def UnExpandIPV6(ip_address): """Unexpands a full ipv6 address to a shorthand ipv6 address Inputs: ip_address: string of long ipv6 address Raises: InvalidInputError: Not a valid IP address. InvalidInputError: Not a valid IPV6 address. Outputs: string: string of short ipv6 address """ try: ipv6_address = IPy.IP(ip_address) except ValueError: raise errors.InvalidInputError('%s is not a valid IP address' % ip_address) if (ipv6_address.version() != 6): raise errors.InvalidInputError('"%s" is not a valid IPV6 address.' % (ipv6_address)) new_address = str(ipv6_address) new_address_parts = new_address.split(':') #What this does is changes 4321:0:1:2:3:4:567:89ab into 4321::1:2:3:4:567:89ab while ('0' in new_address_parts): zero_index = new_address_parts.index('0') new_address_parts.pop(zero_index) new_address_parts.insert(zero_index, '') return u':'.join(new_address_parts)
def fix_max_builds(max_builds): max_builds = max_builds or 10 if not isinstance(max_builds, int): raise errors.InvalidInputError('max_builds must be an integer') if max_builds < 0: raise errors.InvalidInputError('max_builds must be positive') return min(MAX_RETURN_BUILDS, max_builds)
def validate_tags(tags, mode, builder=None): """Validates build tags. mode must be a string, one of: 'new': tags are for a new build. 'append': tags are to be appended to an existing build. 'search': tags to search by. builder is the value of model.Build.proto.builder.builder. If specified, tags "builder:<v>" must have v equal to the builder. Relevant only in 'new' mode. """ assert mode in ('new', 'append', 'search'), mode if tags is None: return if not isinstance(tags, list): raise errors.InvalidInputError('tags must be a list') seen_builder_tag = None seen_gitiles_commit = False for t in tags: # pragma: no branch if not isinstance(t, basestring): raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Invalid tag "%s": must be a string' % (t, )) if ':' not in t: raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Invalid tag "%s": does not contain ":"' % t) if t[0] == ':': raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Invalid tag "%s": starts with ":"' % t) k, v = t.split(':', 1) if k == BUILDSET_KEY: try: validate_buildset(v) except errors.InvalidInputError as ex: raise errors.InvalidInputError('Invalid tag "%s": %s' % (t, ex)) if RE_BUILDSET_GITILES_COMMIT.match(v): # pragma: no branch if seen_gitiles_commit: raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'More than one commits/gitiles buildset') seen_gitiles_commit = True if k == BUILDER_KEY: if mode == 'append': raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Tag "builder" cannot be added to an existing build') if mode == 'new': # pragma: no branch if builder is not None and v != builder: raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Tag "%s" conflicts with builder name "%s"' % (t, builder)) if seen_builder_tag is None: seen_builder_tag = t elif t != seen_builder_tag: # pragma: no branch raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Tag "%s" conflicts with tag "%s"' % (t, seen_builder_tag)) if mode != 'search' and k in RESERVED_KEYS: raise errors.InvalidInputError('Tag "%s" is reserved' % k)
def validate_url(url): if url is None: return if not isinstance(url, basestring): raise errors.InvalidInputError('url must be string') parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url) if not parsed.netloc: raise errors.InvalidInputError('url must be absolute') if parsed.scheme.lower() not in ('http', 'https'): raise errors.InvalidInputError('Unexpected url scheme: "%s"' % parsed.scheme)
def parse_json_object(json_data, param_name): if not json_data: return None try: rv = json.loads(json_data) except ValueError as ex: raise errors.InvalidInputError('Could not parse %s: %s' % (param_name, ex)) if rv is not None and not isinstance(rv, dict): raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Invalid %s: not a JSON object or null' % param_name) return rv
