Example #1
def DateStringFormat (value, oldFormat, newFormat):
		oldDate = datetime.datetime.strptime (value, oldFormat)
		return oldDate.strftime (newFormat)
	except Exception as e:
Example #2
def stateToWeatherLCD(dev, state):
        if state in dev.states:
            value = dev.states[state]
                u"Unable to convert long weather condition to short condition because the state %s does not exist in %s"
                % (state, dev.name),
            return "Err"

        if value == "Partly Cloudy":
            value = "P.CDY"
        if value == "Mostly Cloudy":
            value = "M.CDY"
        if value == "Clear":
            value = "CLEA"
        if value == "Thunderstorm":
            value = "T.STM"
        if value == "Overcast":
            value = "OVER"
        if value == "Rain":
            value = "RAIN"
        if value == "Scattered Clouds":
            value = "S.CLD"

    except Exception as e:

    return value
	def getConditionDateValues(self, filter="", valuesDict=None, typeId="", targetId=0):
		ret = ui.getDataList (filter, valuesDict, typeId, targetId)
			option = ("any", "any")
			ret.insert(0, option)
			i = 1 # where the line will go
			x = string.find (filter, 'monthdays')
			if x > -1:
				options = ["lastday|last day of the month", "first|first week day", "second|second week day", "third|third week day", "fourth|fourth week day", "last|last week day"]
				for s in options:
					data = s.split("|")
					option = (data[0], data[1])
					ret.insert(i, option)
					i = i + 1 # move the line
			if filter == "years":
				options = ["current|this year", "last|last year", "next|next year"]
				for s in options:
					data = s.split("|")
					option = (data[0], data[1])
					ret.insert(i, option)
					i = i + 1 # move the line
			option = ("-1", "----------------------------------")
			ret.insert(i, option)
		except Exception as e:
		return ret
	def getDayIteration (self, year, month, iteration, dow):
			days = calendar.monthrange(year, month)
			maxDays = days[1]
			dow = int(dow)
			iteration = iteration.lower()
			count = 0
			dayidx = 0
			for i in range (1, maxDays + 1):
				s = str(year) + "-" + "%02d" % month + "-" + "%02d" % i
				d = datetime.datetime.strptime (s, "%Y-%m-%d")
				if int(d.strftime("%w")) == dow:
					count = count + 1
					dayidx = i # the last day that matches our dow
					if iteration == "first" and count == 1: return d
					if iteration == "second" and count == 2: return d
					if iteration == "third" and count == 3: return d
					if iteration == "fourth" and count == 4: return d
			# If we haven't yet returned then check if it's the last
			if iteration == "last" and count > 0:
				s = str(year) + "-" + "%02d" % month + "-" + "%02d" % dayidx
				d = datetime.datetime.strptime (s, "%Y-%m-%d")
				return d
		except Exception as e:
	def autoCollapseConditions (self, valuesDict):
			currentBlock = int(valuesDict["currentCondition"])
			# Run through all conditions, if any other than the current is checked then update
			for i in range (1, self.maxConditions + 1):	
				if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "expandConditions" + str(i)):
					if valuesDict["expandConditions" + str(i)] and i != currentBlock:
						currentBlock = i
			# Now collapse all but the current block
			for i in range (1, self.maxConditions + 1):	
				if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "expandConditions" + str(i)):	
					if i != currentBlock: valuesDict["expandConditions" + str(i)] = False
			# Hide/show fields for all unexpanded/expanded conditions
			for i in range (1, self.maxConditions + 1):	
				if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "expandConditions" + str(i)):
					valuesDict = self.setUIValueVisibility (valuesDict, i) # also hide options
			# Save the current block
			self.debugLog ("Current condition block set to %i" % currentBlock)
			valuesDict["currentCondition"] = str(currentBlock)
		except Exception as e:
		return valuesDict	
	def matchesDevice (self, dev, plugin, action):
			deviceMatch = False
			if action["devicefilter"] == "":			
				deviceMatch = True
			elif action["devicefilter"] == plugin["id"]:
				deviceMatch = True
			elif action["devicefilter"] == plugin["id"] + "." + dev.deviceTypeId:
				deviceMatch = True
			elif action["devicefilter"] != "":
				devFind = string.find (action["devicefilter"], plugin["id"] + "." + dev.deviceTypeId)
				if devFind > -1:
					deviceMatch = True
					devFind = string.find (action["devicefilter"], plugin["id"])
					if devFind > -1:
						devStr = action["devicefilter"][devFind:]
						# In case there is a comma
						devAry = devStr.split(",")
						if devAry[0] == plugin["id"]: deviceMatch = True
						if devAry[0] == plugin["id"] + "." + dev.deviceTypeId: deviceMatch = True
		except Exception as e:
		return deviceMatch
	def conditionsPass (self, dev):
			isTrue = 0
			isFalse = 0
			if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "conditions", True) == False: return False
			condition = dev.pluginProps["conditions"]
			self.debugLog ("\tCondition is set to %s, testing condition(s)" % condition)
			if condition == "none": return True
			for i in range (0, self.maxConditions + 1):
				if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "condition" + str(i), True) == False: continue # no condition for this index
				if dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(i)] == "disabled": continue # this condition is disabled
				val = [0,0] # Failsafe
				if dev.pluginProps["evaluation" + str(i)] == "between" or dev.pluginProps["evaluation" + str(i)] == "notbetween": val = self.conditionBetween (dev, i)
				if dev.pluginProps["evaluation" + str(i)] == "equal" or dev.pluginProps["evaluation" + str(i)] == "notequal": val = self.conditionEquals (dev, i)
				if dev.pluginProps["evaluation" + str(i)] == "greater": val = self.conditionGreater (dev, i)
