class Optimizer(object): """ This class is used to run the main BO loop. Optimizer objects define all BO settings and store the current data set. The self.ask function provides new input proposals, and resulting black-box values can be added through self.tell. This procedure is automated via, where a callable function is provided as an input. Functions self.predict_with_est and self.predict_with_acq use the current surrogate model to predict inputs. :param dimensions: list list of search-space variables, i.e. If (lower: float, upper: float), gives continuous variable If (lower: int, upper: int), gives discrete variable If list of categories, gives categorical variable :param base_estimator: str currently available estimator types are in ["ENTING"] :param n_initial_points: int number of initial points sampled before surrogate model is trained :param initial_point_generator: str currently supported sampling generators are in ["sobol", "halton", "hammersly", "lhs", "random", "grid"] :param num_obj: int gives the number of objectives that the black-box is being optimized for :param acq_func: str acquisition function type that is used for exploitation vs. exploration trade-off, i.e. currently supported ["LCB"] and ["LCB", "HLCB"] for num_obj == 1 :param acq_optimizer: str optimization method used to minimize the acquisition function, i.e. currently supports ["sampling", "global"] :param random_state: Optional[int] fixed random seed to generate reproducible results :param acq_func_kwargs: Optional[dict] define additional params for acquisition function, i.e. "kappa": int, influences acquisition function "min mu - kappa * alpha" :param acq_optimizer_kwargs: Optional[dict] define additional params for acqu. optimizer "sampling": "n_points": int, number of points to minimize the acquisition function define additional params for acqu. optimizer "global": "env": GRBEnv, defines Gurobi environment for cluster computations "gurobi_timelimit": int, optimization time limit in sec "add_model_core": GRBModel, Gurobi optimization model that includes additional constraints :param base_estimator_kwargs: Optional[dict] defines additional params that influence the base_estimator behavior "lgbm_params": dict, additional parameters that are passed to lightgbm "ensemble_type": str, options in ['GBRT', 'RF'], "GBRT": uses gradient-boosted tree regressor "RF": uses random forest "unc_metric": str, options in ['exploration', 'penalty'], i.e. negative or positive alpha contribution in "min mu \pm kappa * alpha" "unc_scaling": str, options in ["standard", "normalize"], i.e. scaling used for the distance-based uncertainty metric "dist_metric": str, options in ["manhattan",'squared_euclidean'], i.e. metric used to define non-categorical distance for uncertainty "cat_dist_metric": str, options in ["overlap", "goodall4", "of"], i.e. metric used to define categorical distance for uncertainty :param model_queue_size: Optional[int] defines number of previous models that are stored in self.models :param verbose: bool defines the verbosity level of the output """ def __init__(self, dimensions: list, base_estimator: str = "ENTING", n_initial_points: int = 50, initial_point_generator: str = "random", num_obj: int = 1, acq_func: str = "LCB", acq_optimizer: str = "global", random_state: Optional[int] = None, acq_func_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, acq_optimizer_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, base_estimator_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, model_queue_size: Optional[int] = None, verbose: bool = False): from entmoot.utils import is_supported from entmoot.utils import cook_estimator from entmoot.utils import cook_initial_point_generator from sklearn.utils import check_random_state # define random state self.rng = check_random_state(random_state) # store and create acquisition function set self.acq_func = acq_func if acq_func_kwargs is None: self.acq_func_kwargs = dict() else: self.acq_func_kwargs = acq_func_kwargs allowed_acq_funcs = ["LCB", "HLCB"] if self.acq_func not in allowed_acq_funcs: raise ValueError("expected acq_func to be in %s, got %s" % (",".join(allowed_acq_funcs), self.acq_func)) # configure counter of points if n_initial_points < 0: raise ValueError("Expected `n_initial_points` >= 0, got %d" % n_initial_points) self._n_initial_points = n_initial_points self.n_initial_points_ = n_initial_points # initialize search space and output from import Space = Space(dimensions) self._initial_samples = None self._initial_point_generator = \ cook_initial_point_generator(initial_point_generator) if self._initial_point_generator is not None: transformer = self._initial_samples = self._initial_point_generator.generate(, n_initial_points, random_state=self.rng.randint(0, np.iinfo(np.int32).max)) self.num_obj = num_obj # create base_estimator self.base_estimator_kwargs = {} if base_estimator_kwargs is None else base_estimator_kwargs from entmoot.learning.tree_model import EntingRegressor, MisicRegressor if type(base_estimator) not in [EntingRegressor, MisicRegressor]: if type(base_estimator) in [str]: # define random_state of estimator est_random_state = self.rng.randint(0, np.iinfo(np.int32).max) # check support of base_estimator if exists if not is_supported(base_estimator): raise ValueError("Estimator type: %s is not supported." % base_estimator) # build base_estimator base_estimator = cook_estimator(, base_estimator, self.base_estimator_kwargs, num_obj=self.num_obj, random_state=est_random_state) else: raise ValueError("Estimator type: %s is not supported." % base_estimator) self.base_estimator_ = base_estimator # Configure Optimizer self.acq_optimizer = acq_optimizer # record other arguments if acq_optimizer_kwargs is None: acq_optimizer_kwargs = dict() self.acq_optimizer_kwargs = acq_optimizer_kwargs self.n_points = acq_optimizer_kwargs.get("n_points", 10000) self.gurobi_env = acq_optimizer_kwargs.get("env", None) self.gurobi_timelimit = acq_optimizer_kwargs.get( "gurobi_timelimit", None) ## Initialize storage for optimization if not isinstance(model_queue_size, (int, type(None))): raise TypeError("model_queue_size should be an int or None, " "got {}".format(type(model_queue_size))) # model cache self.max_model_queue_size = model_queue_size self.models = [] # data set cache self.Xi = [] self.yi = [] # model_mu and model_std cache self.model_mu = [] self.model_std = [] # global opti metrics self.gurobi_mipgap = [] # Initialize cache for `ask` method responses # This ensures that multiple calls to `ask` with n_points set # return same sets of points. Reset to {} at every call to `tell`. self.cache_ = {} # Handle solver print output if not isinstance(verbose, (int, type(None))): raise TypeError("verbose should be an int of [0,1,2] or bool, " "got {}".format(type(verbose))) if isinstance(verbose, bool): if verbose: self.verbose = 1 else: self.verbose = 0 elif isinstance(verbose, int): if verbose not in [0, 1, 2]: raise TypeError("if verbose is int, it should in [0,1,2], " "got {}".format(verbose)) else: self.verbose = verbose # printed_switch_to_model defines if notification of switch from # intitial point generation to model-based point generation has been # printed yet if self.verbose > 0: self.printed_switch_to_model = False else: self.printed_switch_to_model = True def copy(self, random_state: Optional[int] = None): """Create a shallow copy of an instance of the optimizer. :param random_state: Optional[int] :return optimizer: Optimizer """ optimizer = Optimizer(, base_estimator=self.base_estimator_, n_initial_points=self.n_initial_points_, initial_point_generator=self._initial_point_generator, acq_func=self.acq_func, acq_optimizer=self.acq_optimizer, acq_func_kwargs=self.acq_func_kwargs, acq_optimizer_kwargs=self.acq_optimizer_kwargs, random_state=random_state, verbose=self.verbose) optimizer._initial_samples = self._initial_samples optimizer.printed_switch_to_model = self.printed_switch_to_model if self.Xi: optimizer._tell(self.Xi, self.yi) return optimizer def ask( self, n_points: int = None, strategy: str = "cl_min", weights: Optional[list] = None, add_model_core=None, gurobi_env=None, ) -> list: """ Computes the next point (or multiple points) at which the objective should be evaluated. :param n_points: int = None, gives the number of points that should be returned :param strategy: str = "cl_min", determines the liar strategy, i.e. ( used for single-objective batch proposals, i.e. "cl_min": str, uses minimum of observations as lie "cl_mean": str, uses mean of observations as lie "cl_max": str, uses maximum of observations as lie :param weights: Optional[list] = None, 1D list of weights of size num_obj for single multi-objective proposal; 2D list of weights of size shape(n_points,num_obj) for batch multi-objectiveproposals :param add_model_core: GRBModel = None, Gurobi optimization model that includes additional constraints :param gurobi_env: Gurobi Env = None, Gurobi environment used for computation of