def getModel(system): 
    # check dependancy
    set_provided = set([equ[0] for equ in system]) 
    set_needed = set(reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [equ[1] for equ in system])) 
# dependancy checking is not needed.
#   if not set_needed <= set_provided:
#       print 'Needed value is not provided.'
#       return None 
#   else:
#       print 'Dependancy test: pass.'

    # check valid
    rendered = []
    for equ in system:
        e = Equation(dict(equ[2]), equ[3].replace(':', '_'))
        var = [ele.replace(':', '_') for ele in [equ[0]]+equ[1]+['t'] ]
        eval_dict = dict(zip(var, [0.]*len(var)))
        eval_dict['__builtins__'] = None

        print '='*20
            testv = eval(e.render(), eval_dict, safe_dict)
            print 'Test pass:'******'\tValue(all 0):', testv
        except Exception, exp:
            print 'Test error:', e.render()
            print '\t', exp
            return None, None
def getModel(system, dependancy_check=True): 
        :system: the equation system.

        Get the ODE model to simulate from system.
    # check dependancy
    set_provided = set([equ[0] for equ in system]) 
    set_needed = set(reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [equ[1] for equ in system], [])) 

    # dependancy checking is not needed.
    if dependancy_check:
        # the needed set is included in the provided set
        if not set_needed <= set_provided:
            auto = set_needed - set_provided
            for ele in list(auto):
                system.append([ele, [], [], '0'])
            # debug code
    #       print 'needed:', set_needed
    #       print 'provided:', set_provided
    #       print 'Needed value is not provided.'
    #       return None, 'Needed value is not provided.'
    #   else:
    #       print 'Dependancy test: pass.'

    # check valid
    rendered = []
    for equ in system:
        # e is the Equation object
        e = Equation(dict(equ[2]), equ[3].replace(':', '_'))
        # all the variables
        var = [ele.replace(':', '_') for ele in [equ[0]]+equ[1]+['t'] ]

        # the look-up table of variables
        eval_dict = dict(zip(var, [0.]*len(var)))
        eval_dict['__builtins__'] = None

            # try to evaluate the formula
            testv = eval(e.render(), eval_dict, safe_dict)
#           print 'Test pass:'******'\tValue(all 0):', testv
        except Exception, exp:
            print 'Test error:', equ
            msg = traceback.format_exc()
            #print '\t', exp.message
            print msg
            return None, msg, None