				if dev.pluginProps["evaluation" + str(i)] == "less": val = self.conditionLess (dev, i)
				if dev.pluginProps["evaluation" + str(i)] == "contains" or dev.pluginProps["evaluation" + str(i)] == "notcontains": val = self.conditionContain (dev, i)
				isTrue = isTrue + val[0]
				isFalse = isFalse + val[1]			
			if condition == "alltrue" and isFalse <> 0: return False
			if condition == "anytrue" and isTrue == 0: return False
			if condition == "allfalse" and isTrue <> 0: return False
			if condition == "anyfalse" and isFalse == 0: return False
		except Exception as e:
			return False
	def hasDefinedAction (self, dev, actionId):
			# This is a future feature, we will be checking if this action ID for this device has been defined
			return False
		except Exception as e:
	def getOptionFields (self, dev, action):
		retVal = []
		cmdList = []
			if unicode(type(dev)) == "<class 'indigo.DimmerDevice'>": cmdList += devactiondefs.INDIGO_DIMMER
			if unicode(type(dev)) == "<class 'indigo.RelayDevice'>": cmdList += devactiondefs.INDIGO_RELAY
			if unicode(type(dev)) == "<class 'indigo.SprinklerDevice'>": cmdList += devactiondefs.INDIGO_SPRINKLER
			for s in cmdList:
				cmds = s.split("|")
				if cmds[0] == action:
					opts = cmds[2].split(",")
					for opt in opts:
						x = string.find (opt, "=")
						if x > -1:
							o = opt.split("=")
		except Exception as e:
		return retVal
	def conditionBetween (self, dev, index):
		ret = []
		isTrue = 0
		isFalse = 0
			#if dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "timeonly" or dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatetimeonly" or dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "vartimeonly": val = self.conditionsDateBetween (dev, index, True, False)
			#if dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "dateonly" or dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatedateonly" or dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "vardateonly": val = self.conditionsDateBetween (dev, index, False, True)
			#if dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "datetime" or dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatedatetime" or dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "vardatetime": val = self.conditionsDateBetween (dev, index, True, True)
			#if dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "dow" or dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatedow": val = self.conditionsDow (dev, index)
			if dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "datetime" or dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatedatetime" or dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "vardatetime": val = self.conditionsDate (dev, index)
			if dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "device":
				val = [0, 0] # Failsafe
				devEx = indigo.devices[int(dev.pluginProps["device" + str(index)])]
				if eps.valueValid (devEx.states, dev.pluginProps["state" + str(index)]):
					compareString = unicode(devEx.states[dev.pluginProps["state" + str(index)]])
					self.debugLog ("\tChecking if device state '%s' value of '%s' is between '%s' and '%s'" % (dev.pluginProps["state" + str(index)], compareString, dev.pluginProps["value" + str(index)], dev.pluginProps["endValue" + str(index)]))
					if compareString.lower() >= dev.pluginProps["value" + str(index)].lower() and compareString.lower() <= dev.pluginProps["endValue" + str(index)].lower():
						val[0] = 1
						val[1] = 0
						val[0] = 0
						val[1] = 1
			if dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "variable":
				val = [0, 0] # Failsafe
				var = indigo.variables[int(dev.pluginProps["variable" + str(index)])]
				compareString = unicode(var.value)
				self.debugLog ("\tChecking if variable '%s' value of '%s' is between '%s' and '%s'" % (var.name, compareString, dev.pluginProps["value" + str(index)], dev.pluginProps["endValue" + str(index)]))
				if compareString.lower() >= dev.pluginProps["value" + str(index)].lower() and compareString.lower() <= dev.pluginProps["endValue" + str(index)].lower():
					val[0] = 1
					val[1] = 0
					val[0] = 0
					val[1] = 1
			if dev.pluginProps["evaluation" + str(index)] == "between":
				isTrue = isTrue + val[0]
				isFalse = isFalse + val[1]						
				# It's the negative version so reverse the values
				isTrue = isTrue + val[1]
				isFalse = isFalse + val[0]
		except Exception as e:
			isTrue = 0
			isFalse = 0
		return ret
Example #11
def updateChangedLCD(devChild, stateChangedAry):
        for pluginDevId, stateProps in stateChangedAry.iteritems():
            for s in stateProps["stateChanges"]:
                if s in devChild.states:
                    devParent = indigo.devices[int(pluginDevId)]

                    # Make sure the state is valid - 1.13
                    if eps.valueValid(devChild.states, s) == False:
                            "The watched state of '%s' on '%s' for LCD device '%s' is not a valid state and won't be converted"
                            % (s, devChild.name, devParent.name),

                    state = getStateDetails(devParent, s)
                    if state is None:
                        return  # Added in 1.13 to handle invalid states

                    stateValue = devChild.states[s]

                    # Convert if required
                    if state[3]:
                        stateValue = convertStateValue(devParent, devChild, s, stateValue)

                    parent.debugLog("\t%s changed to %s" % (s, unicode(devChild.states[s])))

                    if state[0]:
                        # Convert a string to LCD
                        value = lcdlib.stringToLCD(stateValue, state[2], devParent.pluginProps["textspaces"])
                        parent.debugLog("\t%s LCD readout string value is %s" % (s, value))
                        lcdlib.stringToGraphics(devParent, state[1], value)

