Example #1
    def test_lag_calc(self):
        """Test the lag calculation tutorial."""
        from eqcorrscan.tutorials.lag_calc import run_tutorial

        shift_len = 0.2
        min_mag = 4
        detections, picked_catalog, templates, template_names = \
            run_tutorial(min_magnitude=min_mag, shift_len=shift_len)

        self.assertEqual(len(picked_catalog), len(detections))
        self.assertEqual(len(detections), 8)
        for event, detection in zip(picked_catalog, detections):
            template = [
                t[0] for t in zip(templates, template_names)
                if t[1] == detection.template_name
            template_stachans = [(tr.stats.station, tr.stats.channel)
                                 for tr in template]
            for pick in event.picks:
                # First check that there is a template for the pick
                stachan = (pick.waveform_id.station_code,
                self.assertTrue(stachan in template_stachans)
                # Now check that the pick time is within +/- shift_len of
                # The template
                tr = template.select(station=stachan[0], channel=stachan[1])[0]
                delay = tr.stats.starttime - \
                re_picked_delay = pick.time - (detection.detect_time + delay)
                self.assertTrue(abs(re_picked_delay) < shift_len)
Example #2
    def test_match_filter(self):
        """Test the match_filter tutorial, generates templates too."""
        from eqcorrscan.tutorials.template_creation import mktemplates
        from eqcorrscan.tutorials.match_filter import run_tutorial
        from eqcorrscan.core.match_filter import read_detections
        import os
        import glob
        from obspy import read

        # Run mktemplates first to set-up for match_filter
        for template_no in range(4):
            template = read('tutorial_template_' + str(template_no) + '.ms')
            self.assertTrue(len(template) > 1)
        del (template)
        # Run the matched-filter
        tutorial_detections = run_tutorial(plot=False)
        # It should make 20 detections in total...
        testing_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
        fname = os.path.join(testing_path, 'expected_tutorial_detections.txt')
        expected_detections = read_detections(fname)

        # Annoyingly something doesn't match, event when writing out detections
        # then reading them back in and comparing them to themselves in memory.
        expected_times = [
            detection.detect_time for detection in expected_detections
        for expected_time in expected_times:
            expected_time.precision = 3  # Lower the precision slightly
        # expected_correlations = [round(detection.detect_val, 4) for detection
        #                          in expected_detections]
        for detection in tutorial_detections:
            detection.detect_time.precision = 3
                          msg='Detection at %s is not in expected detections' %
        if len(expected_detections) > len(tutorial_detections):
            # This is a fail but we are trying to debug
            actual_times = [
                for tutorial_detection in tutorial_detections
            for detection in expected_detections:
                              msg='Expected detection at %s was not made' %
        self.assertEqual(len(tutorial_detections), 22)
        # Cleanup the templates
        templates = glob.glob('tutorial_template_?.ms')
        for template in templates:
Example #3
    def test_match_filter(self):
        """Test the match_filter tutorial, generates templates too."""
        from eqcorrscan.tutorials.template_creation import mktemplates
        from eqcorrscan.tutorials.match_filter import run_tutorial
        from eqcorrscan.core.match_filter import read_detections
        import os
        import glob
        from obspy import read

        # Run mktemplates first to set-up for match_filter
        for template_no in range(4):
            template = read('tutorial_template_' + str(template_no) + '.ms')
            self.assertTrue(len(template) > 1)
        # Run the matched-filter
        tutorial_detections = run_tutorial(plot=False)
        # It should make 20 detections in total...
        testing_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
        fname = os.path.join(testing_path,
        expected_detections = read_detections(fname)

        # Annoyingly something doesn't match, event when writing out detections
        # then reading them back in and comparing them to themselves in memory.
        expected_times = [detection.detect_time for detection
                          in expected_detections]
        for expected_time in expected_times:
            expected_time.precision = 3  # Lower the precision slightly
        # expected_correlations = [round(detection.detect_val, 4) for detection
        #                          in expected_detections]
        for detection in tutorial_detections:
            detection.detect_time.precision = 3
            self.assertIn(detection.detect_time, expected_times,
                          msg='Detection at %s is not in expected detections'
                          % detection.detect_time)
            # self.assertIn(round(detection.detect_val, 4),
            #               expected_correlations,
            #               msg='Detection with cross-correlation value %s not' +
            #               ' in expected detections' % detection.detect_val)
        if len(expected_detections) > len(tutorial_detections):
            # This is a fail but we are trying to debug
            actual_times = [tutorial_detection.detect_time
                            for tutorial_detection in tutorial_detections]
            for detection in expected_detections:
                self.assertIn(detection.detect_time, actual_times,
                              msg='Expected detection at %s was not made'
                              % detection.detect_time)
        self.assertEqual(len(tutorial_detections), 23)
        # Cleanup the templates
        templates = glob.glob('tutorial_template_?.ms')
        for template in templates:
Example #4
    def test_templates_and_match(self):
        """Call the template creation then the matched-filter tests."""
        print("Making templates")
        # Some output for travis to stop it from stalling
        print("Made templates")
        for template_no in range(4):
            template = read('tutorial_template_' + str(template_no) + '.ms')
            expected_template = read(
                             'tutorial_template_' + str(template_no) + '.ms'))
            # self.assertTrue(len(template) > 1)
            self.assertEqual(len(template), len(expected_template))
        # Run the matched-filter
        print("Running the match-filter")
        tutorial_detections = match_filter.run_tutorial(plot=False,
        print("Match-filter ran")
        # It should make 20 detections in total...
        fname = os.path.join(self.testing_path,
        expected_detections = read_detections(fname)

        expected_times = [
            detection.detect_time for detection in expected_detections
        for expected_time in expected_times:
            expected_time.precision = 3  # Lower the precision slightly
        # expected_correlations = [round(detection.detect_val, 4) for detection
        #                          in expected_detections]
        for detection in tutorial_detections:
            assert (detection.detect_val < detection.no_chans)
            detection.detect_time.precision = 3
                          msg='Detection at %s is not in expected detections' %
        if len(expected_detections) > len(tutorial_detections):
            # This is a fail but we are trying to debug
            actual_times = [
                for tutorial_detection in tutorial_detections
            for detection in expected_detections:
                              msg='Expected detection at %s was not made' %
        self.assertEqual(len(tutorial_detections), 22)
        for template_no in range(4):
            if os.path.isfile('tutorial_template_' + str(template_no) + '.ms'):
                os.remove('tutorial_template_' + str(template_no) + '.ms')
Example #5
    def test_subspace(self):
        """Test the subspace tutorial."""
        from eqcorrscan.tutorials.subspace import run_tutorial

        detections = run_tutorial(plot=False)
        self.assertEqual(len(detections), 2)