def calc_rad( type, list_l0, z_layers, t_layers, p_layers, q_layers, mu_atm, mu_H2O, tsurf, pool, factor, albedo ):

    if ( pool == 0 ):
        atmfile = ATMFILE_W
        atmfile = ATMFILE_C

    # set up atmospheric data profile
    zkm_layers = z_layers * 1e-3

    # set up atmospheric data profile
    atmprof0, dict_n_layers = make_dic_n_layers( "/Users/yuka/libRadtran-1.7/data/atmmod/afglt.dat", zkm_layers )

    write_atmfile( zkm_layers, t_layers, p_layers, q_layers, mu_atm, mu_H2O, dict_n_layers, atmprof0, tsurf, atmfile )

    # set input file to be passed to libRadtran
    list_z = []
    for ii in xrange( len(list_l0) ):
        list_z.append( zkm_layers[list_l0[ii]] ) # km

    if ( type == "mir" ):
        write_inputfile_mir( list_z, tsurf, atmfile )
        input  = INPUTFILE_MIR
        output = OUTPUTFILE_MIR
    elif ( type == "vis" ):
        write_inputfile_vis( list_z, atmfile, albedo )
        input  = INPUTFILE_VIS
        output = OUTPUTFILE_VIS
    else :
        errors.exit_msg("Invalid radiation type.")

    check = os.system( 'uvspec < ' + input + " > " + output )
    if check != 0 :
        errors.exit_msg("Something is wrong with uvspec.")

    # read the output
    array_zout, array_rad = read_outputfile( output )

    print "array_zout", array_zout
    print "factor", factor
    print "array_rad",  array_rad
    return array_zout, factor*array_rad
Example #2
def read_cldfile(infile, tuple_func_atmprof):

    names = ['z', 'LWC', 'LWC2', 'SWC', 'SWC2']
    formats = ['f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8']
    cld_profile = np.loadtxt(infile, 

    # km => cm
    cld_profile['z'] = cld_profile['z']*1e5

    # combine lwc and lwc2
    cld_profile['LWC'] = ( cld_profile['LWC'] + cld_profile['LWC2'] ) * 0.5
    cld_profile['SWC'] = ( cld_profile['SWC'] + cld_profile['SWC2'] ) * 0.5

    # check the order of altitude
    z_old = cld_profile['z'][0]
    reverse = 0
    for zi in xrange(1,len(cld_profile['z'])):
        if (cld_profile['z'][zi] < z_old):
            reverse = reverse + 1
    if (reverse == len(cld_profile['z'])-1):
        cld_profile['z'] = cld_profile['z'][::-1]
        cld_profile['LWC'] = cld_profile['LWC'][::-1]
        cld_profile['SWC'] = cld_profile['SWC'][::-1]
    elif (reverse != 0):
        errors.exit_msg("Check the order of FILE_CLD.")

    # actually, 'P', 'cldh2o', 'R_eff'
    func_TofZ, func_PofZ, func_MUofZ, dict_func_NofZ = tuple_func_atmprof
    cldlayer_P   = func_PofZ(cld_profile['z'])
    cldlayer_T   = func_TofZ(cld_profile['z'])
    cldlayer_MU  = func_MUofZ(cld_profile['z'])

    cldlayer_rho = cldlayer_MU*cldlayer_P/(cgs.RR*cldlayer_T)
    cld_profile['LWC'] = cld_profile['LWC']*cldlayer_rho
    cld_profile['SWC'] = cld_profile['SWC']*cldlayer_rho

#    print "cld_profile['LWC']", cld_profile['LWC']
#    print "cld_profile['SWC']", cld_profile['SWC']

#    func_RHOofZ = util_interp.interp_1d_boundary(cld_profile['z'], cld_profile['LWC'], array_rho, logx=False, logy=False, order=1)
    return cld_profile
Example #3
def read_cldfile(infile, tuple_func_atmprof):

    names = ['z', 'LWC', 'LWC2', 'SWC', 'SWC2']
    formats = ['f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8']
    cld_profile = np.loadtxt(infile,
                                 'names': tuple(names),
                                 'formats': tuple(formats)

    # km => cm
    cld_profile['z'] = cld_profile['z'] * 1e5

    # combine lwc and lwc2
    cld_profile['LWC'] = (cld_profile['LWC'] + cld_profile['LWC2']) * 0.5
    cld_profile['SWC'] = (cld_profile['SWC'] + cld_profile['SWC2']) * 0.5

    # check the order of altitude
    z_old = cld_profile['z'][0]
    reverse = 0
    for zi in xrange(1, len(cld_profile['z'])):
        if (cld_profile['z'][zi] < z_old):
            reverse = reverse + 1
    if (reverse == len(cld_profile['z']) - 1):
        cld_profile['z'] = cld_profile['z'][::-1]
        cld_profile['LWC'] = cld_profile['LWC'][::-1]
        cld_profile['SWC'] = cld_profile['SWC'][::-1]
    elif (reverse != 0):
        errors.exit_msg("Check the order of FILE_CLD.")