                        # Converting from a number to LCD
                        padCharacter = "0"
                        if devParent.pluginProps["spaces"]:
                            padCharacter = " "

                        # If this is a set point on a thermostat (or setmodesetpoint on extended), make sure decimals are zero since we can't set fractional temperatures on a thermostat
                        if devParent.deviceTypeId == "epslcdth" and (
                            state[1] == "setpointHeat" or state[1] == "setpointCool" or state[1] == "setModeSetPoint"
                            parent.debugLog("\t\tForcing integer value for set points")
                            value = lcdlib.numberToLCD(stateValue, state[2], "round", padCharacter)
                            value = lcdlib.numberToLCD(
                                stateValue, state[2], devParent.pluginProps["decimals"], padCharacter

                        parent.debugLog("\t%s LCD readout value is %s" % (s, value))

                        lcdlib.stringToGraphics(devParent, state[1], value)

    except Exception as e:
Example #12
def setStates (dev, stateDisplay, value, number = None, boolean = None, image = indigo.kStateImageSel.None):	
		dev.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", stateDisplay)
		dev.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", value)
		if number is not None: dev.updateStateOnServer("convertedNumber", number)
		if boolean is not None: dev.updateStateOnServer("convertedBoolean", boolean)
	except Exception as e:
	def getDevStateDateTime (self, dev, devEx, index):
		d = indigo.server.getTime()
			if eps.valueValid (devEx.states, dev.pluginProps["state" + str(index)]) and eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "dtFormat" + str(index), True):
				compareString = unicode(devEx.states[dev.pluginProps["state" + str(index)]])
				self.debugLog ("\tConverting state '%s' date of '%s' using format '%s'" % (dev.pluginProps["state" + str(index)], compareString, dev.pluginProps["dtFormat" + str(index)]))
				d = datetime.datetime.strptime (compareString, dev.pluginProps["dtFormat" + str(index)])
		except Exception as e:
		return d		
	def getVarDateTime (self, dev, index):
		d = indigo.server.getTime()
			if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "variable" + str(index), True) and eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "dtFormat" + str(index), True):
				compareString = indigo.variables[int(dev.pluginProps["variable" + str(index)])].value
				self.debugLog ("\tConverting variable '%s' date of '%s' using format '%s'" % (indigo.variables[int(dev.pluginProps["variable" + str(index)])].name, compareString, dev.pluginProps["dtFormat" + str(index)]))
				d = datetime.datetime.strptime (compareString, dev.pluginProps["dtFormat" + str(index)])
		except Exception as e:
		return d	
	def collapseAllConditions (self, dev):
			props = dev.pluginProps
			# See if this is a brand new device and if it is then set defaults
			if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "isNewDevice"):
				if dev.pluginProps["isNewDevice"]:
					#indigo.server.log("%s added, enabling conditions.  You can now re-open the device to use conditions" % dev.name)
					props["conditions"] = "none"
					props["isNewDevice"] = False
					for i in range (1, self.maxConditions + 1):
						props = self.setUIDefaults (props, "disabled", "onOffState")
					return # don't do anything else
			# Set up collapse options
			if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "expandConditions1"): 
				if props["expandConditions1"] == False:
					props["expandConditions1"] = True
					props["currentCondition"] = "1"
					props["noneExpanded"] = False
					# Check for multiple conditions to see if we need the padding
					if props["conditions"] != "none":
						for i in range (2, self.maxConditions + 1):
							if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "expandConditions" + str(i)): 
								props["multiConditions"] = True # gives us extra padding on multiple conditions
					props = self.setUIValueVisibility (props, 1)
				# If we don't have condition 1 then we don't have any
			for i in range (2, self.maxConditions + 1):
				if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "expandConditions" + str(i)): 
					if dev.pluginProps["expandConditions" + str(i)]: 
						props["expandConditions" + str(i)] = False
						props = self.setUIDefaults (props, "disabled", "onOffState")
			if props != dev.pluginProps: 
				self.debugLog ("Collapsing all conditions for %s" % dev.name)
		except Exception as e:
	def addUIConditionMenu (self, popupList):
			if popupList is None:
				popupList = []
			evalList = ["none|No conditions", "alltrue|All items are true", "anytrue|Any items are true", "allfalse|All items are false", "anyfalse|Any items are false"]
			for s in evalList:
				eval = s.split("|")
				option = (eval[0], eval[1])
				popupList.append (option)
		except Exception as e:
			popupList = []
			option = ("error", "Error in conditions, see Indigo log")
			popupList.append (option)
		return popupList
	def addUIEvals (self, popupList):
			if popupList is None:
				popupList = []
			evalList = ["equal|Equal to", "notequal|Not equal to", "greater|Greater than", "less|Less than", "between|Between", "notbetween|Not between", "contains|Containing", "notcontains|Not containing"]
			for s in evalList:
				eval = s.split("|")
				option = (eval[0], eval[1])
				popupList.append (option)
		except Exception as e:
			popupList = []
			option = ("error", "Error in evaluations, see Indigo log")
			popupList.append (option)
		return popupList
Example #18
	def parsePlist (self, path):
			plist = open(path + "/Contents/Info.plist")
			nameIdx = 0
			name = ""
			idIdx = 0
			id = ""
			for line in plist:
				if nameIdx == 1:
					name = line
					nameIdx = 0
				if idIdx == 1:
					id = line
					idIdx = 0
				x = string.find (line, 'CFBundleDisplayName')
				if x > -1: nameIdx = 1
				x = string.find (line, 'CFBundleIdentifier')
				if x > -1: idIdx = 1
			#indigo.server.log (name + "\t" + id)
			x = string.find (name, "<string>")
			y = string.find (name, "</string>")
			name = name[x + 8:y]
			x = string.find (id, "<string>")
			y = string.find (id, "</string>")
			id = id[x + 8:y]
			return [id, name]
		except Exception as e:
		return ["Unknown", "Unknown"]
	def appendUIConditions (self, popupList, type = "device"):
			type = type.lower()
			if popupList is None:
				popupList = []
