Example #1
def get_children(doctype, parent, company, is_root=False):
	from erpnext.accounts.report.financial_statements import sort_accounts

	parent_fieldname = 'parent_' + doctype.lower().replace(' ', '_')
	fields = [
		'name as value',
		'is_group as expandable'
	filters = [['docstatus', '<', 2]]

	filters.append(['ifnull(`{0}`,"")'.format(parent_fieldname), '=', '' if is_root else parent])

	if is_root:
		fields += ['root_type', 'report_type', 'account_currency'] if doctype == 'Account' else []
		filters.append(['company', '=', company])

		fields += ['root_type', 'account_currency'] if doctype == 'Account' else []
		fields += [parent_fieldname + ' as parent']

	acc = frappe.get_list(doctype, fields=fields, filters=filters)

	if doctype == 'Account':
		sort_accounts(acc, is_root, key="value")
		company_currency = frappe.get_cached_value('Company',  company,  "default_currency")
		for each in acc:
			each["company_currency"] = company_currency
			each["balance"] = flt(get_balance_on(each.get("value"), in_account_currency=False, company=company))

			if each.account_currency != company_currency:
				each["balance_in_account_currency"] = flt(get_balance_on(each.get("value"), company=company))

	return acc
Example #2
def get_children(doctype, parent, company, is_root=False):
	from erpnext.accounts.report.financial_statements import sort_accounts

	parent_fieldname = 'parent_' + doctype.lower().replace(' ', '_')
	fields = [
		'name as value',
		'is_group as expandable'
	filters = [['docstatus', '<', 2]]

	filters.append(['ifnull(`{0}`,"")'.format(parent_fieldname), '=', '' if is_root else parent])

	if is_root:
		fields += ['root_type', 'report_type', 'account_currency'] if doctype == 'Account' else []
		filters.append(['company', '=', company])

		fields += ['root_type', 'account_currency'] if doctype == 'Account' else []
		fields += [parent_fieldname + ' as parent']

	acc = frappe.get_list(doctype, fields=fields, filters=filters)

	if doctype == 'Account':
		sort_accounts(acc, is_root, key="value")

	return acc
Example #3
def get_children(doctype, parent, company, is_root=False):
	from erpnext.accounts.report.financial_statements import sort_accounts

	parent_fieldname = 'parent_' + doctype.lower().replace(' ', '_')
	fields = [
		'name as value',
		'is_group as expandable'
	filters = [['docstatus', '<', 2]]

	filters.append(['ifnull(`{0}`,"")'.format(parent_fieldname), '=', '' if is_root else parent])

	if is_root:
		fields += ['root_type', 'report_type', 'account_currency'] if doctype == 'Account' else []
		filters.append(['company', '=', company])

		fields += ['account_currency'] if doctype == 'Account' else []
		fields += [parent_fieldname + ' as parent']

	acc = frappe.get_list(doctype, fields=fields, filters=filters)

	if doctype == 'Account':
		sort_accounts(acc, is_root, key="value")
		company_currency = frappe.get_cached_value('Company',  company,  "default_currency")
		for each in acc:
			each["company_currency"] = company_currency
			each["balance"] = flt(get_balance_on(each.get("value"), in_account_currency=False))

			if each.account_currency != company_currency:
				each["balance_in_account_currency"] = flt(get_balance_on(each.get("value")))

	return acc
Example #4
	def add_to_list(parent, level):
		if level < depth:
			children = parent_children_map.get(parent) or []
			sort_accounts(children, is_root=True if parent==None else False)

			for child in children:
				child.indent = level
				add_to_list(child.name, level + 1)
	def add_to_list(parent, level):
		if level < depth:
			children = parent_children_map.get(parent) or []
			sort_accounts(children, is_root=True if parent==None else False)

			for child in children:
				child.indent = level
				add_to_list(child.name, level + 1)
Example #6
def get_children(doctype, parent, company, is_root=False):
	from erpnext.accounts.report.financial_statements import sort_accounts

	fieldname = frappe.db.escape(doctype.lower().replace(' ','_'))
	doctype = frappe.db.escape(doctype)

	# root
	if is_root:
		fields = ", root_type, report_type, account_currency" if doctype=="Account" else ""
		acc = frappe.db.sql(""" select
			name as value, is_group as expandable {fields}
			from `tab{doctype}`
			where ifnull(`parent_{fieldname}`,'') = ''
			and `company` = %s	and docstatus<2
			order by name""".format(fields=fields, fieldname = fieldname, doctype=doctype),
				company, as_dict=1)
		# other
		fields = ", account_currency" if doctype=="Account" else ""
		acc = frappe.db.sql("""select
			name as value, is_group as expandable, parent_{fieldname} as parent {fields}
			from `tab{doctype}`
			where ifnull(`parent_{fieldname}`,'') = %s
			and docstatus<2
			order by name""".format(fields=fields, fieldname=fieldname, doctype=doctype),
				parent, as_dict=1)

	if doctype == 'Account':
		sort_accounts(acc, is_root, key="value")
		company_currency = frappe.db.get_value("Company", company, "default_currency")
		for each in acc:
			each["company_currency"] = company_currency
			each["balance"] = flt(get_balance_on(each.get("value"), in_account_currency=False))

			if each.account_currency != company_currency:
				each["balance_in_account_currency"] = flt(get_balance_on(each.get("value")))

	return acc
Example #7
def get_children(doctype, parent, company, is_root=False):
	from erpnext.accounts.report.financial_statements import sort_accounts

	parent_fieldname = "parent_" + doctype.lower().replace(" ", "_")
	fields = ["name as value", "is_group as expandable"]
	filters = [["docstatus", "<", 2]]

	filters.append(['ifnull(`{0}`,"")'.format(parent_fieldname), "=", "" if is_root else parent])

	if is_root:
		fields += ["root_type", "report_type", "account_currency"] if doctype == "Account" else []
		filters.append(["company", "=", company])

		fields += ["root_type", "account_currency"] if doctype == "Account" else []
		fields += [parent_fieldname + " as parent"]

	acc = frappe.get_list(doctype, fields=fields, filters=filters)

	if doctype == "Account":
		sort_accounts(acc, is_root, key="value")

	return acc