    # actually, 'P', 'cldh2o', 'R_eff'
    func_TofZ, func_PofZ, func_MUofZ, dict_func_NofZ = tuple_func_atmprof
    cldlayer_P = func_PofZ(cld_profile['z'])
    cldlayer_T = func_TofZ(cld_profile['z'])
    cldlayer_MU = func_MUofZ(cld_profile['z'])

    cldlayer_rho = cldlayer_MU * cldlayer_P / (cgs.RR * cldlayer_T)
    cld_profile['LWC'] = cld_profile['LWC'] * cldlayer_rho
    cld_profile['SWC'] = cld_profile['SWC'] * cldlayer_rho

    #    print "cld_profile['LWC']", cld_profile['LWC']
    #    print "cld_profile['SWC']", cld_profile['SWC']

    #    func_RHOofZ = util_interp.interp_1d_boundary(cld_profile['z'], cld_profile['LWC'], array_rho, logx=False, logy=False, order=1)
    return cld_profile
def calc_rad_sol(pool, list_l0):

    print 'Cl_run_cdf -s $RAD_DATA/spectra/dev/sp_sw_6_jm2  -R 1 6 -S -g 2 -c -t 16 -v 13 -C 5 -B ' + BASE_NAME[
    check = os.system(
        'Cl_run_cdf -s $RAD_DATA/spectra/dev/sp_sw_6_jm2  -R 1 6 -S -g 2 -c -t 16 -v 13 -C 5 -B '
        + BASE_NAME[pool])
    if check != 0:
        errors.exit_msg("Something is wrong with Cl_run_cdf.")

    array_rad = read_outputfile(BASE_NAME[pool], list_l0)
    return array_rad
Example #5
def read_lookuptable(xsfile, wn_limit):
    Extract Look-up Table
    if '.nc' in xsfile:
        WN_grid_org, PP_grid_org, TT_grid, XS_grid_org = io_nc.read_xstbl(
    elif '.npz' in xsfile:
        data = np.load(xsfile)
        WN_grid_org = data['WN']
        PP_grid_org = data['P']
        TT_grid = data['T']
        XS_grid_org = data['XS']
        # error!
        errors.exit_msg("Unknown file type of cross section tables.")

#    if PP_grid_org.units=='mbar'
    PP_grid = PP_grid_org * 1.e3  # mbar => barye (x 1000)

    # check wavenumber range
    if ((wn_limit[0] < min(WN_grid_org)) or (wn_limit[1] > max(WN_grid_org))):
        errors.exit_msg("Wavenumbers set are out of range of look-up tables.")

    indx_min = nearestindex_WN(WN_grid_org, wn_limit[0])
    indx_max = nearestindex_WN(WN_grid_org, wn_limit[1])

    WN_grid = WN_grid_org[indx_min:indx_max + 1]
    del WN_grid_org
    XS_grid = XS_grid_org[indx_min:indx_max + 1]
    del XS_grid_org

    #### TEST (to be eventually removed)
    id1, id2, id3 = np.where(XS_grid <= 0)
    for i1, i2, i3 in zip(id1, id2, id3):
        XS_grid[i1][i2][i3] = 1.e-100
    #### TEST

    return WN_grid, TT_grid, PP_grid, XS_grid
def read_nc( infile, mode ):
    To read netCDF file and extract albedo / outgoing flux

    if ( mode == "albedo" ):
        param = 'plan_alb'
    elif ( mode == "thermal" ):
        param = 'trnf_toa'
        errors.exit_msg( "Invalid mode ( albedo or thermal )" )

    ncfile_r = netCDF4.Dataset( infile, 'r', format='NETCDF3_64BIT')        
    lat      = ncfile_r.variables['lat'][:]
    lon      = ncfile_r.variables['lon'][:]
    nlat     = len(lat)
    nlon     = len(lon)

    lat2 = np.zeros_like(lat)
    for ilat in xrange( nlat ):
        lat2[ilat] = 90.0 - ( 180.0 / nlat ) * ( ilat + 0.5 )
    lat = lat2

    lon_mesh, lat_mesh = np.meshgrid( lon, lat )
    lat_flatten = lat_mesh.flatten()
    lon_flatten = lon_mesh.flatten()

    data     = ncfile_r.variables[param][:]
    if ( mode == "albedo" ):
        data = data * 0.01
    elif ( mode == "thermal" ):
        data = data * -1.

