def __init__(self, camera_fl, camera_size, filter_std, filter_scale): """ Initialize a ParticleProjection layer. Arguments: -camera_fl: The camera focal length in pixels (all pixels are assumed to be square. This layer does not simulate any image warping e.g. radial distortion). -camera_size: 2-tuple with the image width and height in pixels. -filter_std: The standard deviation of the Gaussian that is added at each pixel location. -filter_scale: Before adding the Gaussian for an individual particle, it is scaled by this value. """ super(ParticleProjection, self).__init__() self.camera_size = ec.make_list(camera_size, 2, "camera_size", "%s > 0", "isinstance(%s, numbers.Integral)") self.camera_fl = ec.check_conditions(camera_fl, "camera_fl", "%s > 0", "isinstance(%s, numbers.Real)") self.filter_std = ec.check_conditions(filter_std, "filter_std", "%s > 0", "isinstance(%s, numbers.Real)") self.filter_scale = ec.check_conditions( filter_scale, "filter_scale", "%s > 0", "isinstance(%s, numbers.Real)") self.register_buffer( "empty_depth_mask", torch.ones(1, self.camera_size[1], self.camera_size[0]) * MAX_FLOAT)
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, ndim, kernel_size, dilation, radius, dis_norm=False, kernel_fn='default', with_params=True): """ Initialize a Smooth Particle Convolution layer. Arguments: -in_channels: The number of features for each input particle. -out_channels: The number of features to output for each particle. -ndim: The dimensionality of the particle's coordinate space. -kernel_size: (int or tuple) The shape of the kernel that is place around each particle. The kernel is centered on the particle, so the size must be odd. -dilation: (float or tuple) The spacing between each cell of the kernel. -radius: The radius to use when computing the neighbors for each query point. -kernel_fn: The kernel function to use in the SPH equation. Refer to for a list and explanation of all available functions. -dis_norm: If true, will divide by the particle-to-particle distance in the SPH equation. -with_params: If true, the parameters weight and bias are registered with PyTorch as parameters. Otherwise they are registered as buffers, meaning they won't be optimized when doing backprop. """ super(ConvSP, self).__init__() self.nchannels = ec.check_conditions( in_channels, "in_channels", "%s > 0", "isinstance(%s, numbers.Integral)") self.nkernels = ec.check_conditions( out_channels, "out_channels", "%s > 0", "isinstance(%s, numbers.Integral)") self.ndim = ec.check_conditions( ndim, "ndim", "%s > 0", "%s < " + str(_ext.spn_max_cartesian_dim()), "isinstance(%s, numbers.Integral)") self._kernel_size = ec.make_list(kernel_size, ndim, "kernel_size", "%s >= 0", "%s %% 2 == 1 # Must be odd", "isinstance(%s, numbers.Integral)") self._dilation = ec.make_list(dilation, ndim, "dilation", "%s >= 0", "isinstance(%s, numbers.Real)") self.radius = ec.check_conditions(radius, "radius", "%s >= 0", "isinstance(%s, numbers.Real)") self.kernel_fn = ec.check_conditions(kernel_fn, "kernel_fn", "%s in " + str(KERNEL_NAMES)) self.kernel_fn = KERNEL_NAMES.index(self.kernel_fn) self.dis_norm = (1 if dis_norm else 0) self.ncells = if with_params: self.register_parameter( "weight", torch.nn.Parameter( torch.Tensor(self.nkernels, self.nchannels, self.ncells))) self.register_parameter( "bias", torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.nkernels))) else: self.register_buffer( "weight", torch.autograd.Variable( torch.Tensor(self.nkernels, self.nchannels, self.ncells))) self.register_buffer( "bias", torch.autograd.Variable(torch.Tensor(self.nkernels))) self.register_buffer("kernel_size", ec.list2tensor(self._kernel_size)) self.register_buffer("dilation", ec.list2tensor(self._dilation)) self.nshared_device_mem = -1 self.device_id = -1
def __init__(self, sdfs, sdf_sizes, out_channels, ndim, kernel_size, dilation, max_distance, with_params=True, compute_pose_grads=False): """ Initialize a SDF Convolution layer. Arguments: -sdfs: List of SDFs. Each SDF must be a ndim-dimensional float tensor, with the value of the SDF evaluated at the center of each cell in the grid. -sdf_sizes: List of the size of one side of a grid cell in each SDf in sdfs. -out_channels: The number of features to output for each query location. -ndim: The dimensionality of the coordinate space. -kernel_size: (int or tuple) The shape of the kernel that is place around each query location. The kernel is centered on the location, so the size must be odd. -dilation: (float or tuple) The spacing between each cell of the kernel. -max_distance: A cap on the maximum SDF value, i.e., the SDF value at any point p is min(min_i SDF_i(p), max_distance). -with_params: If true, the parameters weight and bias are registered with PyTorch as parameters. Otherwise they are registered as buffers, meaning they won't be optimized when doing backprop. -compute_pose_grads: If False, will not compute grads wrt to the sdfposes during backpropagation. This is done to increase speed when gradients are not neede for the sdf poses. """ super(ConvSDF, self).__init__() self.nkernels = ec.check_conditions( out_channels, "out_channels", "%s > 0", "isinstance(%s, numbers.Integral)") self.ndim = ec.check_conditions( ndim, "ndim", "%s > 0", "%s < " + str(_ext.spn_max_cartesian_dim()), "%s in [1, 2, 3] # Only 1-, 2-, and 3-D are suported", "isinstance(%s, numbers.Integral)") self.max_distance = ec.check_conditions( max_distance, "max_distance", "%s >= 0", "isinstance(%s, numbers.Real)") self._kernel_size = ec.make_list(kernel_size, ndim, "kernel_size", "%s >= 0", "%s %% 2 == 1 # Must be odd", "isinstance(%s, numbers.Integral)") self._dilation = ec.make_list(dilation, ndim, "dilation", "%s >= 0", "isinstance(%s, numbers.Real)") self.register_buffer("sdfs", torch.zeros(1)) self.register_buffer("sdf_shapes", torch.zeros(1)) self.register_buffer("sdf_offsets", torch.zeros(1)) self.SetSDFs(sdfs, sdf_sizes) self.ncells = if with_params: self.register_parameter( "weight", torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.nkernels, self.ncells))) self.register_parameter( "bias", torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.nkernels))) else: self.register_buffer( "weight", torch.autograd.Variable( torch.Tensor(self.nkernels, self.ncells))) self.register_buffer( "bias", torch.autograd.Variable(torch.Tensor(self.nkernels))) self.compute_pose_grads = (True if compute_pose_grads else False) self._kernel_size = ec.list2tensor(self._kernel_size) self._dilation = ec.list2tensor(self._dilation) self.register_buffer("kernel_size", self._kernel_size) self.register_buffer("dilation", self._dilation)