def send_read_CMD(parameterGroup=None, parameterNumber=None): """ Send Read CMD """ sendReadCMD = calculate_send_read_CMD(parameterGroup, parameterNumber) ca.put(chSendRead, sendReadCMD) return None
def send_write_CMD(parameterGroup=None, parameterNumber=None, value=None): """ Send Write CMD """ sendWriteCMD = calculate_send_write_CMD(parameterGroup, parameterNumber, value) ca.put(chSendWrite, sendWriteCMD) return None
def get_unit_CMD(): """ Get Pressure Unit """ getUnitCMD = calculate_send_read_CMD(5, 4) ca.put(chGetUnit, getUnitCMD) time.sleep(0.1) unitArr = ca.get(chGetUnit) unitGotten = convert_receive_read_value(unitArr) return unitGotten
def get_pn_CMD(): """ Get Part Number """ getPNCMD = calculate_send_read_CMD(5, 3) ca.put(chGetPN, getPNCMD) time.sleep(0.1) pnArr = ca.get(chGetPN) pnGotten = convert_receive_read_value(pnArr) return pnGotten
def get_sn_CMD(): """ Get Serial Number """ getSNCMD = calculate_send_read_CMD(5, 2) ca.put(chGetSN, getSNCMD) time.sleep(0.1) snArr = ca.get(chGetSN) snGotten = convert_receive_read_value(snArr) return snGotten
def get_version_CMD(): """ Get Hardware and Software Version """ getVersionCMD = calculate_send_read_CMD(5, 1) ca.put(chGetVersion, getVersionCMD) time.sleep(0.1) versionArr = ca.get(chGetVersion) versionGotten = convert_receive_read_value(versionArr) return versionGotten
def test_putwait(): 'test put with wait' pvn = pvnames.non_updating_pv chid = ca.create_channel(pvn, connect=True) o = ca.put(chid, -1, wait=True) time.sleep(0.01) assert ca.get(chid) == -1 ca.put(chid, 2, wait=True) assert ca.get(chid) == 2
def test_putwait(self): 'test put with wait' pvn = pvnames.non_updating_pv chid = ca.create_channel(pvn, connect=True) o = ca.put(chid, -1, wait=True) val = ca.get(chid) self.assertEqual(val, -1) o = ca.put(chid, 2, wait=True) val = ca.get(chid) self.assertEqual(val, 2)
def get_press2_CMD(): """ Get Pressure Data in CH.2 """ getPressCMD2 = calculate_send_read_CMD(2, 29) ca.put(chGetPress2, getPressCMD2) time.sleep(0.1) pressArr2 = ca.get(chGetPress2) pressGotten2 = convert_receive_read_value(pressArr2) return pressGotten2
def get_press1_CMD(): """ Get Pressure Data in CH.1 """ getPressCMD1 = calculate_send_read_CMD(1, 29) ca.put(chGetPress1, getPressCMD1) time.sleep(0.1) pressArr1 = ca.get(chGetPress1) pressGotten1 = convert_receive_read_value(pressArr1) return pressGotten1
def test_xArray2(self): write('Array Test: get fewer than max vals with ca.get(count=0)') chid = ca.create_channel(pvnames.double_arrays[0]) maxpts = ca.element_count(chid) npts = max(2, maxpts/2 - 1) dat = numpy.random.normal(size=npts) ca.put(chid, dat) out = ca.get(chid, count=0) self.assertTrue(isinstance(out, numpy.ndarray)) self.assertEqual(len(out), npts)
def test_xArray2(self): write('Array Test: get fewer than max vals with ca.get(count=0)') chid = ca.create_channel(pvnames.double_arrays[0]) maxpts = ca.element_count(chid) npts = max(2, maxpts/2 - 1) dat = numpy.random.normal(size=npts) ca.put(chid, dat) out = ca.get(chid, count=0) self.assertTrue(isinstance(out, numpy.ndarray)) self.assertTrue(len(out) == npts)
def testEnumPropCache_ValueMonitorCTRLget(self): '''Monitor PV (value events) through GW - change ENUM string directly - get the DBR_CTRL of the PV through GW''' # gateway should show no VC (client side connection) and no PV (IOC side connection) self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue(self.vctotal == 0, "Expected GW VC total count: 0, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue(self.pvtotal == 0, "Expected GW PV total count: 0, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue(self.connected == 0, "Expected GW connected PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 0, "Expected GW active PV count: 0, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue(self.inactive == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # enumtest is an mbbi record with three strings defined: zero one two gw = ca.create_channel("gateway:enumtest") connected = ca.connect_channel(gw, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to gateway channel " + (gw_cbref, gw_uaref, gw_eventid) = ca.create_subscription(gw, mask=dbr.DBE_VALUE, callback=self.onChange) ioc = ca.create_channel("ioc:enumtest") connected = ca.connect_channel(ioc, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to ioc channel " + (ioc_cbref, ioc_uaref, ioc_eventid) = ca.create_subscription(ioc, mask=dbr.DBE_VALUE, callback=self.onChange) # gateway should show one VC and one connected active PV self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue(self.vctotal == 1, "Expected GW VC total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue(self.pvtotal == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue(self.connected == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 1, "Expected GW active PV count: 1, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue(self.inactive == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # enum string should not have been updated ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) oneStr = ioc_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue(oneStr == 'one', "Expected IOC enum[1]: one; actual enum[1]: "+ oneStr) gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) oneStr = gw_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue(oneStr == 'one', "Expected GW enum[1]: one; actual enum[1]: "+ oneStr) # set enum string on IOC ioc_enum1 = ca.create_channel("ioc:enumtest.ONST") ca.put(ioc_enum1, 'uno', wait=True) time.sleep(.1) # Now the enum string should have been updated (if IOC supports DBE_PROPERTY) ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) oneStr = ioc_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue(oneStr == 'uno', "Expected IOC enum[1]: uno; actual enum[1]: "+ oneStr) if self.propSupported: gw_expected = 'uno' else: gw_expected = 'one' gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) oneStr = gw_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue(oneStr == gw_expected, "Expected GW enum[1]: {0}; actual enum[1]: {1}".format(gw_expected, oneStr))
