Example #1
 def reduce(self, store_results=True):
     # Terminaison (leaf) node return results
     if not self.children:
         return self.load_state(name="results")
     # 1) Build sub-aggregates over children
     children_results = [child.reduce(store_results=False) for
         child in self.children]
     result_set = ResultSet(*children_results)
     if not self.reducer:
         return result_set
     # Group by key, without consideration of the fold/permutation number
     # which is the head of the key
     # use OrderedDict to preserve runing order
     from collections import OrderedDict
     groups = OrderedDict()
     for result in result_set:
         # remove the head of the key
         _, key_tail = key_pop(result["key"], index=0)
         result["key"] = key_tail
         key_tail = result["key"]
         if not key_tail in groups:
             groups[key_tail] = list()
     # For each key, stack results
     reduced = ResultSet()
     for key in groups:
         result_stacked = Result.stack(*groups[key])
     return reduced
Example #2
 def reduce(self, store_results=True):
     # Terminaison (leaf) node return results
     if not self.children:
         return self.load_state(name="results")
     # 1) Build sub-aggregates over children
     children_results = [
         child.reduce(store_results=False) for child in self.children
     result_set = ResultSet(*children_results)
     if not self.reducer:
         return result_set
     # Group by key, without consideration of the fold/permutation number
     # which is the head of the key
     # use OrderedDict to preserve runing order
     from collections import OrderedDict
     groups = OrderedDict()
     for result in result_set:
         # remove the head of the key
         _, key_tail = key_pop(result["key"], index=0)
         result["key"] = key_tail
         key_tail = result["key"]
         if not key_tail in groups:
             groups[key_tail] = list()
     # For each key, stack results
     reduced = ResultSet()
     for key in groups:
         result_stacked = Result.stack(*groups[key])
     return reduced
Example #3
 def reduce(self, store_results=True):
     children_results = [
         child.reduce(store_results=False) for child in self.children
     results = ResultSet(*children_results)
     if self.reducer:
         to_refit, best_params = self.reducer.reduce(results)
         Xy = self.load_results()
         Xy = self._results2dict(**Xy)
         self.refited = to_refit
         self.best_params = best_params
         out = self.refited.top_down(**Xy)
         out[conf.BEST_PARAMS] = best_params
         result = Result(key=self.get_signature(), **out)
         return ResultSet(result)
     return results
Example #4
 def reduce(self, store_results=True):
     # 1) Build sub-aggregates over children
     children_results = [
         child.reduce(store_results=False) for child in self.children
     results = ResultSet(*children_results)
     return results
Example #5
 def reduce(self, store_results=True):
     # 1) Build sub-aggregates over children
     children_result_set = [child.reduce(store_results=False) for
         child in self.children]
     result_set = ResultSet(*children_result_set)
     # Append node signature in the keys
     for result in result_set:
         result["key"] = key_push(self.get_signature(), result["key"])
     return result_set
Example #6
 def transform(self, **Xy):
     Xy_train, Xy_test = train_test_split(Xy)
     result = Result(key=self.get_signature(), **Xy)
     if not self.store:
         self.store = StoreMem()
     if Xy_train is Xy_test:
         return Xy
         return Xy_train
Example #7
 def reduce(self, result_set):
     # if you want to a remote execution of your code, import should be done
     # within methods
     from epac.utils import train_test_split
     from epac.map_reduce.results import ResultSet
     outputs = list()  # output result is a dictonary
     for result in result_set:
         output = dict()  # output result is a dictonary
         result_train, result_test = train_test_split(result)
         if result_train is result_test:
             accuracy = accuracy_score(result['y/true'], result['y/pred'])
             output["acc/y"] = accuracy
             accuracy = accuracy_score(result_test['y/true'], result_test['y/pred'])
             output["acc/y/test"] = accuracy
             output["acc/y/train"] = accuracy_score(result_train['y/true'], result_train['y/pred'])
         outputs.append(Result(key=result['key'], **output))
     return ResultSet(*outputs)
Example #8
    def top_down(self, **Xy):
        """Top-down data processing method

            This method does nothing more that recursively call
            parent/children func_name. Most of time, it should be re-defined.

            func_name: str
                the name of the function to be called
            recursion: boolean
                if True recursively call parent/children func_name. If the
                current node is the root of the tree call the children.
                This way the whole tree is executed.
                If it is a leaf, then recursively call the parent before
                being executed. This a pipeline made of the path from the
                leaf to the root is executed.
            **Xy: dict
                the keyword dictionnary of data-flow

            A dictionnary of processed data
        if conf.TRACE_TOPDOWN:
            print self.get_key()
        if debug.DEBUG:
            debug.current = self
            debug.Xy = Xy
        if not self.parent:
            self.initialization(**Xy)  ## Performe some initialization
        Xy = self.transform(**Xy)
        if self.children:
            # Call children func_name down to leaves
            ret = [child.top_down(**Xy) for child in self.get_children_top_down()]
            Xy = ret[0] if len(ret) == 1 else ret
            result = Result(key=self.get_signature(), **Xy)
            self.save_state(ResultSet(result), name="result_set")
        return Xy
Example #9
    def top_down(self, **Xy):
        """Top-down data processing method

        This method does nothing more that recursively call
        parent/children func_name. Most of time, it should be re-defined.

        func_name: str
            the name of the function to be called

        recursion: boolean
            if True recursively call parent/children func_name. If the
            current node is the root of the tree call the children.
            This way the whole tree is executed.
            If it is a leaf, then recursively call the parent before
            being executed. This a pipeline made of the path from the
            leaf to the root is executed.

        **Xy: dict
            the keyword dictionnary of data-flow

        A dictionnary of processed data

        >>> from epac import Methods
        >>> from sklearn.svm import SVC
        >>> from sklearn import datasets
        >>> X, y = datasets.make_classification(n_samples=12,
        ...                                     n_features=10,
        ...                                     n_informative=2,
        ...                                     random_state=1)
        >>> methods = Methods(*[SVC(C=1), SVC(C=2)])
        >>> methods.top_down(X=X, y=y)
        [{'y/true': array([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]), 'y/pred': array([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1])}, {'y/true': array([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]), 'y/pred': array([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1])}]

        if conf.TRACE_TOPDOWN:
        if debug.DEBUG:
            debug.current = self
            debug.Xy = Xy
        if not self.parent:
            self.initialization(**Xy)  # Performe some initialization
        Xy = self.transform(**Xy)

        if not self.stop_top_down:
            if self.children:
                # Call children func_name down to leaves
                ret = [
                    for child in self.get_children_top_down()
                Xy = ret[0] if len(ret) == 1 else ret
                result = Result(key=self.get_signature(), **Xy)
        return Xy
Example #10
 def reduce(self, store_results=True):
     results = ResultSet(self.children[0].reduce(store_results=False))
     for result in results:
         result["key"] = key_push(self.get_signature(), result["key"])
     return results