Example #1
    def _read_face_edge_file(self, extension):
        Loads data from 2D {basename}.edge or 3D {basename}.face, and inserts
        triangle/line cells and cell scalars into the unstructured grid.
        file_name = '%s%s' % (self._basename, extension)

        if (extension == '.edge'):
            # 2D. Expect two endpoints which form a line.
            npoints = 2
            cell_type = tvtk.Line().cell_type
            # 3D. Expect three points which form a triangle.
            npoints = 3
            cell_type = tvtk.Triangle().cell_type

        # Load all data.
        all_data = self._get_data(file_name)
        # Grab values from the first line of data file.
        faces_edges, boundary_marker = map(int, all_data[0:2])
        # Reshape remainder of array.
        data_array = all_data[2:].reshape(faces_edges,
                                          npoints + 1 + boundary_marker)

        nodes_array = data_array[:, 1:npoints + 1] - self._numbered_from
        self._grid.set_cells(cell_type, nodes_array)

        if (boundary_marker):
            boundary_marker_array = data_array[:, npoints + 1:npoints + 2]
            self._add_boundary_marker_array(boundary_marker_array, 'cell')
Example #2
    def _read_ele_file(self):
        Loads data from {basename}.ele, and inserts triangle/tetrahedron cells
        and cell scalars into the unstructured grid.
        file_name = '%s.ele' % self._basename

        # Load all data.
        all_data = self._get_data(file_name)
        # Grab values from the first line of data file.
        tet_tri, nodes_per_tet_tri, attributes = map(int, all_data[0:3])
        # Reshape remainder of array.
        data_array = all_data[3:].reshape(tet_tri,
                                          1 + nodes_per_tet_tri + attributes)

        nodes_array = data_array[:, 1:(nodes_per_tet_tri +
                                       1)] - self._numbered_from

        if (nodes_per_tet_tri == 3):
            cell_type = tvtk.Triangle().cell_type
            cell_type = tvtk.Tetra().cell_type

        self._grid.set_cells(cell_type, nodes_array)

        for i in range(attributes):
            attribute_array = data_array[:, (i + nodes_per_tet_tri +
                                             1):(i + nodes_per_tet_tri + 2)]
            self._add_attribute_array(attribute_array, i, 'cell')
Example #3
  def initialize(self):
    (nvertices, spaceDim) = self.vertices.shape
    (ncells, ncorners) = self.cells.shape
    assert(spaceDim == 3)
    assert(ncorners == 3)
    cellType = tvtk.Triangle().cell_type
    dataVtk = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid()
    dataVtk.points = self.vertices
    dataVtk.set_cells(cellType, self.cells)

    self.dataVtk = dataVtk
  def read(self, filename):

    reader = VTKDataReader()
    data = reader.read(filename)

    cells = data['cells']
    vertices = data['vertices']

    (ncells, ncorners) = cells.shape
    (nvertices, spaceDim) = vertices.shape
    vtkData = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid()
    vtkData.points = vertices
    assert(spaceDim == 3)
    assert(ncorners == 3)
    cellType = tvtk.Triangle().cell_type

    vtkData.set_cells(cellType, cells)

    # Displacement vector
    displacement = data['vertex_fields']['displacement']
    array = tvtk.FloatArray()
    array.name = "Displacement (m)"
    vtkData.point_data.vectors = array
    vtkData.point_data.vectors.name = "Displacement (m)"

    # Compute velocity magnitude
    velocity = data['vertex_fields']['velocity']
    velocityLog = ((velocity[:,0]**2 + 
                    velocity[:,1]**2 + 
    array = tvtk.FloatArray()
    array.name = "Velocity (m/s)"
    vtkData.point_data.scalars = array
    vtkData.point_data.scalars.name = "Velocity (m/s)"

    return vtkData
Example #5
def mshplot3D(mesh, scale=[1, 1, 1], elm_ids=[], labels=[0, 0, 0]):
    ''' Plot 3D meshes (and optionally label vertices, elements, and edges)

    @param mesh A 3D mesh object

    @param elm_ids Numpy array of elements that will be plotted. If left empty,
                   all elements are plotted.

