class TestDashCapMSingleInputAbsolutePathWithIncludeSubdir( DependencyInfoStdoutMatch): """Tests -M with single input file which does #include another file in a subdirectory of current directory and is represented in absolute path. e.g. glslc -M /usr/local/a.vert => a.vert.spv: /usr/local/a.vert /usr/local/include/b.vert """ environment = Directory('.', [ Directory('include', [File('b.vert', 'void foo(){}\n')]), ]) shader_main = FileShader('#version 140\n#include "include/b.vert"', '.vert') glslc_args = ['-M', shader_main] dependency_rules_expected = [{ 'target': shader_main, 'target_extension': '.spv', 'dependency': {shader_main} # The dependency here is not complete. we can not get the absolute # path of include/b.vert here. It will be added in # check_stdout_dependency_info() }] def check_stdout_dependency_info(self, status): # Add the absolute path of include/b.vert to the dependency set self.dependency_rules_expected[0]['dependency'].add( os.path.dirname(self.shader_main.filename) + '/include/b.vert') return DependencyInfoStdoutMatch.check_stdout_dependency_info( self, status)
class TestWorkDirEqInArg(expect.ValidNamedObjectFile): """Tests -working-directory=<dir-with-equal-sign-inside>.""" environment = Directory('.', [ Directory('=subdir', [File('shader.vert', 'void main() {}')]), ]) glslc_args = ['-working-directory==subdir', 'shader.vert'] expected_object_filenames = ('a.spv', )
class VerifyIncludeSubdir(expect.StdoutMatch): """Tests #including a file from a subdirectory.""" environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.vert', '#version 140\ncontent a1\n#include "subdir/a"\ncontent a2\n'), Directory('subdir', [File('a', 'content suba\n')])]) glslc_args = ['-E', 'a.vert'] expected_stdout = \ """#version 140
class VerifyCompileIncludeSubdir(expect.ValidObjectFile): """Tests #including a file from a subdirectory via full compilation.""" environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.vert', """#define BODY {} #include "subdir/a" void afun()BODY """), Directory('subdir', [File('a', 'void main() BODY\n')])]) glslc_args = ['a.vert']
class VerifyRelativeParent(expect.StdoutMatch): """Tests #including a parent file.""" environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.vert', '#version 140\ncontent a\n#include "b.glsl"\n'), File('c.glsl', 'content c\n'), Directory('foo', [File('b.glsl', '#include "../c.glsl"\ncontent b\n')]) ]) glslc_args = ['-E', 'a.vert', '-Ifoo'] expected_stdout = \ """#version 140
class VerifyRelativeNeighbourDirectory(expect.StdoutMatch): """Tests #including a relative file in a neighbour directory.""" environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.vert', '#version 140\ncontent a\n#include "foo/b.glsl"\n'), Directory('foo', [File('b.glsl', '#include "../bar/c.glsl"\ncontent b\n')]), Directory('bar', [File('c.glsl', 'content c\n')]) ]) glslc_args = ['-E', 'a.vert'] expected_stdout = \ """#version 140
class VerifyRelativeInclude(expect.StdoutMatch): """Tests #including a relative sibling.""" environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.vert', '#version 140\ncontent a\n#include "foo/b.glsl"\n'), Directory('foo', [ File('b.glsl', '#include "c.glsl"\ncontent b\n'), File('c.glsl', 'content c\n') ])]) glslc_args = ['-E', 'a.vert'] expected_stdout = \ """#version 140
class VerifyIncludeDeepSubdir(expect.StdoutMatch): """Tests #including a file from a subdirectory nested a few levels down.""" environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.vert', '#version 140\ncontent a1\n#include "dir/subdir/subsubdir/a"\ncontent a2\n'), Directory('dir', [ Directory('subdir', [ Directory('subsubdir', [File('a', 'content incl\n')])])])]) glslc_args = ['-E', 'a.vert'] expected_stdout = \ """#version 140
