Example #1
def initialize_model(tsid, target_date):
    """make instances of model classes"""
    start_time = time.time()
    tdate = target_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    # with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(8) as executor:
    #     res = [executor.submit(fn, tsid, tdate=tdate) for fn in [make_sections,
    #                                                             make_dgu_groups,
    #                                                             make_bids,
    #                                                             make_stations,
    #                                                             make_areas,
    #                                                             make_impex_areas,
    #                                                             make_nodes,
    #                                                             make_loads,
    #                                                             make_consumers,
    #                                                             make_dpgs,
    #                                                             make_dgus,
    #                                                             make_wsumgen,
    #                                                             make_gus,
    #                                                             make_lines,
    #                                                             make_price_zones,
    #                                                             make_settings]]
    # list(res)

    make_sections(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_dgu_groups(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_bids(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_stations(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_areas(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_impex_areas(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_nodes(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_loads(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_consumers(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_dpgs(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_dgus(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_wsumgen(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_gus(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_lines(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_price_zones(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_settings(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_peak_so(tsid, target_date, tdate=tdate)

    print(time.time() - start_time)
Example #2
from eq_db.classes.bids import make_bids
from eq_db.vertica_corrections import add_bids_vertica

tsid = 220482901
scenario = 1
tdate = '31-07-2015'

bids = make_bids(tsid, tdate)
bids = add_bids_vertica(bids, scenario, tdate)
Example #3
from eq_db.classes.bids import make_bids

bids = make_bids(220924901, '13.03.2016')
bid = bids[232095]
for hour in bid.hour_data.keys():
        print(bid.hour_data[hour]['hour'], b)
        for b in bid.hour_data[hour]['intervals']

# import re
# query = '''
# select hour, o$num rge_code, o$pmin pmin, o$pmax pmax, o$pminagg pmin_tech,
# o$p p, o$wmax wmax, o$wmin wmin, o$vgain vgain, o$vdrop vdrop, rge.parent_object_id dpg_id
# from tsdb2.wh_rastr_generator partition (&tsid) rg, tsdb2.wh_trader partition (&tsid) rge
# where rge.trader_type = 103
# and rge.trader_code = rg.o$num'''
# query = '''select trader_code dpg_code, to_number(consumer2), is_system, is_guarantee_supply_co, trader_id dpg_id,
# fed_station is_fed_station, is_disqualified, is_unpriced_zone, is_fsk, es_ref area
# from tsdb2.wh_trader partition (&tsid) gtp
# where dpg_type = 1
# and is_impex = 0
# --and trader_code = 'PSAYANAL'
# '''
# for match in re.finditer('(wh_(\w*)\s*partition\s*\(&tsid\))', query):
#     print(query.replace(match.group(0), match.group(1)))