Example #1
    def get_platform(return_name=False):
        """ Returns the platform that Kodi returns as it's host:

        * linux   - Normal Linux
        * UWP     - Windows Store App
        * OS X    - Apple OS
        * Windows - Windows OS
        * unknown - in case it's undetermined

        :param bool return_name:    If true a string value is returned
        :return: A string representing the host OS:
        :rtype: int|str


        if not EnvController.__CurrentPlatform:
            # let's cache the current environment as the call to the Kodi library is very slow.
            platform = Environments.Unknown
            # it's in the .\xbmc\GUIInfoManager.cpp
            if xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.linux"):
                platform = Environments.Linux
            elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.uwp"):
                platform = Environments.UWP
            elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.windows"):
                platform = Environments.Windows
            elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.ios"):
                platform = Environments.IOS
            elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.tvos"):
                platform = Environments.TVOS
            elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.osx"):
                platform = Environments.OSX
            elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.android"):
                platform = Environments.Android

            EnvController.__CurrentPlatform = platform
            Logger.info("Current platform determined to be: %s",

        if return_name:
            return Environments.name(EnvController.__CurrentPlatform)
            return EnvController.__CurrentPlatform
Example #2
    def get_channels(self, include_disabled=False, **kwargs):  # NOSONAR
        """ Retrieves all enabled channels within Retrospect.

        If updated channels are found, the those channels are indexed and the
        channel index is rebuild.

        :param bool include_disabled:   Boolean to indicate if we should include those channels
                                        that are explicitly disabled from the settings.
        :param dict kwargs:             Here for backward compatibility.

        :return: a list of ChannelInfo objects of enabled channels.
        :rtype: list[ChannelInfo]


        sw = StopWatch("ChannelIndex.get_channels Importer", Logger.instance())
        Logger.info("Fetching all enabled channels.")

        self.__allChannels = []
        valid_channels = []

        # What platform are we
        platform = envcontroller.EnvController.get_platform()

        channels_updated = False
        country_visibility = {}

        for channel_set in self.__channelIndex[self.__CHANNEL_INDEX_CHANNEL_KEY]:
            channel_set = self.__channelIndex[self.__CHANNEL_INDEX_CHANNEL_KEY][channel_set]
            channel_set_info_path = channel_set[self.__CHANNEL_INDEX_CHANNEL_INFO_KEY]
            channel_set_version = channel_set[self.__CHANNEL_INDEX_CHANNEL_VERSION_KEY]

            # Check if file exists. If not, rebuild index
            if not os.path.isfile(channel_set_info_path) and not self.__reindexed:
                Logger.warning("Missing channelSet file: %s.", channel_set_info_path)
                return self.get_channels()

            channel_infos = ChannelInfo.from_json(channel_set_info_path, channel_set_version)

            # Check if the channel was updated
            if self.__is_channel_set_updated(channel_infos[0]):
                # let's see if the index has already been updated this section, of not, do it and
                # restart the ChannelRetrieval.
                if not self.__reindexed:
                    # rebuild and restart
                    Logger.warning("Re-index channel index due to channelSet update: %s.", channel_set_info_path)
                    return self.get_channels()
                    Logger.warning("Found updated channelSet: %s.", channel_set_info_path)

                if not channels_updated:
                    # this was the first update found (otherwise channelsUpdated was True) show a message:
                    title = LanguageHelper.get_localized_string(LanguageHelper.InitChannelTitle)
                    text = LanguageHelper.get_localized_string(LanguageHelper.InitChannelText)
                    XbmcWrapper.show_notification(title, text, display_time=15000, logger=Logger.instance())
                channels_updated |= True

                # Initialise the channelset.

                # And perform all first actions for the included channels in the set
                for channel_info in channel_infos:

            # Check the channel validity
            for channel_info in channel_infos:
                if not self.__channel_is_correct(channel_info):

                # valid channel for this platform ?
                if not channel_info.compatiblePlatforms & platform == platform:
                    Logger.warning("Not loading: %s -> platform '%s' is not compatible.",
                                   channel_info, Environments.name(platform))

                # was the channel hidden based on language settings? We do some caching to speed
                # things up.
                if channel_info.language not in country_visibility:
                    country_visibility[channel_info.language] = AddonSettings.show_channel_with_language(channel_info.language)
                channel_info.visible = country_visibility[channel_info.language]

                # was the channel explicitly disabled from the settings?
                channel_info.enabled = AddonSettings.get_channel_visibility(channel_info)

                Logger.debug("Found channel: %s", channel_info)

        if channels_updated:
            Logger.info("New or updated channels found. Updating add-on configuration for all channels and user agent.")
            AddonSettings.update_add_on_settings_with_channels(valid_channels, Config)
            Logger.debug("No channel changes found. Skipping add-on configuration for channels.")
            # TODO: perhaps we should check that the settings.xml is correct and not broken?

        valid_channels.sort(key=lambda c: c.sort_key)
        visible_channels = [ci for ci in valid_channels if ci.visible and ci.enabled]
        Logger.info("Fetch a total of %d channels of which %d are visible.",


        if include_disabled:
            return valid_channels

        return visible_channels