def test_bs(): with producer: args = { "buyer": { "name": "inita", "number": 1 }, "at_price": "2", "quantity": 4, "expiration": "2018-11-11T13:12:28", "fill_or_kill": 0 } scopes = ['exchange', 'inita'] permissions = {'inita': 'active'} r = eosapi.push_action('exchange', 'buy', args, scopes, permissions) args = { "seller": { "name": "initb", "number": 1 }, "at_price": "2", "quantity": 2, "expiration": "2018-11-11T13:12:28", "fill_or_kill": 0 } scopes = ['exchange', 'inita'] permissions = {'initb': 'active'} r = eosapi.push_action('exchange', 'sell', args, scopes, permissions) r = eosapi.get_table('exchange', 'exchange', 'account') print(r)
def update_auth3(): account = 'hello' permission = 'active' parent = 'owner' keys = [ 'EOS8TK6xU7M86WqRupHDUzAwwem4gzzDSXWA1byfD2KC1H8WWC9Dk', 'EOS6X5BmJUB95F6Tac5t87gTEZUcNGcJpW22MhTzbvMHfMXjiDAMu' ] keys.sort() a = { "account": account, "permission": permission, "parent": parent, "auth": { "threshold": 2, "keys": [{ "key": keys[0], "weight": 1 }, { "key": keys[1], "weight": 1 }], "accounts": [], "waits": [] } } eosapi.push_action('eosio', 'updateauth', a, {'hello': 'owner'})
def update_auth2(): account = 'hello' permission = 'active' parent = 'owner' a = { "account": account, "permission": permission, "parent": parent, "auth": { "threshold": 2, "keys": [{ "key": "EOS61MgZLN7Frbc2J7giU7JdYjy2TqnfWFjZuLXvpHJoKzWAj7Nst", "weight": 1 }], "accounts": [{ 'permission': { 'actor': 'hello', 'permission': 'owner' }, 'weight': 1 }], "waits": [] } } eosapi.push_action('eosio', 'updateauth', a, {'hello': 'owner'})
def test_deposit(): messages = [ [{ "from": "currency", "to": "inita", "quantity": 1000 }, ['currency', 'inita'], { 'currency': 'active' }], [{ "from": "currency", "to": "initb", "quantity": 1000 }, ['currency', 'initb'], { 'currency': 'active' }], [{ "from": "inita", "to": "exchange", "quantity": 1000 }, ['exchange', 'inita'], { 'inita': 'active' }], [{ "from": "initb", "to": "exchange", "quantity": 1000 }, ['exchange', 'initb'], { 'initb': 'active' }], ] for msg in messages: args, scopes, permissions = msg r = eosapi.push_action('currency', 'transfer', args, scopes, permissions) messages = [ [{ "from": "inita", "to": "exchange", "amount": 1000, "memo": "hello" }, ['exchange', 'inita'], { 'inita': 'active' }], [{ "from": "initb", "to": "exchange", "amount": 1000, "memo": "hello" }, ['exchange', 'initb'], { 'initb': 'active' }], ] for msg in messages: args, scopes, permissions = msg r = eosapi.push_action('eos', 'transfer', args, scopes, permissions) producer()
def func_wrapper(wasm=True, *args, **kwargs): eosapi.push_action('eosio', 'setpriv', { 'account': 'eosio.prods', 'is_priv': 1 }, {'eosio': 'active'}) r = eosapi.set_contract( 'eosio.prods', '../contracts/eosio.prods/eosio.prods.wast', '../contracts/eosio.prods/eosio.prods.abi', 0) return func(*args, **kwargs)
def undlbw(_from, _to, net, cpu): args = { 'from': _from, 'receiver': _to, 'unstake_net_quantity': '%.4f EOS' % (net, ), 'unstake_cpu_quantity': '%.4f EOS' % (cpu, ), 'transfer': False } eosapi.push_action('eosio', 'undelegatebw', args, {_from: 'active'})
def t3(count=100, sign=True): # tracemalloc.start() # snapshot1 = tracemalloc.take_snapshot() wast = '../../build/contracts/eosio.token/eosio.token.wast' key_words = b"hello,world" r = eosapi.set_contract('bugs', wast, '../../build/contracts/eosio.token/eosio.token.abi', 0) msg = {"issuer":"eosio","maximum_supply":"1000000000.0000 EOS","can_freeze":0,"can_recall":0, "can_whitelist":0} r = eosapi.push_action('bugs', 'create', msg, {'bugs':'active'}) r = eosapi.push_action('bugs','issue',{"to":"bugs","quantity":"1000000.0000 EOS","memo":""},{'eosio':'active'}) _src_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) for