Example #1
def map(f, graph):
    ''' Maps function f over the nodes in graph.

        >>> map(str, { 1:[2,3] })
        {'1': ['2', '3']}
    return map_items(lambda k, v: (f(k), __builtin__.map(f, v)), graph)
Example #2
def map(f, graph):
    ''' Maps function f over the nodes in graph.

        >>> map(str, { 1:[2,3] })
        {'1': ['2', '3']}
    return map_items(lambda k,v: (f(k), __builtin__.map(f,v)), graph)
Example #3
def graph_map(f, graph):
    ''' Maps function f over the nodes in graph.

        >>> sorted( graph_map(str, Graph({1: [2, 3]})).edges() )
        [('1', '2'), ('1', '3')]
        >>> sorted( graph_map(str, DiGraph({1: [2, 3]})).edges() )
        [('1', '2'), ('1', '3')]
    g = graph
    return g.__class__(map_items(lambda k,v: (f(k), map_keys(f, v)), g.adj))