def test_load_from_path_missing_file():
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
def test_load_from_os_path():
    assert load_from_path(
    ) == 'one\ntwo\nthree\n'
def test_load_from_path_file():
    assert load_from_path(
            '', 'data'
        ) == 'one\ntwo\nthree\n'
def test_load_from_path_list():
    assert load_from_path(['one', 'two']) == ['one', 'two']
def test_load_from_path_string(string_file):
    assert load_from_path(string_file) == 'one\ntwo'
    ('<simple><a></a><b></b></simple>', 2, {
        'a': {},
        'b': {}
    ('<simple><a></a><b>doh</b></simple>', 2, {
        'a': {},
        'b': 'doh'
def test_simple(value, length, content):
    d = from_xml(value)
    c = d['simple']
    assert len(c) == length
    assert c == content

@pytest.mark.parametrize('data', [
    (load_from_path('', 'data')),
    (open(normalize_path('', 'data'))),
def test_parts(data):
    d = from_xml(data)

    d = d['PARTS']
    assert 'TITLE' in d
    assert 'PART' in d
    p = d['PART']
    assert len(p) == 4
    item = [part for part in p if part['ITEM'] == 'Motherboard'][0]
    assert item['MANUFACTURER'] == 'ASUS'