			option = ("disabled", "- CONDITION DISABLED -")
			popupList.append (option)
			if type == "device" or type == "all":
				option = ("device", "Device state")
				popupList.append (option)
			if type == "variable" or type == "all":
				option = ("variable", "Variable value")
				popupList.append (option)
			if type == "datetime" or type == "all":
				option = ("datetime", "Date and time")
				popupList.append (option)
			if type == "devstatedate" or type == "all":
				option = ("devstatedatetime", "Date and time from device state")
				popupList.append (option)
			if type == "vardate" or type == "all":
				option = ("vardatetime", "Date and time from variable")
				popupList.append (option)
		except Exception as e:
			popupList = []
			option = ("error", "Error in conditions, see Indigo log")
			popupList.append (option)
		return popupList
	def setUIDefaults (self, valuesDict, defaultCondition = "disabled", defaultState = "onOffState"):
			# Make sure times are defaulted
			if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "startTime1", True) == False:
				self.debugLog ("Setting default values")
				for i in range (1, self.maxConditions + 1):
					if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "condition" + str(i)): valuesDict["condition" + str(i)] = defaultCondition
					if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "evaluation" + str(i)): valuesDict["evaluation" + str(i)] = "equal"
					if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "state" + str(i)): valuesDict["state" + str(i)] = defaultState
					if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "startTime" + str(i)): valuesDict["startTime" + str(i)] = "08:00"
					if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "endTime" + str(i)): valuesDict["endTime" + str(i)] = "09:00"
					if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "startMonth" + str(i)): valuesDict["startMonth" + str(i)] = "01"
					if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "endMonth" + str(i)): valuesDict["endMonth" + str(i)] = "02"
					if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "startDay" + str(i)): valuesDict["startDay" + str(i)] = "01"
					if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "endDay" + str(i)): valuesDict["endDay" + str(i)] = "15"
					if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "startDow" + str(i)): valuesDict["startDow" + str(i)] = "0"
					if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "endDow" + str(i)): valuesDict["endDow" + str(i)] = "6"
					if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "startYear" + str(i)): valuesDict["startYear" + str(i)] = "any"
					if eps.valueValid (valuesDict, "endYear" + str(i)): valuesDict["endYear" + str(i)] = "any"
			valuesDict = self.autoCollapseConditions (valuesDict)
			valuesDict = self.showPlaceholders (valuesDict)
			# If everything is collapsed then show the full placeholder if conditions are enabled
			if valuesDict["currentCondition"] == "0" and valuesDict["conditions"] != "none":
				self.debugLog("Current block is 0, setting placeholder")
				valuesDict["noneExpanded"] = True
				valuesDict["noneExpanded"] = False
			#indigo.server.log("\n" + unicode(valuesDict))
			return valuesDict
		except Exception as e:
		return valuesDict
Example #21
def temperature (value, convertC = False, precision = 1):
		if convertC:
			# Convert value to celsius
			value = float(value)
			value = (value - 32) / 1.8000
			value = round(value, precision)
			if precision == 0: return int(value)
			return value
			# Default: convert value to fahrenheit
			value = float(value)
			value = (value * 1.8000) + 32
			value = round(value, precision)
			if precision == 0: return int(value)
			return value
	except Exception as e:
Example #22
	def cachePluginActions (self):
			base = indigo.server.getInstallFolderPath() + "/Plugins"
			plugins = glob.glob(base + "/*.indigoPlugin")
			for plugin in plugins:
				pluginInfo = self.parsePlist (plugin)
				p = indigo.Dict()
				p["id"] = pluginInfo[0]
				p["name"] = pluginInfo[1]
				p["actions"] = {}
				indigo.server.log("Caching %s (%s)" % (p["name"], p["id"]))
				if os.path.isfile(plugin + "/Contents/Server Plugin/Actions.xml"):
					x = minidom.parse(plugin + "/Contents/Server Plugin/Actions.xml")
					actions = x.getElementsByTagName('Action')
					indigo.server.log("\tReading %i actions" % len(actions))
					actionIdx = 0
					allactions = indigo.Dict()
					for action in actions:
						paction = {}
						paction["id"] = action.attributes["id"].value
						paction["name"] = ""
						paction["callback"] = ""
						paction["devicefilter"] = ""
						paction["uipath"] = ""
						paction["separator"] = False
						paction["order"] = actionIdx
						paction["generic"] = True
							paction["devicefilter"] = action.attributes["deviceFilter"].value
							paction["devicefilter"] = "" # nothing we can do about it
						if paction["devicefilter"] != "":
							paction["devicefilter"] = paction["devicefilter"].replace("self", p["id"])
							paction["uipath"] = action.attributes["uiPath"].value
							paction["uipath"] = "" # nothing we can do about it
						callback = action.getElementsByTagName("CallbackMethod")
						if callback:
							for c in callback:
								if c.parentNode.localName.lower() != "field":
									paction["callback"] = c.childNodes[0].data
						aname = action.getElementsByTagName("Name")
						if aname:
							for a in aname:
								paction["name"] = a.childNodes[0].data
						configUI = action.getElementsByTagName("ConfigUI")
						if configUI:
							paction["generic"] = False
						#if device != "":
						#	indigo.server.log("\t\tCached action '%s' method %s for action ID %s for '%s' devices" % (name, cb, id, device))
						#	indigo.server.log("\t\tCached action '%s' method %s for action ID %s" % (name, cb, id))
						if action.hasChildNodes() == False:
							# Fields have children, seps do not
							#indigo.server.log("\t\t\tThis is a separator")	
							paction["separator"] = True
						allactions[paction["id"]] = paction
						actionIdx = actionIdx + 1
					p["actions"] = allactions
				self.CACHE[pluginInfo[0]] = p	
		except Exception as e:
Example #23
def updateDevice (devId, changedStates):
		dev = indigo.devices[devId] # Our device
		if dev.pluginProps["chdevice"]:
			devEx = indigo.devices[int(dev.pluginProps["device"])] # Device we are watching
			if eps.valueValid (devEx.states, dev.pluginProps["states"]):
				value = devEx.states[dev.pluginProps["states"]]
				# It's a property