def test_xArray2(self): write('Array Test: get fewer than max vals using ca.get(count=0)') chid = ca.create_channel(pvnames.double_arrays[0]) maxpts = ca.element_count(chid) npts = int(max(2, maxpts/2.3 - 1)) dat = numpy.random.normal(size=npts) ca.put(chid, dat) out1 = ca.get(chid) self.assertTrue(isinstance(out1, numpy.ndarray)) self.assertEqual(len(out1), maxpts) out2 = ca.get(chid, count=0) self.assertTrue(isinstance(out2, numpy.ndarray)) self.assertEqual(len(out2), npts)
def test_subscription_str(): pvn = pvnames.updating_str1 write(" Subscription on string: %s " % pvn) chid = ca.create_channel(pvn, connect=True) cb, uarg, eventID = ca.create_subscription(chid, callback=onChanges) start_time = time.time() global CHANGE_DAT while time.time() - start_time < 3.0: time.sleep(0.01) ca.put(chid, "%.1f" % (time.time() - start_time)) if CHANGE_DAT.get(pvn, None) is not None: break assert CHANGE_DAT.get(pvn, None) is not None
def test_xArray2(self): write('Array Test: get fewer than max vals using ca.get(count=0)') chid = ca.create_channel(pvnames.double_arrays[0]) maxpts = ca.element_count(chid) npts = int(max(2, maxpts/2.3 - 1)) write('max points is %s' % (maxpts, )) dat = numpy.random.normal(size=npts) write('setting array to a length of npts=%s' % (npts, )) ca.put(chid, dat) out1 = ca.get(chid) self.assertTrue(isinstance(out1, numpy.ndarray)) self.assertEqual(len(out1), npts) out2 = ca.get(chid, count=0) self.assertTrue(isinstance(out2, numpy.ndarray)) self.assertEqual(len(out2), npts)
def test_subscription_str(self): pvn = pvnames.updating_str1 write(" Subscription on string: %s " % pvn) chid = ca.create_channel(pvn,connect=True) cb, uarg, eventID = ca.create_subscription(chid, callback=onChanges) start_time = time.time() global CHANGE_DAT while time.time()-start_time < 3.0: time.sleep(0.01) ca.put(chid, "%.1f" % (time.time()-start_time) ) if CHANGE_DAT.get(pvn, None) is not None: break val = CHANGE_DAT.get(pvn, None) # ca.clear_subscription(eventID) self.assertNotEqual(val, None) time.sleep(0.2)
def test_ProcPut(self): pvn = pvnames.enum_pv chid = ca.create_channel(pvn, connect=True) write( 'CA test put to PROC Field (%s)' % (pvn)) for input in (1, '1', 2, '2', 0, '0', 50, 1): ret = None try: ret = ca.put(chid, 1) except: pass self.assertIsNot(ret, None)
def test_ProcPut(self): pvn = pvnames.enum_pv chid = ca.create_channel(pvn, connect=True) write("CA test put to PROC Field (%s)" % (pvn)) for input in (1, "1", 2, "2", 0, "0", 50, 1): ret = None try: ret = ca.put(chid, 1) except: pass self.assertNotEqual(ret, None)
def testCtrlStruct_ValueMonitor(self): '''Monitor PV (value events) through GW - change value and properties directly - check CTRL structure consistency''' diffs = [] # gwcachetest is an ai record with full set of alarm limits: -100 -10 10 100 gw = ca.create_channel("gateway:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(gw, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to gateway channel " + (gw_cbref, gw_uaref, gw_eventid) = ca.create_subscription(gw, mask=dbr.DBE_VALUE, use_ctrl=True, callback=self.onChangeGW) ioc = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(ioc, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to ioc channel " + (ioc_cbref, ioc_uaref, ioc_eventid) = ca.create_subscription(ioc, mask=dbr.DBE_VALUE, use_ctrl=True, callback=self.onChangeIOC) # set value on IOC ioc_value = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest") ca.put(ioc_value, 10.0, wait=True) gwtests.wait_until( lambda: self.eventsReceivedIOC == self.eventsReceivedGW, 5.0) self.assertTrue( self.eventsReceivedIOC == self.eventsReceivedGW, "After setting value, no. of received updates differ: GW {0}, IOC {1}" .format(str(self.eventsReceivedGW), str(self.eventsReceivedIOC))) (are_diff, diffs) = self.compareStructures() self.assertTrue( are_diff == False, "At update {0} (change value), received structure updates differ:\n\t{1}" .format(str(self.eventsReceivedIOC), "\n\t".join(diffs))) # set property on IOC ioc_hihi = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest.HIHI") ca.put(ioc_hihi, 123.0, wait=True) ca.put(ioc_value, 11.0, wait=True) # trigger update gwtests.wait_until( lambda: self.eventsReceivedIOC == self.eventsReceivedGW, 5.0) self.assertTrue( self.eventsReceivedIOC == self.eventsReceivedGW, "After setting property, no. of received updates differ: GW {0}, IOC {1}" .format(str(self.eventsReceivedGW), str(self.eventsReceivedIOC))) (are_diff, diffs) = self.compareStructures() self.assertTrue( are_diff == False, "At update {0} (change property), received structure updates differ:\n\t{1}" .format(str(self.eventsReceivedIOC), "\n\t".join(diffs)))