i in range(count): actions = [] #break the wasm cache key_words = b"hello,world" wast_file = os.path.join(_src_dir, '/Users/newworld/dev/pyeos/build/contracts/eosio.token/eosio.token.wast') with open(wast_file, 'rb') as f: data = replace_str = b"%d"%(int(time.time()),) replace_str.zfill(len(key_words)) data = data.replace(key_words, replace_str) wasm = eosapi.wast2wasm(data) raw_code = eosapi.pack_bytes(wasm) code = struct.pack('QBB', N('bugs'), 0, 0) code += raw_code act = [N('eosio'), N('setcode'), [[N('bugs'), N('active')]], code] setabi = eosapi.pack_setabi('../../build/contracts/eosio.token/eosio.token.abi', eosapi.N('bugs')) setabi_action = [N('eosio'), N('setabi'), [[N('bugs'), N('active')]], setabi] actions.append([act, setabi_action]) code = struct.pack('QBB', N('eosio.token'), 0, 0) code += raw_code act = [N('eosio'), N('setcode'), [[N('eosio.token'), N('active')]], code] setabi = eosapi.pack_setabi('../../build/contracts/eosio.token/eosio.token.abi', eosapi.N('eosio.token')) setabi_action = [N('eosio'), N('setabi'), [[N('eosio.token'), N('active')]], setabi] actions.append([act, setabi_action]) print('&'*50) cost_time = eosapi.push_transactions2(actions, sign) print('*'*50) msg = {"from":"bugs", "to":"eosio", "quantity":"0.0001 EOS", "memo":"%d"%(i,)} r = eosapi.push_action('bugs', 'transfer', msg, {'bugs':'active'}) print('='*20, 'cached module should be decreased by 1 as eosio.token load the same code as bugs') msg = {"from":"bugs", "to":"eosio", "quantity":"0.0001 EOS", "memo":"%d"%(i,)} r = eosapi.push_action('eosio.token', 'transfer', msg, {'bugs':'active'}) if i % 50 == 0: cost_time = eosapi.produce_block() eosapi.produce_block()
def test(name=None): with producer: if not name: name = 'mike' r = eosapi.push_action('greeter', 'setgreeting', name, {'greeter':'active'}) assert r with producer: r = eosapi.push_action('greeter', 'greeting', '' , {'greeter':'active'}) assert r
def create_tokens(): msg = {"issuer":"eosio","maximum_supply":"10000000000.0000 EOS"} r, cost = eosapi.push_action('eosio.token', 'create', msg, {'eosio.token':'active'}) assert r total_allocation = allocate_funds() r = eosapi.push_action('eosio.token','issue',{"to":"eosio","quantity":int_to_currency(total_allocation),"memo":""},{'eosio':'active'}) assert r
def test(msg='hello,world'): ''' with producer: r = eosapi.push_action('twitbot', 'sayhello', msg, {'twitbot':'active'}) assert r ''' msg = {"from":"eosio", "to":"hello", "quantity":"100.0000 EOS", "memo":"m"} r = eosapi.push_action('eosio.token', 'transfer', msg, {'eosio':'active'}) with producer: msg = {"from":"hello", "to":"twitbot", "quantity":"1.0000 EOS", "memo":"m"} r = eosapi.push_action('eosio.token', 'transfer', msg, {'hello':'active'})
def publish_system_contract(): contracts_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..', 'contracts') sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) for account in ['eosio.bios', 'eosio.msig', 'eosio.system', 'eosio.token']: print('account', account) if not eosapi.get_account(account): with producer: r = eosapi.create_account('eosio', account, key1, key2) assert r old_code = eosapi.get_code(account) if old_code: old_code = old_code[0] need_update = not old_code if old_code: print('+++++++++old_code[:4]', old_code[:4]) if old_code[:4] != b'\x00asm': old_code = eosapi.wast2wasm(old_code) wast = os.path.join(contracts_path, account, account + '.wast') code = open(wast, 'rb').read() code = eosapi.wast2wasm(code) print(len(code), len(old_code), old_code[:20]) if code == old_code: need_update = False if need_update: print('+++++++++code update', account) wast = os.path.join(contracts_path, account, account + '.wast') abi = os.path.join(contracts_path, account, account + '.abi') with producer: r = eosapi.set_contract(account, wast, abi, 0) if account == 'eosio.token': # msg = {"issuer":"eosio","maximum_supply":"1000000000.0000 EOS","can_freeze":0,"can_recall":0, "can_whitelist":0} with producer: msg = { "issuer": "eosio", "maximum_supply": "10000000000.0000 EOS" } r = eosapi.push_action('eosio.token', 'create', msg, {'eosio.token': 'active'}) assert r r = eosapi.push_action('eosio.token', 'issue', { "to": "eosio", "quantity": "1000.0000 EOS", "memo": "" }, {'eosio': 'active'}) assert r
def test(msg='hello,world'): msg = {"producer": "prod.aa", "account": "eosio"} r = eosapi.push_action('eosio.prods', 'votejit', { "producer": "prod.aa", "account": "eosio", 'last_code_update': 0 }, {'prod.aa': 'active'})
def t3(): r = eosapi.push_action('eosio.token', 'issue', { "to": "eosio", "quantity": "1000.0000 EOS", "memo": "" }, {'eosio': 'active'}) assert r
def call(func_name, args = (), amount=0): print(func_name, args) data =generate_call_params(func_name, args) print('+++call parameters:', data) args = {'from':'eosio', 'to':'evm', 'amount':amount, 'data':data} r = eosapi.push_action('evm', 'transfer', args, {'eosio':'active'}) print(r['elapsed'])
def delegate(name=None): with producer: if not name: name = 'hello' msg = struct.pack('QQ', eosapi.N('vote'), eosapi.N(name)) r = eosapi.push_action('vote', 'delegate', msg, {'vote': 'active'}) assert r
def deploy_mpy(): src_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) code = eosapi.N('backyard') for file_name in libs: print('deploy ', file_name) src_code = eosapi.mp_compile(os.path.join(src_dir, file_name)) file_name = file_name.replace('.py', '.mpy') src_id = eosapi.hash64(file_name, 0) itr = db.find_i64(code, code, code, src_id) if itr >= 0: #Something went wrong in mp_compile. #Generating different bytecode each time with the same source code, walkaround this problem for now continue old_src = db.get_i64(itr) if old_src[1:] == src_code: continue mod_name = file_name msg = int.to_bytes(len(mod_name), 1, 'little') msg += mod_name.encode('utf8') msg += int.to_bytes(1, 1, 'little') # compiled python bytecode msg += src_code print('++++++++++++++++deply:', file_name) r = eosapi.push_action('backyard','deploy',msg,{'backyard':'active'}) assert r
def deffer_send(): with producer: r = eosapi.push_action('apitest', 'deffersend', '', { 'apitest': 'active', 'hello': 'active' }) assert r
def test(name=None): with producer: if not name: name = 'mike' r = eosapi.push_action('kitties', 'sayhello', name, {'kitties': 'active'}) assert r
def unlock(msg='hello,world', wasm=False): with producer: r = eosapi.push_action('eosio', 'unlockcode', { 'unlocker': 'eosio', 'account': 'lockunlock' }, {'eosio': 'active'}) assert r
def giveRightToVote(name=None): with producer: if not name: name = 'mike' msg = struct.pack('QQ', eosapi.N('vote'), eosapi.N('hello')) r = eosapi.push_action('vote', 'giveright', msg, {'vote':'active'}) assert r
def start(beneficiary='hello', auctionEnd=None): if not auctionEnd: auctionEnd = int(time.time()+60) beneficiary = eosapi.N(beneficiary) msg = struct.pack('QQ', beneficiary, auctionEnd) r = eosapi.push_action('auction1','start', msg, {'auction1':'active'}) assert r
def issue2(): r = eosapi.push_action('tokentest', 'issue', { "to": "hello", "quantity": "10000000000.0000 EOS", "memo": "" }, {'eosio': 'active'}) assert r
