def validate_item(self, item_code, row_num):
		from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import validate_end_of_life, \
			validate_is_stock_item, validate_cancelled_item

		# using try except to catch all validation msgs and display together

			item = frappe.get_doc("Item", item_code)

			# end of life and stock item
			validate_end_of_life(item_code, item.end_of_life, item.disabled, verbose=0)
			validate_is_stock_item(item_code, item.is_stock_item, verbose=0)

			# item should not be serialized
			if item.has_serial_no == 1:
				raise frappe.ValidationError, _("Serialized Item {0} cannot be updated \
					using Stock Reconciliation").format(item_code)

			# item managed batch-wise not allowed
			if item.has_batch_no == 1:
				raise frappe.ValidationError, _("Item: {0} managed batch-wise, can not be reconciled using \
					Stock Reconciliation, instead use Stock Entry").format(item_code)

			# docstatus should be < 2
			validate_cancelled_item(item_code, item.docstatus, verbose=0)

		except Exception, e:
			self.validation_messages.append(_("Row # ") + ("%d: " % (row_num)) + cstr(e))
Example #2
def validate_item_details(args, item):
	if not
		throw(_("Please specify Company"))

	from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import validate_end_of_life
	validate_end_of_life(, item.end_of_life)

	if args.transaction_type == "selling":
		# validate if sales item or service item
		if args.get("order_type") == "Maintenance":
			if item.is_service_item != "Yes":
				throw(_("Item {0} must be a Service Item.").format(

		elif item.is_sales_item != "Yes":
			throw(_("Item {0} must be a Sales Item").format(

		if cint(item.has_variants):
			throw(_("Item {0} is a template, please select one of its variants").format(

	elif args.transaction_type == "buying" and args.parenttype != "Material Request":
		# validate if purchase item or subcontracted item
		if item.is_purchase_item != "Yes":
			throw(_("Item {0} must be a Purchase Item").format(

		if args.get("is_subcontracted") == "Yes" and item.is_sub_contracted_item != "Yes":
			throw(_("Item {0} must be a Sub-contracted Item").format(
	def validate_for_items(self, obj):
		items = []
		for d in obj.get("items"):
			if not d.qty:
				frappe.throw(_("Please enter quantity for Item {0}").format(d.item_code))

			# udpate with latest quantities
			bin = frappe.db.sql("""select projected_qty from `tabBin` where
				item_code = %s and warehouse = %s""", (d.item_code, d.warehouse), as_dict=1)

			f_lst ={'projected_qty': bin and flt(bin[0]['projected_qty']) or 0, 'ordered_qty': 0, 'received_qty' : 0}
			if d.doctype == 'Purchase Receipt Item':
			for x in f_lst :
				if d.meta.get_field(x):
					d.set(x, f_lst[x])

			item = frappe.db.sql("""select is_stock_item, is_purchase_item,
				is_sub_contracted_item, end_of_life from `tabItem` where name=%s""", d.item_code)

			from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import validate_end_of_life
			validate_end_of_life(d.item_code, item[0][3])

			# validate stock item
			if item[0][0]=='Yes' and d.qty and not d.warehouse:
				frappe.throw(_("Warehouse is mandatory for stock Item {0} in row {1}").format(d.item_code, d.idx))

			# validate purchase item
			if not (obj.doctype=="Material Request" and getattr(obj, "material_request_type", None)=="Material Transfer"):
				if item[0][1] != 'Yes' and item[0][2] != 'Yes':
					frappe.throw(_("{0} must be a Purchased or Sub-Contracted Item in row {1}").format(d.item_code, d.idx))

		if items and len(items) != len(set(items)):
			frappe.msgprint(_("Warning: Same item has been entered multiple times."))
Example #4
	def validate_for_items(self, obj):
		items = []
		for d in obj.get("items"):
			if not d.qty:
				if obj.doctype == "Purchase Receipt" and d.rejected_qty:
				frappe.throw(_("Please enter quantity for Item {0}").format(d.item_code))

