Example #1
class TestTrafficSentinel(object):
    def setup(self):

        host = "fake"
        username = "******"
        password = "******"
        self.mock_traffic_sentinel = True

        self.traffic_sentinel = TrafficSentinel(host, username=username, password=password)
        self.original_urlopen = urllib2.urlopen

    def patch_urllib(self, return_string):
        self.traffic_sentinel_string = StringIO(return_string)
        urllib2.urlopen = Mock(return_value=self.traffic_sentinel_string)

    def teardown(self):
        urllib2.urlopen = self.original_urlopen

    def test_get_metric_statistics(self):

        # This is a tricky way to make sure this test passes with the real ts,
        # since a real TS will always have its own values
        test_host = os.environ.get("TRAFFIC_SENTINEL_HOST", "fake.ts.host.tld")
        loads = [0.010, 0.020]
        test_reply = "%s,%f\n" % (test_host, loads[0])
        test_reply += "%s,%f\n" % (test_host, loads[1])
        load_average = sum(loads) / float(len(loads))
        if self.mock_traffic_sentinel:

        period = 60
        start_time = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1)
        end_time = datetime.now()
        metric_name = "load_five"
        statistics = Statistics.AVERAGE

        result = self.traffic_sentinel.get_metric_statistics(period, start_time, end_time, metric_name, statistics)

        assert len(result) > 0
        assert result.get(test_host)
        assert result[test_host].get(Statistics.AVERAGE)

        if not self.mock_traffic_sentinel:

        # assert result[test_host][Statistics.AVERAGE] ~= load_average
        assert abs(result[test_host][Statistics.AVERAGE] - load_average) < 0.0000001

    def test_get_metric_statistics_app_attributes(self):

        # test_host = os.environ.get("TRAFFIC_SENTINEL_HOST", "fake.ts.host.tld")
        test_process = os.environ.get("TRAFFIC_SENTINEL_PROCESS", "fake.process")
        queue_length = 1
        ml = 1
        app_attributes = ["pid=%s&ql=%s&ml=%s" % (test_process, queue_length, ml)]
        test_reply = "%s\n" % (app_attributes[0])
        if self.mock_traffic_sentinel:

        period = 60
        start_time = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1)
        end_time = datetime.now()
        metric_name = "app_attributes:ml"
        statistics = Statistics.AVERAGE
        dimensions = {"pid": [test_process]}

        result = self.traffic_sentinel.get_metric_statistics(
            period, start_time, end_time, metric_name, statistics, dimensions
        assert len(result) > 0
        assert result.get(test_process)
        assert result[test_process].get(Statistics.AVERAGE)

        if not self.mock_traffic_sentinel:

        # assert result[test_host][Statistics.AVERAGE] ~= load_average
        assert abs(result[test_process][Statistics.AVERAGE] - ml) < 0.0000001

    def test_build_script(self):

        query_fields = ["first", "second"]
        query_type = "host"
        group = 60
        interval = "201209190101.01-201209200101.01"
        dimensions = {"hostname": ["somevm.cloud.tld", "someothervm.cloud.tld"]}
        script = self.traffic_sentinel._build_script(query_fields, query_type, interval, group, dimensions)
        assert 'interval = "%s"' % interval in script
        assert 'select = "%s"' % ",".join(query_fields) in script
        assert 'where = "%s"' % "(hostname = somevm.cloud.tld | hostname = someothervm.cloud.tld)" in script