def vwii_copier(): try: Download_Location = input("Enter folder here:") os.chdir(Download_Location) print(os.getcwd()) input( "If the folder above is not correct you will have to restart. Press enter to continue." ) Save_Location = input("Enter Drive letter (ex G:) here:") vwii_final = open('vwii_final.bat', 'w') vwii_final.write('Xcopy /E /I copy_to_sd ') vwii_final.write(Save_Location) vwii_final.close() os.system('cmd /c vwii_final.bat') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.bat') except: error.problem(179, 190)
def wii_copier(): try: Download_Location = input("Enter folder here:") os.chdir(Download_Location) print(os.getcwd()) input( "If the folder above is not correct you will have to restart. Press enter to continue." ) Save_Location = input("Enter Drive letter (ex G:) here:") if drive_checker.drivecheck(Save_Location) == False: print("Drive is bad! Exiting.") exit() else: pass wii_final = open('wii_final.bat', 'w') wii_final.write('Xcopy /E /I copy_to_sd ') wii_final.write(Save_Location) wii_final.close() os.system('cmd /c wii_final.bat') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.elf') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.bat') except: error.problem(81, 94)
def vwii(): try: Download_Location = input("Enter folder here:") os.chdir(Download_Location) print(os.getcwd()) input( "If the folder above is not correct you will have to restart. Press enter to continue." ) vwii_downloader = open('vwii_downloader.bat', 'w') vwii_downloader.write( 'curl --output\n' ) vwii_downloader.write( 'curl -o\n' ) vwii_downloader.write( 'curl -o\n' ) vwii_downloader.write( 'curl --output unzip.exe') vwii_downloader.close() input( "Double Check that vwii_downloader.bat is now in the folder you specifyed. Press enter to continue." ) os.system('cmd /c vwii_downloader.bat') os.system('cmd /c unzip *.zip') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.zip') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.txt') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.exe') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.bat') if os.path.isdir('apps') == True: vwii_copier = open('vwii_copier.bat', 'w') vwii_copier.write('cd apps\n') vwii_copier.write('mkdir homebrew_browser\n') vwii_copier.write('cd ../\n') vwii_copier.write( 'Xcopy /E /I homebrew_browser apps\homebrew_browser\n') vwii_copier.write('RD /S /Q homebrew_browser') vwii_copier.close() else: vwii_copier = open('vwii_copier.bat', 'w') vwii_copier.write('mkdir apps\n') vwii_copier.write('cd apps\n') vwii_copier.write('mkdir homebrew_browser\n') vwii_copier.write('cd ../\n') vwii_copier.write( 'Xcopy /E /I homebrew_browser apps\homebrew_browser\n') vwii_copier.write('RD /S /Q homebrew_browser') vwii_copier.close() os.system('cmd /c vwii_copier.bat') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.bat') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.install') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.json') os.system('cmd /c RD /S /Q "Homebrew Browser Guide and Help"') if os.path.isdir('copy_to_sd') == True: os.chdir('copy_to_sd') os.system('cmd /c RD /S /Q apps') os.system('cmd /c RD /S /Q wiiu') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.elf') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.bat') os.chdir(Download_Location) shutil.copyfile('boot.elf', 'copy_to_sd/boot.elf') shutil.copyfile('bootmini.elf', 'copy_to_sd/bootmini.elf') shutil.copytree('apps', 'copy_to_sd/apps') shutil.copytree('wiiu', 'copy_to_sd/wiiu') else: os.mkdir('copy_to_sd') shutil.copyfile('boot.elf', 'copy_to_sd/boot.elf') shutil.copyfile('bootmini.elf', 'copy_to_sd/bootmini.elf') shutil.copytree('apps', 'copy_to_sd/apps') shutil.copytree('wiiu', 'copy_to_sd/wiiu') Save_Location = input("Enter Drive letter (ex G:) here:") vwii_final = open('vwii_final.bat', 'w') vwii_final.write('Xcopy /E /I copy_to_sd ') vwii_final.write(Save_Location) vwii_final.close() os.system('cmd /c vwii_final.bat') os.system('cmd /c RD /S /Q apps') os.system('cmd /c RD /S /Q wiiu') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.elf') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.bat') except: error.problem(100, 173)
def wii(): try: Download_Location = input("Enter folder here:") os.chdir(Download_Location) print(os.getcwd()) input( "If the folder above is not correct you will have to restart. Press enter to continue." ) wii_downloader = open('wii_downloader.bat', 'w') wii_downloader.write( 'curl --output\n' ) wii_downloader.write( 'curl --output\n' ) wii_downloader.write( 'curl -o\n' ) wii_downloader.write( 'curl --output unzip.exe') wii_downloader.close() os.system('cmd /c wii_downloader.bat') os.system('cmd /c unzip *.zip') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.zip') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.txt') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.exe') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.bat') wii_copier = open('wii_copier.bat', 'w') wii_copier.write('cd apps\n') wii_copier.write('mkdir homebrew_browser\n') wii_copier.write('cd ../\n') wii_copier.write( 'Xcopy /E /I homebrew_browser apps\homebrew_browser\n') wii_copier.write('RD /S /Q homebrew_browser') wii_copier.close() os.system('cmd /c wii_copier.bat') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.bat') os.system('cmd /c RD /S /Q "Homebrew Browser Guide and Help"') if os.path.isdir('copy_to_sd') == True: os.chdir('copy_to_sd') os.system('cmd /c RD /S /Q apps') os.system('cmd /c RD /S /Q extra') os.chdir(Download_Location) shutil.copyfile('boot.elf', 'copy_to_sd/boot.elf') shutil.copyfile('bootmini.elf', 'copy_to_sd/bootmini.elf') shutil.copytree('apps', 'copy_to_sd/apps') shutil.copytree('extra', 'copy_to_sd/extra') else: os.mkdir('copy_to_sd') shutil.copyfile('boot.elf', 'copy_to_sd/boot.elf') shutil.copyfile('bootmini.elf', 'copy_to_sd/bootmini.elf') shutil.copytree('apps', 'copy_to_sd/apps') shutil.copytree('extra', 'copy_to_sd/extra') Save_Location = input("Enter drive letter (EX: G:) here:") if drive_checker.drivecheck(Save_Location) == False: print("Drive is bad! Exiting.") exit() else: pass wii_final = open('wii_final.bat', 'w') wii_final.write('Xcopy /E /I copy_to_sd ') wii_final.write(Save_Location) wii_final.close() os.system('cmd /c wii_final.bat') os.system('cmd /c RD /S /Q apps') os.system('cmd /c RD /S /Q extra') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.elf') os.system('cmd /c del /f *.bat') except: error.problem(22, 76)