Example #1
    def _output(self, s, tag, state):
        Add the string `s` to the result list, tagging its contents
        with tag `tag`.  Any lines that go beyond `self.linelen` will
        be line-wrapped.  If the total number of lines exceeds
        `self.maxlines`, then raise a `_Maxlines` exception.
        # Make sure the string is unicode.
        if isinstance(s, bytes):
            s = decode_with_backslashreplace(s)
        # Split the string into segments.  The first segment is the
        # content to add to the current line, and the remaining
        # segments are new lines.
        segments = s.split('\n')

        for i, segment in enumerate(segments):
            # If this isn't the first segment, then add a newline to
            # split it from the previous segment.
            if i > 0:
                if (state.lineno+1) > self.maxlines:
                    raise _Maxlines()
                if not state.linebreakok:
                    raise _Linebreak()
                state.lineno += 1
                state.charpos = 0

            # If the segment fits on the current line, then just call
            # markup to tag it, and store the result.
            if state.charpos + len(segment) <= self.linelen:
                state.charpos += len(segment)
                if tag:
                    segment = Element('code', segment, style=tag)

            # If the segment doesn't fit on the current line, then
            # line-wrap it, and insert the remainder of the line into
            # the segments list that we're iterating over.  (We'll go
            # the the beginning of the next line at the start of the
            # next iteration through the loop.)
                split = self.linelen-state.charpos
                segments.insert(i+1, segment[split:])
                segment = segment[:split]
                if tag:
                    segment = Element('code', segment, style=tag)
                state.result += [segment, self.LINEWRAP]
Example #2
 def colorize(self, pyval, parse_repr=None, min_score=None):
     @return: A L{ColorizedPyvalRepr} describing the given pyval.
     UNKNOWN = epydoc.apidoc.UNKNOWN
     # Create an object to keep track of the colorization.
     state = _ColorizerState()
     state.linebreakok = self.linebreakok
     # Colorize the value.  If we reach maxlines, then add on an
     # ellipsis marker and call it a day.
         if pyval is not UNKNOWN:
             self._colorize(pyval, state)
         elif parse_repr not in (None, UNKNOWN):
             self._output(parse_repr, None, state)
         is_complete = True
     except (_Maxlines, _Linebreak):
         if self.linebreakok:
             if state.result[-1] is self.LINEWRAP:
             self._trim_result(state.result, 3)
         is_complete = False
     # If we didn't score high enough, then try again.
     if (pyval is not UNKNOWN and parse_repr not in (None, UNKNOWN)
         and min_score is not None and state.score < min_score):
         return self.colorize(UNKNOWN, parse_repr)
     # Put it all together.
     tree = Element('epytext', *state.result)
     return ColorizedPyvalRepr(tree, state.score, is_complete)
Example #3
class PyvalColorizer:
    Syntax highlighter for Python values.

    def __init__(self, linelen=75, maxlines=5, linebreakok=True, sort=True):
        self.linelen = linelen
        self.maxlines = maxlines
        self.linebreakok = linebreakok
        self.sort = sort

    # Colorization Tags & other constants

    GROUP_TAG = 'variable-group'     # e.g., "[" and "]"
    COMMA_TAG = 'variable-op'        # The "," that separates elements
    COLON_TAG = 'variable-op'        # The ":" in dictionaries
    CONST_TAG = None                 # None, True, False
    NUMBER_TAG = None                # ints, floats, etc
    QUOTE_TAG = 'variable-quote'     # Quotes around strings.
    STRING_TAG = 'variable-string'   # Body of string literals

    RE_CHAR_TAG = None
    RE_GROUP_TAG = 're-group'
    RE_REF_TAG = 're-ref'
    RE_OP_TAG = 're-op'
    RE_FLAGS_TAG = 're-flags'

    ELLIPSIS = Element('code', u'...', style='variable-ellipsis')
    LINEWRAP = Element('symbol', u'crarr')
    UNKNOWN_REPR = Element('code', u'??', style='variable-unknown')
    GENERIC_OBJECT_RE = re.compile(r'^<.* at 0x[0-9a-f]+>$', re.IGNORECASE)

    ESCAPE_UNICODE = False # should we escape non-ascii unicode chars?