def validate_tags(tags): if tags is None: return if not isinstance(tags, list): raise errors.InvalidInputError('tags must be a list') for t in tags: if not isinstance(t, basestring): raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Invalid tag "%s": must be a string') if ':' not in t: raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Invalid tag "%s": does not contain ":"')
def validate_build(build): """Raises errors.InvalidInputError if swarming constraints are violated.""" if build.lease_key: raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Swarming buckets do not support creation of leased builds') expirations = set() for dim in build.proto.infra.swarming.task_dimensions: assert not dim.expiration.nanos expirations.add(dim.expiration.seconds) if len(expirations) > 6: raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'swarming supports up to 6 unique expirations')
def validate_lease_expiration_date(expiration_date): """Raises errors.InvalidInputError if |expiration_date| is invalid.""" if expiration_date is None: return if not isinstance(expiration_date, datetime.datetime): raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Lease expiration date must be datetime.datetime') duration = expiration_date - utils.utcnow() if duration <= datetime.timedelta(0): raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Lease expiration date cannot be in the past') if duration > MAX_LEASE_DURATION: raise errors.InvalidInputError('Lease duration cannot exceed %s' % MAX_LEASE_DURATION)
def prepare_task_def_async(build, fake_build=False): """Prepares a swarming task definition. Validates the new build. If configured, generates a build number and updates the build. Creates a swarming task definition. Returns a tuple (bucket_cfg, builder_cfg, task_def). """ if build.lease_key: raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Swarming buckets do not support creation of leased builds') if not build.parameters: raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'A build for bucket %r must have parameters' % build.bucket) builder_name = build.parameters.get(BUILDER_PARAMETER) if not isinstance(builder_name, basestring): raise errors.InvalidInputError('Invalid builder name %r' % builder_name) project_id, bucket_cfg = yield config.get_bucket_async(build.bucket) if not bucket_cfg.HasField('swarming'): raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Bucket %s is not configured for swarming' % build.bucket) builder_cfg = None for b in # pragma: no branch if == builder_name: # pragma: no branch builder_cfg = b break if not builder_cfg: raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Builder %r is not defined in bucket %r' % (builder_name, build.bucket)) build_number = None if builder_cfg.build_numbers: # pragma: no branch seq_name = '%s/%s' % (build.bucket, builder_name) if fake_build: # pragma: no cover | covered by swarmbucket_api_test build_number = 0 else: build_number = yield sequence.generate_async(seq_name, 1) build.tags.append('build_address:%s/%d' % (seq_name, build_number)) task_def = yield _create_task_def_async(project_id, bucket_cfg.swarming, builder_cfg, build, build_number, fake_build) raise ndb.Return(bucket_cfg, builder_cfg, task_def)
def parse_datetime(timestamp): if timestamp is None: return None try: return utils.timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp) except OverflowError: raise errors.InvalidInputError('Could not parse timestamp: %s' % timestamp)
def heartbeat_async(self, build_id, lease_key, lease_expiration_date): """Extends build lease. Args: build_id: id of the build. lease_key: current lease key. lease_expiration_date (datetime.timedelta): new lease expiration date. Returns: The updated Build as Future. """ try: validate_lease_key(lease_key) if lease_expiration_date is None: raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Lease expiration date not specified') validate_lease_expiration_date(lease_expiration_date) build = yield model.Build.get_by_id_async(build_id) if build is None: raise errors.BuildNotFoundError() if build.status == model.BuildStatus.COMPLETED: raise errors.BuildIsCompletedError() self._check_lease(build, lease_key) build.lease_expiration_date = lease_expiration_date yield build.put_async() except Exception as ex: logging.warning('Heartbeat for build %s failed: %s', build_id, ex) raise raise ndb.Return(build)
def MakeRow(self, table_name, row_dict): """Creates a row in the database using the table name and row dict Inputs: table_name: string of valid table name from constants row_dict: dictionary that coresponds to table_name Raises: InvalidInputError: Table name not valid TransactionError: Must run StartTansaction before inserting Outputs: int: last insert id """ if (not table_name in helpers_lib.GetValidTables()): raise errors.InvalidInputError('Table name not valid: %s' % table_name) if (not self.transaction_init): raise errors.TransactionError('Must run StartTansaction before ' 'inserting.') if (self.data_validation_instance is None): self.InitDataValidation() self.data_validation_instance.ValidateRowDict(table_name, row_dict) column_names = [] column_assignments = [] for k in row_dict.iterkeys(): column_names.append(k) column_assignments.append('%s%s%s' % ('%(', k, ')s')) query = 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)' % ( table_name, ','.join(column_names), ','.join(column_assignments)) self.cursor_execute(query, row_dict) return self.cursor.lastrowid
def _fetch_page(self, query, page_size, start_cursor, predicate=None): assert query assert isinstance(page_size, int) assert start_cursor is None or isinstance(start_cursor, basestring) curs = None if start_cursor: try: curs = ndb.Cursor(urlsafe=start_cursor) except db.BadValueError as ex: msg = 'Bad cursor "%s": %s' % (start_cursor, ex) logging.warning(msg) raise errors.InvalidInputError(msg) query_iter = query.iter(start_cursor=curs, produce_cursors=True, batch_size=page_size) entities = [] for entity in query_iter: if predicate is None or predicate(entity): # pragma: no branch entities.append(entity) if len(entities) >= page_size: break next_cursor_str = None if query_iter.has_next(): next_cursor_str = query_iter.cursor_after().urlsafe() return entities, next_cursor_str
def GetRecordArgsDict(self, record_type): """Get args for a specific record type from the db and shove them into a dictionary. Inputs: record_type: string of record type Raises: InvalidInputError: Unknown record type Outputs: dictionary: keyed by argument name with values of data type of that arg example: {'mail_host': 'Hostname' 'priority': 'UnsignedInt'} """ search_record_arguments_dict = self.GetEmptyRowDict('record_arguments') search_record_arguments_dict['record_arguments_type'] = record_type self.StartTransaction() try: record_arguments = self.ListRow('record_arguments', search_record_arguments_dict) finally: self.EndTransaction() record_arguments_dict = {} if (not record_arguments): raise errors.InvalidInputError('Unknown record type: %s' % record_type) for record_argument in record_arguments: record_arguments_dict[record_argument['argument_name']] = ( record_argument['argument_data_type']) return record_arguments_dict
def RemoveRow(self, table_name, row_dict): """Removes a row in the database using the table name and row dict Inputs: table_name: string of valid table name from constants row_dict: dictionary that coresponds to table_name Raises: InvalidInputError: Table name not valid TransactionError: Must run StartTansaction before deleting Outputs: int: number of rows affected """ if (not table_name in helpers_lib.GetValidTables()): raise errors.InvalidInputError('Table name not valid: %s' % table_name) if (not self.transaction_init): raise errors.TransactionError( 'Must run StartTansaction before deleting.') if (self.data_validation_instance is None): self.InitDataValidation() self.data_validation_instance.ValidateRowDict(table_name, row_dict) where_list = [] for k in row_dict.iterkeys(): where_list.append('%s=%s%s%s' % (k, '%(', k, ')s')) query = 'DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s' % (table_name, ' AND '.join(where_list)) self.cursor_execute(query, row_dict) return self.cursor.rowcount
def _reject_swarming_bucket(bucket_id): config.validate_bucket_id(bucket_id) _, cfg = config.get_bucket(bucket_id) assert cfg, 'permission check should have failed' if config.is_swarming_config(cfg): raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'Invalid operation on a Swarming bucket')
def ReverseIP(ip_address): """Reverse an IP address Inputs: ip_address: either an ipv4 or ipv6 string Raises: InvalidInputError: Not a valid IP address. Outputs: string: reverse ip address """ try: ip_object = IPy.IP(ip_address) except ValueError: raise errors.InvalidInputError('%s is not a valid IP address' % ip_address) reverse_ip_string = ip_object.reverseName() if (ip_object.version() == 4): ip_parts = reverse_ip_string.split('.') if ('-' in ip_parts[0]): ip_range = ip_parts.pop(0).split('-') num_ips = int(ip_range[1]) - int(ip_range[0]) + 1 netmask = int(32 - (math.log(num_ips) / math.log(2))) last_octet = ip_parts.pop(0) reverse_ip_string = '.'.join(ip_parts) reverse_ip_string = '%s/%s.%s' % (last_octet, netmask, reverse_ip_string) return unicode(reverse_ip_string)
def parse_json(json_data, param_name): if not json_data: return None try: return json.loads(json_data) except ValueError as ex: raise errors.InvalidInputError('Could not parse %s: %s' % (param_name, ex))
def validate_bucket_id(bucket_id): """Raises errors.InvalidInputError if bucket_id is invalid.""" assert not is_legacy_bucket_id(bucket_id) try: project_id, bucket_name = parse_bucket_id(bucket_id) validate_project_id(project_id) validate_bucket_name(bucket_name) except errors.InvalidInputError as ex: raise errors.InvalidInputError('invalid bucket_id %r: %s' % (bucket_id, ex)) parts = bucket_name.split('.', 2) if len(parts) == 3 and parts[0] == 'luci' and parts[1] == project_id: expected_bucket_id = '%s/%s' % (project_id, parts[2]) raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'invalid bucket_id string %r. Did you mean %r?' % (bucket_id, expected_bucket_id))
def _get_leasable_build(build_id): build = model.Build.get_by_id(build_id) if build is None: raise errors.BuildNotFoundError() if not user.can_lease_build_async(build).get_result(): raise user.current_identity_cannot('lease build %s', if build.is_luci: raise errors.InvalidInputError('cannot lease a swarmbucket build') return build
def peek(bucket_ids, max_builds=None, start_cursor=None): """Returns builds available for leasing in the specified |bucket_ids|. Builds are sorted by creation time, oldest first. Args: bucket_ids (list of string): fetch only builds in any of |bucket_ids|. max_builds (int): maximum number of builds to return. Defaults to 10. start_cursor (string): a value of "next" cursor returned by previous peek call. If not None, return next builds in the query. Returns: A tuple: builds (list of Builds): available builds. next_cursor (str): cursor for the next page. None if there are no more builds. """ if not bucket_ids: raise errors.InvalidInputError('No buckets specified') bucket_ids = sorted(set(bucket_ids)) search.check_acls_async( bucket_ids, inc_metric=PEEK_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR_COUNTER).get_result() for bid in bucket_ids: _reject_swarming_bucket(bid) max_builds = search.fix_max_builds(max_builds) # Prune any buckets that are paused. bucket_states = _get_bucket_states(bucket_ids) active_buckets = [] for b in bucket_ids: if bucket_states[b].is_paused: logging.warning('Ignoring paused bucket: %s.', b) continue active_buckets.append(b) # Short-circuit: if there are no remaining buckets to query, then we're done. if not active_buckets: return ([], None) q = model.Build.query( model.Build.status_legacy == model.BuildStatus.SCHEDULED, model.Build.is_leased == False, model.Build.bucket_id.IN(active_buckets), ) q = q.order(-model.Build.key) # oldest first. # Check once again locally because an ndb query may return an entity not # satisfying the query. def local_predicate(b): return (b.status_legacy == model.BuildStatus.SCHEDULED and not b.is_leased and b.bucket_id in active_buckets) return search.fetch_page_async(q, max_builds, start_cursor, predicate=local_predicate).get_result()
def _check_search_acls(self, buckets): if not buckets: raise errors.InvalidInputError('No buckets specified') for bucket in buckets: validate_bucket_name(bucket) for bucket in buckets: if not acl.can_search_builds(bucket): raise current_identity_cannot('search builds in bucket %s', bucket)
def parse_identity(identity): """Parses an identity string if it is a string.""" if isinstance(identity, basestring): if not identity: # pragma: no cover return None if ':' not in identity: # pragma: no branch identity = 'user:%s' % identity try: identity = auth.Identity.from_bytes(identity) except ValueError as ex: raise errors.InvalidInputError('Invalid identity: %s' % ex) return identity
def validate(self): """Raises errors.InvalidInputError if self is invalid.""" assert isinstance(self.status, (type(None), StatusFilter, int)), self.status assert isinstance(self.bucket_ids, (type(None), list)), self.bucket_ids if self.bucket_ids and self.project: raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'project and bucket_ids are mutually exclusive') if self.builder and not self.bucket_ids: raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'builder requires non-empty bucket_ids') buildtags.validate_tags(self.tags, 'search') create_time_range = (self.create_time_low is not None or self.create_time_high is not None) build_range = self.build_low is not None or self.build_high is not None if create_time_range and build_range: raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'create_time_low and create_time_high are mutually exclusive with ' 'build_low and build_high')
def ExpandIPV6(ip_address): """Expands a shorthand ipv6 address to a full ipv6 address Inputs: ip_address: string of short ipv6 address Raises: InvalidInputError: Not a valid IP address. InvalidInputError: Not a valid IPV6 address. Outputs: string: string of long ipv6 address """ try: ipv6_address = IPy.IP(ip_address) except ValueError: raise errors.InvalidInputError('%s is not a valid IP address' % ip_address) if (ipv6_address.version() != 6): raise errors.InvalidInputError('"%s" is not a valid IPV6 address.' % (ipv6_address)) return ipv6_address.strFullsize()
def UpdateRow(self, table_name, search_row_dict, update_row_dict): """Updates a row in the database using search and update dictionaries. Inputs: table_name: string of valid table name from constants search_row_dict: dictionary that coresponds to table_name containing search args update_row_dict: dictionary that coresponds to table_name containing update args Raises: InvalidInputError: Table name not valid TransactionError: Must run StartTansaction before inserting Outputs: int: number of rows affected """ if (not table_name in helpers_lib.GetValidTables()): raise errors.InvalidInputError('Table name not valid: %s' % table_name) if (not self.transaction_init): raise errors.TransactionError( 'Must run StartTansaction before deleting.') if (self.data_validation_instance is None): self.InitDataValidation() self.data_validation_instance.ValidateRowDict(table_name, search_row_dict, none_ok=True) self.data_validation_instance.ValidateRowDict(table_name, update_row_dict, none_ok=True) query_updates = [] query_searches = [] combined_dict = {} for k, v in update_row_dict.iteritems(): if (v is not None): query_updates.append('%s%s%s%s' % (k, '=%(update_', k, ')s')) combined_dict['update_%s' % k] = v for k, v in search_row_dict.iteritems(): if (v is not None): query_searches.append('%s=%s%s%s' % (k, '%(search_', k, ')s')) combined_dict['search_%s' % k] = v query = 'UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s' % ( table_name, ','.join(query_updates), ' AND '.join(query_searches)) self.cursor_execute(query, combined_dict) return self.cursor.rowcount
def validate_buildset(bs): """Raises errors.InvalidInputError if the buildset is invalid.""" if len(BUILDSET_KEY) + len(DELIMITER) + len(bs) > BUILDSET_MAX_LENGTH: raise errors.InvalidInputError('too long') # Verify that a buildset with a known prefix is well formed. if bs.startswith('commit/gitiles/'): m = RE_BUILDSET_GITILES_COMMIT.match(bs) if not m: raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'does not match regex "%s"' % (RE_BUILDSET_GITILES_COMMIT.pattern)) project = if project.startswith('a/'): raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'gitiles project must not start with "a/"') if project.endswith('.git'): raise errors.InvalidInputError( 'gitiles project must not end with ".git"') elif bs.startswith('patch/gerrit/'): if not RE_BUILDSET_GERRIT_CL.match(bs): raise errors.InvalidInputError('does not match regex "%s"' % RE_BUILDSET_GERRIT_CL.pattern)
def test_schedule_build_requests(self, add_many_async): add_many_async.return_value = future([ (, None), (, None), (None, errors.InvalidInputError('bad')), (None, Exception('unexpected')), (None, auth.AuthorizationError('bad')), ]) user.can_async.side_effect = ( lambda bucket_id, _: future('forbidden' not in bucket_id)) linux_builder = dict(project='chromium', bucket='try', builder='linux') win_builder = dict(project='chromium', bucket='try', builder='windows') req = rpc_pb2.BatchRequest( requests=[ dict(schedule_build=dict(builder=linux_builder)), dict(schedule_build=dict(builder=linux_builder, fields=dict(paths=['tags']))), dict(schedule_build=dict(builder=linux_builder, fields=dict(paths=['wrong-field']))), dict(schedule_build=dict(builder=win_builder)), dict(schedule_build=dict(builder=win_builder)), dict(schedule_build=dict(builder=win_builder)), dict(schedule_build=dict(builder=dict(project='chromium', bucket='forbidden', builder='nope'), )), dict( schedule_build=dict(), # invalid request ), ], ) res =, req) codes = [r.error.code for r in res.responses] self.assertEqual(codes, [ prpc.StatusCode.OK.value, prpc.StatusCode.OK.value, prpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT.value, prpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT.value, prpc.StatusCode.INTERNAL.value, prpc.StatusCode.PERMISSION_DENIED.value, prpc.StatusCode.PERMISSION_DENIED.value, prpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT.value, ]) self.assertEqual(res.responses[0], 42) self.assertFalse(len(res.responses[0].schedule_build.tags)) self.assertTrue(len(res.responses[1].schedule_build.tags))
def fetch_page_async(query, page_size, start_cursor, predicate=None): """Fetches a page of Build entities.""" assert query assert isinstance(page_size, int) assert start_cursor is None or isinstance(start_cursor, basestring) curs = None if start_cursor: try: curs = ndb.Cursor(urlsafe=start_cursor) except db.BadValueError as ex: msg = 'Bad cursor "%s": %s' % (start_cursor, ex) logging.warning(msg) raise errors.InvalidInputError(msg) entities = [] skipped = 0 pages = 0 started = utils.utcnow() while len(entities) < page_size: # It is important not to request more than needed in query.fetch_page, # otherwise the cursor we return to the user skips fetched, but not returned # entities, and the user will never see them. to_fetch = page_size - len(entities) logging.debug('fetch_page: ds query: %s', query) page, curs, more = yield query.fetch_page_async(to_fetch, start_cursor=curs) pages += 1 for entity in page: if predicate and not predicate(entity): # pragma: no cover skipped += 1 continue entities.append(entity) if len(entities) >= page_size: break if not more: break logging.debug( 'fetch_page: %dms ellapsed ', (utils.utcnow() - started).total_seconds() * 1000, ) curs_str = None if more: curs_str = curs.urlsafe() raise ndb.Return(entities, curs_str)
def test_create_sync_task(self): expected_ex1 = errors.InvalidInputError() def create_sync_task(build, *_args, **_kwargs): if 'buildset:a' in build.tags: raise expected_ex1 self.create_sync_task.side_effect = create_sync_task ((b1, ex1), (b2, ex2)) = creation.add_many_async([ self.build_request(dict(tags=[dict(key='buildset', value='a')])), self.build_request(dict(tags=[dict(key='buildset', value='b')])), ]).get_result() self.assertEqual(ex1, expected_ex1) self.assertIsNone(b1) self.assertIsNone(ex2) self.assertIsNotNone(b2)