Example #1
def _test_erfa_conversion(leap, i_f):
    i_i, f_i = i_f
    assume(0 <= f_i < 1)
    if leap:
        assume(i_i in leap_sec_days)
        assume(i_i not in leap_sec_days)
    jd1_in, jd2_in = day_frac(erfa.DJM0 + i_i, f_i)
    y, mo, d, f = erfa.jd2cal(jd1_in, jd2_in)
    assert 0 < y < 3000
    assert 0 < mo <= 12
    assert 0 <= d < 32
    assert 0 <= f < 1

    jd1_temp, jd2_temp = erfa.cal2jd(y, mo, d)
    jd1_temp, jd2_temp = day_frac(jd1_temp, jd2_temp)  # improve numerics
    jd1_temp, jd2_temp = day_frac(jd1_temp, jd2_temp + f)
    jd_change = abs((jd1_temp - jd1_in) + (jd2_temp - jd2_in)) * u.day
    assert jd_change.to(u.ns) < 1 * u.ns

    ft = 24 * f
    h = safe_kind_conversion(np.floor(ft), dtype=int)
    ft -= h
    ft *= 60
    m = safe_kind_conversion(np.floor(ft), dtype=int)
    ft -= m
    ft *= 60
    s = ft
    assert 0 <= h < 24
    assert 0 <= m < 60
    assert 0 <= s < 60

    jd1, jd2 = erfa.dtf2d("UTC", y, mo, d, h, m, s)
    y2, mo2, d2, f2 = erfa.jd2cal(jd1, jd2)
    # assert (y, mo, d) == (y2, mo2, d2)
    # assert (abs(f2-f)*u.day).to(u.s) < 1*u.ns

    assert jd1 == np.floor(jd1) + 0.5
    assert 0 <= jd2 < 1
    jd1, jd2 = day_frac(jd1, jd2)
    jd_change = abs((jd1 - jd1_in) + (jd2 - jd2_in)) * u.day
    if leap:
        assert jd_change.to(u.s) < 1 * u.s
        assert jd_change.to(u.ns) < 2 * u.ns
        # assert jd_change.to(u.ns) < 1 * u.ns

    i_o, f_o = day_frac(jd1 - erfa.DJM0, jd2)

    mjd_change = abs((i_o - i_i) + (f_o - f_i)) * u.day
    if leap:
        assert mjd_change.to(u.s) < 1 * u.s
        assert mjd_change.to(u.ns) < 1 * u.ns
Example #2
def mjds_to_jds_pulsar(mjd1, mjd2):
    # To get around leap second issues, first convert to YMD,
    # then back to astropy/ERFA-convention jd1,jd2 using the
    # ERFA dtf2d() routine which handles leap seconds.
    v1, v2 = day_frac(mjd1, mjd2)
    (y, mo, d, f) = erfa.jd2cal(erfa.DJM0 + v1, v2)
    # Fractional day to HMS.  Uses 86400-second day always.
    # Seems like there should be a ERFA routine for this..
    # There is: erfa.d2tf. Unfortunately it takes a "number of
    # digits" argument and returns some kind of bogus
    # fractional-part-as-an-integer thing.
    # Worse, it fails to provide nanosecond accuracy.
    # Good idea, though, because using np.remainder is
    # numerically unstable and gives bogus values now
    # and then. This is more stable.
    f *= 24
    h = safe_kind_conversion(np.floor(f), dtype=int)
    f -= h
    f *= 60
    m = safe_kind_conversion(np.floor(f), dtype=int)
    f -= m
    f *= 60
    s = f
    return erfa.dtf2d("UTC", y, mo, d, h, m, s)
Example #3
Date and time.''')
iy = 2008
im = 2
id = 29
ihour = 23
imin = 59
sec = 59.9
print("%4d/%2.2d/%2.2d%3d:%2.2d:%4.1f\n" % (iy, im, id, ihour, imin, sec))
print('Express as 2-part JD.')
d1, d2 = erfa.cal2jd(iy, im, id)
d = erfa.tf2d(ihour, imin, sec)
d2 += d
print("%9.1f +%13.6f =%15.6f\n" % (d1, d2, d1 + d))
print('Express as calendar date and fraction of a day.')
iy, im, id, fd = erfa.jd2cal(d1, d2)
d = id + fd
print("%4d/%2.2d/%9.6f\n" % (iy, im, d))
print('Round to 0.001 day.')
iymdf = erfa.jdcalf(3, d1, d2)
print("%4d/%2.2d/%2.2d.%3.3d\n" % iymdf)
Besselian and Julian epochs''')
print('Julian Date.')
d = 2457073.05631
print("%13.5f" % d)
print('Transform into Besselian epoch:')
e = erfa.epb(0.0, d)
print("B%15.10f" % e)
print('Transform back.')
Example #4
print ( "%s%2d:%2.2d:%2.2d.%3.3d\n"%ihmsf)

Date and time.''')
iy = 2008; im = 2; id = 29;
ihour = 23; imin = 59; sec = 59.9;
         (iy, im, id, ihour, imin, sec))
print('Express as 2-part JD.')
d1, d2 = erfa.cal2jd ( iy, im, id)
d = erfa.tf2d (ihour, imin, sec)
d2 += d
print("%9.1f +%13.6f =%15.6f\n"%( d1, d2, d1 + d))
print('Express as calendar date and fraction of a day.')
iy, im, id, fd = erfa.jd2cal(d1, d2)
d = id + fd
print( "%4d/%2.2d/%9.6f\n"%(iy, im, d))
print('Round to 0.001 day.')
iymdf = erfa.jdcalf ( 3, d1, d2)
print( "%4d/%2.2d/%2.2d.%3.3d\n"%iymdf)
Besselian and Julian epochs''')
print('Julian Date.')
d = 2457073.05631
print ( "%13.5f"%d )
print('Transform into Besselian epoch:')
e = erfa.epb ( 0.0, d)
print( "B%15.10f"%e )
print('Transform back.')