			# udpate with latest quantities
			bin = frappe.db.sql("""select projected_qty from `tabBin` where
				item_code = %s and warehouse = %s""", (d.item_code, d.warehouse), as_dict=1)

			f_lst ={'projected_qty': bin and flt(bin[0]['projected_qty']) or 0, 'ordered_qty': 0, 'received_qty' : 0}
			if d.doctype in ('Purchase Receipt Item', 'Purchase Invoice Item'):
			for x in f_lst :
				if d.meta.get_field(x):
					d.set(x, f_lst[x])

			item = frappe.db.sql("""select is_stock_item,
				is_sub_contracted_item, end_of_life, disabled from `tabItem` where name=%s""",
				d.item_code, as_dict=1)[0]

			from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import validate_end_of_life
			validate_end_of_life(d.item_code, item.end_of_life, item.disabled)

			# validate stock item
			if item.is_stock_item==1 and d.qty and not d.warehouse:
				frappe.throw(_("Warehouse is mandatory for stock Item {0} in row {1}").format(d.item_code, d.idx))


		if items and len(items) != len(set(items)) and \
			not cint(frappe.db.get_single_value("Buying Settings", "allow_multiple_items") or 0):
			frappe.msgprint(_("Warning: Same item has been entered multiple times."), alert=True)
Example #5
	def validate_production_item(self):
		if not frappe.db.get_value("Item", self.production_item, "is_pro_applicable"):
			frappe.throw(_("Item is not allowed to have Production Order."), ProductionNotApplicableError)

		if frappe.db.get_value("Item", self.production_item, "has_variants"):
			frappe.throw(_("Production Order cannot be raised against a Item Template"), ItemHasVariantError)

	def validate_for_items(self, obj):
		check_list, chk_dupl_itm=[],[]
		for d in obj.get(obj.fname):
			# validation for valid qty
			if flt(d.qty) < 0 or (d.parenttype != 'Purchase Receipt' and not flt(d.qty)):
				frappe.throw(_("Please enter quantity for Item {0}").format(d.item_code))

			# udpate with latest quantities
			bin = frappe.db.sql("""select projected_qty from `tabBin` where
				item_code = %s and warehouse = %s""", (d.item_code, d.warehouse), as_dict=1)

			f_lst ={'projected_qty': bin and flt(bin[0]['projected_qty']) or 0, 'ordered_qty': 0, 'received_qty' : 0}
			if d.doctype == 'Purchase Receipt Item':
			for x in f_lst :
				if d.meta.get_field(x):
					d.set(x, f_lst[x])

			item = frappe.db.sql("""select is_stock_item, is_purchase_item,
				is_sub_contracted_item, end_of_life from `tabItem` where name=%s""", d.item_code)

			from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import validate_end_of_life
			validate_end_of_life(d.item_code, item[0][3])

			# validate stock item
			if item[0][0]=='Yes' and d.qty and not d.warehouse:
				frappe.throw(_("Warehouse is mandatory for stock Item {0} in row {1}").format(d.item_code, d.idx))

			# validate purchase item
			if not (obj.doctype=="Material Request" and getattr(obj, "material_request_type", None)=="Transfer"):
				if item[0][1] != 'Yes' and item[0][2] != 'Yes':
					frappe.throw(_("{0} must be a Purchased or Sub-Contracted Item in row {1}").format(d.item_code, d.idx))

			# list criteria that should not repeat if item is stock item
			e = [getattr(d, "schedule_date", None), d.item_code, d.description, d.warehouse, d.uom,
				d.meta.get_field('prevdoc_docname') and d.prevdoc_docname or d.meta.get_field('sales_order_no') and d.sales_order_no or '',
				d.meta.get_field('prevdoc_detail_docname') and d.prevdoc_detail_docname or '',
				d.meta.get_field('batch_no') and d.batch_no or '']