class TestWorkDirCompileFileOutput(expect.ValidNamedObjectFile): """Tests -working-directory=<dir> when compiling input file and specifying output filename.""" environment = Directory('.', [ Directory('subdir', [Directory('bin', []), File('shader.vert', MINIMAL_SHADER)]) ]) glslc_args = [ '-c', '-o', 'bin/spv', '-working-directory=subdir', 'shader.vert' ] # Output file should be generated into subdir/bin/. expected_object_filenames = ('subdir/bin/spv', )
class TestDashCapMSingleInputRelativePathWithDashI(DependencyInfoStdoutMatch): """Tests -M with single input file works with -I option. The #include directive does not specify 'include/' for the file to be include. e.g. glslc -M a.vert -I include => a.vert.spv: a.vert include/b.vert """ environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.vert', ('#version 140\n#include "b.vert"' '\nvoid main(){}\n')), Directory('include', [File('b.vert', 'void foo(){}\n')]), ]) glslc_args = ['-M', 'a.vert', '-I', 'include'] dependency_rules_expected = [{'target': 'a.vert.spv', 'dependency': {'a.vert', 'include/b.vert'}}]
class VerifyRelativeOnlyToSelf(expect.ErrorMessage): """Tests that a relative includes are only relative to yourself.""" environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.vert', '#version 140\ncontent a\n#include "foo/b.glsl"\n'), File('c.glsl', 'content c\n'), Directory('foo', [File('b.glsl', '#include "c.glsl"\ncontent b\n')]), ]) glslc_args = ['-E', 'a.vert'] expected_error = [ "foo/b.glsl:1: error: '#include' : Cannot find or open include file.\n", '1 error generated.\n' ]
class TestDashCapMSingleInputRelativePathWithIncludeSubdir( DependencyInfoStdoutMatch): """Tests -M with single input file which does #include another file in a subdirectory of current directory and is represented in relative path. e.g. glslc -M a.vert => a.vert.spv: a.vert include/b.vert """ environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.vert', ('#version 140\n#include "include/b.vert"' '\nvoid main(){}\n')), Directory('include', [File('b.vert', 'void foo(){}\n')]), ]) glslc_args = ['-M', 'a.vert'] dependency_rules_expected = [{'target': 'a.vert.spv', 'dependency': {'a.vert', 'include/b.vert'}}]
class TestFLimitFileSetsLowerMinTexelOffset(expect.ValidObjectFile): """Tests -flimit-file with lower than default argument. The shader uses that offset.""" limits_file = File('limits.txt', 'MinProgramTexelOffset -9') shader = File('shader.vert', shader_source_with_tex_offset(-9)) environment = Directory('.', [limits_file, shader]) glslc_args = ['-c',, '-flimit-file',]
class VerifyCompileIncludeDeepSubdir(expect.ValidObjectFile): """Tests #including a file from a subdirectory nested a few levels down via full compilation.""" environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.vert', """#version 140 #define BODY {} #include "dir/subdir/subsubdir/a" void afun()BODY """), Directory('dir', [ Directory('subdir', [ Directory('subsubdir', [File('a', 'void main() BODY\n')])])])]) glslc_args = ['a.vert']
class TestDashCapMDMultipleFileDisassemblyMode(expect.ValidNamedAssemblyFile, DependencyInfoFileMatch): """Tests that -MD generates dependency info file for multiple files in disassembly mode. e.g. glslc -MD a.vert b.vert -S => <a.vert.spvasm: valid SPIR-V assembly file> => <a.vert.spvasm.d: dependency info: "a.vert.spvasm: a.vert"> => <b.vert.spvasm: valid SPIR-V assembly file> => <b.vert.spvasm.d: dependency info: "b.vert.spvasm: b.vert"> """ environment = Directory( '.', [File('a.vert', MINIMAL_SHADER), File('b.vert', MINIMAL_SHADER)]) glslc_args = ['-MD', 'a.vert', 'b.vert', '-S'] expected_assembly_filenames = ( 'a.vert.spvasm', 'b.vert.spvasm', ) dependency_info_filenames = ['a.vert.spvasm.d', 'b.vert.spvasm.d'] dependency_info_files_expected_contents = [] dependency_info_files_expected_contents.append([{ 'target': 'a.vert.spvasm', 'dependency': {'a.vert'} }]) dependency_info_files_expected_contents.append([{ 'target': 'b.vert.spvasm', 'dependency': {'b.vert'} }])
