def global_MEx(aperture=3, instrument='vimos'): if instrument == 'vimos': from errors2 import run_ppxf, set_params, get_dataCubeDirectory cen_cols = (4,5) galaxies = np.array(['eso443-g024', 'ic1459', 'ic1531', 'ic4296', 'ngc0612', 'ngc1399', 'ngc3100', 'ngc3557', 'ngc7075', 'pks0718-34']) fits_ext = 0 CDELT1 = 'CDELT1' CDELT3 = 'CDELT3' elif instrument == 'muse': from errors2_muse import run_ppxf, set_params, get_dataCubeDirectory cen_cols = (1,2) galaxies = np.array(['ic1459', 'ic4296', 'ngc1316', 'ngc1399']) fits_ext = 1 CDELT1 = 'CD1_1' CDELT3 = 'CD3_3' data_file = "%s/Data/%s/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir, instrument) # different data types need to be read separetly x_cent_gals, y_cent_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=cen_cols) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,), dtype=str) Prefig() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlabel(r'$\sigma_\ast$') ax.set_ylabel(r'log [OIII]$\lambda$5007/H$\,\beta$') OIII_ew_sav = [] sigma_sav = [] e_sigma_sav = [] excitation_sav = [] e_excitation_sav = [] for galaxy in galaxies: params = set_params(reps=10, produce_plot=False, opt='pop') i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] x_cent_pix = x_cent_gals[i_gal] y_cent_pix = y_cent_gals[i_gal] f = galaxy_data = f[fits_ext].data header = f[fits_ext].header # Normalise each spaxel for population pipeline galaxy_noise = f[fits_ext+1].data f.close() ## write key parameters from header - can then be altered in future CRVAL_spec = header['CRVAL3'] CDELT_spec = header[CDELT3] s = galaxy_data.shape if aperture == 'R_e': ap = get_R_e(galaxy)/np.abs(header[CDELT1]) else: ap = aperture/np.abs(header[CDELT1]) frac_in_ap = in_aperture(x_cent_pix, y_cent_pix, ap, instrument=instrument) galaxy_data = np.einsum('ijk,jk->ijk', galaxy_data, frac_in_ap) galaxy_noise = np.einsum('ijk,jk->ijk', galaxy_noise, frac_in_ap)**2 bin_lin = np.nansum(galaxy_data, axis=(1,2)) bin_lin_noise = np.sqrt(np.nansum(galaxy_noise, axis=(1,2))) lam = np.arange(s[0])*CDELT_spec + CRVAL_spec bin_lin, lam, cut = apply_range(bin_lin, lam=lam, set_range=params.set_range, return_cuts=True) lamRange = np.array([lam[0],lam[-1]]) bin_lin_noise = bin_lin_noise[cut] pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, bin_lin, bin_lin_noise, lamRange, CDELT_spec, params) e_lines = pp.component != 0 residuals = pp.galaxy - pp.bestfit _, residuals, _ = moving_weighted_average(pp.lam, residuals, step_size=3., interp=True) noise = np.sqrt(residuals**2 + pp.noise**2) # Only use line if formally detected. OIII = pp.matrix[:,pp.templatesToUse=='[OIII]5007d'].flatten() \ * pp.weights[pp.templatesToUse=='[OIII]5007d'] Hb = pp.matrix[:,pp.templatesToUse=='Hbeta'].flatten() \ * pp.weights[pp.templatesToUse=='Hbeta'] if np.max(OIII)/np.median( noise[(np.log(pp.lam) > np.log(5007) - 300/c) * (np.log(pp.lam) < np.log(5007) + 300/c)]) < 4: OIII[:] = 0 Hb[:] = 0 elif np.max(Hb)/np.median( noise[(np.log(pp.lam) > np.log(4861) - 300/c) * (np.log(pp.lam) < np.log(4861) + 300/c)]) < 3: Hb[:] = 0 OIII_flux = np.trapz(OIII, x=pp.lam)/1.35 # not doublet e_lines = np.array([e for e in pp.templatesToUse if not e.isdigit()]) e_OIII_flux = trapz_uncert( pp.MCgas_uncert_spec[e_lines=='[OIII]5007d',:], x=pp.lam) continuum = pp.galaxy - OIII # only need continuum at 5007A OIII_pix = np.argmin(np.abs(pp.lam / (1 + pp.sol[0][0]/c) - 5007)) OIII_ew = OIII_flux/continuum[OIII_pix] Hb_flux = np.trapz(Hb, x=pp.lam) e_Hb_flux = trapz_uncert( pp.MCgas_uncert_spec[e_lines=='Hbeta',:], x=pp.lam) excitation = np.log10(OIII_flux/Hb_flux) e_excitation = np.sqrt((e_Hb_flux/Hb_flux)**2 + (e_OIII_flux/OIII_flux)**2)/np.log(10) e_excitation = np.sqrt((e_OIII_flux/OIII_flux)**2 + (e_Hb_flux/Hb_flux)**2)/np.log(10) sigma = pp.sol[0][1] e_sigma = np.std(pp.MCstellar_kin[:,1]) if OIII_flux != 0 and Hb_flux != 0: if OIII_ew > 0.8: ax.errorbar(sigma, np.log10(OIII_flux/Hb_flux), xerr=e_sigma, yerr=e_excitation, fmt='x', c='k') else: ax.errorbar(sigma, np.log10(OIII_flux/Hb_flux), xerr=e_sigma, yerr=e_excitation, fmt='o', c='k') ax.text(sigma+2, np.log10(OIII_flux/Hb_flux)+0.02, galaxy, fontsize=12) OIII_ew_sav.append(OIII_ew) sigma_sav.append(sigma) e_sigma_sav.append(e_sigma) excitation_sav.append(excitation) e_excitation_sav.append(e_excitation) ax.axvline(70, c='k') ax.axhline(np.log10(0.5), xmin=70./400, c='k') ax.axhline(np.log10(1), xmin=70./400, c='k') x_line = np.arange(70,1000,1) y_line = 1.6*10**-3 * x_line + 0.33 ax.plot(x_line, y_line, c='k') ax.set_xlim([0, 400]) ax.set_ylim([-1.2, 1.5]) ylim = ax.get_ylim() yrange = ylim[1] - ylim[0] ax.text(50, ylim[0] +0.96 * yrange, 'SF') ax.text(75, 0.55, 'Seyfert 2') ax.text(75, 0.15, 'LINER') ax.text(75, -0.23, 'Transition') ax.text(75, -0.5, 'Passive') # ax.legend() fig.savefig('%s/Data/%s/analysis/global_MEx.png' %(cc.base_dir, instrument)) with open('%s/Data/%s/analysis/global_MEx.txt' %(cc.base_dir, instrument), 'w') as f: f.write('Galaxy sigma e_sigma log(OIII/Hb)'+ ' e_log(OIII/Hb) OIII_ew \n') for i in range(len(galaxies)): f.write('%s \t\t %.4g %.4g %.4g %.4g %.4g \n' % (galaxies[i], sigma_sav[i], e_sigma_sav[i], excitation_sav[i], e_excitation_sav[i], OIII_ew_sav[i]))