    data_flatten = data.flatten()

    return nlat, nlon, lat_flatten, lon_flatten, data_flatten
Example #7
if __name__ == "__main__":

    filename = sys.argv[1]
    if '.nc' in filename:
        import io_nc
        WN_grid, P_grid, T_grid, XS_grid = io_nc.read_xstbl(filename)
    elif '.npz' in filename:
        data = np.load(filename)
        WN_grid = data['WN']
        P_grid = data['P']
        T_grid = data['T']
        XS_grid = data['XS']
        # error!
        errors.exit_msg("Unknown file type of cross section tables.")

    print '--------------------------------------------------'

    print ' select pressure [mbar] : '
    for ii in xrange(len(P_grid)):
        print '({0:d}) {1:e}'.format(ii, P_grid[ii]),
    print ''
    s_pres = raw_input()
    i_pres = int(s_pres)

    print '--------------------------------------------------'

    print ' select temperature [K] : '
    for ii in xrange(len(T_grid)):
        print '({0:d}) {1:3f}'.format(ii, T_grid[ii]),
Example #8
def calc_nXSofZ_molabs(layer_z,

    func_TofZ, func_PofZ, func_MUofZ, dict_func_NofZ = tuple_func_atmprof
    layer_P = func_PofZ(layer_z)
    layer_T = func_TofZ(layer_z)
    layer_n0 = layer_P / (cgs.RR * layer_T) * cgs.NA
    layer_n = dict_func_NofZ[molname](layer_z) * 1e-6 * layer_n0

    # set up lookup tables
    xsfile = xsfile_tag + molname + xsfile_suffix
    WN_lookuptable, TT_lookuptable, PP_lookuptable, XS_lookuptable = read_lookuptable(
        xsfile, (grid_wn[0], grid_wn[-1]))

    # check range of lookup table
    if (layer_P[-1] < PP_lookuptable[0]):
            "Pressure grids in FILE_ATM smaller than the range of lookuptable."
    if (layer_P[0] > PP_lookuptable[-1]):
            "Pressure grids in FILE_ATM is larger than the range of lookuptable."

    # CONTINUUM? (currently available only for CH4)
    if (cntnm_on and (molname == "H2O")):
        print "     including continuum"
        xsfile = xsfile_tag_cntnm + molname + xsfile_suffix
        WN_lookuptable, TT_lookuptable, PP_lookuptable, XS_cntnm = read_lookuptable(
            xsfile, (grid_wn[0], grid_wn[-1]))
        XS_lookuptable = XS_lookuptable + XS_cntnm

    # read lookup table
    dict_griddata_logXSofWNTP = {}
    m_Tgrid, m_WNgrid, m_logPgrid = np.meshgrid(TT_lookuptable, WN_lookuptable,
    dict_griddata_logXSofWNTP['coords'] = np.dstack(
    dict_griddata_logXSofWNTP[molname] = np.log(XS_lookuptable.flatten())

    mesh_n = np.tile(layer_n, (len(grid_wn), 1))
    mesh_logP, mesh_wn = np.meshgrid(np.log(layer_P), grid_wn)
    mesh_T, mesh_wn = np.meshgrid(layer_T, grid_wn)
    flat_points = np.dstack(
    flat_logXS = interpolate.griddata(dict_griddata_logXSofWNTP['coords'],
    mesh_logXS = flat_logXS.reshape(len(grid_wn), len(layer_z))
    mesh_nXS = mesh_n * np.exp(mesh_logXS)

    # returned numpy.array
    # WN_NUM x Z_NUM
    # [[ wn1 x z1, wn1 x z2, .., wn1 x zN ],
    #  [ wn2 x z1, wn2 x z2, .., wn2 x zN ],...
    return mesh_nXS
Example #9
def read_atmprofile(infile, key=0):
    Read profile of amtmosphere
    with open(infile, 'r') as f_linefile:
        for line in f_linefile:
            elements = line.rsplit()
            if elements[1] == "molecules:":
                list_mol = elements[2:len(elements)]
            if elements[0] != '#':
    names = ['z', 'P', 'T', 'MU']
    formats = ['f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8']
    for ii in xrange(len(list_mol)):

    dict_atmprof = np.loadtxt(infile,
                                  'names': tuple(names),
                                  'formats': tuple(formats)

