Example #1
def eval_call(func, args):
    code = func[0]
    argnames = func[1]
    fenv = func[2]
    assert len(argnames) == len(args), "Wrong number of arguments : " + str(argnames)
    for i in range(len(argnames)):
        fenv = add_to_env(fenv, argnames[i], args[i])
    return eval_expr(fenv, code)
Example #2
def eval_main(env, code, args):
    for expr in code:
        if expr[0] == PARSED_CALL and expr[1][0][1] in ["let", "letrec"] and len(expr[1]) == 3:
            env = make_binding(env, expr[1][1], expr[1][2], expr[1][0][1] == "letrec")
        elif expr[0] == PARSED_CALL and expr[1][0][1] in ["let*", "letrec*"] and len(expr[1]) == 2:
            env = make_bindings(env, expr[1][1], expr[1][0][1] == "letrec*")
            print(show(eval_expr(env, expr)))
    env = add_to_env(env, "args ", make_string(args))
    print(show(eval_expr(env, (PARSED_CALL, [(PARSED_IDENT, "main"), (PARSED_IDENT, "args ")]))))
Example #3
def bind(env, bind_def, value):
    if bind_def[0] == PARSED_IDENT:
        if bind_def[1] == "[]":
            assert value[0] in [TYPE_NIL, TYPE_UNKNOWN, TYPE_ERROR]
            return env
        elif bind_def[1] == "_":
            return env
            return add_to_env(env, bind_def[1], value)
    elif is_call_to(bind_def, "cons"):
        return bind(bind(env, bind_def[1][1], tagged_head(value)), bind_def[1][2], tagged_tail(value))
Example #4
def make_bindings(env, bds, is_recursive=False):
    assert bds[0] == PARSED_CALL
    bds = bds[1]
    assert all(bd[0] == PARSED_CALL and len(bd[1]) == 2 for bd in bds)
    bind_defs = tuple(bd[1][0] for bd in bds)
    bind_values = tuple(bd[1][1] for bd in bds)
    if is_recursive:
        assert all(binding_is_func(bind_def) for bind_def in bind_defs)
    if not is_recursive:
        newenv = env
        for bind_def, bind_value in zip(bind_defs, bind_values):
            if not binding_is_func(bind_def):
                newenv = bind(newenv, bind_def, eval_expr(env, bind_value))
                newenv = add_to_env(newenv, bind_def[1][0][1], make_func(env, bind_def[1], bind_value))
        return newenv
    names = [bind_def[1][0][1] for bind_def in bind_defs]
    frecs = tuple(make_rec(env, names, bind_def, bind_value) for bind_def, bind_value in zip(bind_defs, bind_values))
    for i in range(len(names)):
        env = add_to_env(env, names[i], (TYPE_FIXPOINT, frecs, frecs[i], names[i]))
    return env
Example #5
def make_binding(env, bind_def, bind_value, is_recursive=False):
    if is_recursive:
        assert binding_is_func(bind_def), "Incorrect recursive binding"
    if bind_def[0] == PARSED_IDENT:
        return bind(env, bind_def, eval_expr(env, bind_value))
    elif is_call_to(bind_def, "cons"):
        return bind(env, bind_def, eval_expr(env, bind_value))
    elif bind_def[0] == PARSED_CALL:
        if is_recursive:
            name = bind_def[1][0][1]
            frec = make_rec(env, [name], bind_def, bind_value)
            return add_to_env(env, name, (TYPE_FIXPOINT, (frec,), frec, name))
        return make_func_in_env(env, bind_def[1], bind_value)
        raise Exception("Incorrect binding")
Example #6
def make_func_in_env(env, func_def, func_code):
    return add_to_env(env, func_def[0][1], make_func(env, func_def, func_code))