def __init__(self, galaxy='ngc3557', slit_h=4.5, slit_w=2, slit_pa=30, method='Rampazzo_aperture', r1=0, r2=None, debug=False): print galaxy if 'Rampazzo' in method: from Rampazzo import rampazzo # Default is nuclear region: 0<r<R_e/16 if r2 is None: r2 = get_R_e(galaxy)/16 data = rampazzo(galaxy, method='aperture', slit_h=slit_h, r1=r1, r2=r2, debug=debug) if 'gradient' in method: if '2' in method: data.method = 'gradient2' else: data.method = 'gradient' elif method == 'Ogando': from Ogando import ogando data = ogando(galaxy, debug=debug, slit_h=slit_h, slit_w=slit_w, slit_pa=slit_pa) elif method == 'Miles': from Miles import miles data = miles(galaxy) gal_spec, gal_noise = data.get_spec() gal_spec, lam, cut = apply_range(gal_spec, window=201, repeats=3, lam=data.lam, set_range=np.array([4200,10000]), return_cuts=True) gal_noise = gal_noise[cut] lamRange = np.array([lam[0],lam[-1]])/(1+data.z) ## ----------================= Templates ====================--------- FWHM_gal = 2.5 # VIMOS documentation (and fits header) FWHM_gal = FWHM_gal/(1+data.z) # Adjust resolution in Angstrom stellar_templates = get_stellar_templates(galaxy, FWHM_gal) velscale = stellar_templates.velscale e_templates = get_emission_templates(gas, lamRange, stellar_templates.logLam_template, FWHM_gal) if gas: templates = np.column_stack((stellar_templates.templates, e_templates.templates)) else: templates = stellar_templates.templates component = [0]*len(stellar_templates.templatesToUse) + e_templates.component templatesToUse = np.append(stellar_templates.templatesToUse, e_templates.templatesToUse) element = ['stellar'] + e_templates.element start = [[data.vel, data.sig]] * (max(component) + 1) moments = [stellar_moments] + [gas_moments] * max(component) ## ----------============== Final calibrations ==============--------- ## smooth spectrum to fit with templates resolution if FWHM_gal < stellar_templates.FWHM_tem: sigma = stellar_templates.FWHM_dif/2.355/data.f[0].header['CDELT3'] gal_spec = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(gal_spec, sigma) gal_noise = np.sqrt(ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(gal_noise**2, sigma)) ## rebin spectrum logarthmically gal_spec_log, logLam_bin, _ = util.log_rebin(lamRange, gal_spec, velscale=velscale) gal_noise_log, logLam_bin, _ = util.log_rebin(lamRange, gal_noise**2, velscale=velscale) gal_noise_log = np.sqrt(gal_noise_log) gal_noise_log = gal_noise_log + 0.0000000000001 dv = (stellar_templates.logLam_template[0]-logLam_bin[0])*c # km/s # Find the pixels to ignore to avoid being distracted by gas emission #; lines or atmospheric absorbsion line. goodPixels = determine_goodpixels(logLam_bin,stellar_templates.lamRange_template, data.vel, data.z, gas=gas!=0) lambdaq = np.exp(logLam_bin) ## ----------=================== pPXF =======================--------- pp = ppxf(templates, gal_spec_log, gal_noise_log, velscale, start, goodpixels=goodPixels, moments=moments, degree=-1, vsyst=dv, component=component, lam=lambdaq, plot=not quiet, quiet=quiet, mdegree=10) self.pp = pp # Only use stellar templates (Remove emission lines) stellar_spec = gal_spec_log - \ pp.matrix[:, -e_templates.ntemp:].dot(pp.weights[-e_templates.ntemp:]) conv_spec = pp.matrix[:, :-e_templates.ntemp].dot(pp.weights[:-e_templates.ntemp]) # Generate the unconvolved spectra ('0 km/s' resolution) unc_lam = stellar_templates.wav unc_spec =[:stellar_templates.ntemp]) unc_spec *= np.polynomial.legendre.legval(np.linspace(-1,1, len(unc_spec)), np.append(1, pp.mpolyweights)) ## ----------============== Absorption Line =================--------- lines = ['G4300', 'Fe4383', 'Ca4455', 'Fe4531', 'H_beta', 'Fe5015', 'Mg_b'] self.result = {} self.uncert = {} for line in lines: ab, ab_uncert = absorption(line, lambdaq, stellar_spec, noise=gal_noise_log, unc_lam=unc_lam, unc_spec=unc_spec, conv_spec=conv_spec)#, #lick=True) if method == 'Ogando': # Aperture