the next proposal :return next_x: list, next proposal of shape(n_points, n_dims) """ # update gurobi_env attribute if gurobi_env: self.gurobi_env = gurobi_env # check if single point or batch of point is returned if n_points is None and weights is None: return self._ask(add_model_core=add_model_core) elif self.num_obj > 1: if weights is not None: n_points = len(weights) X = [] for i in range(n_points): self._next_x = None # use the weights if provided if weights: w = weights[i] assert len(w) == self.num_obj, \ f"The {i}'th provided weight has dim '{len(w)}' but " \ f"number of objectives is '{self.num_obj}'." next_x = self._ask(weight=w, add_model_core=add_model_core) else: next_x = self._ask(add_model_core=add_model_core) X.append(next_x) return X if len(X) > 1 else X[0] supported_strategies = ["cl_min", "cl_mean", "cl_max"] if not (isinstance(n_points, int) and n_points > 0): raise ValueError("n_points should be int > 0, got " + str(n_points)) if strategy not in supported_strategies: raise ValueError("Expected parallel_strategy to be one of " + str(supported_strategies) + ", " + "got %s" % strategy) # caching the result with n_points not None. If some new parameters # are provided to the ask, the cache_ is not used. if (n_points, strategy) in self.cache_: return self.cache_[(n_points, strategy)] # Copy of the optimizer is made in order to manage the # deletion of points with "lie" objective (the copy of # optimizer is simply discarded) opt = self.copy(random_state=self.rng.randint(0, np.iinfo(np.int32).max)) X = [] for i in range(n_points): x = opt.ask() X.append(x) if strategy == "cl_min": y_lie = np.min(opt.yi) if opt.yi else 0.0 # CL-min lie elif strategy == "cl_mean": y_lie = np.mean(opt.yi) if opt.yi else 0.0 # CL-mean lie else: y_lie = np.max(opt.yi) if opt.yi else 0.0 # CL-max lie opt._tell(x, y_lie) self.printed_switch_to_model = opt.printed_switch_to_model self.cache_ = {(n_points, strategy): X} # cache_ the result return X def _ask(self, weight: Optional[list] = None, add_model_core=None): """ Computes the next point at which the objective should be evaluated. :param weight: Optional[list] = None, list of weights of size num_obj to trade-off between different objective contributions :param add_model_core: GRBModel = None, Gurobi optimization model that includes additional constraints :return next_x: list, next proposal of shape(n_points, n_dims) """ if self._n_initial_points > 0 or self.base_estimator_ is None: # this will not make a copy of `self.rng` and hence keep advancing # our random state. if self._initial_samples is None: return[0] else: # The samples are evaluated starting form initial_samples[0] return self._initial_samples[len(self._initial_samples) - self._n_initial_points] elif self._next_x is not None: # return self._next_x if optimizer hasn't learned anything new return self._next_x else: # after being "told" n_initial_points we switch from sampling # random points to using a surrogate model # create fresh copy of base_estimator est = self.base_estimator_.copy() self.base_estimator_ = est # esimator is fitted using a generic fit function, self.yi) # we cache the estimator in model_queue if self.max_model_queue_size is None: self.models.append(est) elif len(self.models) < self.max_model_queue_size: self.models.append(est) else: # Maximum list size obtained, remove oldest model. self.models.pop(0) self.models.append(est) if not self.printed_switch_to_model: print("") print("SOLVER: initial points exhausted") print(" -> switch to model-based optimization") self.printed_switch_to_model = True # this code provides a heuristic solution that uses sampling as the optimization strategy if self.acq_optimizer == "sampling": # sample a large number of points and then pick the best ones as # starting points X =, random_state=self.rng)) values = _gaussian_acquisition( X=X, model=est, y_opt=np.min(self.yi), acq_func=self.acq_func, acq_func_kwargs=self.acq_func_kwargs) # Find the minimum of the acquisition function by randomly # sampling points from the space next_x = X[np.argmin(values)] # derive model mu and std # next_xt =[next_x])[0] next_model_mu, next_model_std = \ self.models[-1].predict( X=np.asarray(next_x).reshape(1, -1), return_std=True) model_mu = next_model_mu[0] model_std = next_model_std[0] # acquisition function is optimized globally elif self.acq_optimizer == "global": try: import gurobipy as gp except ModuleNotFoundError: ImportError( "GurobiNotFoundError: " "To run `aqu_optimizer='global'` " "please