def message_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: message_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.example_state: 'example state message' } if state in message_switcher: return message_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'message')
def message_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: message_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.BRANCH_CLEAN: + ' is clean', self.BRANCH_DIRTY: + ' is dirty' } if state in message_switcher: return message_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'message')
def message_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: message_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.NOTIFY: + ' is within the desired time range', self.SLEEP: + ' is not within the desired time range' } if state in message_switcher: return message_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'message')
def color_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: color_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.NOTIFY: COLORS['orange'], self.SLEEP: COLORS['light blue'] } if state in color_switcher: return color_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'color')
def color_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: color_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.BRANCH_CLEAN: COLORS['light blue'], self.BRANCH_DIRTY: COLORS['purple'] } if state in color_switcher: return color_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'color')
def color_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: color_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.READ_MESSAGES: COLORS['light blue'], self.UNREAD_MESSAGES: COLORS['light green'] } if state in color_switcher: return color_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'color')
def message_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: message_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { 'SUCCESS': 'was successful', 'FAILURE': 'failed', 'UNSTABLE': 'was unstable' } if state in message_switcher: return ( + ': the last build ' + message_switcher[state]) else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'message')
def color_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: color_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { 'SUCCESS': COLORS['light green'], 'FAILURE': COLORS['red'], 'UNSTABLE': COLORS['yellow'] } if state in color_switcher: return color_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'color')
def message_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: message_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.OFF: + ' has turned off', self.LOW: + ' is running (low)', self.MEDIUM: + ' is running (medium)', self.HIGH: + ' is running (high)' } if state in message_switcher: return message_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'message')
def color_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: color_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.OFF: COLORS['red'], self.LOW: COLORS['orange'], self.MEDIUM: COLORS['yellow'], self.HIGH: COLORS['light green'] } if state in color_switcher: return color_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'color')
def color_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: color_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.UP_TO_DATE: COLORS['light blue'], self.BEHIND: COLORS['purple'], self.AHEAD: COLORS['orange'], self.DETACHED: COLORS['red'] } if state in color_switcher: return color_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'color')
def message_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: message_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.MAIN_BRANCH: ( + ' is on the main branch: ' + self.current_branch_name), self.FEATURE_BRANCH: ( + ' is on the feature branch: ' + self.current_branch_name) } if state in message_switcher: return message_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'message')
def message_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: message_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.UNREAD_MESSAGES: (str(len(self._desired_messages)) + ' new message(s) found from ' +, self.READ_MESSAGES: 'No new message(s) found from ' + } if state in message_switcher: return message_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'message')
def message_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: message_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.READ_ALERT: ('There are no new alerts on ' + self.route_id), self.UNREAD_ALERT: (('There is 1 new alert on ' + self.route_id) if self.num_alerts == 1 else ('There are ' + str(self.num_alerts) + ' new alerts on ' + self.route_id)) } if state in message_switcher: return message_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'message')
def color_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: color_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.POWEROFF: COLORS['red'], self.ABORTED: COLORS['red'], self.RUNNING: COLORS['light green'], self.RESTORING: COLORS['light green'], self.SAVED: COLORS['light blue'], self.SAVING: COLORS['light blue'] } if state in color_switcher: return color_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'color')
def message_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: message_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.POWEROFF: 'Your vagrant is off', self.ABORTED: 'Your vagrant is aborted', self.RUNNING: 'Your vagrant is running', self.RESTORING: 'Your vagrant is running', self.SAVED: 'Your vagrant is suspended', self.SAVING: 'Your vagrant is suspended' } if state in message_switcher: return message_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'message')
def message_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: message_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.READ_VERSION: ('Value at ' + str(self.yaml_url) + ' remains at ' + str(self._most_recent_version)), self.UNREAD_VERSION: ('Value at ' + str(self.yaml_url) + ' has ' + 'changed to ' + str(self._most_recent_version)) } if state in message_switcher: return message_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'message')
def message_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: message_switcher: Dict[str, str] = { self.UP_TO_DATE: ( + ' is up to date on the current branch'), self.AHEAD: ( + ' is ahead by ' + str(self.number_away) + ' commits on the current branch'), self.BEHIND: ( + ' is behind by ' + str(0 - self.number_away) + ' commits on the current branch'), self.DETACHED: + ' has a detached head' } if state in message_switcher: return message_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'message')
def color_identifier(self, state: str) -> str: color_switcher: Dict[str, str] = {self.example_state: COLORS['red']} if state in color_switcher: return color_switcher[state] else: raise ValueNotFoundError(, state, 'color')