def main(_): FLAGS.agent = model(params=FLAGS) FLAGS.environment = get_env(FLAGS) FLAGS.act = action() FLAGS.step_max = FLAGS.environment.data_len() FLAGS.train_freq = 40 FLAGS.update_q_freq = 50 FLAGS.gamma = 0.97 FLAGS.show_log_freq = 5 FLAGS.memory = [] #Experience(FLAGS.memory_size) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver = tf.train.Saver() #创建用于保存模型的目录 if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.model_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.model_dir) start = time.time() with tf.Session() as sess: eval = evaluation(FLAGS, sess) ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAGS.model_dir) if ckpt: print('Loading Model...') saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) total_step = 1 print('\t'.join( map(str, [ "epoch", "epsilon", "total_step", "rewardPerEpoch", "profits", "lossPerBatch", "elapsed_time" ]))) for epoch in range(FLAGS.epoch_num): avg_loss_per_batch, total_reward, total_step, profits = run_epch( FLAGS, sess, total_step) # total_rewards.append(total_reward) # total_losses.append(total_loss) if (epoch + 1) % FLAGS.show_log_freq == 0: # log_reward = sum(total_rewards[((epoch+1)-FLAGS.show_log_freq):])/FLAGS.show_log_freq # log_loss = sum(total_losses[((epoch+1)-FLAGS.show_log_freq):])/FLAGS.show_log_freq elapsed_time = time.time() - start #print('\t'.join(map(str, [epoch+1, FLAGS.act.epsilon, total_step, log_reward, log_loss, elapsed_time]))) print('\t'.join( map(str, [ epoch + 1, FLAGS.act.epsilon, total_step, total_reward, profits, avg_loss_per_batch, elapsed_time ]))) start = time.time() sess, FLAGS.model_dir + '\model-' + str(epoch + 1) + '.ckpt') eval.eval()
def evaluate(): if ARGS.replay == 'PER': filename = ARGS.results_path + "/" + 'weights_' + str(ARGS.replay) + \ '_' + ARGS.pmethod + '_' + ARGS.env + '' else: filename = ARGS.results_path + "/" + 'weights_' + str( ARGS.replay) + '_' + ARGS.env + '' env, (input_size, output_size) = get_env(ARGS.env) # set env seed env.seed(ARGS.seed_value) network = { 'CartPole-v1': CartNetwork(input_size, output_size, ARGS.num_hidden).to(device), 'MountainCar-v0': MountainNetwork(input_size, output_size, ARGS.num_hidden).to(device), 'LunarLander-v2': LanderNetwork(input_size, output_size, ARGS.num_hidden).to(device) } model = network[ARGS.env] model.eval() if os.path.isfile(filename): print(f"Loading weights from {filename}") # weights = torch.load(filename) weights = torch.load(filename, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.load_state_dict(weights['policy']) else: print("Please train the model or provide the saved '' file") episode_durations = [] for i in range(20): state = env.reset() done = False steps = 0 while not done: steps += 1 with torch.no_grad(): state = torch.tensor(state, dtype=torch.float).to(device) action = get_action(state, model).item() state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) env.render() episode_durations.append(steps) print(i) env.close() plt.plot(episode_durations) plt.title('Episode durations')
def main(args): __log.setLevel(level=getattr(logging, args.log_level)) os.makedirs(args.save_dir, exist_ok=True) env = get_env(args.env, app_path=args.app_path) actor = get_actor(, input_shapes=[[None, env.state_size]], output_shapes=[[None, env.action_size]], load_path=args.ckpt_actor) if args.train: Algorithm = get_algorithm(args.algorithm) algorithm = Algorithm(env=env, actor=actor)**vars(args)) if args.eval: evaluate(env, actor, n_eval_episode=args.n_eval_episode) if show_agent_play(env, actor)
def main(): # update this disctionary as per the implementation of methods memory = { 'NaiveReplayMemory': NaiveReplayMemory, 'CombinedReplayMemory': CombinedReplayMemory, 'PER': PrioritizedReplayMemory } if ARGS.adaptive_buffer: # Introduces the buffer manager for the adaptive buffer size. manage_memory = BufferSizeManager(initial_capacity=ARGS.buffer, size_change=ARGS.buffer_step_size) # environment env, (input_size, output_size) = get_env(ARGS.env) env.seed(ARGS.seed_value) network = { 'CartPole-v1': CartNetwork(input_size, output_size, ARGS.num_hidden).to(device), 'MountainCar-v0': MountainNetwork(input_size, output_size, ARGS.num_hidden).to(device), 