class TestDashCapMDMultipleFilePreprocessingOnlyMode(expect.StdoutMatch, DependencyInfoFileMatch): """Tests that -MD generates dependency info file for multiple files in preprocessing only mode. e.g. glslc -MD a.vert b.vert -E => stdout: preprocess result of a.vert and b.vert => <a.vert.spv.d: dependency info: "a.vert.spv: a.vert"> => <b.vert.spv.d: dependency info: "b.vert.spv: b.vert"> """ environment = Directory( '.', [File('a.vert', MINIMAL_SHADER), File('b.vert', MINIMAL_SHADER)]) glslc_args = ['-MD', 'a.vert', 'b.vert', '-E'] dependency_info_filenames = ['a.vert.spv.d', 'b.vert.spv.d'] dependency_info_files_expected_contents = [] dependency_info_files_expected_contents.append([{ 'target': 'a.vert.spv', 'dependency': {'a.vert'} }]) dependency_info_files_expected_contents.append([{ 'target': 'b.vert.spv', 'dependency': {'b.vert'} }]) expected_stdout = ("#version 140\nvoid main(){ }\n" "#version 140\nvoid main(){ }\n")
class VerifyRelativeOverridesDashI(expect.StdoutMatch): """Tests that relative includes override -I parameters.""" environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.vert', '#version 140\ncontent a\n#include "b.glsl"\n'), File('b.glsl', 'content base_b\n'), Directory('foo', [ File('b.glsl', '#include "c.glsl"\ncontent b\n'), File('c.glsl', 'content c\n') ]) ]) glslc_args = ['-E', 'a.vert', '-Ifoo'] expected_stdout = \ """#version 140
class TestWorkDirEqNoArgCompileFile(expect.ValidNamedObjectFile): """Tests -working-directory=<empty> when compiling input file.""" environment = Directory('.', [EMPTY_SHADER_IN_SUBDIR]) glslc_args = ['-c', '-working-directory=', 'subdir/shader.vert'] # Output file should be generated into subdir/. expected_object_filenames = ('subdir/shader.vert.spv', )
class TestDashCapMDMultipleFile(expect.ValidNamedObjectFile, DependencyInfoFileMatch): """Tests that -MD generates dependency info file for multiple files. e.g. glslc -MD a.vert b.vert -c => <a.vert.spv: valid SPIR-V object file> => <a.vert.spv.d: dependency info: "a.vert.spv: a.vert"> => <b.vert.spv: valid SPIR-V object file> => <b.vert.spv.d: dependency info: "b.vert.spv: b.vert"> """ environment = Directory( '.', [File('a.vert', MINIMAL_SHADER), File('b.vert', MINIMAL_SHADER)]) glslc_args = ['-MD', 'a.vert', 'b.vert', '-c'] expected_object_filenames = ( 'a.vert.spv', 'b.vert.spv', ) dependency_info_filenames = ['a.vert.spv.d', 'b.vert.spv.d'] dependency_info_files_expected_contents = [] dependency_info_files_expected_contents.append([{ 'target': 'a.vert.spv', 'dependency': {'a.vert'} }]) dependency_info_files_expected_contents.append([{ 'target': 'b.vert.spv', 'dependency': {'b.vert'} }])
class TestDashCapMInputAbsolutePathWithInclude(DependencyInfoStdoutMatch): """Tests -M have included files represented in absolute paths when the input file is represented in absolute path. E.g. Assume a.vert has '#include "b.vert"' glslc -M /usr/local/a.vert => a.vert.spv: /usr/local/a.vert /usr/local/b.vert """ environment = Directory('.', [File('b.vert', 'void foo(){}\n')]) shader_main = FileShader( '#version 140\n#include "b.vert"\nvoid main(){}\n', '.vert') glslc_args = ['-M', shader_main] dependency_rules_expected = [{ 'target': shader_main, 'target_extension': '.spv', 'dependency': {shader_main} # The dependency here is not complete. we can not get the absolute path # of b.vert here. It will be added in check_stdout_dependency_info() }] def check_stdout_dependency_info(self, status): # Add the absolute path of b.vert to the dependency set self.dependency_rules_expected[0]['dependency'].add( os.path.dirname(self.shader_main.filename) + '/b.vert') return DependencyInfoStdoutMatch.check_stdout_dependency_info( self, status)
class TestPSSfromIncludedFile(expect.ValidObjectFile): """Tests that #pragma shader_stage() from included files works.""" environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.glsl', '#include "b.glsl"\n' 'void main() { gl_Position = vec4(1.); }\n'), File('b.glsl', '#pragma shader_stage(vertex)')]) glslc_args = ['-c', 'a.glsl']