				if dev.pluginProps["states"] == "lastChanged": value = devEx.lastChanged
			devEx = ""
			value = indigo.variables[int(dev.pluginProps["variable"])]
		debugLog ("Processing changes on %s for value of '%s'" % (dev.name, unicode(value)))
		if dev.pluginProps["action"] == "true":
			debugLog ("\tConverting to 'Always true'")
			setStates (dev, "true", "true", None, True)
		if dev.pluginProps["action"] == "false":
			debugLog ("\tConverting to 'Always false'")
			setStates (dev, "false", "false", None, False)
		if dev.pluginProps["action"] == "bool":
			debugLog ("\tConverting value to boolean (bool)")
			value = unicode(value).lower()
			#if devEx.pluginProps["booleanstatetype"] == "float": value = float(value)
			truevalue = unicode(dev.pluginProps["truewhen"]).lower()
			falsevalue = unicode(dev.pluginProps["falsewhen"]).lower()
			statevalue = False
			if truevalue != "*else*":
				if value == truevalue: 
					statevalue = True
					if falsevalue == "*else*": statevalue = False
			if falsevalue != "*else*":
				if value == falsevalue: 
					statevalue = False
					if truevalue == "*else*": statevalue = True
			setStates (dev, unicode(statevalue).lower(), unicode(statevalue).lower(), None, statevalue)
		if dev.pluginProps["action"] == "boolstr":
			debugLog ("\tConverting boolean value to string (boolstr)")
			value = unicode(value).lower()
			truevalue = unicode(dev.pluginProps["truewhen"])
			falsevalue = unicode(dev.pluginProps["falsewhen"])
			statevalue = falsevalue
			if value == "true": statevalue = truevalue
			setStates (dev, unicode(statevalue), unicode(statevalue))
		if dev.pluginProps["action"] == "strtonum": 
			debugLog ("\tConverting string to number (strtonum)")
			value = unicode(value)
			if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "trimstart", True):
				if dev.pluginProps["trimstart"] != "0" and len(value) > int(dev.pluginProps["trimstart"]):
					self.debugLog("\tRemoving %i characters from beginning of string" % int(dev.pluginProps["trimstart"]))
					diff = int(dev.pluginProps["trimstart"])
					value = value[diff:len(value)]		
			if eps.valueValid (dev.pluginProps, "trimend", True):
				if dev.pluginProps["trimend"] != "0" and len(value) > int(dev.pluginProps["trimend"]):
					self.debugLog("\tRemoving %i characters from end of string" % int(dev.pluginProps["trimend"]))
					diff = int(dev.pluginProps["trimend"])
					diff = diff * -1
					value = value[:diff]		
				dec = string.find (value, '.')
				numtype = dev.pluginProps["numtype"]
				if dec > -1 and numtype == "int":
					indigo.server.log("Input value of %s on %s contains a decimal, forcing value to be a float.  Change the preferences for this device to get rid of this error." % (value, devEx.name), isError=True)
					numtype = "float"
				if numtype == "int": value = int(value)
				if numtype == "float": value = float(value)
				setStates (dev, value, value)
			except Exception as e:
				devEx.updateStateOnServer(key="statedisplay", value="Error", uiValue="Error")
	except Exception as e:
	def setUIValueVisibility (self, valuesDict, index):
			# Turn off everything, we'll turn it on below
			valuesDict["hasStartValue" + str(index)] = False
			valuesDict["hasStartTime" + str(index)] = False
			valuesDict["hasStartDate" + str(index)] = False
			valuesDict["hasStartDow" + str(index)] = False
			valuesDict["hasEndValue" + str(index)] = False
			valuesDict["hasEndTime" + str(index)] = False
			valuesDict["hasEndDate" + str(index)] = False
			valuesDict["hasEndDow" + str(index)] = False
			valuesDict["hasPythonFormat" + str(index)] = False
			valuesDict["hasDevice" + str(index)] = False
			valuesDict["hasVariable" + str(index)] = False
			if valuesDict["conditions"] == "none": 
				#self.debugLog ("Condition checking has been turned off, disabling all condition fields")
				return valuesDict # nothing more to do, they turned off condition checking
			if valuesDict["expandConditions" + str(index)] == False:
				#self.debugLog ("Condition %i is collapsed" % index)
				return valuesDict # nothing more to do, they turned off condition checking
			if valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "disabled":
				#self.debugLog ("Condition %i is disabled" % index)
				return valuesDict # nothing more to do, they turned off condition checking
			# Turn on start values
			if valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "device" or valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "variable":
				valuesDict["hasStartValue" + str(index)] = True
				if valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "device": valuesDict["hasDevice" + str(index)] = True
				if valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "variable": valuesDict["hasVariable" + str(index)] = True
			elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "dateonly":
				valuesDict["hasStartDate" + str(index)] = True
			elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "timeonly":
				valuesDict["hasStartTime" + str(index)] = True
			elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "dow":
				valuesDict["hasStartDow" + str(index)] = True
			elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "datetime":
				valuesDict["hasStartTime" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasStartDate" + str(index)] = True
			elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatedateonly":
				valuesDict["hasPythonFormat" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasStartDate" + str(index)] = True	
				valuesDict["hasDevice" + str(index)] = True
			elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatetimeonly":
				valuesDict["hasPythonFormat" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasStartTime" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasDevice" + str(index)] = True
			elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatedatetime":
				valuesDict["hasPythonFormat" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasStartTime" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasStartDate" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasDevice" + str(index)] = True
			elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatedow":
				valuesDict["hasPythonFormat" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasStartDow" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasDevice" + str(index)] = True
			elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "vardateonly":
				valuesDict["hasPythonFormat" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasStartDate" + str(index)] = True	