    # Entry Point

    def colorize(self, pyval, parse_repr=None, min_score=None):
        @return: A L{ColorizedPyvalRepr} describing the given pyval.
        UNKNOWN = epydoc.apidoc.UNKNOWN
        # Create an object to keep track of the colorization.
        state = _ColorizerState()
        state.linebreakok = self.linebreakok
        # Colorize the value.  If we reach maxlines, then add on an
        # ellipsis marker and call it a day.
            if pyval is not UNKNOWN:
                self._colorize(pyval, state)
            elif parse_repr not in (None, UNKNOWN):
                self._output(parse_repr, None, state)
            is_complete = True
        except (_Maxlines, _Linebreak):
            if self.linebreakok:
                if state.result[-1] is self.LINEWRAP:
                self._trim_result(state.result, 3)
            is_complete = False
        # If we didn't score high enough, then try again.
        if (pyval is not UNKNOWN and parse_repr not in (None, UNKNOWN)
            and min_score is not None and state.score < min_score):
            return self.colorize(UNKNOWN, parse_repr)
        # Put it all together.
        tree = Element('epytext', *state.result)
        return ColorizedPyvalRepr(tree, state.score, is_complete)

    def _colorize(self, pyval, state):
        pyval_type = type(pyval)
        state.score += 1
        if pyval is None or pyval is True or pyval is False:
            self._output(unicode(pyval), self.CONST_TAG, state)
        elif pyval_type in (int, float, long, complex):
            self._output(unicode(pyval), self.NUMBER_TAG, state)
        elif pyval_type is bytes:
            self._colorize_str(pyval, state, '', 'string-escape')
        elif pyval_type is unicode:
            if self.ESCAPE_UNICODE:
                self._colorize_str(pyval, state, 'u', 'unicode-escape')
                self._colorize_str(pyval, state, 'u', None)
        elif pyval_type is list:
            self._multiline(self._colorize_iter, pyval, state, '[', ']')
        elif pyval_type is tuple:
            self._multiline(self._colorize_iter, pyval, state, '(', ')')
        elif pyval_type is set:
            self._multiline(self._colorize_iter, self._sort(pyval),
                            state, 'set([', '])')
        elif pyval_type is frozenset:
            self._multiline(self._colorize_iter, self._sort(pyval),
                            state, 'frozenset([', '])')
        elif pyval_type is dict:
            self._multiline(self._colorize_dict, self._sort(list(pyval.items())),
                            state, '{', '}')
        elif is_re_pattern(pyval):
            self._colorize_re(pyval, state)
                pyval_repr = repr(pyval)
                if not isinstance(pyval_repr, (str, unicode)):
                    pyval_repr = unicode(pyval_repr)
                pyval_repr_ok = True
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                pyval_repr_ok = False
                state.score -= 100

            if pyval_repr_ok:
                if self.GENERIC_OBJECT_RE.match(pyval_repr):
                    state.score -= 5
                self._output(pyval_repr, None, state)

    def _sort(self, items):
        if not self.sort: return items
        try: return sorted(items)
        except KeyboardInterrupt: raise
        except: return items
    def _trim_result(self, result, num_chars):
        while num_chars > 0:
            if not result: return 
            if isinstance(result[-1], Element):
                assert len(result[-1].children) == 1
                trim = min(num_chars, len(result[-1].children[0]))
                result[-1].children[0] = result[-1].children[0][:-trim]
                if not result[-1].children[0]: result.pop()
                num_chars -= trim
                trim = min(num_chars, len(result[-1]))
                result[-1] = result[-1][:-trim]
                if not result[-1]: result.pop()
                num_chars -= trim

    # Object Colorization Functions

    def _multiline(self, func, pyval, state, *args):
        Helper for container-type colorizers.  First, try calling
        C{func(pyval, state, *args)} with linebreakok set to false;
        and if that fails, then try again with it set to true.
        linebreakok = state.linebreakok
        mark = state.mark()
            state.linebreakok = False
            func(pyval, state, *args)
            state.linebreakok = linebreakok

        except _Linebreak:
            if not linebreakok:
            func(pyval, state, *args)
    def _colorize_iter(self, pyval, state, prefix, suffix):
        self._output(prefix, self.GROUP_TAG, state)
        indent = state.charpos
        for i, elt in enumerate(pyval):
            if i>=1:
                if state.linebreakok:
                    self._output(',', self.COMMA_TAG, state)
                    self._output('\n'+' '*indent, None, state)
                    self._output(', ', self.COMMA_TAG, state)
            self._colorize(elt, state)
        self._output(suffix, self.GROUP_TAG, state)

    def _colorize_dict(self, items, state, prefix, suffix):
        self._output(prefix, self.GROUP_TAG, state)
        indent = state.charpos
        for i, (key, val) in enumerate(items):
            if i>=1:
                if state.linebreakok:
                    self._output(',', self.COMMA_TAG, state)
                    self._output('\n'+' '*indent, None, state)
                    self._output(', ', self.COMMA_TAG, state)
            self._colorize(key, state)
            self._output(': ', self.COLON_TAG, state)
            self._colorize(val, state)
        self._output(suffix, self.GROUP_TAG, state)

