def mee_ocp_central_difference(t,x,rho):

    delx = 1e-3*x/norm(x)

    dxdt_m = eom_mee_twobody_minfuel(t,x_m,rho)
    dxdt_p = eom_mee_twobody_minfuel(t,x_p,rho)

    for (j in range size(x)):
        jac[i,j] = (dxdt_p[i,j] - dxdt_m[i,j])/2/delx[j]

def residuals_mee_ocp(p0, tspan, states0, statesf, rho):
    Computes error between current final and desired final state for the low thrust,
    min-fuel, optimal trajectory using modified equinoctial elements.
    p0      -- current initial costate
    tspan   -- vector containing initial and final time
    states0 -- initial states
    statesf -- final states
    rho     -- switch smoothing parameter
    res -- residual
    numpy, scipy.integrate
    ## Computes the error between the current and desired final state.
    states_in = np.zeros(14)
    states_in[0:7] = states0[0:7]
    states_in[7:14] = p0[0:7]
    # sol = integrator(eom_mee_twobody_minfuel,(tspan[0],tspan[-1]),states_in,method='LSODA',rtol=1e-12)
    sol = integrator(lambda t, y: eom_mee_twobody_minfuel(t, y, rho),
    # Free final mass and free final true longitude (angle)
    res = np.linalg.norm(statesf[0:5] - sol.y[0:5, -1])
    return res
Example #3
def residuals(p0,tspan,states0,statesf,rho):
    ## Computes the error between the current and desired final state.
    states_in = np.zeros(14)
    states_in[0:7] = states0[0:7]
    states_in[7:14] = p0[0:7]
    # sol = integrator(eom_mee_twobody_minfuel,(tspan[0],tspan[-1]),states_in,method='LSODA',rtol=1e-12)
    sol = integrator(lambda t,y: eom_mee_twobody_minfuel(t,y,rho),tspan,states_in,method='LSODA',rtol=1e-12)
    # Free final mass and free final true longitude (angle)
    res = np.linalg.norm(statesf[0:5] - sol.y[0:5,-1])
    # print(res)
    return res
Example #4
def mps_mee_ocp(tspan, p0, states0, statesf, rho, mps_tol):
    # Method of particular solutions to solve Lambert's problem
    mps_err = 1
    cnt = 0
    IC = np.zeros(14)
    Del = np.zeros((5, 7))
    Del_plus = np.zeros((5, 7))
    Del_minus = np.zeros((5, 7))
    DEL = np.array([1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-5])
    # p0      = states0[7:14]
    MatInv = np.zeros((7, 7))
    res = np.zeros(7)
    del_p0 = np.zeros(7)
    while mps_err > mps_tol and cnt < 30:
        for tcnt in range(0, 15):
            if tcnt == 0:
                IC[0:7] = states0[0:7]
                IC[7:14] = p0[0:7]
            elif tcnt > 0 and tcnt < 8:
                IC[0:7] = states0[0:7]
                IC[7:14] = p0[0:7]
                IC[tcnt + 6] = IC[tcnt + 6] + DEL[tcnt - 1]
            elif tcnt > 7 and tcnt < 15:
                IC[0:7] = states0[0:7]
                IC[7:14] = p0[0:7]
                IC[tcnt + 6 - 7] = IC[tcnt + 6 - 7] - DEL[tcnt - 1 - 7]

            # Integrate Dynamics
            sol = integrator(lambda t, y: eom_mee_twobody_minfuel(t, y, rho),
            # sol = integrator(eom_mee_twobody_minfuel,(tspan[0],tspan[-1]),IC,method='LSODA',rtol=1e-12)
            soln = sol.y[0:7, -1]
            if tcnt == 0:
                ref = soln
                traj = sol
            elif tcnt > 0 and tcnt < 8:
                # Del_plus[0:5,tcnt-1] = (soln[0:5]-ref[0:5])/DEL  # Free final mass & free final true longitude (angle)
                Del_plus[0:5, tcnt - 1] = soln[
                    0:5]  # Free final mass & free final true longitude (angle)
            elif tcnt > 7 and tcnt < 15:
                Del_minus[0:5, tcnt - 1 - 7] = soln[
                    0:5]  # Free final mass & free final true longitude (angle)

        # Compute Updated Variables
        for i in range(5):
            for j in range(7):
                Del[i, j] = (Del_plus[i, j] - Del_minus[i, j]) / (2 * DEL[j])
        MatInv = np.linalg.pinv(Del)
        res = statesf[0:5] - ref[
            0:5]  # Free final mass & free final true longitude (angle)
        del_p0 = np.matmul(MatInv, res)
        p0 = p0 + del_p0
        DEL = 1e-5 * (p0 / np.linalg.norm(p0))

        # Compute Error
        mps_err = np.linalg.norm(res)

        # Counter
        cnt = cnt + 1

    return traj, p0, mps_err
eclipse = False  # Commented out in - too slow, need use a C++ eom and wrap in python)
while rho > 1e-4:

    if rho < 1e-3:
        mps_tol = 1e-5
        rho_rate = 0.95
    # Method of Particular Solutions
    [soln, p0, mps_err] = mps_mee_ocp(tspan, p0, mee0, meef, rho, eclipse,
    print("rho:", rho, "mps err:", mps_err)
    rho = rho * rho_rate

    # Update
    iter = iter + 1

# Final Solution
rho = rho / rho_rate  # rho for converged solution
mee0_new = np.zeros(14)
mee0_new[0:7] = mee0[0:7]
mee0_new[7:14] = p0[0:7]

# Check Solution
sol = integrator(lambda t, y: eom_mee_twobody_minfuel(t, y, rho, eclipse),
data = np.array(soln.y, dtype=float).T
time = np.array(soln.t, dtype=float).T
plot_mee_minfuel(time, data, rho, eclipse)