				valuesDict["hasVariable" + str(index)] = True
			elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "vartimeonly":
				valuesDict["hasPythonFormat" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasStartTime" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasVariable" + str(index)] = True
			elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "vardatetime":
				valuesDict["hasPythonFormat" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasStartTime" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasStartDate" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasVariable" + str(index)] = True
			elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "vardow":
				valuesDict["hasPythonFormat" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasStartDow" + str(index)] = True
				valuesDict["hasVariable" + str(index)] = True
			if valuesDict["evaluation" + str(index)] == "between" or valuesDict["evaluation" + str(index)] == "notbetween":
				self.debugLog ("Condition %i requires an end value" % index)
				# See if we need to show or hide the end value or date/time contains value
				if valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "device" or valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "variable":
					valuesDict["hasEndValue" + str(index)] = True
				elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "devdate" or valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "vardate":
					valuesDict["hasEndValue" + str(index)] = True
					valuesDict["hasPythonFormat" + str(index)] = True
				elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "dateonly":
					valuesDict["hasEndDate" + str(index)] = True
				elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "timeonly":
					valuesDict["hasEndTime" + str(index)] = True
				elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "dow":
					valuesDict["hasEndDow" + str(index)] = True
				elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "datetime":
					valuesDict["hasEndTime" + str(index)] = True
					valuesDict["hasEndDate" + str(index)] = True
				elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatedateonly":
					valuesDict["hasEndDate" + str(index)] = True
				elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatetimeonly":
					valuesDict["hasEndTime" + str(index)] = True
				elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatedow":
					valuesDict["hasEndDow" + str(index)] = True
				elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatedatetime":
					valuesDict["hasEndTime" + str(index)] = True
					valuesDict["hasEndDate" + str(index)] = True
				elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "vardateonly":
					valuesDict["hasEndDate" + str(index)] = True
				elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "vartimeonly":
					valuesDict["hasEndTime" + str(index)] = True
				elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "vardow":
					valuesDict["hasEndDow" + str(index)] = True
				elif valuesDict["condition" + str(index)] == "vardatetime":
					valuesDict["hasEndTime" + str(index)] = True
					valuesDict["hasEndDate" + str(index)] = True
					indigo.server.log ("Unknown between condition for %i" % index, isError=True)
			elif valuesDict["evaluation" + str(index)] == "contains" or valuesDict["evaluation" + str(index)] == "notcontains":
				# Turn off start date fields since they aren't used here
				valuesDict["hasStartTime" + str(index)] = False
				valuesDict["hasStartDate" + str(index)] = False
				valuesDict["hasStartDow" + str(index)] = False
				valuesDict["hasEndValue" + str(index)] = False
				valuesDict["hasEndTime" + str(index)] = False
				valuesDict["hasEndDate" + str(index)] = False
				valuesDict["hasEndDow" + str(index)] = False
				valuesDict["hasStartValue" + str(index)] = True
		except Exception as e:
		return valuesDict	
	def conditionsDate (self, dev, index):
		ret = []
		isTrue = 0
		isFalse = 0
			d = indigo.server.getTime()
			# If we are using a device state date (has devstate as prefix) then use that date instead
			if string.find (dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)], 'devstate') > -1:
				devEx = indigo.devices[int(dev.pluginProps["device" + str(index)])]
				d = self.getDevStateDateTime (dev, devEx, index)
			# If using a variable
			if string.find (dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)], 'var') > -1:
				d = self.getVarDateTime (dev, index)
			# Get the comparison
			startDate = self.getDateComparison (dev, index, d, "start")
			if dev.pluginProps["evaluation" + str(index)] == "equal" or dev.pluginProps["evaluation" + str(index)] == "notequal":
				self.debugLog ("\tChecking if calculated date of %s is equal to comparison date %s" % (startDate.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), d.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")))
				if startDate == d:
					isTrue = 1
					isFalse = 1
			if dev.pluginProps["evaluation" + str(index)] == "greater":
				self.debugLog ("\tChecking if calculated date of %s is greater than comparison date %s" % (startDate.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), d.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")))
				if startDate > d:
					isTrue = 1
					isFalse = 1
			if dev.pluginProps["evaluation" + str(index)] == "less":
				self.debugLog ("\tChecking if calculated date of %s is less than comparison date %s" % (startDate.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), d.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")))
				if startDate < d:
					isTrue = 1
					isFalse = 1
			if dev.pluginProps["evaluation" + str(index)] == "between" or dev.pluginProps["evaluation" + str(index)] == "notbetween":
				endDate = self.getDateComparison (dev, index, d, "end")
				self.debugLog ("\tChecking if comparison date of %s is between calculated dates of %s to %s" % (d.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), startDate.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), endDate.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")))
				if d >= startDate and d <= endDate:
					isTrue = 1
					isFalse = 1
		except Exception as e:
			isTrue = 0
			isFalse = 1
		return ret
Example #26
	def getCachedActions (self, dev):
		retAry = []
			# Anything without a type or id is typically an Indigo internal that we handle already
			if dev.pluginId == "" or dev.deviceTypeId == "":