    @param labels (\c bool) List of three elements indicateting what should be
                           labeled. By default, nothing is labeled
                           labels[0]=True labels vertices
                           labels[1]=True labels elements
                           labels[2]=True labels edges

    @param scale (\c int) List indicating the scaling of the vertices -- this
                          is used to scale the z-direction for a thin mesh. By
                          default, there is no scaling, i.e. scale = [1, 1, 1]

    @see msh.mesh.Mesh3D

    @author Matt Ueckermann
    if type(elm_ids) is not int:
        if len(elm_ids) == 0:
            elm_ids = np.arange(len(mesh.elm))
    #Figure out how many vertices are in each element type
    n_vert_in_type = [len(int_el_pqr(element=element, dim=3)[0]) \
        for element in mesh.u_elm_type]

    #Now create the TVTK data-structures for the 'cells' and 'offsets'
    #cells give [#verts, vert1id, vert2id...,vertnid, #verts ...]
    #offsets gives the id's in the cells list where #verts are listed. So above
    # it is [0, n+1]
    cells = np.array([], dtype=int)
    offset = np.array([], dtype=int)
    for elm, elm_type in zip(mesh.elm[elm_ids, :], mesh.elm_type[elm_ids]):
        n_vt = n_vert_in_type[elm_type]
        offset = np.append(offset, len(cells))
        cells = np.append(cells, [n_vt] + elm[:n_vt].tolist())

    #Also have to create a list of element-types -- to do that we have to
    #convert from my numbering system to the TVTK numbering system
    if mesh.dim == 3:
        type_convert = np.array([tvtk.Tetra().cell_type,\
            tvtk.Hexahedron().cell_type, tvtk.Wedge().cell_type])
    elif mesh.dim == 2:
        type_convert = np.array([tvtk.Triangle().cell_type,\
    cell_types = mesh.u_elm_type[mesh.elm_type[elm_ids]]
    cell_types = type_convert[cell_types]

    #To help visualize the mesh, we color it be the distance from the origin
    if mesh.dim == 3:
        x, y, z = mesh.vert[:].T
    elif mesh.dim == 2:
        x, y = mesh.vert[:, :2].T
        z = np.zeros_like(x)
    dist = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    #and we scale the x, y, z, coordinates according the the assigned 'scale'
    points = np.column_stack((x * scale[0], y * scale[1], z * scale[2]))

    #Now we create the data-structures
    cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
    cell_array.set_cells(len(offset), cells)

    ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)
    ug.set_cells(cell_types, offset, cell_array)
    ug.point_data.scalars = dist.ravel()
    ug.point_data.scalars.name = 'Distance from Origin'

    #Next we set the new data-structures as a mayavi source
    src = sources.vtk_data_source.VTKDataSource(data=ug)

    #Extract the edges from the grid
    edges = mlab.pipeline.extract_edges(src)

    #Use a shorter name for the elements
    elm = mesh.elm[elm_ids, :]

    if any(labels) and len(elm) > 20:
        string = "WARNING:\nAre you sure you want to label more than 20" + \
            "elements in 3D? -- Labels are very memory" + \
            "(apparently -- who would have guessed?) \nY(es) to proceed:"
        answer = raw_input(string)

        if answer.lower() not in ['yes', 'y', 'yes']:
            labels = [0, 0, 0]

    #Next add labels if desired:
    maxdist = np.max(dist) / 2.
    if labels[0]:  #Vertex labels
        for i in xrange(len(offset)):
            for vnum in elm[i, :]:
                if vnum >= 0:
                    mlab.text3d(points[vnum, 0], points[vnum, 1], \
                        points[vnum, 2], '%d' % vnum, \
                        color=(0, 0, 0), scale=0.02*maxdist)
    if labels[1]:  #element labels
        for i in xrange(len(offset)):
            if elm_ids[i] < 0:
                elm_label = mesh.numelm + elm_ids[i]
                elm_label = elm_ids[i]
            x = np.mean(points[elm[i, :cells[offset[i]]], 0])
            y = np.mean(points[elm[i, :cells[offset[i]]], 1])
            z = np.mean(points[elm[i, :cells[offset[i]]], 2])
            mlab.text3d(x, y, z, '%d' % elm_label, color=(0.3, 0.3, 0.9), \
    if labels[2]:  #edge labels
        if len(elm_ids) < len(mesh.elm):
            elm2ed = connect_elm2ed(mesh.elm2elm[:], mesh.ed2ed)
            ed_ids = np.unique(elm2ed[elm_ids])
            ed_ids = ed_ids[ed_ids >= 0]
            ed2ed = mesh.ed2ed[ed_ids, :]
            ed_ids = np.arange(len(mesh.ed2ed))
            ed2ed = mesh.ed2ed[:]

        for i in xrange(len(ed2ed)):
            n = 8
            if ed2ed[i, -1] < 0:
                n = 7
            x = np.mean(points[ed2ed[i, 4:n], 0])
            y = np.mean(points[ed2ed[i, 4:n], 1])
            z = np.mean(points[ed2ed[i, 4:n], 2])
            mlab.text3d(x, y, z, '%d' % ed_ids[i], color=(0.3, 0.9, 0.3), \

    #And plot them!
    mlab.pipeline.surface(edges, opacity=0.4, line_width=2)
    mlab.title('3D mesh', size=0.5, height=0.95)

    return cells, offset, cell_types