def testCtrlStruct_ValueMonitor(self): '''Monitor PV (value events) through GW - change value and properties directly - check CTRL structure consistency''' diffs = [] # gwcachetest is an ai record with full set of alarm limits: -100 -10 10 100 gw = ca.create_channel("gateway:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(gw, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to gateway channel " + (gw_cbref, gw_uaref, gw_eventid) = ca.create_subscription(gw, mask=dbr.DBE_VALUE, use_ctrl=True, callback=self.onChangeGW) ioc = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(ioc, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to ioc channel " + (ioc_cbref, ioc_uaref, ioc_eventid) = ca.create_subscription(ioc, mask=dbr.DBE_VALUE, use_ctrl=True, callback=self.onChangeIOC) # set value on IOC ioc_value = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest") ca.put(ioc_value, 10.0, wait=True) time.sleep(.1) self.assertTrue(self.eventsReceivedIOC == self.eventsReceivedGW, "After setting value, no. of received updates differ: GW {0}, IOC {1}" .format(str(self.eventsReceivedGW), str(self.eventsReceivedIOC))) (are_diff, diffs) = self.compareStructures() self.assertTrue(are_diff == False, "At update {0} (change value), received structure updates differ:\n\t{1}" .format(str(self.eventsReceivedIOC), "\n\t".join(diffs))) # set property on IOC ioc_hihi = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest.HIHI") ca.put(ioc_hihi, 123.0, wait=True) ca.put(ioc_value, 11.0, wait=True) # trigger update time.sleep(.1) self.assertTrue(self.eventsReceivedIOC == self.eventsReceivedGW, "After setting property, no. of received updates differ: GW {0}, IOC {1}" .format(str(self.eventsReceivedGW), str(self.eventsReceivedIOC))) (are_diff, diffs) = self.compareStructures() self.assertTrue(are_diff == False, "At update {0} (change property), received structure updates differ:\n\t{1}" .format(str(self.eventsReceivedIOC), "\n\t".join(diffs)))
def testEnumPropCache_ValueGetDisconnectCTRLGet(self): '''Get PV (value) through GW - disconnect client - change ENUM string directly - get the DBR_CTRL of the PV through GW''' # gateway should show no VC (client side connection) and no PV (IOC side connection) self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue(self.vctotal == 0, "Expected GW VC total count: 0, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue(self.pvtotal == 0, "Expected GW PV total count: 0, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue(self.connected == 0, "Expected GW connected PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 0, "Expected GW active PV count: 0, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue(self.inactive == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # enumtest is an mbbi record with three strings defined: zero one two gw = ca.create_channel("gateway:enumtest") connected = ca.connect_channel(gw, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to gateway channel " + ioc = ca.create_channel("ioc:enumtest") connected = ca.connect_channel(ioc, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to ioc channel " + # gateway should show one VC and one connected active PV self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue(self.vctotal == 1, "Expected GW VC total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue(self.pvtotal == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue(self.connected == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 1, "Expected GW active PV count: 1, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue(self.inactive == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # enum string should not have been updated ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) oneStr = ioc_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue(oneStr == 'one', "Expected IOC enum[1]: one; actual enum[1]: "+ oneStr) gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) oneStr = gw_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue(oneStr == 'one', "Expected GW enum[1]: one; actual enum[1]: "+ oneStr) # disconnect Channel Access, reconnect Gateway stats ca.finalize_libca() ca.initialize_libca() self.connectGwStats() # gateway should show no VC and 1 connected inactive PV self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue(self.vctotal == 0, "Expected GW VC total count: 0, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue(self.pvtotal == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue(self.connected == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 0, "Expected GW active PV count: 0, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue(self.inactive == 1, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 1, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # set enum string on IOC ioc_enum1 = ca.create_channel("ioc:enumtest.ONST") ca.put(ioc_enum1, 'uno', wait=True) time.sleep(.1) # reconnect Gateway and IOC gw = ca.create_channel("gateway:enumtest") connected = ca.connect_channel(gw, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to gateway channel " + ioc = ca.create_channel("ioc:enumtest") connected = ca.connect_channel(ioc, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to ioc channel " + # gateway should show one VC and one connected active PV self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue(self.vctotal == 1, "Expected GW VC total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue(self.pvtotal == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue(self.connected == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 1, "Expected GW active PV count: 1, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue(self.inactive == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # Now the enum string should have been updated ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) oneStr = ioc_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue(oneStr == 'uno', "Expected IOC enum[1]: uno; actual enum[1]: "+ oneStr) gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) oneStr = gw_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue(oneStr == 'uno', "Expected GW enum[1]: uno; actual enum[1]: "+ oneStr)