    def _colorize_str(self, pyval, state, prefix, encoding):
        # Decide which quote to use.
        if '\n' in pyval and state.linebreakok: quote = "'''"
        else: quote = "'"
        # Divide the string into lines.
        if state.linebreakok:
            lines = pyval.split('\n')
            lines = [pyval]
        # Open quote.
        self._output(prefix+quote, self.QUOTE_TAG, state)
        # Body
        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
            if i>0: self._output('\n', None, state)
            if encoding: line = line.encode(encoding)
            self._output(line, self.STRING_TAG, state)
        # Close quote.
        self._output(quote, self.QUOTE_TAG, state)

    def _colorize_re(self, pyval, state):
        # Extract the flag & pattern from the regexp.
        pat, flags = pyval.pattern, pyval.flags
        # If the pattern is a string, decode it to unicode.
        if isinstance(pat, str):
            pat = decode_with_backslashreplace(pat)
        # Parse the regexp pattern.
        tree = sre_parse.parse(pat, flags)
        groups = dict([(num,name) for (name,num) in
        # Colorize it!
        self._output("re.compile(r'", None, state)
        self._colorize_re_flags(tree.pattern.flags, state)
        self._colorize_re_tree(tree, state, True, groups)
        self._output("')", None, state)

    def _colorize_re_flags(self, flags, state):
        if flags:
            flags = [c for (c,n) in sorted(sre_parse.FLAGS.items())
                     if (n&flags)]
            flags = '(?%s)' % ''.join(flags)
            self._output(flags, self.RE_FLAGS_TAG, state)