correction ab_file = '%s/Documents/useful_files/ab_linelist.dat' % (cc.home_dir) i1, i2, b1, b2, r1, r2, units = np.genfromtxt(ab_file, unpack=True, usecols=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7), skip_header=2, skip_footer=2) ls = np.genfromtxt(ab_file, unpack=True, dtype=str, usecols=(8), skip_header=2, skip_footer=2) l = np.where(ls == line)[0][0] index = [i1[l], i2[l]] # Convert to mag ab = -2.5 * np.log(1 - ab/(index[1]-index[0])) # Aperture Correction: beta values taken from paper beta = {'H_beta':0.002, 'Fe5015':-0.012, 'Mg_b':-0.031} # If line is not observed by Ogando if line not in beta.keys(): self.result[line] = np.nan self.uncert[line] = np.nan continue H = 70.0 # value used by Bolonga group. r_ab = np.degrees(1.19/1000 * H/(c * data.z)) * 60 * 60 # 1.19 kpc -> arcsec # Correction is def in eq (9) with r_ab and r_norm def in eq (1) - not # 100% sure if I've got them correct. ab = ab - beta[line] * np.log(1.025 * np.sqrt(slit_w*r_ab/np.pi)/slit_h) # Back to Angstroms ab = (index[1]-index[0]) * (1 - np.exp(ab/-2.5)) elif 'Rampazzo' in method: self.r = data.r self.result[line] = ab self.uncert[line] = ab_uncert if debug: for line in lines: print '%s: %.3f +/- %.3f' % (line, self.result[line], self.uncert[line])
def compare_absortion(galaxy, O_sig=False, corr_lines='all'): f = header = f[0].header # Load VIMOS values data_file = "%s/Data/vimos/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir) z_gals, x_cent_gals, y_cent_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1,4,5), dtype='float,int,int') galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,),dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] z = z_gals[i_gal] center = np.array([x_cent_gals[i_gal], y_cent_gals[i_gal]]) data_file = "%s/Data/vimos/analysis/galaxies2.txt" % (cc.base_dir) pa_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(3,)) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,),dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] pa = pa_gals[i_gal] lines = ['H_beta', 'Fe5015', 'Mg_b'] e_lines = ['e_H_beta', 'e_Fe5015', 'e_Mg_b'] # load Ogando values cols = Ogando_data = np.loadtxt('%s/Data/lit_absorption/Ogando.txt' % ( cc.base_dir), dtype=str)[0] cols = [i for i, co in enumerate(cols) if co in lines or co in e_lines] Ogando_data = np.loadtxt('%s/Data/lit_absorption/Ogando.txt' % ( cc.base_dir), unpack=True, skiprows=2, usecols=np.append([1,2],cols)) galaxies = np.loadtxt('%s/Data/lit_absorption/Ogando.txt' % ( cc.base_dir), unpack=True, skiprows=2, usecols=(0,), dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxies==galaxy)[0][0] O_sigma, O_sigma_err = 10**Ogando_data[0, i_gal], np.abs( 10**Ogando_data[0, i_gal] * Ogando_data[0, i_gal] * Ogando_data[1, i_gal]/10) O_val = {} O_err = {} for i in range(0, 2*len(lines), 2): O_val[lines[i/2]] = Ogando_data[i, i_gal] O_err[lines[i/2]] = Ogando_data[i+1, i_gal] params = set_params(reps=0, opt='pop', gas=1, lines=corr_lines, produce_plot=False) mask = slitFoV(center, 4.1/header['CDELT1'], 2.5/header['CDELT2'], pa, instrument='vimos') ifu = np.array(f[0].data) ifu[np.isnan(ifu)] = 0 spec = np.einsum('ijk,jk->i',ifu, mask) ifu = np.array(f[1].data) ifu[np.isnan(ifu)] = 0 noise = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ijk,jk->i',ifu**2, mask)) lam = np.arange(len(spec))*header['CDELT3'] + header['CRVAL3'] spec, lam, cut = apply_range(spec, lam=lam, set_range=params.set_range, return_cuts=True) lamRange = np.array([lam[0],lam[-1]]) noise = noise[cut] pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, spec, noise, lamRange, header['CDELT3'], params) if O_sig: if isinstance(O_sig, bool): absorp, uncert = get_absorption(lines, pp=pp, sigma=O_sigma(a), instrument='vimos') sigma = O_sigma(a) else: absorp, uncert = get_absorption(lines, pp=pp, instrument='vimos', sigma=O_sigma(a)+O_sig*(pp.sol[0][1]-O_sigma(a))) sigma = O_sigma(a)+O_sig*(pp.sol[0][1]-O_sigma(a)) else: absorp, uncert = get_absorption(lines, pp=pp, instrument='vimos') sigma = pp.sol[0][1] my = [] e_my = [] og = [] e_og = [] sig = [] lin = [] for i, l in enumerate(lines): lin = np.append(lin, l) sig = np.append(sig, sigma) # Aperture correction: r_ab = 1.025*np.sqrt(4.1 * 2.5 / np.pi) # arcsec r_ab = np.radians(r_ab/60**2) * z * c / H * 1000 # kpc if l=='H_beta' or l=='Hbeta': l2='hb' beta = 0.002 # from table 5 in Ogando '08 e_beta = 0.027 elif l == 'Fe5015': l2 = l beta = -0.012 e_beta = 0.027 elif l=='Mg_b': l2='mgb' beta = -0.031 e_beta = 0.034 elif l=='NaD': l2='nad' beta = -0.034 e_beta = 0.022 # elif l=='TiO1': # l2='tio1' # elif