'LunarLander-v2': LanderNetwork(input_size, output_size, ARGS.num_hidden).to(device) } # create new file to store durations i = 0 fd_name = ARGS.results_path + "/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str( ARGS.replay) + "_" + str( ARGS.pmethod) + '_' + ARGS.env + "_durations0.txt" exists = os.path.isfile(fd_name) while exists: i += 1 fd_name = ARGS.results_path + "/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str( ARGS.replay) + "_" + str( ARGS.pmethod) + '_' + ARGS.env + "_durations%d.txt" % i exists = os.path.isfile(fd_name) fd = open(fd_name, "w+") # create new file to store rewards i = 0 fr_name = ARGS.results_path + "/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str( ARGS.replay) + "_" + str( ARGS.pmethod) + '_' + ARGS.env + "_rewards0.txt" exists = os.path.isfile(fr_name) while exists: i += 1 fr_name = ARGS.results_path + "/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str( ARGS.replay) + "_" + str( ARGS.pmethod) + '_' + ARGS.env + "_rewards%d.txt" % i exists = os.path.isfile(fr_name) fr = open(fr_name, "w+") # Save experiment hyperparams i = 0 exists = os.path.isfile(ARGS.results_path + "/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str(ARGS.replay) + "_" + str(ARGS.pmethod) + '_' + ARGS.env + "_info0.txt") while exists: i += 1 exists = os.path.isfile(ARGS.results_path + "/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str(ARGS.replay) + "_" + str(ARGS.pmethod) + '_' + ARGS.env + "_info%d.txt" % i) fi = open( ARGS.results_path + "/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str(ARGS.replay) + "_" + str(ARGS.pmethod) + '_' + ARGS.env + "_info%d.txt" % i, "w+") file_counter = i fi.write(str(ARGS)) fi.close() # -----------initialization--------------- if ARGS.replay == 'PER': replay = memory[ARGS.replay](ARGS.buffer, ARGS.pmethod) filename = ARGS.results_path + "/" + str( ARGS.buffer ) + "_" + 'weights_' + str( ARGS.replay ) + '_' + ARGS.pmethod + '_' + ARGS.env + "" % ARGS.seed_value # file_counter # +'' else: replay = memory[ARGS.replay](ARGS.buffer) filename = ARGS.results_path + "/" + str( ARGS.buffer ) + "_" + 'weights_' + str( ARGS.replay ) + '_' + ARGS.env + "" % ARGS.seed_value # file_counter # +'' model = network[ARGS.env] # local network model_target = network[ARGS.env] # target_network optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), # Count the steps (do not reset at episode start, to compute epsilon) global_steps = 0 episode_durations = [] rewards_per_episode = [] buffer_sizes = [] scores_window = deque(maxlen=100) eps = ARGS.EPS # ------------------------------------------------------- for i_episode in tqdm(range(ARGS.num_episodes), ncols=50): # Sample a transition s = env.reset() done = False epi_duration = 0 r_sum = 0 buffer_sizes.append(len(replay)) # for debugging purposes: if (ARGS.debug_mode): print( f"buffer size: {len(replay)}, r: {episode_durations[-1] if len(episode_durations) >= 1 else 0}" ) render_env_bool = False if (ARGS.render_env > 0) and not (i_episode % ARGS.render_env): render_env_bool = True env.render() max_steps = 1000 for t in range(max_steps): # eps = get_epsilon(global_steps) # Comment this to to not use linear decay model.eval() a = select_action(model, s, eps) model.train() s_next, r, done, _ = env.step(a) beta = None # The TD-error is necessary if replay == PER OR if we are using adaptive buffer and the memory is full get_td_error = (ARGS.replay == 'PER') or (ARGS.adaptive_buffer and replay.memory_full()) if get_td_error: state = torch.tensor(s, dtype=torch.float).to(device).unsqueeze(0) action = torch.tensor( a, dtype=torch.int64).to(device).unsqueeze( 0) # Need 64 bit to use them as index next_state = torch.tensor( s_next, dtype=torch.float).to(device).unsqueeze(0) reward = torch.tensor( r, dtype=torch.float).to(device).unsqueeze(0) done_ = torch.tensor(done, dtype=torch.uint8).to(device).unsqueeze(0) with torch.no_grad(): q_val = compute_q_val(model, state, action) target = compute_target(model_target, reward, next_state, done_, ARGS.discount_factor) td_error = F.smooth_l1_loss(q_val, target) if ARGS.adaptive_buffer and replay.memory_full(): new_buffer_size = manage_memory.update_memory_size( td_error.item()) replay.resize_memory(new_buffer_size) if ARGS.replay == 'PER': replay.push(abs(td_error), (s, a, r, s_next, done)) beta = get_beta(i_episode, ARGS.num_episodes, ARGS.beta0) else: replay.push((s, a, r, s_next, done)) loss = train(model, model_target, replay, optimizer, ARGS.batch_size, ARGS.discount_factor, ARGS.TAU, global_steps, beta=beta) s = s_next epi_duration += 1 global_steps += 1 if done: break r_sum += r # visualize if render_env_bool: env.render() eps = max(0.01, ARGS.eps_decay * eps) rewards_per_episode.append(r_sum) episode_durations.append(epi_duration) scores_window.append(r_sum) # store episode data in files fr.write("%d\n" % r_sum) fr.close() fr = open(fr_name, "a") fd.write("%d\n" % epi_duration) fd.close() fd = open(fd_name, "a") if i_episode % 100 == 0: print('\rEpisode {}\tAverage Score: {:.2f}'.format( i_episode, np.mean(scores_window))) # if np.mean(scores_window)>=200.0: # print('\nEnvironment solved in {:d} episodes!\tAverage Score: {:.2f}'.format(i_episode-100, np.mean(scores_window))) # break # if epi_duration >= 500: # this value is environment dependent # print("Failed to complete in trial {}".format(i_episode)) # else: # print("Completed in {} trials".format(i_episode)) # break # close files fd.close() fr.close() env.close() # TODO: save all stats in numpy (pickle) b_name = ARGS.results_path + "/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str( ARGS.replay) + "_" + str( ARGS.pmethod) + '_' + ARGS.env + "_buffers_sizes_" + str( ARGS.seed_value), buffer_sizes) print(f"max episode duration {max(episode_durations)}") print(f"Saving weights to {filename}") { # You can add more here if you need, e.g. critic 'policy': model.state_dict() # Always save weights rather than objects }, filename) plt.plot(smooth(episode_durations, 10)) plt.title('Episode durations per episode') # plt.savefig(ARGS.images_path + "/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str(ARGS.replay) + '_' + ARGS.pmethod + '_' + ARGS.env + '_Episode' + "%d.png" % ARGS.seed_value) # file_counter) plt.plot(smooth(rewards_per_episode, 10)) plt.title("Rewards per episode") # plt.savefig(ARGS.images_path + "/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str(ARGS.replay) + '_' + ARGS.pmethod + '_' + ARGS.env + '_Rewards' + "%d.png" % ARGS.seed_value) # file_counter) return episode_durations
def main(): #update this disctionary as per the implementation of methods memory = { 'NaiveReplayMemory': NaiveReplayMemory, 'CombinedReplayMemory': CombinedReplayMemory, 'PER': PrioritizedReplayMemory } # environment env, (input_size, output_size) = get_env(ARGS.env) # env.seed(seed_value) network = { 'CartPole-v1': CartNetwork(input_size, output_size, ARGS.num_hidden).to(device), 'MountainCar-v0': MountainNetwork(input_size, output_size, ARGS.num_hidden).to(device), 'LunarLander-v2': LanderNetwork(input_size, output_size, ARGS.num_hidden).to(device) } # create new file to store durations i = 0 fd_name = "results/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str( ARGS.replay) + "_" + str( ARGS.pmethod) + '_' + ARGS.env + "_durations0.txt" exists = os.path.isfile(fd_name) while exists: i += 1 fd_name = "results/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str( ARGS.replay) + "_" + str( ARGS.pmethod) + '_' + ARGS.env + "_durations%d.txt" % i exists = os.path.isfile(fd_name) fd = open(fd_name, "w+") # create new file to store rewards i = 0 fr_name = "results/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str( ARGS.replay) + "_" + str( ARGS.pmethod) + '_' + ARGS.env + "_rewards0.txt" exists = os.path.isfile(fr_name) while exists: i += 1 fr_name = "results/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str( ARGS.replay) + "_" + str( ARGS.pmethod) + '_' + ARGS.env + "_rewards%d.txt" % i exists = os.path.isfile(fr_name) fr = open(fr_name, "w+") # Save experiment hyperparams i = 0 exists = os.path.isfile("results/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str(ARGS.replay) + "_" + str(ARGS.pmethod) + '_' + ARGS.env + "_info0.txt") while exists: i += 1 exists = os.path.isfile("results/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str(ARGS.replay) + "_" + str(ARGS.pmethod) + '_' + ARGS.env + "_info%d.txt" % i) fi = open( "results/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str(ARGS.replay) + "_" + str(ARGS.pmethod) + '_' + ARGS.env + "_info%d.txt" % i, "w+") file_counter = i fi.write(str(ARGS)) fi.close() #-----------initialization--------------- if ARGS.replay == 'PER': replay = memory[ARGS.replay](ARGS.buffer, ARGS.pmethod) filename = "results/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + 'weights_' + str( ARGS.replay ) + '_' + ARGS.pmethod + '_' + ARGS.env + "" % file_counter # +'' else: replay = memory[ARGS.replay](ARGS.buffer) filename = "results/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + 'weights_' + str( ARGS.replay) + '_' + ARGS.env + "" % file_counter #+'' model = network[ARGS.env] # local network model_target = network[ARGS.env] # target_network optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), global_steps = 0 # Count the steps (do not reset at episode start, to compute epsilon) episode_durations = [] # rewards_per_episode = [] scores_window = deque(maxlen=100) eps = ARGS.EPS #------------------------------------------------------- for i_episode in tqdm(range(ARGS.num_episodes)): # YOUR CODE HERE # Sample a transition s = env.reset() done = False epi_duration = 0 r_sum = 0 for t in range(1000): # eps = get_epsilon(global_steps) # Comment this to to not use linear decay model.eval() a = select_action(model, s, eps) model.train() s_next, r, done, _ = env.step(a) beta = None if ARGS.replay == 'PER': state = torch.tensor(s, dtype=torch.float).to(device).unsqueeze(0) action = torch.tensor( a, dtype=torch.int64).to(device).unsqueeze( 0) # Need 64 bit to use them as index next_state = torch.tensor( s_next, dtype=torch.float).to(device).unsqueeze(0) reward = torch.tensor( r, dtype=torch.float).to(device).unsqueeze(0) done_ = torch.tensor(done, dtype=torch.uint8).to(device).unsqueeze(0) with torch.no_grad(): q_val = compute_q_val(model, state, action) target = compute_target(model_target, reward, next_state, done_, ARGS.discount_factor) td_error = F.smooth_l1_loss(q_val, target) replay.push(td_error, (s, a, r, s_next, done)) beta = get_beta(i_episode, ARGS.num_episodes, ARGS.beta0) else: replay.push((s, a, r, s_next, done)) loss = train(model, model_target, replay, optimizer, ARGS.batch_size, ARGS.discount_factor, ARGS.TAU, global_steps, beta=beta) s = s_next epi_duration += 1 global_steps += 1 if done: break r_sum += r #visualize # env.render() eps = max(0.01, ARGS.eps_decay * eps) rewards_per_episode.append(r_sum) episode_durations.append(epi_duration) scores_window.append(r_sum) # store episode data in files fr.write("%d\n" % r_sum) fr.close() fr = open(fr_name, "a") fd.write("%d\n" % epi_duration) fd.close() fd = open(fd_name, "a") if i_episode % 100 == 0: print('\rEpisode {}\tAverage Score: {:.2f}'.format( i_episode, np.mean(scores_window))) # if np.mean(scores_window)>=200.0: # print('\nEnvironment solved in {:d} episodes!\tAverage Score: {:.2f}'.format(i_episode-100, np.mean(scores_window))) # break # if epi_duration >= 500: # this value is environment dependent # print("Failed to complete in trial {}".format(i_episode)) # else: # print("Completed in {} trials".format(i_episode)) # break # close files fd.close() fr.close() env.close() print(f"Saving weights to {filename}") { # You can add more here if you need, e.g. critic 'policy': model.state_dict() # Always save weights rather than objects }, filename) plt.plot(smooth(episode_durations, 10)) plt.title('Episode durations per episode') plt.savefig("images/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str(ARGS.replay) + '_' + ARGS.pmethod + '_' + ARGS.env + '_Episode' + "%d.png" % file_counter) plt.plot(smooth(rewards_per_episode, 10)) plt.title("Rewards per episode") plt.savefig("images/" + str(ARGS.buffer) + "_" + str(ARGS.replay) + '_' + ARGS.pmethod + '_' + ARGS.env + '_Rewards' + "%d.png" % file_counter) return episode_durations