    def _colorize_re_tree(self, tree, state, noparen, groups):
        assert noparen in (True, False)
        if len(tree) > 1 and not noparen:
            self._output('(', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
        for elt in tree:
            op = elt[0]
            args = elt[1]
            if op == sre_constants.LITERAL:
                c = unichr(args)
                # Add any appropriate escaping.
                if c in '.^$\\*+?{}[]|()\'': c = '\\'+c
                elif c == '\t': c = '\\t'
                elif c == '\r': c = '\\r'
                elif c == '\n': c = '\\n'
                elif c == '\f': c = '\\f'
                elif c == '\v': c = '\\v'
                elif ord(c) > 0xffff: c = r'\U%08x' % ord(c)
                elif ord(c) > 0xff: c = r'\u%04x' % ord(c)
                elif ord(c)<32 or ord(c)>=127: c = r'\x%02x' % ord(c)
                self._output(c, self.RE_CHAR_TAG, state)
            elif op == sre_constants.ANY:
                self._output('.', self.RE_CHAR_TAG, state)
            elif op == sre_constants.BRANCH:
                if args[0] is not None:
                    raise ValueError('Branch expected None arg but got %s'
                                     % args[0])
                for i, item in enumerate(args[1]):
                    if i > 0:
                        self._output('|', self.RE_OP_TAG, state)
                    self._colorize_re_tree(item, state, True, groups)
            elif op == sre_constants.IN:
                if (len(args) == 1 and args[0][0] == sre_constants.CATEGORY):
                    self._colorize_re_tree(args, state, False, groups)
                    self._output('[', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
                    self._colorize_re_tree(args, state, True, groups)
                    self._output(']', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
            elif op == sre_constants.CATEGORY:
                if args == sre_constants.CATEGORY_DIGIT: val = r'\d'
                elif args == sre_constants.CATEGORY_NOT_DIGIT: val = r'\D'
                elif args == sre_constants.CATEGORY_SPACE: val = r'\s'
                elif args == sre_constants.CATEGORY_NOT_SPACE: val = r'\S'
                elif args == sre_constants.CATEGORY_WORD: val = r'\w'
                elif args == sre_constants.CATEGORY_NOT_WORD: val = r'\W'
                else: raise ValueError('Unknown category %s' % args)
                self._output(val, self.RE_CHAR_TAG, state)
            elif op == sre_constants.AT:
                if args == sre_constants.AT_BEGINNING_STRING: val = r'\A'
                elif args == sre_constants.AT_BEGINNING: val = r'^'
                elif args == sre_constants.AT_END: val = r'$'
                elif args == sre_constants.AT_BOUNDARY: val = r'\b'
                elif args == sre_constants.AT_NON_BOUNDARY: val = r'\B'
                elif args == sre_constants.AT_END_STRING: val = r'\Z'
                else: raise ValueError('Unknown position %s' % args)
                self._output(val, self.RE_CHAR_TAG, state)
            elif op in (sre_constants.MAX_REPEAT, sre_constants.MIN_REPEAT):
                minrpt = args[0]
                maxrpt = args[1]
                if maxrpt == sre_constants.MAXREPEAT:
                    if minrpt == 0:   val = '*'
                    elif minrpt == 1: val = '+'
                    else: val = '{%d,}' % (minrpt)
                elif minrpt == 0:
                    if maxrpt == 1: val = '?'
                    else: val = '{,%d}' % (maxrpt)
                elif minrpt == maxrpt:
                    val = '{%d}' % (maxrpt)
                    val = '{%d,%d}' % (minrpt, maxrpt)
                if op == sre_constants.MIN_REPEAT:
                    val += '?'
                self._colorize_re_tree(args[2], state, False, groups)
                self._output(val, self.RE_OP_TAG, state)
            elif op == sre_constants.SUBPATTERN:
                if args[0] is None:
                    self._output('(?:', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
                elif args[0] in groups:
                    self._output('(?P<', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
                    self._output(groups[args[0]], self.RE_REF_TAG, state)
                    self._output('>', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
                elif isinstance(args[0], (int, long)):
                    # This is cheating:
                    self._output('(', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
                    self._output('(?P<', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
                    self._output(args[0], self.RE_REF_TAG, state)
                    self._output('>', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
                self._colorize_re_tree(args[1], state, True, groups)
                self._output(')', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
            elif op == sre_constants.GROUPREF:
                self._output('\\%d' % args, self.RE_REF_TAG, state)
            elif op == sre_constants.RANGE:
                self._colorize_re_tree( ((sre_constants.LITERAL, args[0]),),
                                        state, False, groups )
                self._output('-', self.RE_OP_TAG, state)
                self._colorize_re_tree( ((sre_constants.LITERAL, args[1]),),
                                        state, False, groups )
            elif op == sre_constants.NEGATE:
                self._output('^', self.RE_OP_TAG, state)
            elif op == sre_constants.ASSERT:
                if args[0] > 0:
                    self._output('(?=', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
                    self._output('(?<=', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
                self._colorize_re_tree(args[1], state, True, groups)
                self._output(')', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
            elif op == sre_constants.ASSERT_NOT:
                if args[0] > 0:
                    self._output('(?!', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
                    self._output('(?<!', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
                self._colorize_re_tree(args[1], state, True, groups)
                self._output(')', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
            elif op == sre_constants.NOT_LITERAL:
                self._output('[^', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
                self._colorize_re_tree( ((sre_constants.LITERAL, args),),
                                        state, False, groups )
                self._output(']', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
                log.error("Error colorizing regexp: unknown elt %r" % elt)
        if len(tree) > 1 and not noparen: 
            self._output(')', self.RE_GROUP_TAG, state)
    # Output function

    def _output(self, s, tag, state):
        Add the string `s` to the result list, tagging its contents
        with tag `tag`.  Any lines that go beyond `self.linelen` will
        be line-wrapped.  If the total number of lines exceeds
        `self.maxlines`, then raise a `_Maxlines` exception.
        # Make sure the string is unicode.
        if isinstance(s, bytes):
            s = decode_with_backslashreplace(s)
        # Split the string into segments.  The first segment is the
        # content to add to the current line, and the remaining
        # segments are new lines.
        segments = s.split('\n')

        for i, segment in enumerate(segments):
            # If this isn't the first segment, then add a newline to
            # split it from the previous segment.
            if i > 0:
                if (state.lineno+1) > self.maxlines:
                    raise _Maxlines()
                if not state.linebreakok:
                    raise _Linebreak()
                state.lineno += 1
                state.charpos = 0

            # If the segment fits on the current line, then just call
            # markup to tag it, and store the result.
            if state.charpos + len(segment) <= self.linelen:
                state.charpos += len(segment)
                if tag:
                    segment = Element('code', segment, style=tag)

            # If the segment doesn't fit on the current line, then
            # line-wrap it, and insert the remainder of the line into
            # the segments list that we're iterating over.  (We'll go
            # the the beginning of the next line at the start of the
            # next iteration through the loop.)
                split = self.linelen-state.charpos
                segments.insert(i+1, segment[split:])
                segment = segment[:split]
                if tag:
                    segment = Element('code', segment, style=tag)
                state.result += [segment, self.LINEWRAP]