def testPropCache_ValueGetDisconnectCTRLGet(self): '''Get PV (value) through GW - disconnect client - change HIGH directly - get the DBR_CTRL of the PV through GW''' gw_vctotal = ca.create_channel("gwtest:vctotal") gw_pvtotal = ca.create_channel("gwtest:pvtotal") gw_connected = ca.create_channel("gwtest:connected") gw_active = ca.create_channel("gwtest:active") gw_inactive = ca.create_channel("gwtest:inactive") # gateway should show no VC (client side connection) and no PV (IOC side connection) count = ca.get(gw_vctotal) self.assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected GW VC total count: 0, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_pvtotal) self.assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected GW PV total count: 0, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_connected) self.assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected GW connected PV count: 0, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_active) self.assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected GW active PV count: 0, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_inactive) self.assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(count)) # gwcachetest is an ai record with full set of alarm limits: -100 -10 10 100 gw = ca.create_channel("gateway:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(gw, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to gateway channel " + ioc = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(ioc, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to ioc channel " + # gateway should show one VC and one connected active PV count = ca.get(gw_vctotal) self.assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected GW VC total count: 1, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_pvtotal) self.assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_connected) self.assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_active) self.assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected GW active PV count: 1, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_inactive) self.assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(count)) # limit should not have been updated ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) highVal = ioc_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue(highVal == 10.0, "Expected IOC warning_limit: 10; actual limit: "+ str(highVal)) gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) highVal = gw_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue(highVal == 10.0, "Expected GW warning_limit: 10; actual limit: "+ str(highVal)) # disconnect Channel Access, reconnect Gateway stats ca.finalize_libca() ca.initialize_libca() gw_vctotal = ca.create_channel("gwtest:vctotal") gw_pvtotal = ca.create_channel("gwtest:pvtotal") gw_connected = ca.create_channel("gwtest:connected") gw_active = ca.create_channel("gwtest:active") gw_inactive = ca.create_channel("gwtest:inactive") # gateway should show no VC and 1 connected inactive PV count = ca.get(gw_vctotal) self.assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected GW VC total count: 0, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_pvtotal) self.assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_connected) self.assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_active) self.assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected GW active PV count: 0, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_inactive) self.assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 1, actual: " + str(count)) # set warning limit on IOC ioc_high = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest.HIGH") ca.put(ioc_high, 20.0, wait=True) time.sleep(.1) # reconnect Gateway and IOC gw = ca.create_channel("gateway:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(gw, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to gateway channel " + ioc = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(ioc, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to ioc channel " + # gateway should show one VC and one connected active PV count = ca.get(gw_vctotal) self.assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected GW VC total count: 1, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_pvtotal) self.assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_connected) self.assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_active) self.assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected GW active PV count: 1, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_inactive) self.assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(count)) # now the limit should have been updated ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) highVal = ioc_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue(highVal == 20.0, "Expected IOC warning_limit: 20; actual limit: "+ str(highVal)) gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) highVal = gw_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue(highVal == 20.0, "Expected GW warning_limit: 20; actual limit: "+ str(highVal))