l=='TiO2': # l2='tio2' elif l=='Fe5270': l2='fe52' beta = -0.016 e_beta = 0.025 elif l=='Fe5335': l2='fe53' beta = -0.012 e_beta = 0.027 elif l=='Fe5406': l2=l beta = -0.015 e_beta = 0.029 elif l=='Fe5702': l2=l beta = 0 e_beta = 0.036 # Change to mag units s = spectrum(lam=pp.lam, lamspec=pp.galaxy) I = -2.5 * np.log10(1 - absorp[l]/np.diff(getattr(s,l2))[0]) e_I = np.abs(2.5/np.log(10) * uncert[l]/(np.diff(getattr(s,l2))[0] - absorp[l])) I = I - beta * np.log10(r_ab/1.19) # Choosen from Davies 1987 e_I = np.sqrt(e_I**2 + (e_beta**2 * np.log10(r_ab/1.19))) absorp[l] = (1 - 10**(-I/2.5))*np.diff(getattr(s,l2))[0] # Back to A uncert[l] = np.abs(2.5 * absorp[l] * np.log(10) * e_I) lit_value = Ogando_data[i*2+2, i_gal] e_lit_value = Ogando_data[i*2+3, i_gal] e_lit_value = np.mean([np.abs(Lick_to_LIS(l, lit_value + e_lit_value) - Lick_to_LIS(l, lit_value)), np.abs(Lick_to_LIS(l, lit_value - e_lit_value) - Lick_to_LIS(l, lit_value))]) lit_value = Lick_to_LIS(l, lit_value) my.append(absorp[l]) e_my.append(uncert[l]) og.append(lit_value) e_og.append(e_lit_value) return my, e_my, og, e_og, lin
def sigma_e(i_gal=None): if i_gal is None: i_gal=int(sys.argv[1]) ## ----------===============================================--------- ## ----------============= Input parameters ===============--------- ## ----------===============================================--------- params = set_params() params.reps = 3 galaxies = ['ngc3557', 'ic1459', 'ic1531', 'ic4296', 'ngc0612', 'ngc1399', 'ngc3100', 'ngc7075', 'pks0718-34', 'eso443-g024'] galaxy = galaxies[i_gal] if cc.device == 'glamdring': dir = cc.base_dir else: dir = '%s/Data/vimos' % (cc.base_dir) data_file = dir + "/analysis/galaxies.txt" # different data types need to be read separetly x_cent_gals, y_cent_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(4,5)) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,),dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] x_cent_pix = x_cent_gals[i_gal] y_cent_pix = y_cent_gals[i_gal] R_e = get_R_e(galaxy) ## ----------===============================================--------- ## ----------=============== Run analysis =================--------- ## ----------===============================================--------- ## ----------========= Reading the spectrum ===============--------- dataCubeDirectory = "%s/cubes/%s.cube.combined.corr.fits" % (dir,galaxy) galaxy_data, header = fits.getdata(dataCubeDirectory, 0, header=True) # Normalise each spaxel for population pipeline galaxy_noise = fits.getdata(dataCubeDirectory, 1) galaxy_badpix = fits.getdata(dataCubeDirectory, 3) ## write key parameters from header - can then be altered in future CRVAL_spec = header['CRVAL3'] CDELT_spec = header['CDELT3'] R_e_pix = R_e/header['CDELT1'] s = galaxy_data.shape rows_to_remove = range(params.discard) rows_to_remove.extend([s[1]-1-i for i in range(params.discard)]) cols_to_remove = range(params.discard) cols_to_remove.extend([s[2]-1-i for i in range(params.discard)]) galaxy_data = np.delete(galaxy_data, rows_to_remove, axis=1) galaxy_data = np.delete(galaxy_data, cols_to_remove, axis=2) galaxy_noise = np.delete(galaxy_noise, rows_to_remove, axis=1) galaxy_noise = np.delete(galaxy_noise, cols_to_remove, axis=2) galaxy_badpix = np.delete(galaxy_badpix, rows_to_remove, axis=1) galaxy_badpix = np.delete(galaxy_badpix, cols_to_remove, axis=2) s = galaxy_data.shape ## ----------========== Spatially Integrating =============--------- frac_in_ap = in_aperture(x_cent_pix, y_cent_pix, R_e, np.arange(s[1]).repeat(s[2]), np.tile(np.arange(s[2]),s[1])).fraction.reshape(s[1],s[2]) galaxy_data = np.einsum('ijk,jk->ijk', galaxy_data, frac_in_ap) galaxy_noise = np.einsum('ijk,jk->ijk', galaxy_noise, frac_in_ap) bin_lin = np.nansum(galaxy_data,axis=(1,2)) bin_lin_noise = np.nansum(galaxy_noise**2, axis=(1,2)) bin_lin_noise = np.sqrt(bin_lin_noise) ## ----------========= Calibrating the spectrum ===========--------- lam = np.arange(s[0])*CDELT_spec + CRVAL_spec bin_lin, lam, cut = apply_range(bin_lin, lam=lam, set_range=params.set_range, return_cuts=True) lamRange = np.array([lam[0],lam[-1]]) bin_lin_noise = bin_lin_noise[cut] pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, bin_lin, bin_lin_noise, lamRange, CDELT_spec, params) ## ----------=============== Find sigma_e =================--------- sigma_e = pp.sol[0][1] unc_sigma_r = np.std(pp.stellar_output[:,1]) area = np.sum(frac_in_ap)*0.67**2 if area < 0.97 * np.pi * R_e**2: R = np.sqrt(area/np.pi) sigma_e = sigma_e * (R_e/R)**-0.066 unc_sigma_e = np.sqrt(unc_sigma_r**2 + ((R_e/R)**-0.066 * np.log(R_e/R) * 0.035)**2) ## ----------============ Find dynamical mass ==============--------- G = 4.302*10**-6 # kpc (km/s)^2 M_odot^-1 M = 5.0 * R_e * sigma_e**2/G ## ----------============ Write ouputs to file =============--------- data_file = "%s/analysis/galaxies_sigma_e.txt" % (dir) try: galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,),dtype=str) sigma_e_gals, unc_sigma_e_gals, mass_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(1,2,3), unpack=True, dtype=float) if sigma_e_gals.shape == (): sigma_e_gals = np.array([sigma_e_gals]) unc_sigma_e_gals = np.array([unc_sigma_e_gals]) mass_gals = np.array([mass_gals]) galaxy_gals = np.array([galaxy_gals]) except IOError: galaxy_gals = np.array([galaxy]) sigma_e_gals = np.array([sigma_e]) mass_gals = np.array([M]) unc_sigma_e_gals = np.array([unc_sigma_e]) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0] if len(i_gal) == 0: galaxy_gals = np.append(galaxy_gals, galaxy) sigma_e_gals = np.append(sigma_e_gals, sigma_e) unc_sigma_e_gals = np.append(unc_sigma_e_gals, unc_sigma_e) mass_gals = np.append(mass_gals, M) else: sigma_e_gals[i_gal] = sigma_e unc_sigma_e_gals[i_gal] = unc_sigma_e mass_gals[i_gal] = M temp = "{0:12}{1:9}{2:15}{3:9}\n" with open(data_file, 'w') as f: f.write(temp.format("Galaxy", "sigma_e", "uncert sigma_e", "Dyn mass")) for i in range(len(galaxy_gals)): f.write(temp.format(galaxy_gals[i], str(round(sigma_e_gals[i],4)), str(round(unc_sigma_e_gals[i],4)), '{:0.2e}'.format(mass_gals[i])))
def plot_stellar_pop(galaxy, method='median', opt='pop', D=None, overplot={}, gradient=True): print 'Plotting stellar population' if cc.device == 'glamdring': vin_dir = '%s/analysis_muse/%s/%s/pop' % (cc.base_dir, galaxy, opt) data_file = '%s/analysis_muse/galaxies.txt' % (cc.base_dir) else: vin_dir = '%s/Data/muse/analysis/%s/%s/pop' % (cc.base_dir, galaxy, opt) data_file = "%s/Data/muse/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir) file_headings = np.loadtxt(data_file, dtype=str)[0] col = np.where(file_headings == 'SN_%s' % (opt))[0][0] x_cent_gals, y_cent_gals, SN_target_gals = np.loadtxt( data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1, 2, col), dtype='int,int,float') galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0, ), dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals == galaxy)[0][0] SN_target = SN_target_gals[i_gal] center = (x_cent_gals[i_gal], y_cent_gals[i_gal]) data_file = "%s/Data/vimos/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir) z_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1)) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0, ), dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals == galaxy)[0][0] z = z_gals[i_gal] # Load pickle file from out_dir = '%s/Data/muse/analysis' % (cc.base_dir) output = "%s/%s/%s" % (out_dir, galaxy, opt) out_plots = "%s/plots/population" % (output) if not os.path.exists(out_plots): os.makedirs(out_plots) if D is None and gradient != 'only': pickle_file = '%s/pickled' % (output) pickleFile = open("%s/dataObj.pkl" % (pickle_file), 'rb') D = pickle.load(pickleFile) pickleFile.close() f = header = f[1].header if not gradient: f.close() if gradient != 'only': age = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) met = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) alp = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) unc_age = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) unc_met = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) unc_alp = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) if method == 'median': for i in xrange(D.number_of_bins): ag, me, al = np.loadtxt('%s/%i.dat' % (vin_dir, i), unpack=True) age[i] = ag[0] unc_age[i] = ag[1] met[i] = me[0] unc_met[i] = me[1] alp[i] = al[0] unc_alp[i] = al[1] title = '%s median' % (galaxy.upper()) u_title = '%s standard deviation' % (galaxy.upper()) elif method == 'mostlikely': # from peakdetect import peakdetect age1 = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) met1 = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) alp1 = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) age2 = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) met2 = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) alp2 = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) for i in xrange(D.number_of_bins): ag, me, al = np.loadtxt('%s/distribution/%i.dat' % (vin_dir, i), unpack=True) for plot, unc_plot, pop in zip([age, met, alp], [unc_age, unc_met, unc_alp], [ag, me, al]): hist = np.histogram(pop, bins=40) x = (hist[1][0:-1] + hist[1][1:]) / 2 hist = hist[0] # peaks = np.array(peakdetect(hist, x_axis=x, lookahead=4)[0]) # plot[i] = peaks[np.argmax(peaks[:,1]), 0] plot[i] = x[np.argmax(hist)] gt_fwhm = hist >= np.max(hist) / 2 unc_plot[i] = np.max(x[gt_fwhm]) - np.min(x[gt_fwhm]) title = '%s mostlikely' % (galaxy.upper()) u_title = '%s FWHM' % (galaxy.upper()) if gradient: figs = {} axs = {} rad = {} rad_err = {} for i in ['age', 'met', 'alp']: fig, ax = plt.subplots() figs[i] = fig axs[i] = ax rad[i] = [] rad_err[i] = [] if gradient != 'only': # Age ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, age, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Age (Gyrs)', vmin=0, vmax=15, title=title + ' Age', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, redshift=z) if overplot: for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): add_(o, color, ax, galaxy) plt.gcf().savefig('%s/Age.png' % (out_plots)) plt.close() plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, unc_age, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Age (Gyrs)', vmin=0, vmax=15, title=u_title + ' Age', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, close=True, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, save='%s/Age_uncert.png' % (out_plots)) # Metalicity ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, met, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Metalicity [Z/H]', vmin=-2.25, vmax=0.67, title=title + ' Metalicity', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center) if overplot: for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): add_(o, color, ax, galaxy) plt.gcf().savefig('%s/Metalicity.png' % (out_plots)) plt.close() plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, unc_met, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Metalicity', vmin=0, vmax=0.67 + 2.25, title=u_title + ' Metalicity [Z/H]', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, save='%s/Metalicity_uncert.png' % (out_plots), close=True) # Alpha ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, alp, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Element Ratio [alpha/Fe]', vmin=-0.3, vmax=0.5, title=title + ' Alpha Enhancement', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center) if overplot: for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): add_(o, color, ax, galaxy) plt.gcf().savefig('%s/Alpha.png' % (out_plots)) plt.close() plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, unc_alp, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Element Ratio [alpha/Fe]', vmin=0, vmax=0.5 + 0.3, title=u_title + ' Alpha Enhancement', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, save='%s/Alpha_uncert.png' % (out_plots), close=True) # Detailed (no clip on color axis) out_plots = "%s/plots/population_detail" % (output) if not os.path.exists(out_plots): os.makedirs(out_plots) # Age vmin, vmax = set_lims(age) ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, age, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Age (Gyrs)', title=title + ' Age', cmap='gnuplot2', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, redshift=z) if overplot: for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): add_(o, color, ax, galaxy) plt.gcf().savefig('%s/Age.png' % (out_plots)) plt.close() vmin, vmax = set_lims(unc_age) plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, unc_age, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Age (Gyrs)', title=u_title + ' Age', cmap='gnuplot2', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, close=True, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, save='%s/Age_uncert.png' % (out_plots)) # Metalicity vmin, vmax = set_lims(met) ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, met, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Metalicity [Z/H]', title=title + ' Metalicity', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center) if overplot: for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): add_(o, color, ax, galaxy) plt.gcf().savefig('%s/Metalicity.png' % (out_plots)) plt.close() vmin, vmax = set_lims(unc_met) plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, unc_met, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Metalicity', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, title=u_title + ' Metalicity [Z/H]', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, save='%s/Metalicity_uncert.png' % (out_plots), close=True) # Alpha vmin, vmax = set_lims(alp) ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, alp, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Element Ratio [alpha/Fe]', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, title=title + ' Alpha Enhancement', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center) if overplot: for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): add_(o, color, ax, galaxy) plt.gcf().savefig('%s/Alpha.png' % (out_plots)) plt.close() vmin, vmax = set_lims(unc_alp) plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, unc_alp, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Element Ratio [alpha/Fe]', title=u_title + ' Alpha Enhancement', cmap='gnuplot2', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, save='%s/Alpha_uncert.png' % (out_plots), close=True) if gradient: r = np.sqrt((D.xBar - center[0])**2 + (D.yBar - center[1])**2) for i in ['age', 'met', 'alp']: if i == 'age': y = np.log10(eval(i)) y_err = np.abs( eval('unc_' + i) / np.array(eval(i)) / np.log(10)) else: y = eval(i) y_err = eval('unc_' + i) axs[i].errorbar(r, y, yerr=y_err, fmt='.', c='k') params, cov = np.polyfit(r, y, 1, w=1 / y_err, cov=True) axs[i].plot(r, np.poly1d(params)(r), '--k') # params, residuals, _, _, _ = numpy.polyfit(r, y, 1, w=1/y_err, # full=True) # chi2 = residuals / (len(r) - 2) figs[i].text( 0.15, 0.84, r'grad: %.3f $\pm$ %.3f' % (params[0], np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))[0])) if gradient: out_plots = "%s/plots/population" % (output) index = np.zeros((150, 150, 2)) for i in range(index.shape[0]): for j in range(index.shape[1]): index[i, j, :] = np.array([i, j]) - center step_size = 12 annuli = np.arange(step_size, 100, step_size).astype(float) age_rad = np.zeros(len(annuli)) met_rad = np.zeros(len(annuli)) alp_rad = np.zeros(len(annuli)) age_err_rad = np.zeros(len(annuli)) met_err_rad = np.zeros(len(annuli)) alp_err_rad = np.zeros(len(annuli)) for i, a in enumerate(annuli): params = set_params(reps=0, opt='pop', gas=1, produce_plot=False) mask = (np.sqrt(index[:, :, 0]**2 + index[:, :, 1]**2) < a) * ( np.sqrt(index[:, :, 0]**2 + index[:, :, 1]**2) > a - step_size) spec = np.nansum(f[1].data[:, mask], axis=1) noise = np.sqrt(np.nansum(f[2].data[:, mask]**2, axis=1)) lam = np.arange(len(spec)) * header['CD3_3'] + header['CRVAL3'] spec, lam, cut = apply_range(spec, lam=lam, set_range=params.set_range, return_cuts=True) lamRange = np.array([lam[0], lam[-1]]) noise = noise[cut] pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, spec, noise, lamRange, header['CD3_3'], params) pop = population(pp=pp, instrument='muse', method=method) for i in ['age', 'met', 'alp']: if i == 'met': i2 = 'metallicity' elif i == 'alp': i2 = 'alpha' else: i2 = i rad[i].append(getattr(pop, i2)) rad_err[i].append(getattr(pop, 'unc_' + i)) annuli *= abs(header['CD1_1']) * (60**2) gradient_file = '%s/galaxies_pop_gradients.txt' % (out_dir) ageRe, ageG, e_ageG, metRe, metG, e_metG, alpRe, alpG, e_alpG = \ np.loadtxt(gradient_file, usecols=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), unpack=True, skiprows=1) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(gradient_file, usecols=(0, ), unpack=True, skiprows=1, dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals == galaxy)[0][0] R_e = get_R_e(galaxy) for i in ['age', 'met', 'alp']: axs[i].set_xlabel('Radius (arcsec)') if i == 'age': y = np.log10(rad[i]) y_err = np.abs( np.array(rad_err[i]) / np.array(rad[i]) / np.log(10)) else: y = np.array(rad[i]) y_err = np.array(rad_err[i]) axs[i].errorbar(annuli, y, yerr=y_err, fmt='x', c='r') params, cov = np.polyfit(annuli, y, 1, w=1 / y_err, cov=True) axs[i].plot(annuli, np.poly1d(params)(annuli), '-r') # params, residuals, _, _, _ = numpy.polyfit(annuli, y, 1, # w=1/y_err, full=True) # chi2 = residuals / (len(annuli) - 2) figs[i].text(0.15, 0.8, r'grad: %.3f $\pm$ %.3f' % (params[0], np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))[0]), color='r') if i == 'age': axs[i].set_ylabel('log(Age (Gyr))') ageG[i_gal], e_ageG[i_gal] = params[0], np.sqrt( np.diag(cov))[0] ageRe[i_gal] = np.poly1d(params)(R_e) elif i == 'met': axs[i].set_ylabel('Metalicity [Z/H]') metG[i_gal], e_metG[i_gal] = params[0], np.sqrt( np.diag(cov))[0] metRe[i_gal] = np.poly1d(params)(R_e) elif i == 'alp': axs[i].set_ylabel('Alpha Enhancement [alpha/Fe]') alpG[i_gal], e_alpG[i_gal] = params[0], np.sqrt( np.diag(cov))[0] alpRe[i_gal] = np.poly1d(params)(R_e) figs[i].savefig('%s/%s_grad.png' % (out_plots, i)) plt.close(i) temp = "{0:12}{1:7}{2:7}{3:7}{4:7}{5:7}{6:7}{7:7}{8:7}{9:7}\n" with open(gradient_file, 'w') as f: f.write( temp.format('Galaxy', 'ageRe', 'ageG', 'e_ageG', 'metRe', 'metG', 'e_metG', 'alpRe', 'alpG', 'e_alpG')) for i in range(len(galaxy_gals)): f.write( temp.format(galaxy_gals[i], str(round(ageRe[i], 1)), str(round(ageG[i], 3)), str(round(e_ageG[i], 3)), str(round(metRe[i], 1)), str(round(metG[i], 3)), str(round(e_metG[i], 3)), str(round(alpRe[i], 1)), str(round(alpG[i], 3)), str(round(e_alpG[i], 3)))) return D