			# if is not stock item
			f = [getattr(d, "schedule_date", None), d.item_code, d.description]

			ch = frappe.db.sql("""select is_stock_item from `tabItem` where name = %s""", d.item_code)

			if ch and ch[0][0] == 'Yes':
				# check for same items
				if e in check_list:
					frappe.throw(_("Item {0} has been entered multiple times with same description or date or warehouse").format(d.item_code))

			elif ch and ch[0][0] == 'No':
				# check for same items
				if f in chk_dupl_itm:
					frappe.throw(_("Item {0} has been entered multiple times with same description or date").format(d.item_code))
Example #7
def validate_item_details(args, item):
	if not
		throw(_("Please specify Company"))

	from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import validate_end_of_life
	validate_end_of_life(, item.end_of_life, item.disabled)

	if args.transaction_type=="selling" and cint(item.has_variants):
		throw(_("Item {0} is a template, please select one of its variants").format(

	elif args.transaction_type=="buying" and args.doctype != "Material Request":
		if args.get("is_subcontracted") == "Yes" and item.is_sub_contracted_item != 1:
			throw(_("Item {0} must be a Sub-contracted Item").format(
Example #8
def validate_for_items(doc):
    items = []
    for d in doc.get("items"):
        if not d.qty:
            if doc.doctype == "Purchase Receipt" and d.rejected_qty:
            if doc.doctype == "Purchase Invoice" and int(
                    d.update_inventory) == 0 and doc.is_return:
                _("Please enter quantity for Item {0}").format(d.item_code))

        # update with latest quantities
        bin = frappe.db.sql("""select projected_qty from `tabBin` where
			item_code = %s and warehouse = %s""", (d.item_code, d.warehouse),

        f_lst = {
            'projected_qty': bin and flt(bin[0]['projected_qty']) or 0,
            'ordered_qty': 0,
            'received_qty': 0
        if d.doctype in ('Purchase Receipt Item', 'Purchase Invoice Item'):
        for x in f_lst:
            if d.meta.get_field(x):
                d.set(x, f_lst[x])

        item = frappe.db.sql("""select is_stock_item,
			is_sub_contracted_item, end_of_life, disabled from `tabItem` where name=%s""",

        validate_end_of_life(d.item_code, item.end_of_life, item.disabled)

        # validate stock item
        if item.is_stock_item == 1 and d.qty and not d.warehouse and not d.get(
                _("Warehouse is mandatory for stock Item {0} in row {1}").
                format(d.item_code, d.idx))


    if items and len(items) != len(set(items)) and \
     not cint(frappe.db.get_single_value("Buying Settings", "allow_multiple_items") or 0):
        frappe.throw(_("Same item cannot be entered multiple times."))
Example #9
def validate_item_details(args, item):
    if not
        throw(_("Please specify Company"))

    from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import validate_end_of_life
    validate_end_of_life(, item.end_of_life, item.disabled)

    if args.transaction_type == "selling" and cint(item.has_variants):
            _("Item {0} is a template, please select one of its variants").

    elif args.transaction_type == "buying" and args.doctype != "Material Request":
        if args.get("is_subcontracted"
                    ) == "Yes" and item.is_sub_contracted_item != 1:
                _("Item {0} must be a Sub-contracted Item").format(
Example #10
def validate_for_items(doc) -> None:
    items = []
    for d in doc.get("items"):
        if not d.qty:
            if doc.doctype == "Purchase Receipt" and d.rejected_qty:
                _("Please enter quantity for Item {0}").format(d.item_code))

        set_stock_levels(row=d)  # update with latest quantities
        item = validate_item_and_get_basic_data(row=d)
        validate_stock_item_warehouse(row=d, item=item)
        validate_end_of_life(d.item_code, item.end_of_life, item.disabled)


    if (items and len(items) != len(set(items)) and not cint(
            frappe.db.get_single_value("Buying Settings",
                                       "allow_multiple_items") or 0)):
        frappe.throw(_("Same item cannot be entered multiple times."))
Example #11
	def validate_item(self, item_code, row_num):
		from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import validate_end_of_life, \
			validate_is_stock_item, validate_cancelled_item

		# using try except to catch all validation msgs and display together

			item = frappe.get_doc("Item", item_code)

			# end of life and stock item
			validate_end_of_life(item_code, item.end_of_life, verbose=0)
			validate_is_stock_item(item_code, item.is_stock_item, verbose=0)

			# item should not be serialized
			if item.has_serial_no == "Yes":
				raise frappe.ValidationError, _("Serialized Item {0} cannot be updated using Stock Reconciliation").format(item_code)

			# docstatus should be < 2
			validate_cancelled_item(item_code, item.docstatus, verbose=0)

		except Exception, e:
			self.validation_messages.append(_("Row # ") + ("%d: " % (row_num)) + cstr(e))
Example #12
    def validate_item(self, item_code, row):
        from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import (

        # using try except to catch all validation msgs and display together

            item = frappe.get_doc("Item", item_code)

            # end of life and stock item
            validate_end_of_life(item_code, item.end_of_life, item.disabled, verbose=0)
            validate_is_stock_item(item_code, item.is_stock_item, verbose=0)

            # item should not be serialized
            if item.has_serial_no and not row.serial_no and not item.serial_no_series:
                raise frappe.ValidationError(
                    frappe._("Serial no(s) required for serialized item {0}").format(

            # item managed batch-wise not allowed
            if item.has_batch_no and not row.batch_no and not item.create_new_batch:
                raise frappe.ValidationError(
                    frappe._("Batch no is required for batched item {0}").format(

            # docstatus should be < 2
            validate_cancelled_item(item_code, item.docstatus, verbose=0)

        except Exception as e:
                frappe._("Row # ") + ("%d: " % (row.idx)) + frappe.utils.cstr(e)
Example #13
    def validate_item(self, item_code, row):
        from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import validate_end_of_life, \
         validate_is_stock_item, validate_cancelled_item

        # using try except to catch all validation msgs and display together

            item = frappe.get_doc("Item", item_code)

            # end of life and stock item
            validate_is_stock_item(item_code, item.is_stock_item, verbose=0)

            # item should not be serialized
            if item.has_serial_no and not row.serial_no and not item.serial_no_series and flt(
                    row.qty) > 0:
                raise frappe.ValidationError(
                    _("Serial no(s) required for serialized item {0}").format(

            if flt(row.qty) == 0 and row.serial_no:
                row.serial_no = ''

            # item managed batch-wise not allowed
            if item.has_batch_no and not row.batch_no and not frappe.flags.in_test:
                if not item.create_new_batch or self.purpose != 'Opening Stock':
                    raise frappe.ValidationError(
                        _("Batch no is required for the batched item {0}").

            # docstatus should be < 2
            validate_cancelled_item(item_code, item.docstatus, verbose=0)

        except Exception as e:
                _("Row # ") + ("%d: " % (row.idx)) + cstr(e))
Example #14
def validate_item_details(args, item):
	if not
		throw(_("Please specify Company"))

	from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import validate_end_of_life
	validate_end_of_life(, item.end_of_life)

	if args.transaction_type == "selling":
		# validate if sales item or service item
		if args.get("order_type") == "Maintenance":
			if item.is_service_item != "Yes":
				throw(_("Item {0} must be a Service Item.").format(

		elif item.is_sales_item != "Yes":
			throw(_("Item {0} must be a Sales Item").format(

	elif args.transaction_type == "buying" and args.doctype != "Material Request":
		# validate if purchase item or subcontracted item
		if item.is_purchase_item != "Yes":
			throw(_("Item {0} must be a Purchase Item").format(

		if args.get("is_subcontracted") == "Yes" and item.is_sub_contracted_item != "Yes":
			throw(_("Item {0} must be a Sub-contracted Item").format(
	def validate_for_items(self, obj):
		items = []
		for d in obj.get("items"):
			if not d.qty:
				frappe.throw(_("Please enter quantity for Item {0}").format(d.item_code))

			# udpate with latest quantities
			bin = frappe.db.sql("""select projected_qty from `tabBin` where
				item_code = %s and warehouse = %s""", (d.item_code, d.warehouse), as_dict=1)

			f_lst ={'projected_qty': bin and flt(bin[0]['projected_qty']) or 0, 'ordered_qty': 0, 'received_qty' : 0}
			if d.doctype == 'Purchase Receipt Item':
			for x in f_lst :
				if d.meta.get_field(x):
					d.set(x, f_lst[x])

			item = frappe.db.sql("""select is_stock_item, is_purchase_item,
				is_sub_contracted_item, end_of_life from `tabItem` where name=%s""",
				d.item_code, as_dict=1)[0]

			from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import validate_end_of_life
			validate_end_of_life(d.item_code, item.end_of_life)