def testPropCache_ValueMonitorCTRLget(self): '''Monitor PV (value events) through GW - change HIGH directly - get the DBR_CTRL of the PV through GW''' gw_vctotal = ca.create_channel("gwtest:vctotal") gw_pvtotal = ca.create_channel("gwtest:pvtotal") gw_connected = ca.create_channel("gwtest:connected") gw_active = ca.create_channel("gwtest:active") gw_inactive = ca.create_channel("gwtest:inactive") # gateway should show no VC (client side connection) and no PV (IOC side connection) count = ca.get(gw_vctotal) self.assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected GW VC total count: 0, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_pvtotal) self.assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected GW PV total count: 0, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_connected) self.assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected GW connected PV count: 0, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_active) self.assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected GW active PV count: 0, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_inactive) self.assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(count)) # gwcachetest is an ai record with full set of alarm limits: -100 -10 10 100 gw = ca.create_channel("gateway:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(gw, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to gateway channel " + (gw_cbref, gw_uaref, gw_eventid) = ca.create_subscription(gw, mask=dbr.DBE_VALUE, callback=self.onChange) ioc = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(ioc, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to ioc channel " + (ioc_cbref, ioc_uaref, ioc_eventid) = ca.create_subscription(ioc, mask=dbr.DBE_VALUE, callback=self.onChange) # gateway should show one VC and one connected active PV count = ca.get(gw_vctotal) self.assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected GW VC total count: 1, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_pvtotal) self.assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_connected) self.assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_active) self.assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected GW active PV count: 1, actual: " + str(count)) count = ca.get(gw_inactive) self.assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(count)) # limit should not have been updated ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) highVal = ioc_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue(highVal == 10.0, "Expected IOC warning_limit: 10; actual limit: "+ str(highVal)) gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) highVal = gw_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue(highVal == 10.0, "Expected GW warning_limit: 10; actual limit: "+ str(highVal)) # set warning limit on IOC ioc_high = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest.HIGH") ca.put(ioc_high, 20.0, wait=True) time.sleep(.1) # Now the limit should have been updated (if IOC supports DBE_PROPERTY) ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) highVal = ioc_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue(highVal == 20.0, "Expected IOC warning_limit: 20; actual limit: "+ str(highVal)) if self.propSupported: gw_expected = 20.0 else: gw_expected = 10.0 gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) highVal = gw_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue(highVal == gw_expected, "Expected GW warning_limit: {0}; actual limit: {1}".format(gw_expected, highVal))
def testPropCache_ValueMonitorCTRLget(self): '''Monitor PV (value events) through GW - change properties (HIGH, EGU) directly - get the DBR_CTRL of the PV through GW''' # gateway should show no VC (client side connection) and no PV (IOC side connection) self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue( self.vctotal == 0, "Expected GW VC total count: 0, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue( self.pvtotal == 0, "Expected GW PV total count: 0, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue( self.connected == 0, "Expected GW connected PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 0, "Expected GW active PV count: 0, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue( self.inactive == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # gwcachetest is an ai record with full set of alarm limits: -100 -10 10 100 gw = ca.create_channel("gateway:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(gw, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to gateway channel " + (gw_cbref, gw_uaref, gw_eventid) = ca.create_subscription(gw, mask=dbr.DBE_VALUE, callback=self.onChange) ioc = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(ioc, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to ioc channel " + (ioc_cbref, ioc_uaref, ioc_eventid) = ca.create_subscription(ioc, mask=dbr.DBE_VALUE, callback=self.onChange) # gateway should show one VC and one connected active PV self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue( self.vctotal == 1, "Expected GW VC total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue( self.pvtotal == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue( self.connected == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 1, "Expected GW active PV count: 1, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue( self.inactive == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # limit should not