    # mbar => barye (x 1000)
    dict_atmprof['P'] = dict_atmprof['P'] * 1e3

    # km => cm
    dict_atmprof['z'] = dict_atmprof['z'] * 1e5

    # N => N with other order of magnitude
    dict_atmprof[list_mol[2]] = dict_atmprof[list_mol[2]] * 1e12


    # check the order of altitude in FILE_ATM
    reverse = 0
    z_old = dict_atmprof['z'][0]
    for zi in xrange(1, len(dict_atmprof['z'])):
        if (dict_atmprof['z'][zi] < z_old):
            reverse = reverse + 1
    if (reverse == len(dict_atmprof['z']) - 1):
        dict_atmprof['z'] = dict_atmprof['z'][::-1]
        dict_atmprof['P'] = dict_atmprof['P'][::-1]
        dict_atmprof['T'] = dict_atmprof['T'][::-1]
        dict_atmprof['MU'] = dict_atmprof['MU'][::-1]
        for ii in xrange(len(list_mol)):
            dict_atmprof[list_mol[ii]] = dict_atmprof[list_mol[ii]][::-1]
    elif (reverse != 0):
        errors.exit_msg("Check the order of FILE_ATM.")

    if key:
        return list_mol, dict_atmprof[key]
        return list_mol, dict_atmprof
Example #10
if (OBSMODE == "trans"):
    outdir = "out/transmission/"
    import obsmode_trans
elif (OBSMODE == "disk"):
    outdir = "out/emission/"
    import obsmode_disk
elif (OBSMODE == "nadir"):
    outdir = "out/nadir/"
    import obsmode_nadir
    errors.exit_msg("INVALID OBSMODE")

# functions

def set_atmprof(infile):
    Set up profile of amtmosphere
    list_mol, dict_atmprof = read_atmprofile(infile)
    func_TofZ = util_interp.interp_1d_boundary(dict_atmprof['z'],
Example #11
def read_atmprofile(infile, key=0) :
    Read profile of amtmosphere
    with open(infile,'r') as f_linefile :
        for line in f_linefile :
            elements = line.rsplit()
            if elements[1] == "molecules:" :
                list_mol = elements[2:len(elements)]
            if elements[0] != '#' :
    names = ['z', 'P', 'T', 'MU']
    formats = ['f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8']
    for ii in xrange(len(list_mol)) :

    dict_atmprof = np.loadtxt(infile, 

    # mbar => barye (x 1000)
    dict_atmprof['P'] = dict_atmprof['P']*1e3

    # km => cm
    dict_atmprof['z'] = dict_atmprof['z']*1e5

    # N => N with other order of magnitude
    dict_atmprof[list_mol[2]] = dict_atmprof[list_mol[2]]*1e12
    # check the order of altitude in FILE_ATM
    reverse = 0
    z_old = dict_atmprof['z'][0]
    for zi in xrange(1,len(dict_atmprof['z'])):
        if (dict_atmprof['z'][zi] < z_old):
            reverse = reverse + 1
    if (reverse == len(dict_atmprof['z'])-1):
        dict_atmprof['z'] = dict_atmprof['z'][::-1]
        dict_atmprof['P'] = dict_atmprof['P'][::-1]
        dict_atmprof['T'] = dict_atmprof['T'][::-1]
        dict_atmprof['MU'] = dict_atmprof['MU'][::-1]
        for ii in xrange(len(list_mol)) :
            dict_atmprof[list_mol[ii]] = dict_atmprof[list_mol[ii]][::-1]
    elif (reverse != 0):
        errors.exit_msg("Check the order of FILE_ATM.")

    if key :
        return list_mol, dict_atmprof[key]
    else :
        return list_mol, dict_atmprof
Example #12
if (OBSMODE=="trans"):
    outdir = "out/transmission/"
    import obsmode_trans
elif (OBSMODE=="disk"):
    outdir = "out/emission/"
    import obsmode_disk
elif (OBSMODE=="nadir"):
    outdir = "out/nadir/"
    import obsmode_nadir
    errors.exit_msg("INVALID OBSMODE")

# functions

def set_atmprof(infile):
    Set up profile of amtmosphere
    list_mol, dict_atmprof = read_atmprofile(infile)
    func_TofZ  = util_interp.interp_1d_boundary(dict_atmprof['z'], dict_atmprof['T'],  order=1, logx=False, logy=False)
    func_PofZ  = util_interp.interp_1d_boundary(dict_atmprof['z'], dict_atmprof['P'],  order=1, logx=False)
    func_MUofZ = util_interp.interp_1d_boundary(dict_atmprof['z'], dict_atmprof['MU'], order=1, logx=False, logy=False)