Example #1
def get_eos_tot_size(top_dir):

    top_size = 0
    subdir_sizes = {}
    iteration = 0
    dirs, files, sizes = eosutil.parse_eos_dir(top_dir)
    # only iterate once here to
    # get the directories
    if dirs:
        for sdir in dirs:
            subdir_sizes[sdir] = 0
            for stop, sdirs, sfiles, ssizes in eosutil.walk_eos(top_dir + '/' +
                for size in ssizes:
                    subdir_sizes[sdir] = subdir_sizes[sdir] + size

        top_size = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, subdir_sizes.values())

    for size in sizes:
        top_size += size

    return top_size, subdir_sizes
Example #2
def get_eos_tot_size( top_dir ) :

    top_size = 0
    subdir_sizes = {}
    iteration = 0
    dirs, files, sizes = eosutil.parse_eos_dir( top_dir )
    # only iterate once here to
    # get the directories
    if dirs :
        for sdir in dirs :
            subdir_sizes[sdir] = 0
            for stop, sdirs, sfiles, ssizes in eosutil.walk_eos( top_dir+'/'+sdir) :
                for size in ssizes :
                    subdir_sizes[sdir] = subdir_sizes[sdir] + size
        top_size = reduce(lambda x, y : x+y , subdir_sizes.values() )

    for size in sizes :
        top_size += size

    return top_size, subdir_sizes
def main() :

    if options.path is None :
        print 'Must provide a path'

    top_dir = options.path.split('/')[-1]
    output_file = 'anaysis_config_all.txt'
    output_path='/tmp/jkunkle/%s/%s' %(top_dir, output_file)

    # gahter a list of files
    ana_files = []
    if options.path.count( '/eos' ) :
        dirs, files, sizes = eosutil.parse_eos_dir( options.path )
        for file in files :
            if file.count('.txt') :
                ana_files.append( options.path + '/' + file )

        # if the output file is in the
        # list of input files, remove it
        # so it is not removed from
        # disk
        if len(ana_files) < 2 :
            print 'It looks like files have already been combined.  Will abort.'

        # sort the files so they have some reasonable ordering

        if output_file in ana_files :
            print 'Output file already in list of input files.  Has the script already been run on this directory?'
            ana_files.remove( output_file )

        print 'Will combine %d files' %len(ana_files)

        # copy files locally
        for filepath in ana_files :
            filename = filepath.split('/')[-1]
            eosutil.copy_eos_to_local( filepath, '/tmp/jkunkle/%s/%s' %(top_dir, filename) )

        print 'files copied locally'

        ## cat the files
        for filepath in ana_files :
            filename = filepath.split('/')[-1]

            os.system( 'echo "%s" >> %s' %(filename, output_path) )
            os.system( 'cat /tmp/jkunkle/%s/%s >> %s' %(top_dir, filename, output_path) )
            os.system( 'echo "" >> %s' %(output_path) )
            os.system( 'echo "" >> %s' %(output_path) )

        print 'catted files'

        eosutil.copy_eos_to_local( output_path, options.path +'/' + output_file )

        print 'copied output file to eos'

        # delete original file
        for filepath in ana_files :
            eosutil.rm_eos( filepath )

        print 'deleted %d files from eos' %len(ana_files)
        print '\033[1;32m^.^ FINISHED ^.^\033[0m'

    else :
        wrapper_files = []
        for top, dirs, files in os.walk( options.path ) :
            for file in files :
                if file.count('.txt') :
                    ana_files.append( top + '/' + file )

                elif file.count('wrapper') :
                    wrapper_files.append( top + '/' + file )

        # if the output file is in the
        # list of input files, remove it
        # so it is not removed from
        # disk
        if len(ana_files) < 2 :
            print 'It looks like files have already been combined.  Will abort.'

