sfdcQuery = """
				SELECT Email, MailingPostalCode, Phone, Authorized_Support_Contact__c 
				FROM Contact 
				WHERE LastModifiedDate > %(startTime)s
				""" % startTime
	sfdcResults = sfdc.sfdc_query(sfdcQuery)

	for contact in sfdcResults['results']:
		data = { }
		data['tags'] = []
		user_id = 0
		# Verify the user has already been created in Zendesk
		if contact['Email'] != '':
			email = contact['Email']
			z = zd.search_by_email(email)
			if z['count']:
				user_id = z['users'][0]['id'] 
				data["email"] = email	
		# Only update Zendesk if the user already exists	
		if user_id:
			# Process the Postal Code to determine Time Zone
			if contact['MailingPostalCode'] != '':
				postalcode = re.search('^[0-9]{5}', contact['MailingPostalCode'])
				if postalcode is not None: 
					timezone = mysqlDb.get_timezone_by_zip(postalcode.group())
					if timezone != '':
						data["time_zone"] = timezone
			# Check to see if the user is an Authorized Contact