				indigo.server.log("%s seems to be a built-in Indigo device that is not yet supported.\n\nIf you would like to see support for this device in future versions please post a request on the forum.\nPlugin:%s\nType:%s" % (dev.name, dev.pluginId, dev.deviceTypeId), isError=True)
				return retAry
				plugin = self.CACHE[dev.pluginId]
				indigo.server.log("%s does not have a cache, something may be wrong" % dev.name, isError=True)
				return retAry
			l = ""
			for i in range (0, 25):
				l += unicode("\xc4", "cp437")
			line = ["-1|" + l]			
			#indigo.server.log("\n" + unicode(plugin["actions"]))
			tempAry = []
			for i in range (0, len(plugin["actions"])):
				tempAry = self.appendOptionList (tempAry, line)
			for id, action in plugin["actions"].iteritems():
				isMatch = self.matchesDevice (dev, plugin, action)
				for index, item in enumerate(tempAry):
					if action["separator"]: continue # that is already the default value
					if action["uipath"] == "hidden": continue
					if isMatch == False: continue
					if index == action["order"]: 
						option = (action["callback"], action["name"])
						tempAry[index] = option
			# Now audit the list to clean up entries that were not added
			newAry = []
			for index, item in enumerate(tempAry):
				for id, action in plugin["actions"].iteritems():
					if index == action["order"]:
						isMatch = self.matchesDevice (dev, plugin, action)
						if isMatch and action["uipath"] != "hidden" and action["generic"]: 
						elif isMatch and action["generic"] == False and self.hasDefinedAction (dev, action["id"]):
			# Final audit to clean up anywhere that has strange separators
			if len(newAry) > 1:
				lastItem = None
				for index, item in enumerate(newAry):
					if lastItem is None:
						# Make sure the first item is not a separator
						if newAry[index] == self.appendOptionList ([], line): continue
						lastItem = newAry[index]
					if lastItem != newAry[index]:
				retAry = newAry # Only one item, nothing more to do
			return retAry
		except Exception as e:
			return []
	def getDateComparison (self, dev, index, d, prefix):
		curDate = indigo.server.getTime()
			# For now assume all values are equal to the date passed, this allows for use of "any" as
			# the value, because it's "any" that means that field will always match the comparison date
			year = int(d.strftime("%Y"))
			month = int(d.strftime("%m"))
			day = int(d.strftime("%d"))
			hour = int(d.strftime("%H"))
			minute = int(d.strftime("%M"))
			second = 0 # we never care about seconds
			# Evaluate the year
			if dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Year" + str(index)] == "any": 
				year = year # do nothing, the default is already this
			elif dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Year" + str(index)] == "current": 
				year = int(curDate.strftime("%Y"))
			elif dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Year" + str(index)] == "last": 
				year = int(curDate.strftime("%Y")) - 1
			elif dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Year" + str(index)] == "last": 
				year = int(curDate.strftime("%Y")) + 1	
				year = int(dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Year" + str(index)]) # with no other options, they chose an actual year
			# Evaluate the month
			if dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Month" + str(index)] != "any": month = int(dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Month" + str(index)])
			# Evaluate the day
			if dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Day" + str(index)] == "any":
				day = day # do nothing, the default is already this
			elif dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Day" + str(index)] == "first" or dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Day" + str(index)] == "second" or dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Day" + str(index)] == "third" or dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Day" + str(index)] == "fourth" or dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Day" + str(index)] == "last":
				newdate = self.getDayIteration(year, month, dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Day" + str(index)], dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Dow" + str(index)])
				year = int(newdate.strftime("%Y"))
				month = int(newdate.strftime("%m"))
				day = int(newdate.strftime("%d"))
			elif dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Day" + str(index)] == "lastday":
				day = calendar.monthrange(year, month)
				day = day[1]
				day = int(dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Day" + str(index)]) # they chose a day
			# Evaluate the time
			if dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Time" + str(index)] == "any":
				hour = hour # do nothing, the default is already this
				time = dev.pluginProps[prefix + "Time" + str(index)]
				time = time.split(":")
				hour = int(time[0])
				minute = int(time[1])
				second = 0
			# Re-assemble the date and return it
			retstr = str(year) + "-" + "%02d" % month + "-" + "%02d" % day + " " + "%02d" % hour + ":" + "%02d" % minute + ":" + "%02d" % second
			ret = datetime.datetime.strptime (retstr, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
			return ret
		except Exception as e:
			return curDate
	def showPlaceholders (self, valuesDict):
			if self.enablePlaceholders == False: return valuesDict
			cb = valuesDict["currentCondition"]
			currentBlock = int(cb)
			if currentBlock == 0: return valuesDict # nothing to do
			# Disable all condition blocks
			valuesDict["isDisabled"] = False
			valuesDict["placeThree"] = False
			valuesDict["placeFour"] = False
			valuesDict["placeFive"] = False
			valuesDict["placeSix"] = False 
			valuesDict["placeSeven"] = False 
			valuesDict["placeNine"] = False 
			valuesDict["placeTen"] = False 
			valuesDict["placeThirteen"] = False
			valuesDict["placeFifteen"] = False 
			# If there are no conditions
			if valuesDict["conditions"] == False:
				self.debugLog ("No conditions, current block is 0")
				valuesDict["currentCondition"] = "0" # it's the current condition and got collapsed, meaning all are collapsed
				return valuesDict
			# If it's collapsed then show that placeholder and return
			if valuesDict["expandConditions" + cb] == False:
				self.debugLog ("All blocks collapsed, current block is 0")
				valuesDict["currentCondition"] = "0" # it's the current condition and got collapsed, meaning all are collapsed
				return valuesDict
			valuesDict["multiConditions"] = False # Always turn it off here, save and close always turns it on