have been updated ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) highVal = ioc_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue( highVal == 10.0, "Expected IOC warning_limit: 10; actual limit: " + str(highVal)) gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) highVal = gw_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue( highVal == 10.0, "Expected GW warning_limit: 10; actual limit: " + str(highVal)) # set warning limit on IOC ioc_high = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest.HIGH") ca.put(ioc_high, 20.0, wait=True) time.sleep(.1) # Now the limit should have been updated (if IOC supports DBE_PROPERTY) ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) highVal = ioc_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue( highVal == 20.0, "Expected IOC warning_limit: 20; actual limit: " + str(highVal)) if self.propSupported: gw_expected = 20.0 else: gw_expected = 10.0 gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) highVal = gw_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue( highVal == gw_expected, "Expected GW warning_limit: {0}; actual limit: {1}".format( gw_expected, highVal)) # set unit string on IOC ioc_egu = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest.EGU") old_egu = ca.get(ioc_egu) ca.put(ioc_egu, "foo", wait=True) time.sleep(.1) # Now the unit string should have been updated (if IOC supports DBE_PROPERTY) ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) eguVal = ioc_ctrl['units'] self.assertTrue( eguVal == "foo", "Expected IOC units string: foo; actual units string: " + eguVal) if self.propSupported: gw_expected = "foo" else: gw_expected = old_egu gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) eguVal = gw_ctrl['units'] self.assertTrue( eguVal == gw_expected, "Expected GW units string: {0}; actual units string: {1}".format( gw_expected, eguVal))
def testPropCache_ValueGetDisconnectCTRLGet(self): '''Get PV (value) through GW - disconnect client - change properties (HIGH, EGU) directly - get the DBR_CTRL of the PV through GW''' # gateway should show no VC (client side connection) and no PV (IOC side connection) self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue( self.vctotal == 0, "Expected GW VC total count: 0, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue( self.pvtotal == 0, "Expected GW PV total count: 0, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue( self.connected == 0, "Expected GW connected PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 0, "Expected GW active PV count: 0, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue( self.inactive == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # gwcachetest is an ai record with full set of alarm limits: -100 -10 10 100 gw = ca.create_channel("gateway:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(gw, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to gateway channel " + ioc = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(ioc, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to ioc channel " + # gateway should show one VC and one connected active PV self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue( self.vctotal == 1, "Expected GW VC total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue( self.pvtotal == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue( self.connected == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 1, "Expected GW active PV count: 1, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue( self.inactive == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # limit should not have been updated ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) highVal = ioc_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue( highVal == 10.0, "Expected IOC warning_limit: 10; actual limit: " + str(highVal)) eguVal = ioc_ctrl['units'] self.assertTrue( eguVal == "wobbles", "Expected IOC units string: wobbles; actual units string: " + eguVal) gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) highVal = gw_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue( highVal == 10.0, "Expected GW warning_limit: 10; actual limit: " + str(highVal)) eguVal = gw_ctrl['units'] self.assertTrue( eguVal == "wobbles", "Expected GW units string: wobbles; actual units string: " + eguVal) # disconnect Channel Access, reconnect Gateway stats ca.finalize_libca() ca.initialize_libca() self.connectGwStats() # gateway should show no VC and 1 connected inactive PV self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue( self.vctotal == 0, "Expected GW VC total count: 0, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue( self.pvtotal == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue( self.connected == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 0, "Expected GW active PV count: 0, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue( self.inactive == 1, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 1, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # set warning limit on IOC ioc_high = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest.HIGH") ca.put(ioc_high, 20.0, wait=True) # set unit string on IOC ioc_egu = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest.EGU") ca.put(ioc_egu, "foo", wait=True) time.sleep(.1) # reconnect Gateway and IOC gw = ca.create_channel("gateway:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(gw, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to gateway channel " + ioc = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(ioc, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to ioc channel " + # gateway should show one VC and one connected active PV self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue( self.vctotal == 1, "Expected GW VC total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue( self.pvtotal == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue( self.connected == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 1, "Expected GW active PV count: 1, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue( self.inactive == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # now the limit should have been updated ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) highVal = ioc_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue( highVal == 20.0, "Expected IOC warning_limit: 20; actual limit: " + str(highVal)) eguVal = ioc_ctrl['units'] self.assertTrue( eguVal == "foo", "Expected IOC units string: foo; actual units string: " + eguVal) gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) highVal = gw_ctrl['upper_warning_limit'] self.assertTrue( highVal == 20.0, "Expected GW warning_limit: 20; actual limit: " + str(highVal)) eguVal = gw_ctrl['units'] self.assertTrue( eguVal == "foo", "Expected GW units string: wobbles; actual units string: " + eguVal)
def testEnumPropCache_ValueMonitorCTRLget(self): '''Monitor PV (value events) through GW - change ENUM string directly - get the DBR_CTRL of the PV through GW''' # gateway should show no VC (client side connection) and no PV (IOC side connection) self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue( self.vctotal == 0, "Expected GW VC total count: 0, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue( self.pvtotal == 0, "Expected GW PV total count: 0, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue( self.connected == 0, "Expected GW connected PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 0, "Expected GW active PV count: 0, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue( self.inactive == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # enumtest is an mbbi record with three strings defined: zero one two gw = ca.create_channel("gateway:enumtest") connected = ca.connect_channel(gw, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to gateway channel " + (gw_cbref, gw_uaref, gw_eventid) = ca.create_subscription(gw, mask=dbr.DBE_VALUE, callback=self.onChange) ioc = ca.create_channel("ioc:enumtest") connected = ca.connect_channel(ioc) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to ioc channel " + (ioc_cbref, ioc_uaref, ioc_eventid) = ca.create_subscription(ioc, mask=dbr.DBE_VALUE, callback=self.onChange) # gateway should show one VC and one connected active PV self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue( self.vctotal == 1, "Expected GW VC total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue( self.pvtotal == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue( self.connected == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 1, "Expected GW active PV count: 1, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue( self.inactive == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # enum string should not have been updated ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) oneStr = ioc_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue(oneStr == 'one', "Expected IOC enum[1]: one; actual enum[1]: " + oneStr) gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) oneStr = gw_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue(oneStr == 'one', "Expected GW enum[1]: one; actual enum[1]: " + oneStr) # set enum string on IOC ioc_enum1 = ca.create_channel("ioc:enumtest.ONST") ca.put(ioc_enum1, 'uno', wait=True) time.sleep(.1) # Now the enum string should have been updated (if IOC supports DBE_PROPERTY) ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) oneStr = ioc_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue(oneStr == 'uno', "Expected IOC enum[1]: uno; actual enum[1]: " + oneStr) if self.propSupported: gw_expected = 'uno' else: gw_expected = 'one' gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) oneStr = gw_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue( oneStr == gw_expected, "Expected GW enum[1]: {0}; actual enum[1]: {1}".format( gw_expected, oneStr))
def testEnumPropCache_ValueGetDisconnectCTRLGet(self): '''Get PV (value) through GW - disconnect client - change ENUM string directly - get the DBR_CTRL of the PV through GW''' # gateway should show no VC (client side connection) and no PV (IOC side connection) self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue( self.vctotal == 0, "Expected GW VC total count: 0, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue( self.pvtotal == 0, "Expected GW PV total count: 0, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue( self.connected == 0, "Expected GW connected PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 0, "Expected GW active PV count: 0, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue( self.inactive == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # enumtest is an mbbi record with three strings defined: zero one two gw = ca.create_channel("gateway:enumtest") connected = ca.connect_channel(gw, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to gateway channel " + ioc = ca.create_channel("ioc:enumtest") connected = ca.connect_channel(ioc, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to ioc channel " + # gateway