install the Gurobi solver " "( and its interface " "gurobipy. " "Alternatively, change `aqu_optimizer='sampling'`.") if add_model_core is None: add_model_core = \ self.acq_optimizer_kwargs.get("add_model_core", None) next_x, model_mu, model_std, gurobi_mipgap = \ self.models[-1].get_global_next_x(acq_func=self.acq_func, acq_func_kwargs=self.acq_func_kwargs, acq_optimizer_kwargs=self.acq_optimizer_kwargs, add_model_core=add_model_core, weight=weight, verbose=self.verbose, gurobi_env=self.gurobi_env, gurobi_timelimit=self.gurobi_timelimit) self.gurobi_mipgap.append(gurobi_mipgap) # note the need for [0] at the end self._next_x = (1, -1)))[0] from entmoot.utils import get_cat_idx for idx, xi in enumerate(self._next_x): if idx not in get_cat_idx( self._next_x[idx] = xi # enforce variable bounds if self._next_x[idx] >[idx][1]: self._next_x[idx] =[idx][1] elif self._next_x[idx] <[idx][0]: self._next_x[idx] =[idx][0] self._model_mu = model_mu self._model_std = model_std if self.models: self.model_mu.append(self._model_mu) self.model_std.append(self._model_std) # check how far the new next_x is away from existing data next_x = self._next_x min_delta_x = min( [, xi) for xi in self.Xi]) if abs(min_delta_x) <= 1e-8: warnings.warn("The objective has been evaluated " "at this point before.") # return point computed from last call to tell() return next_x def tell(self, x: list, y: list): """ Checks that both x and y are valid points for the given search space. :param x: list, locations of new data points :param y: list, target value of new data points """ from entmoot.utils import check_x_in_space check_x_in_space(x, self._check_y_is_valid(x, y) self._tell(x, y) def _tell(self, x, y): """ Adds the new data points to the data set. :param x: list, locations of new data points :param y: list, target value of new data points """ from entmoot.utils import is_listlike from entmoot.utils import is_2Dlistlike # if y isn't a scalar it means we have been handed a batch of points if is_listlike(y) and is_2Dlistlike(x): self.Xi.extend(x) self.yi.extend(y) self._n_initial_points -= len(y) elif is_listlike(x): self.Xi.append(x) self.yi.append(y) self._n_initial_points -= 1 else: raise ValueError("Type of arguments `x` (%s) and `y` (%s) " "not compatible." % (type(x), type(y))) # optimizer learned something new - discard cache self.cache_ = {} # set self._next_x to None to indicate that the solver has learned something new self._next_x = None def _check_y_is_valid(self, x, y): """check if the shape and types of x and y are consistent.""" from entmoot.utils import is_listlike from entmoot.utils import is_2Dlistlike # single objective checks for scalar values if self.num_obj == 1: # if y isn't a scalar it means we have been handed a batch of points if is_listlike(y) and is_2Dlistlike(x): for y_value in y: if not isinstance(y_value, Number): raise ValueError("expected y to be a list of scalars") elif is_listlike(x): if not isinstance(y, Number): raise ValueError("`func` should return a scalar") else: raise ValueError("Type of arguments `x` (%s) and `y` (%s) " "not compatible." % (type(x), type(y))) else: # if y isn't a scalar it means we have been handed a batch of points if is_listlike(y[0]) and is_2Dlistlike(x): for y_value in y: if len(y_value) != self.num_obj: raise ValueError( f"expected y to be of size {self.num_obj}") for yi in y_value: if not isinstance(yi, Number): raise ValueError( f"expected y to be a list of list-like items of length {self.num_obj}" ) elif is_listlike(x): if len(y) != self.num_obj: raise ValueError( f"`func` should return a list-like item of length {self.num_obj}" ) for yi in y: if not isinstance(yi, Number): raise ValueError( f"`func` should return a list-like item of length {self.num_obj}" ) else: raise ValueError("Type of arguments `x` (%s) and `y` (%s) " "not compatible." % (type(x), type(y))) def run(self, func, n_iter=1, no_progress_bar=False, update_min=False): """Execute ask() + tell() `n_iter` times""" from tqdm import tqdm for itr in tqdm(range(n_iter), disable=no_progress_bar): x = self.ask() self.tell(x, func(x)) if no_progress_bar and update_min: print( f"Min. obj.: {round(min(self.yi),2)} at itr.: {itr+1} / {n_iter}", end="\r") from entmoot.utils import create_result result = create_result(self.Xi, self.yi,, self.rng, models=self.models, model_mu=self.model_mu, model_std=self.model_std, gurobi_mipgap=self.gurobi_mipgap) if no_progress_bar and update_min: print( f"Min. obj.: {round(min(self.yi),2)} at