def deploy_wast(): src_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) code = eosapi.N('backyard') for file_name in ('math.wast', ): print('deploy ', file_name) bin_code = None with open(os.path.join(src_dir, file_name), 'rb') as f: bin_code = eosapi.wast2wasm( src_id = eosapi.hash64(file_name, 0) itr = db.find_i64(code, code, code, src_id) if itr >= 0: old_src = db.get_i64(itr) if old_src[1:] == bin_code: continue mod_name = file_name msg = int.to_bytes(len(mod_name), 1, 'little') msg += mod_name.encode('utf8') msg += int.to_bytes(3, 1, 'little') # compiled cpp bytecode msg += bin_code print(msg) print('++++++++++++++++deply:', file_name) r = eosapi.push_action('backyard', 'deploy', msg, {'backyard': 'active'}) assert r
def deploy_mpy(): src_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) code = eosapi.N('backyard') for file_name in libs: print('deploy ', file_name) src_code = eosapi.mp_compile(os.path.join(src_dir, file_name)) file_name = file_name.replace('.py', '.mpy') src_id = eosapi.hash64(file_name, 0) itr = eoslib.db_find_i64(code, code, code, src_id) if itr >= 0: old_src = eoslib.db_get_i64(itr) if old_src[1:] == src_code: continue mod_name = file_name msg = int.to_bytes(len(mod_name), 1, 'little') msg += mod_name.encode('utf8') msg += int.to_bytes(1, 1, 'little') # compiled code msg += src_code print('++++++++++++++++deply:', file_name) r = eosapi.push_action('backyard', 'deploy', msg, {'backyard': 'active'}) assert r producer.produce_block()
def getValue(): main_class = '<stdin>:Greeter' greeter = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'greeter.sol') with open(greeter, 'r') as f: contract_source_code = contract_interface = compile(contract_source_code, main_class) # deploy(contract_interface) contract_abi = contract_interface['abi'] fn_identifier = 'getValue' for abi in contract_abi: if 'name' in abi and abi['name'] == fn_identifier: fn_abi = abi break args = () kwargs = {} data = web3.utils.contracts.encode_transaction_data( web3, fn_identifier, contract_abi, fn_abi, args, kwargs) print(data) data = data[2:] args = {'from': 'eosio', 'to': 'evm', 'amount': 1234567, 'data': data} # args = eosapi.pack_args('evm', 'transfer', args) # print(args) r = eosapi.push_action('evm', 'ethtransfer', args, {'eosio': 'active'}) print(r['elapsed'])
def test4(): with producer: msg = {"issuer": "eosio", "maximum_supply": "10000000000.0000 EOS"} r = eosapi.push_action('eosio.token', 'create', msg, {'eosio.token': 'active'}) print(r) assert r
def test(): producer() p = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../../programs/pyeos/contracts/mnist') sys.path.insert(0, p) import mnist_loader training_data, validation_data, test_data = mnist_loader.load_data_wrapper( ) print('load done!') training_data = list(training_data) txids = [] counter = 0 for d in training_data[:1]: data = pickle.dumps([ d, ]) data = zlib.compress(data) # print(data) r = eosapi.push_action('mnist', 'train', data, ['mnist'], {'mnist': 'active'}) assert r print(r.transaction_id) if r.transaction_id in txids: raise 'dumplicate ts id' txids.append(r.transaction_id) counter += 1 if counter % 50 == 0: print(counter) with producer: pass producer()
def delete(vm=''): debug.mp_set_max_execution_time(10000_000) account = 'vmstore' #eosapi.N('vmstore') msg = int.to_bytes(eosapi.N(vm), 8, 'little') #scope r = eosapi.push_action(account,'delete',msg,{account:'active'}) assert r
def start(beneficiary='hello', auctionEnd=10000): with producer: beneficiary = eosapi.N(beneficiary) msg = int.to_bytes(beneficiary, 8, 'little') msg += int.to_bytes(auctionEnd, 8, 'little') r = eosapi.push_action('auction1', 'start', msg, {'auction1': 'active'}) assert r
def deploy(): src_dir = get_src_dir() src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, '') with open(src_file, 'rb') as f: src = r = eosapi.push_action('deploytest', 'deploy', src, {'deploytest': 'active'}) assert r