should show one VC and one connected active PV self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue( self.vctotal == 1, "Expected GW VC total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue( self.pvtotal == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue( self.connected == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 1, "Expected GW active PV count: 1, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue( self.inactive == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # enum string should not have been updated ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) oneStr = ioc_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue(oneStr == 'one', "Expected IOC enum[1]: one; actual enum[1]: " + oneStr) gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) oneStr = gw_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue(oneStr == 'one', "Expected GW enum[1]: one; actual enum[1]: " + oneStr) # disconnect Channel Access, reconnect Gateway stats ca.finalize_libca() ca.initialize_libca() self.connectGwStats() # gateway should show no VC and 1 connected inactive PV self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue( self.vctotal == 0, "Expected GW VC total count: 0, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue( self.pvtotal == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue( self.connected == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 0, "Expected GW active PV count: 0, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue( self.inactive == 1, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 1, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # set enum string on IOC ioc_enum1 = ca.create_channel("ioc:enumtest.ONST") ca.put(ioc_enum1, 'uno', wait=True) time.sleep(.1) # reconnect Gateway and IOC gw = ca.create_channel("gateway:enumtest") connected = ca.connect_channel(gw, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to gateway channel " + ioc = ca.create_channel("ioc:enumtest") connected = ca.connect_channel(ioc, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to ioc channel " + # gateway should show one VC and one connected active PV self.updateGwStats() self.assertTrue( self.vctotal == 1, "Expected GW VC total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.vctotal)) self.assertTrue( self.pvtotal == 1, "Expected GW PV total count: 1, actual: " + str(self.pvtotal)) self.assertTrue( self.connected == 1, "Expected GW connected PV count: 1, actual: " + str(self.connected)) self.assertTrue( == 1, "Expected GW active PV count: 1, actual: " + str( self.assertTrue( self.inactive == 0, "Expected GW inactive PV count: 0, actual: " + str(self.inactive)) # Now the enum string should have been updated ioc_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(ioc) oneStr = ioc_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue(oneStr == 'uno', "Expected IOC enum[1]: uno; actual enum[1]: " + oneStr) gw_ctrl = ca.get_ctrlvars(gw) oneStr = gw_ctrl['enum_strs'][1] self.assertTrue(oneStr == 'uno', "Expected GW enum[1]: uno; actual enum[1]: " + oneStr)
def testCSStudio_ValueAndPropMonitor(self): '''Monitor PV (imitating CS-Studio) through GW - change value and properties directly - check CTRL structure consistency''' diffs = [] if gwtests.verbose: print() # gwcachetest is an ai record with full set of alarm limits: -100 -10 10 100 gw = ca.create_channel("gateway:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(gw, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to gateway channel " + (gw_cbref, gw_uaref, gw_eventid) = ca.create_subscription( gw, mask=dbr.DBE_VALUE | dbr.DBE_ALARM, use_time=True, callback=self.onChangeGW) (gw_cbref2, gw_uaref2, gw_eventid2) = ca.create_subscription(gw, mask=dbr.DBE_PROPERTY, use_ctrl=True, callback=self.onChangeGW) ioc = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest") connected = ca.connect_channel(ioc, timeout=.5) self.assertTrue(connected, "Could not connect to ioc channel " + (ioc_cbref, ioc_uaref, ioc_eventid) = ca.create_subscription( ioc, mask=dbr.DBE_VALUE | dbr.DBE_ALARM, use_time=True, callback=self.onChangeIOC) (ioc_cbref2, ioc_uaref2, ioc_eventid2) = ca.create_subscription(ioc, mask=dbr.DBE_PROPERTY, use_ctrl=True, callback=self.onChangeIOC) time.sleep(.1) # set value on IOC ioc_value = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest") ca.put(ioc_value, 10.0, wait=True) time.sleep(.1) if gwtests.verbose: print() self.assertTrue( self.eventsReceivedIOC == self.eventsReceivedGW, "After setting value, no. of received updates differ: GW {0}, IOC {1}" .format(str(self.eventsReceivedGW), str(self.eventsReceivedIOC))) (are_diff, diffs) = self.compareStructures() self.assertTrue( are_diff == False, "At update {0} (change value), received structure updates differ:\n\t{1}" .format(str(self.eventsReceivedIOC), "\n\t".join(diffs))) # set property on IOC ioc_hihi = ca.create_channel("ioc:gwcachetest.HIHI") ca.put(ioc_hihi, 123.0, wait=True) time.sleep(.1) if gwtests.verbose: print() ca.put(ioc_value, 11.0, wait=True) time.sleep(.1) if gwtests.verbose: print() self.assertTrue( self.eventsReceivedIOC == self.eventsReceivedGW, "After setting property, no. of received updates differ: GW {0}, IOC {1}" .format(str(self.eventsReceivedGW), str(self.eventsReceivedIOC))) (are_diff, diffs) = self.compareStructures() self.assertTrue( are_diff == False, "At update {0} (change property), received structure updates differ:\n\t{1}" .format(str(self.eventsReceivedIOC), "\n\t".join(diffs)))