			bt = False # We have a "between" that extends things
			if valuesDict["evaluation" + cb] == "between" or valuesDict["evaluation" + cb] == "notbetween": bt = True
			if valuesDict["condition" + cb] == "disabled":
				valuesDict["isDisabled"] = True
			elif valuesDict["condition" + cb] == "timeonly" or valuesDict["condition" + cb] == "dow":
				valuesDict["placeThree"] = True
			elif (valuesDict["condition" + cb] == "variable" and bt == False) or valuesDict["condition" + cb] == "dateonly":
				valuesDict["placeFour"] = True
			elif (valuesDict["condition" + cb] == "device" and bt == False) or (valuesDict["condition" + cb] == "variable" and bt):
				valuesDict["placeFive"] = True
			elif (valuesDict["condition" + cb] == "device" and bt):
				valuesDict["placeSix"] = True
			elif (valuesDict["condition" + cb] == "datetime" and bt == False):
				valuesDict["placeSeven"] = True	
			elif (valuesDict["condition" + cb] == "vardatetime" and bt == False):
				valuesDict["placeNine"] = True	
			elif (valuesDict["condition" + cb] == "devstatedatetime" and bt == False):
				valuesDict["placeTen"] = True	
			elif (valuesDict["condition" + cb] == "datetime" and bt):
				valuesDict["placeThirteen"] = True	
			elif (valuesDict["condition" + cb] == "vardatetime" and bt):
				valuesDict["placeFifteen"] = True	
		except Exception as e:
		return valuesDict
	def conditionContain (self, dev, index):
		ret = []
		isTrue = 0
		isFalse = 0
			compareString = ""
			devEx = None
			if dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "device" or dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatedateonly" or dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatetimeonly" or dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatedatetime" or dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatedow":
				devEx = indigo.devices[int(dev.pluginProps["device" + str(index)])]
			if dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "device":
				if eps.valueValid (devEx.states, dev.pluginProps["state" + str(index)]):
					compareString = unicode(devEx.states[dev.pluginProps["state" + str(index)]])
			elif dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "variable":
				var = indigo.variables[int(dev.pluginProps["variable" + str(index)])]
				compareString = unicode(var.value)
			elif dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "datetime" or dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatedatetime" or dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "vardatetime":
				d = indigo.server.getTime()
				if dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "devstatedatetime": d = self.getDevStateDateTime (dev, devEx, index)
				if dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)] == "vardatetime": d = self.getVarDateTime (dev, index)
				compareString = d.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S | %m %b %B | %A %w | %I | %p")
				indigo.server.log("Unknown condition %s in contains" % dev.pluginProps["condition" + str(index)], isError=True)
			self.debugLog ("\tChecking if %s is in %s" % (dev.pluginProps["value" + str(index)], compareString))
			compareValue = ""
			if compareString != "": compareValue = compareString.lower()
			findValue = ""
			if dev.pluginProps["value" + str(index)] != "": findValue = str(dev.pluginProps["value" + str(index)]).lower()
			if findValue != "":
				foundAt = string.find (compareString, findValue)
				if foundAt > -1:
					isTrue = 1	
					# It's the negative version so reverse the values
					isFalse = 1
				if compareValue == "":
					isTrue = 1
					isFalse = 1
		except Exception as e:
			isTrue = 0
			isFalse = 0
		return ret
Example #30
def base(self):
        X = 1

    except Exception as e: