Example #1
    def test_multi_cloud_n_decrease_multi_site(self):
        control = MockControl()
        state = MockState()

        n = 14
        cloud1 = make_cloud_conf('hotel', 8, 1)
        cloud2 = make_cloud_conf('sierra', 4, 2)
        cloud3 = make_cloud_conf('foxtrot', 2, 3)

        conf = make_conf([cloud1, cloud2, cloud3], n, 'testdt', 'm1.small')

        de = PhantomMultiSiteOverflowEngine()
        de.initialize(control, state, conf)

        de.decide(control, control.get_state())
        self.assertEqual(control._launch_calls, n)

        n = 10
        newconf = make_conf([cloud1, cloud2, cloud3], n, 'testdt', 'm1.small')
        de.reconfigure(control, newconf)

        de.decide(control, control.get_state())
        self.assertEqual(control._launch_calls - control._destroy_calls, n)

        healthy_instances = control.get_instances(states=HEALTHY_STATES, site='foxtrot')
        self.assertEqual(len(healthy_instances), 0)
        healthy_instances = control.get_instances(states=HEALTHY_STATES, site='sierra')
        self.assertEqual(len(healthy_instances), 2)
        healthy_instances = control.get_instances(states=HEALTHY_STATES, site='hotel')
        self.assertEqual(len(healthy_instances), 8)
Example #2
    def test_basic_capacity(self):
        control = MockControl()
        state = MockState()

        desired_n = 10
        capacity = 5

        hotel_cloud = make_cloud_conf('hotel', desired_n, 1)

        conf = make_conf([hotel_cloud, ], desired_n, 'testdt', 'm1.small')

        de = PhantomMultiSiteOverflowEngine()
        de.initialize(control, state, conf)

        de.decide(control, control.get_state())

        healthy_instances = control.get_instances(states=HEALTHY_STATES)
        self.assertEqual(len(healthy_instances), desired_n)

        for i in range(100):
            # may need to add a sleep once the time metric is added
            de.decide(control, control.get_state())

            # mark them all failed, go back and mark up to capacity as running
            # this is how we fake a capacity of n
            for i in control.instances:
                i.state = InstanceState.FAILED
            for i in range(0, capacity):
                control.instances[i].state = InstanceState.RUNNING

        healthy_instances = control.get_instances(states=HEALTHY_STATES)
        self.assertEqual(len(healthy_instances), capacity)
        # at this point the DE should have figured out that we are at capacity so it should
        # not decide to try to add more
        de.decide(control, control.get_state())

        healthy_instances = control.get_instances(states=HEALTHY_STATES)
        self.assertEqual(len(healthy_instances), capacity)

        # now reduce the desired n down to the capacity. nothing should be killed
        conf = make_conf([hotel_cloud, ], capacity, 'testdt', 'm1.small')
        de.reconfigure(control, conf)

        de.decide(control, control.get_state())

        healthy_instances = control.get_instances(states=HEALTHY_STATES)
        self.assertEqual(len(healthy_instances), capacity)

        self.assertEqual(control._destroy_calls, 0)
Example #3
    def test_reconf_two_clouds_n_stays_the_same_but_node_dies(self):
        control = MockControl()
        state = MockState()

        hotel_n = 4
        sierra_n = 2
        overall_n = hotel_n + sierra_n

        hotel_cloud = make_cloud_conf('hotel', hotel_n, 1)
        sierra_cloud = make_cloud_conf('sierra', sierra_n, 2)

        conf = make_conf([hotel_cloud, sierra_cloud, ], overall_n, 'testdt', 'm1.small')

        de = PhantomMultiSiteOverflowEngine()
        de.initialize(control, state, conf)

        de.decide(control, control.get_state())

        self.assertEqual(control._launch_calls, overall_n)
        self.assertEqual(control.site_launch_calls['hotel'], hotel_n)
        self.assertEqual(control.site_launch_calls['sierra'], sierra_n)

        hotel_cloud = make_cloud_conf('hotel', hotel_n + 5, 1)
        sierra_cloud = make_cloud_conf('sierra', sierra_n, 2)
        newconf = make_conf([hotel_cloud, sierra_cloud, ], overall_n, 'testdt', 'm1.small')
        de.reconfigure(control, newconf)
        de.decide(control, control.get_state())

        # since we only rebalance optimistically nothing should change
        self.assertEqual(control._launch_calls, overall_n)
        self.assertEqual(control.site_launch_calls['hotel'], hotel_n)
        self.assertEqual(control.site_launch_calls['sierra'], sierra_n)

        for i in control.instances:
            if i.site == 'sierra':
                i.state = InstanceState.FAILED

        # check to verify that we optimistically rebalanced
        de.decide(control, control.get_state())
        healthy_instances = control.get_instances(states=HEALTHY_STATES)
        sierra_instances = control.get_instances(site='sierra', states=HEALTHY_STATES)
        hotel_instances = control.get_instances(site='hotel', states=HEALTHY_STATES)

        self.assertEqual(len(healthy_instances), overall_n)
        self.assertEqual(len(hotel_instances), hotel_n + 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(sierra_instances), sierra_n - 1)
Example #4
    def test_capacity_overflow(self):
        control = MockControl()
        state = MockState()

        desired_n = 10
        capacity = 5

        hotel_cloud = make_cloud_conf('hotel', desired_n * 2, 1)  # set hotel to have plenty of room
        sierra_cloud = make_cloud_conf('sierra', desired_n, 2)  # set hotel to have enough for the overflow

        conf = make_conf([hotel_cloud, sierra_cloud, ], desired_n, 'testdt', 'm1.small')

        de = PhantomMultiSiteOverflowEngine()
        de.initialize(control, state, conf)

        de.decide(control, control.get_state())

        healthy_instances = control.get_instances(states=HEALTHY_STATES)
        self.assertEqual(len(healthy_instances), desired_n)

        for i in range(100):
            de.decide(control, control.get_state())

            skip_count = 0
            for i in control.instances:
                if i.site == 'hotel':
                    if skip_count >= capacity:
                        i.state = InstanceState.FAILED
                    skip_count = skip_count + 1

        healthy_instances = control.get_instances(states=HEALTHY_STATES, site='hotel')
        self.assertEqual(len(healthy_instances), capacity)
        # at this point the DE should have figured out that we are at capacity so it should
        # not decide to try to add more
        de.decide(control, control.get_state())

        healthy_instances = control.get_instances(states=HEALTHY_STATES, site='hotel')
        self.assertEqual(len(healthy_instances), capacity)
        sierra_healthy_instances = control.get_instances(states=HEALTHY_STATES, site='sierra')
        self.assertEqual(len(sierra_healthy_instances), desired_n - capacity)
        healthy_instances = control.get_instances(states=HEALTHY_STATES)
        self.assertEqual(len(healthy_instances), desired_n)