			# validate stock item
			if item.is_stock_item==1 and d.qty and not d.warehouse:
				frappe.throw(_("Warehouse is mandatory for stock Item {0} in row {1}").format(d.item_code, d.idx))

			# validate purchase item
			if not (obj.doctype=="Material Request" and getattr(obj, "material_request_type", None)=="Material Transfer"):
				if item.is_purchase_item != 1 and item.is_sub_contracted_item != 1:
					frappe.throw(_("{0} must be a Purchased or Sub-Contracted Item in row {1}").format(d.item_code, d.idx))

		if items and len(items) != len(set(items)) and \
			not cint(frappe.db.get_single_value("Buying Settings", "allow_multiple_items") or 0):
			frappe.msgprint(_("Warning: Same item has been entered multiple times."))
Example #16
	def validate_production_item(self):
		if frappe.db.get_value("Item", self.production_item, "has_variants"):
			frappe.throw(_("Work Order cannot be raised against a Item Template"), ItemHasVariantError)

		if self.production_item:
Example #17
	def validate_production_item(self):
		if frappe.db.get_value("Item", self.production_item, "has_variants"):
			frappe.throw(_("Production Order cannot be raised against a Item Template"), ItemHasVariantError)

		if self.production_item:
Example #18
    def validate_for_items(self, obj):
        check_list, chk_dupl_itm = [], []
        for d in obj.get("items"):
            # validation for valid qty
            if flt(d.qty) < 0 or (d.parenttype != 'Purchase Receipt'
                                  and not flt(d.qty)):
                    _("Please enter quantity for Item {0}").format(

            # udpate with latest quantities
            bin = frappe.db.sql("""select projected_qty from `tabBin` where
				item_code = %s and warehouse = %s""", (d.item_code, d.warehouse),

            f_lst = {
                'projected_qty': bin and flt(bin[0]['projected_qty']) or 0,
                'ordered_qty': 0,
                'received_qty': 0
            if d.doctype == 'Purchase Receipt Item':
            for x in f_lst:
                if d.meta.get_field(x):
                    d.set(x, f_lst[x])

            item = frappe.db.sql(
                """select is_stock_item, is_purchase_item,
				is_sub_contracted_item, end_of_life from `tabItem` where name=%s""",

            from erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item import validate_end_of_life
            validate_end_of_life(d.item_code, item[0][3])

            # validate stock item
            if item[0][0] == 'Yes' and d.qty and not d.warehouse:
                    _("Warehouse is mandatory for stock Item {0} in row {1}").
                    format(d.item_code, d.idx))

            # validate purchase item
            if not (obj.doctype == "Material Request"
                    and getattr(obj, "material_request_type",
                                None) == "Material Transfer"):
                if item[0][1] != 'Yes' and item[0][2] != 'Yes':
                        _("{0} must be a Purchased or Sub-Contracted Item in row {1}"
                          ).format(d.item_code, d.idx))

            # list criteria that should not repeat if item is stock item
            e = [
                getattr(d, "schedule_date",
                        None), d.item_code, d.description, d.warehouse, d.uom,
                d.meta.get_field('prevdoc_docname') and d.prevdoc_docname
                or d.meta.get_field('sales_order_no') and d.sales_order_no
                or '',
                and d.prevdoc_detail_docname or '',
                d.meta.get_field('batch_no') and d.batch_no or ''

            # if is not stock item
            f = [getattr(d, "schedule_date", None), d.item_code, d.description]

            ch = frappe.db.sql(
                """select is_stock_item from `tabItem` where name = %s""",

            if ch and ch[0][0] == 'Yes':
                # check for same items
                if e in check_list:
                        _("Item {0} has been entered multiple times with same description or date or warehouse"

            elif ch and ch[0][0] == 'No':
                # check for same items
                if f in chk_dupl_itm:
                        _("Item {0} has been entered multiple times with same description or date"