traits.api import List from enthought.etsconfig.api import ETSConfig from os.path import join filename = join(ETSConfig.get_application_data(create=False), 'radpy', 'preferences.ini') PreferencesHelper.preferences = Preferences(filename=filename) class BeamAnalysisPreferencesHelper(PreferencesHelper): """ A preferences helper for the BeamAnalysis plugin. """ preferences_path = 'radpy.plugins.BeamAnalysis' match_traits = List
def test_preferences_node_changed(self): """ preferences node changed """ p = self.preferences p.load(self.example) class AcmeUIPreferencesHelper(PreferencesHelper): """ A helper! """ # The path to the preferences node that contains our preferences. preferences_path = 'acme.ui' # The traits that we want to initialize from preferences. bgcolor = Str width = Int ratio = Float visible = Bool description = Unicode offsets = List(Int) names = List(Str) helper = AcmeUIPreferencesHelper() # We only listen to some of the traits so the testing is easier. helper.on_trait_change(listener, ['bgcolor', 'width']) # Create a new preference node. p1 = Preferences() p1.load(self.example) p1.set('acme.ui.bgcolor', 'red') p1.set('acme.ui.width', 40) # Set the new preferences helper.preferences = p1 # Test event handling. self.assertEqual(helper, listener.obj) self.assertEqual('width', listener.trait_name) self.assertEqual(50, listener.old) self.assertEqual(40, # Test re-initialization. self.assertEqual(helper.bgcolor, 'red') self.assertEqual(helper.width, 40) # Test event handling. p1.set('acme.ui.bgcolor', 'black') self.assertEqual(helper, listener.obj) self.assertEqual('bgcolor', listener.trait_name) self.assertEqual('red', listener.old) self.assertEqual('black', # This should not trigger any new changes since we are setting values # on the old preferences node. p.set('acme.ui.bgcolor', 'white') self.assertEqual(helper, listener.obj) self.assertEqual('bgcolor', listener.trait_name) self.assertEqual('red', listener.old) self.assertEqual('black', return
def test_load_and_save(self): """ load and save """ p = self.preferences p.load(self.example) class AcmeUI(HasTraits): """ The Acme UI class! """ # The traits that we want to initialize from preferences. bgcolor = Str('red') width = Int(60) ratio = Float(2.0) visible = Bool(False) acme_ui = AcmeUI() # Make some bindings. bind_preference(acme_ui, 'bgcolor', 'acme.ui.bgcolor') bind_preference(acme_ui, 'width', 'acme.ui.width') bind_preference(acme_ui, 'ratio', 'acme.ui.ratio') bind_preference(acme_ui, 'visible', 'acme.ui.visible') # Make sure the helper was initialized properly (with the values in # the loaded .ini file *not* the trait defaults!). self.assertEqual('blue', acme_ui.bgcolor) self.assertEqual(50, acme_ui.width) self.assertEqual(1.0, acme_ui.ratio) self.assertEqual(True, acme_ui.visible) # Make a change to one of the preference values. p.set('acme.ui.bgcolor', 'yellow') self.assertEqual('yellow', acme_ui.bgcolor) self.assertEqual('yellow', p.get('acme.ui.bgcolor')) # Save the preferences to a different file. tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() tmp = join(tmpdir, 'tmp.ini') # Load the preferences again from that file. p = set_default_preferences(Preferences()) p.load(tmp) acme_ui = AcmeUI() # Make some bindings. bind_preference(acme_ui, 'bgcolor', 'acme.ui.bgcolor') bind_preference(acme_ui, 'width', 'acme.ui.width') bind_preference(acme_ui, 'ratio', 'acme.ui.ratio') bind_preference(acme_ui, 'visible', 'acme.ui.visible') # Make sure the helper was initialized properly (with the values in # the .ini file *not* the trait defaults!). self.assertEqual('yellow', acme_ui.bgcolor) self.assertEqual(50, acme_ui.width) self.assertEqual(1.0, acme_ui.ratio) self.assertEqual(True, acme_ui.visible) # Clean up! os.remove(tmp) os.removedirs(tmpdir) return