itr.: {n_iter} / {n_iter}" ) return result def update_next(self): """Updates the value returned by opt.ask(). Useful if a parameter was updated after ask was called.""" self.cache_ = {} # Ask for a new next_x. # We only need to overwrite _next_x if it exists. if hasattr(self, '_next_x'): opt = self.copy(random_state=self.rng) self._next_x = opt._next_x def get_result(self): """Returns the same result that would be returned by opt.tell() but without calling tell Parameters ---------- - Returns ------- res : `OptimizeResult`, scipy object OptimizeResult instance with the required information. """ from entmoot.utils import create_result result = create_result(self.Xi, self.yi,, self.rng, models=self.models, model_mu=self.model_mu, model_std=self.model_std, gurobi_mipgap=self.gurobi_mipgap) return result def predict_with_est(self, x, return_std=True): from entmoot.utils import is_2Dlistlike if is_2Dlistlike(x): next_x = np.asarray( else: next_x = np.asarray([x])[0]).reshape(1, -1) est = self.base_estimator_, self.yi) temp_mu, temp_std = \ est.predict( X=next_x, return_std=True) if is_2Dlistlike(x): if return_std: return temp_mu, temp_std else: return temp_mu else: if return_std: return temp_mu[0], temp_std[0] else: return temp_mu[0] def predict_with_acq(self, x): from entmoot.utils import is_2Dlistlike if is_2Dlistlike(x): next_x = np.asarray( else: next_x = np.asarray([x])[0]).reshape(1, -1) if self.models: temp_val = _gaussian_acquisition( X=next_x, model=self.models[-1], y_opt=np.min(self.yi), acq_func=self.acq_func, acq_func_kwargs=self.acq_func_kwargs) else: est = self.base_estimator_, self.yi) temp_val = _gaussian_acquisition( X=next_x, model=est, y_opt=np.min(self.yi), acq_func=self.acq_func, acq_func_kwargs=self.acq_func_kwargs) if is_2Dlistlike(x): return temp_val else: return temp_val[0] def predict_pareto( self, sampling_strategy: str = 'random', num_samples: int = 10, num_levels: int = 10, add_model_core=None, gurobi_env=None, ): """ Computes the next point at which the objective should be evaluated. :param sampling_strategy: str = 'grid' picks the strategy to sample weights for the muli-objective function 'random': gives 'num_samples' randomly drawn weights that sum to 1 'grid': defines ordered grid of samples depending on 'num_levels' :param num_samples: int = 10, defines number of samples for 'random' sampling strategy :param num_levels: int = 10, defines levels per dimension for 'grid' sampling strategy :param add_model_core: GRBModel = None, Gurobi optimization model that includes additional constraints :param gurobi_env: Gurobi Env = None, Gurobi environment used for computation of the next proposal :return pareto_x: list, next pareto point predictions of shape(n_points, n_dims) """ # update gurobi_env attribute if gurobi_env: self.gurobi_env = gurobi_env assert self.num_obj > 1, \ f"Number of objectives needs to be > 1 to" \ f" compute Pareto frontiers." from opti.sampling.simplex import sample, grid # pick the sampling strategy if sampling_strategy == 'random': weights = sample(self.num_obj, num_samples) elif sampling_strategy == 'grid': weights = grid(self.num_obj, num_levels) else: raise ValueError("'sampling_type' must be in ['random', 'grid'") # fit current model est = self.base_estimator_, self.yi) # add model constraints if necessary if add_model_core is None: add_model_core = \ self.acq_optimizer_kwargs.get("add_model_core", None) # compute pareto points based on weight vector pareto = [] for w in weights: temp_x, temp_mu, model_std, gurobi_mipgap = \ est.get_global_next_x(acq_func=self.acq_func, acq_func_kwargs=self.acq_func_kwargs, acq_optimizer_kwargs=self.acq_optimizer_kwargs, add_model_core=add_model_core, weight=w, verbose=self.verbose, gurobi_env=self.gurobi_env, gurobi_timelimit=self.gurobi_timelimit) pareto.append((temp_x, temp_mu)) return pareto