def sample(self, n): return self.container.get_batch(n) def update(self, idx, error): self.container.update(idx, error) def __len__(self): return self.container.get_len() #sanity check if __name__=="__main__": capacity = 10 memory = PrioritizedReplayMemory(capacity)#CombinedReplayMemory(capacity)#NaiveReplayMemory(capacity) env, _ = get_env("Acrobot-v1") # Sample a transition s = env.reset() a = env.action_space.sample() s_next, r, done, _ = env.step(a) # Push a transition err = 0.5 memory.push(err,(s, a, r, s_next, done)) # Sample a batch size of 1 print(memory.sample(1))
from collections import OrderedDict import json import sys from environment import get_env Lock = get_env("Lock") class EOF(Exception): pass class InvalidInput(Exception): pass # TODO error handling class Connection(object): def __init__(self, read, write): self._read = read self._write = write self._write_lock = Lock() def serve(self, once=False): state = 0 while not self._read.closed: if state == 0: headers = {} state = 1
def __init__(self, params, sess): self.env = get_env(params, tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL) self.params = params self.sess = sess
def forward(self, state): x = F.relu(self.fc1(state)) x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) return self.fc3(x) #TODO: implement a network based on obeservation. Also use CNNs if __name__=="__main__": # Let's instantiate and test if it works num_hidden = 128 torch.manual_seed(1234) env, _size = get_env("Acrobot-v1") input_size, output_size = _size # Sample a transition s = env.reset() a = env.action_space.sample() s_next, r, done, _ = env.step(a) model = QNetwork(input_size, output_size, num_hidden) torch.manual_seed(1234) test_model = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(input_size, num_hidden), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(num_hidden, output_size) )
from collections import deque import json import os import time from connection import Resolver, EOF from environment import get_env Lock, sleep, spawn, subprocess, Popen = get_env( "Lock", "sleep", "spawn", "subprocess", "Popen" ) class CannotRunError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, originalException=None): self.originalException = originalException super(CannotRunError, self).__init__(message) # The requests implementation is more complex here if you don't want to send # a different request per plugin based on when you last got results from it. class PluginBridge(object): def __init__(self, name, metadata_path): self._name = name self._metadata_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(metadata_path)) with open(metadata_path, "rb") as f: self._metadata = json.load(f) self._proc = None self._resolver = False self._requests = deque() self._requests_lock = Lock() self._request_start_time = None
lams = np.zeros(shape = (len(demand_points_list), time_horizon)) # arrival rates for hospitalisation for each demand point for different for i in range(len(demand_points_list)): lams[i] = np.random.normal(hospitalisation_mean[i], hospitalisation_sd[i], time_horizon) burn_rate_mean = [6, 6, 6, 6, 6] # burn rate mean (burn rate is calculated per day per patient) burn_rate_sd = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2] # burn rate sd death_rate = 0.04 # Proportion of people hospitalised that die mean_LOS_death = 7 # Avergae LOS (Length of Stay) for patients that die (in days) mean_LOS_discharge = 10 # Average LOS for patients that get discarhegd (in days) avg_interarrival_time_supply = 7 # On an average weekly interarrival between supplies supply_amount = 10000 vehicles = 100 # Rendering the environement env = get_env(demand_points_list, vehicles, time_horizon) env.set(initial_inv = initial_inv , lams = lams, hospitalisation_trend = hospitalisation_trend, burn_rate_mean = burn_rate_mean, burn_rate_sd = burn_rate_sd, death_rate = death_rate , mean_LOS_death = mean_LOS_death, mean_LOS_discharge = mean_LOS_discharge, average_interarrival_time = avg_interarrival_time_supply, supply_amount = supply_amount) # Simulating states/state variables if no action is taken env.actionlesss_simulation() ## Plotting the results of the simulation # Plotting hospitalisations, deaths, discharges and active cases for each demand point by day plot.plot_cases(time_horizon, env, demand_points_list) # Plotting PPE inventory for each demand point by day