        # sort the files so they have some reasonable ordering

        print 'Will combine %d files' %len(ana_files)

        if output_file in ana_files :
            print 'Output file already in list of input files.  Has the script already been run on this directory?'
            ana_files.remove( output_file )

        # cat the files
        for filepath in ana_files :
            filename = filepath.split('/')[-1]
            os.system( 'echo  "%s" >> %s/%s ' %( filename, options.path, output_file ) )
            os.system( 'cat %s >> %s/%s' %(filepath, options.path, output_file) )
            os.system( 'echo "" >> %s/%s' %(options.path, output_file) )
            os.system( 'echo "" >> %s/%s' %(options.path, output_file) )

        # delete original file
        for filepath in ana_files+wrapper_files :
            os.system( 'rm %s ' %filepath )

        print 'deleted %d files ' %(len(ana_files)+len(wrapper_files))
        print '\033[1;32m^.^ FINISHED ^.^\033[0m'
Example #4
def main() :

    if options.path is None :
        print 'Must provide a path'

    top_dir = options.path.split('/')[-1]
    output_file = 'anaysis_config_all.txt'
    output_path='/tmp/jkunkle/%s/%s' %(top_dir, output_file)

    # gahter a list of files
    ana_files = []
    if options.path.count( '/eos' ) :
        dirs, files, sizes = eosutil.parse_eos_dir( options.path ) 
        for file in files :
            if file.count('.txt') :
                ana_files.append( options.path + '/' + file )

        # if the output file is in the 
        # list of input files, remove it
        # so it is not removed from 
        # disk
        if len(ana_files) < 2 :
            print 'It looks like files have already been combined.  Will abort.'

        # sort the files so they have some reasonable ordering

        if output_file in ana_files :
            print 'Output file already in list of input files.  Has the script already been run on this directory?'
            ana_files.remove( output_file )

        print 'Will combine %d files' %len(ana_files)

        # copy files locally
        for filepath in ana_files :
            filename = filepath.split('/')[-1]
            eosutil.copy_eos_to_local( filepath, '/tmp/jkunkle/%s/%s' %(top_dir, filename) )

        print 'files copied locally'

        ## cat the files
        for filepath in ana_files :
            filename = filepath.split('/')[-1]

            os.system( 'echo "%s" >> %s' %(filename, output_path) )
            os.system( 'cat /tmp/jkunkle/%s/%s >> %s' %(top_dir, filename, output_path) )
            os.system( 'echo "" >> %s' %(output_path) )
            os.system( 'echo "" >> %s' %(output_path) )

        print 'catted files'

        eosutil.copy_eos_to_local( output_path, options.path +'/' + output_file )
        print 'copied output file to eos'

        # delete original file
        for filepath in ana_files :
            eosutil.rm_eos( filepath )

        print 'deleted %d files from eos' %len(ana_files)
        print '\033[1;32m^.^ FINISHED ^.^\033[0m'

    else :
        wrapper_files = []
        for top, dirs, files in os.walk( options.path ) :
            for file in files :
                if file.count('.txt') :
                    ana_files.append( top + '/' + file )

                elif file.count('wrapper') :
                    wrapper_files.append( top + '/' + file )

        # if the output file is in the 
        # list of input files, remove it
        # so it is not removed from 
        # disk
        if len(ana_files) < 2 :
            print 'It looks like files have already been combined.  Will abort.'

        # sort the files so they have some reasonable ordering

        print 'Will combine %d files' %len(ana_files)

        if output_file in ana_files :
            print 'Output file already in list of input files.  Has the script already been run on this directory?'
            ana_files.remove( output_file )

        # cat the files
        for filepath in ana_files :
            filename = filepath.split('/')[-1]
            os.system( 'echo  "%s" >> %s/%s ' %( filename, options.path, output_file ) )
            os.system( 'cat %s >> %s/%s' %(filepath, options.path, output_file) ) 
            os.system( 'echo "" >> %s/%s' %(options.path, output_file) )
            os.system( 'echo "" >> %s/%s' %(options.path, output_file) )

        # delete original file
        for filepath in ana_files+wrapper_files :
            os.system( 'rm %s ' %filepath )

        print 'deleted %d files ' %(len(ana_files)+len(wrapper_files))
        print '\033[1;32m^.^ FINISHED ^.^\033[0m'