class VerifyCompileIncludeOneSibling(expect.ValidObjectFile): """Tests #including a sibling file via full compilation.""" environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.vert', '#version 140\nvoid foo(){}\n#include "b"\n'), File('b', 'void main(){foo();}\n')]) glslc_args = ['a.vert']
class TestFLimitFileInvalidContents(expect.ErrorMessage): """Tests -flimit-file bad file contents.""" limits_file = File('limits.txt', 'thisIsBad') shader = File('shader.vert', shader_source_with_tex_offset(-9)) environment = Directory('.', [limits_file, shader]) glslc_args = ['-c',, '-flimit-file',] expected_error = 'glslc: error: -flimit-file error: invalid resource limit: thisIsBad\n'
class VerifyRelativeIncludeWithDashI(expect.StdoutMatch): """Tests #including a relative file from a -I directory.""" environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.vert', '#version 140\ncontent a\n#include "bar/b.glsl"\n'), Directory('foo', [ Directory('bar', [ File('b.glsl', '#include "c.glsl"\ncontent b\n'), ]), File('c.glsl', 'content c\n') ]) ]) glslc_args = ['-E', 'a.vert', '-Ifoo'] expected_stdout = \ """#version 140
class TestErrorDashCapMTWithMultipleInputFiles(expect.StderrMatch): """Tests that when -MT option is specified, only one input file should be provided.""" environment = Directory('.', [File('a.vert', MINIMAL_SHADER), File('b.vert', MINIMAL_SHADER)]) glslc_args = ['-M', 'a.vert', 'b.vert', '-c', '-MT', 'target'] expected_stderr = ['glslc: error: ' 'to specify dependency info file name or dependency ' 'info target, only one input file is allowed.\n']
class TestWorkDirDeepDir(expect.ValidNamedObjectFile): """Tests that -working-directory=<dir> works with directory hierarchies.""" environment = Directory('subdir', [ Directory('subsubdir', [ File('one.vert', 'void main() {}'), File('two.frag', 'void main() {}') ]), File('zero.vert', 'void main() {}') ]) glslc_args = [ '-c', 'zero.vert', 'subsubdir/one.vert', 'subsubdir/two.frag', '-working-directory=subdir' ] # Output file should be generated into subdir/. expected_object_filenames = ('subdir/zero.vert.spv', 'subdir/subsubdir/one.vert.spv', 'subdir/subsubdir/two.frag.spv')
class WorkDirDoesntAffectLinkedFile(expect.ValidNamedObjectFile): """A base class for tests asserting that -working-directory has no impact on the location of the output link file. """ environment = Directory( '.', [ Directory( 'subdir', [ File('shader.vert', 'void main(){}'), # Try to fake glslc into putting the linked file here, though it # shouldn't (because -working-directory doesn't impact -o). Directory('bin', []) ]), File('shader.vert', "fake file, doesn't compile."), Directory('bin', []) ])
class VerifyIncludeWithoutNewline(expect.ErrorMessageSubstr): """Tests a #include without a newline.""" environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.vert', '#version 140\n#include "b"'), File('b', 'content b\n')]) glslc_args = ['-E', 'a.vert'] expected_error_substr = 'expected newline after header name: b'
class TestMultipleWorkDir(expect.ValidNamedObjectFile): """Tests that if there are multiple -working-directory=<dir> specified, only the last one takes effect.""" environment = Directory('.', [EMPTY_SHADER_IN_SUBDIR]) glslc_args = [ '-c', '-working-directory=i-dont-exist', '-working-directory', 'i-think/me-neither', '-working-directory=subdir', 'shader.vert' ] # Output file should be generated into subdir/. expected_object_filenames = ('subdir/shader.vert.spv', )
class VerifyDashIAbsolutePath(expect.StdoutMatch): """Tests that -I parameters can be absolute paths.""" environment = Directory('.', [ File('a.vert', '#version 140\ncontent a\n#include "b.glsl"\n'), Directory('foo', {File('b.glsl', 'content b\n')}) ]) glslc_args = ['-E', 'a.vert', '-I', SpecializedString('$directory/foo')] expected_stdout = SpecializedString("""#version 140 #extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable #line 0 "a.vert" content a #line 0 "$directory/foo/b.glsl" content b #line 3 "a.vert" """)