def generate(self, dimensions, n_samples, random_state=None): """Creates latin hypercube samples. Parameters ---------- dimensions : list, shape (n_dims,) List of search space dimensions. Each search dimension can be defined either as - a `(lower_bound, upper_bound)` tuple (for `Real` or `Integer` dimensions), - a `(lower_bound, upper_bound, "prior")` tuple (for `Real` dimensions), - as a list of categories (for `Categorical` dimensions), or - an instance of a `Dimension` object (`Real`, `Integer` or `Categorical`). n_samples : int The order of the LHS sequence. Defines the number of samples. random_state : int, RandomState instance, or None (default) Set random state to something other than None for reproducible results. Returns ------- np.array, shape=(n_dim, n_samples) LHS set """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) space = Space(dimensions) transformer = space.get_transformer() n_dim = space.n_dims space.set_transformer("normalize") if self.criterion is None or n_samples == 1: h = self._lhs_normalized(n_dim, n_samples, rng) h = space.inverse_transform(h) space.set_transformer(transformer) return h else: h_opt = self._lhs_normalized(n_dim, n_samples, rng) h_opt = space.inverse_transform(h_opt) if self.criterion == "correlation": mincorr = np.inf for i in range(self.iterations): # Generate a random LHS h = self._lhs_normalized(n_dim, n_samples, rng) r = np.corrcoef(np.array(h).T) if len(np.abs(r[r != 1])) > 0 and \ np.max(np.abs(r[r != 1])) < mincorr: mincorr = np.max(np.abs(r - np.eye(r.shape[0]))) h_opt = h.copy() h_opt = space.inverse_transform(h_opt) elif self.criterion == "maximin": maxdist = 0 # Maximize the minimum distance between points for i in range(self.iterations): h = self._lhs_normalized(n_dim, n_samples, rng) d = spatial.distance.pdist(np.array(h), 'euclidean') if maxdist < np.min(d): maxdist = np.min(d) h_opt = h.copy() h_opt = space.inverse_transform(h_opt) elif self.criterion == "ratio": minratio = np.inf # Maximize the minimum distance between points for i in range(self.iterations): h = self._lhs_normalized(n_dim, n_samples, rng) p = spatial.distance.pdist(np.array(h), 'euclidean') if np.min(p) == 0: ratio = np.max(p) / 1e-8 else: ratio = np.max(p) / np.min(p) if minratio > ratio: minratio = ratio h_opt = h.copy() h_opt = space.inverse_transform(h_opt) else: raise ValueError("Wrong criterion." "Got {}".format(self.criterion)) space.set_transformer(transformer) return h_opt
def generate(self, dimensions, n_samples, random_state=None): """Creates samples from a regular grid. Parameters ---------- dimensions : list, shape (n_dims,) List of search space dimensions. Each search dimension can be defined either as - a `(lower_bound, upper_bound)` tuple (for `Real` or `Integer` dimensions), - a `(lower_bound, upper_bound, "prior")` tuple (for `Real` dimensions), - as a list of categories (for `Categorical` dimensions), or - an instance of a `Dimension` object (`Real`, `Integer` or `Categorical`). n_samples : int The order of the Halton sequence. Defines the number of samples. random_state : int, RandomState instance, or None (default) Set random state to something other than None for reproducible results. Returns ------- np.array, shape=(n_dim, n_samples) grid set """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) space = Space(dimensions) n_dim = space.n_dims transformer = space.get_transformer() space.set_transformer("normalize") if self.border == "include": if self.use_full_layout: order = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(n_samples))) else: order = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_samples))) if order < 2: order = 2 h = _create_uniform_grid_include_border(n_dim, order) elif self.border == "exclude": if self.use_full_layout: order = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(n_samples))) else: order = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_samples))) if order < 1: order = 1 h = _create_uniform_grid_exclude_border(n_dim, order) elif self.border == "only": if self.use_full_layout: order = int(np.floor(n_samples / 2.)) else: order = int(np.ceil(n_samples / 2.)) if order < 2: order = 2 h = _create_uniform_grid_exclude_border(n_dim, order) else: raise ValueError("Wrong value for border") if np.size(h, 0) > n_samples: rng.shuffle(h) h = h[:n_samples, :] elif np.size(h, 0) < n_samples: if self.append_border == "only": order = int(np.ceil((n_samples - np.size(h, 0)) / 2.)) if order < 2: order = 2 h2 = _create_uniform_grid_only_border(n_dim, order) elif self.append_border == "include": order = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_samples - np.size(h, 0)))) if order < 2: order = 2 h2 = _create_uniform_grid_include_border(n_dim, order) elif self.append_border == "exclude": order = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_samples - np.size(h, 0)))) if order < 1: order = 1 h2 = _create_uniform_grid_exclude_border(n_dim, order) else: raise ValueError("Wrong value for append_border") h = np.vstack((h, h2[:(n_samples - np.size(h, 0))])) rng.shuffle(h) else: rng.shuffle(h) h = space.inverse_transform(h) space.set_transformer(transformer) return h