Example #1
def test_ring_of_disagrees():
    Tests the known analytic solution to p=1 QAOA of the Ring of Disagrees
    See https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.03265.pdf (section 5.4.5)
    n_qubits = 8
    hamiltonian = ring_of_disagrees(n_qubits)
    p = 1
    # Known optimal angles
    betas = [np.pi/8]
    gammas = [np.pi/4]
    params = (betas,gammas)
    params_std = StandardParams([hamiltonian, p], params) 
    cost_fn = QAOACostFunctionOnWFSim(hamiltonian, params=params_std)
    exp_val = cost_fn(params_std.raw())

    assert np.isclose(exp_val, -6)
def test_StandardParams():
    params = StandardParams.linear_ramp_from_hamiltonian(hamiltonian,
    assert set(params.reg) == {0, 1, q1}
    assert np.allclose(params.x_rotation_angles, [[0.75] * 3, [0.25] * 3])
    assert np.allclose(params.z_rotation_angles, [[0.125], [0.375]])
    assert np.allclose(params.zz_rotation_angles, [[0.25, -0.5], [0.75, -1.5]])
    assert [params.qubits_singles
            ] == [term.get_qubits() for term in hamiltonian if len(term) == 1]
    # Test updating and raw output
    raw = np.random.rand(len(params))
    assert np.allclose(raw, params.raw())
def test_non_fourier_params_are_consistent():
    Check that StandardParams, StandardWithBiasParams and
    ExtendedParams give the same rotation angles, given the same data"""
    p1 = StandardParams.linear_ramp_from_hamiltonian(hamiltonian, 2, time=2)
    p2 = ExtendedParams.linear_ramp_from_hamiltonian(hamiltonian, 2, time=2)
    p3 = StandardWithBiasParams.linear_ramp_from_hamiltonian(hamiltonian,
    assert np.allclose(p1.x_rotation_angles, p2.x_rotation_angles)
    assert np.allclose(p2.x_rotation_angles, p3.x_rotation_angles)
    assert np.allclose(p1.z_rotation_angles, p2.z_rotation_angles)
    assert np.allclose(p2.z_rotation_angles, p3.z_rotation_angles)
    assert np.allclose(p1.zz_rotation_angles, p2.zz_rotation_angles)
    assert np.allclose(p2.zz_rotation_angles, p3.zz_rotation_angles)
def test_StandardParams_plot():
    ham_no_bias = PauliTerm("Z", 0)
    ham_no_bias *= PauliTerm("Z", 1)
    next_term = PauliTerm("Z", 0, -2.0)
    next_term *= PauliTerm("Z", 2)
    ham_no_bias += next_term

    p = 5
    params = StandardParams.linear_ramp_from_hamiltonian(hamiltonian, p)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    # plt.show()

    p = 8
    params = StandardParams((hamiltonian, p), ([0.1] * p, [0.2] * p))
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    # plt.show()

    p = 2
    params = StandardParams((ham_no_bias, p), ([5] * p, [10] * p))
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
def test_parameter_empty():
    p = ExtendedParams.empty((hamiltonian, 4))
    assert isinstance(p, ExtendedParams)
    assert p.betas.shape == (4, 3)
    assert p.gammas_singles.shape == (4, 1)
    assert p.gammas_pairs.shape == (4, 2)

    p = StandardParams.empty((hamiltonian, 4))
    assert isinstance(p, StandardParams)
    assert p.betas.shape == (4, )
    assert p.gammas.shape == (4, )

    p = StandardWithBiasParams.empty((hamiltonian, 4))
    assert isinstance(p, StandardWithBiasParams)
    assert p.betas.shape == (4, )
    assert p.gammas_singles.shape == (4, )
    assert p.gammas_pairs.shape == (4, )

    p = AnnealingParams.empty((hamiltonian, 4, 2.0))
    assert isinstance(p, AnnealingParams)
    assert p.schedule.shape == (4, )

    p = FourierParams.empty((hamiltonian, 4, 2))
    assert isinstance(p, FourierParams)
    assert p.u.shape == (2, )
    assert p.v.shape == (2, )

    p = FourierWithBiasParams.empty((hamiltonian, 4, 2))
    assert isinstance(p, FourierWithBiasParams)
    assert p.u_singles.shape == (2, )
    assert p.u_pairs.shape == (2, )
    assert p.v.shape == (2, )

    p = FourierExtendedParams.empty((hamiltonian, 4, 2))
    assert isinstance(p, FourierExtendedParams)
    assert p.u_singles.shape == (2, 1)
    assert p.u_pairs.shape == (2, 2)
    assert p.v.shape == (2, 3)
Example #6
def test_standard_to_standard_with_bias():
    params = StandardParams.empty((hamiltonian, 4))
    params2 = standard_to_standard_w_bias(params)
    assert np.allclose(params.x_rotation_angles, params2.x_rotation_angles)
    assert np.allclose(params.z_rotation_angles, params2.z_rotation_angles)
    assert np.allclose(params.zz_rotation_angles, params2.zz_rotation_angles)
Example #7
# parameters
method = "Nelder-Mead"  # BFGS did not work very well when run as qvm
p_max = 5  # depends on speed [could be lower if time does not allow 5]
nshots = 100  # depends on speed [possibly needs some tweaking]

output = pd.DataFrame()

for p in range(1, p_max + 1):
    print('p=', p, '/', p_max)
    if p > 1:
        betas = next_angles(betas)
        gammas = next_angles(gammas)

    parameters = (betas, gammas)
    params = StandardParams([H, p], parameters)

    # NOTE - the optimiser will reach its maximum number of iterations, but for the parameters being used here,
    # the choice maxiter=200 seems to be more than sufficient to get to the optimum with high probability.
    cost_function = QAOACostFunctionOnQVM(-1 * H, params, qc, nshots=nshots)

    # minimizing with VQE
    res = minimize(cost_function,
                       "disp": True,
                       "maxiter": 200