def compare_absortion(galaxy, R_sig=False, corr_lines='all'): f = header = f[1].header lines = ['H_beta', 'Fe5015', 'Mg_b', 'Fe5270', 'Fe5335', 'Fe5406', 'Fe5709', 'Fe5782', 'NaD', 'TiO1', 'TiO2'] color = ['purple', 'k', 'orange', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'lightblue', 'grey', 'r', 'gold', 'pink'] R_e = get_R_e(galaxy) apertures = np.array([1.5, 2.5, 10, R_e/10, R_e/8, R_e/4, R_e/2]) # arcsec Ramp_sigma = {'ngc3557':[265, 247, 220], 'ic1459':[311, 269, 269], 'ic4296':[340, 310, 320]} R_sigma = interp1d([R_e/8, R_e/4, R_e/2], Ramp_sigma[galaxy], fill_value=(Ramp_sigma[galaxy][0], Ramp_sigma[galaxy][2]), bounds_error=False) data_file = "%s/Data/vimos/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir) z_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1,), dtype=float) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,),dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] z = z_gals[i_gal] data_file = "%s/Data/muse/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir) x_cent_gals, y_cent_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1,2), dtype=int) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,),dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] center = np.array([x_cent_gals[i_gal], y_cent_gals[i_gal]]) index = np.zeros((150,150,2)) for i in range(150): for j in range(150): index[i,j,:] = np.array([i,j]) - center fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots() fig4, ax4 = plt.subplots() ax5 = ax4.twinx() my_values = {} my_errors = {} sigma = np.array([]) t=[] e=[] g=[] h=[] j=[] r=[] w=[] for a in apertures: params = set_params(reps=0, opt='pop', gas=1, lines=corr_lines, produce_plot=False) mask = np.sqrt(index[:,:,0]**2 + index[:,:,1]**2) * header['CD3_3'] < a spec = np.nansum(f[1].data[:,mask], axis=1) noise = np.sqrt(np.nansum(f[2].data[:,mask]**2, axis=1)) lam = np.arange(len(spec))*header['CD3_3'] + header['CRVAL3'] spec, lam, cut = apply_range(spec, lam=lam, set_range=params.set_range, return_cuts=True) lamRange = np.array([lam[0],lam[-1]]) noise = noise[cut] pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, spec, noise, lamRange, header['CD3_3'], params) plot = create_plot(pp) plot.lam = pp.lam*(1+pp.z)/(1+pp.z+(pp.sol[0][0]/c)) fig2, ax2, = plot.produce s = spectrum(lam=pp.lam, lamspec=pp.galaxy) for i, l in enumerate(lines): if l=='H_beta' or l=='Hbeta': l='hb' elif l=='Mg_b': l='mgb' elif l=='NaD': l='nad' elif l=='TiO1': l='tio1' elif l=='TiO2': l='tio2' elif l=='Fe5270': l='fe52' elif l=='Fe5335': l='fe53' ax2.axvspan(*getattr(s,l),color='b', alpha=0.5) lims = ax2.get_ylim() if i%2==0: ax2.text(np.mean(getattr(s,l)), lims[1] - 0.1*(lims[1]-lims[0]), l, size=8, ha='center') else: ax2.text(np.mean(getattr(s,l)), lims[1] - 0.15*(lims[1]-lims[0]), l, size=8, ha='center') ax2.axvspan(getattr(s,l+'cont')[0], getattr(s,l+'cont')[1], color='r', alpha=0.5) ax2.axvspan(getattr(s,l+'cont')[2], getattr(s,l+'cont')[3], color='r', alpha=0.5) fig2.savefig('/Data/lit_absorption/Rampazzo/%s_rad_%.2f_muse.png'%(galaxy, a)) plt.close(fig2) if R_sig: if isinstance(R_sig, bool): absorp, uncert = get_absorption(lines, pp=pp, instrument='muse', sigma=R_sigma(a)) sigma = np.append(sigma, R_sigma(a)) else: absorp, uncert = get_absorption(lines, pp=pp, instrument='muse', sigma=R_sigma(a)+R_sig*(pp.sol[0][1]-R_sigma(a))) sigma = np.append(sigma, R_sigma(a)+R_sig*(pp.sol[0][1]-R_sigma(a))) else: absorp, uncert = get_absorption(lines, pp=pp, instrument='muse')#, sigma=R_sigma(a)) sigma = np.append(sigma, pp.sol[0][1]) for l in lines: if a == min(apertures): my_values[l] = np.array([]) my_errors[l] = np.array([]) my_values[l] = np.append(my_values[l], absorp[l]) my_errors[l] = np.append(my_errors[l], uncert[l]) for i, l in enumerate(lines): ax.errorbar(a, absorp[l], yerr=uncert[l], color=color[i], fmt='x') for i, l in enumerate(lines): ax.errorbar(np.nan, np.nan, color=color[i], fmt='x', label=l) ax.legend(facecolor='w') Rampazzo_file = '%s/Data/lit_absorption/J_A+A_433_497_table9.txt' % (cc.base_dir) file_headings = np.loadtxt(Rampazzo_file, dtype=str)[0] for i, l in enumerate(lines): col = np.where(file_headings==l)[0][0] try: col2 = np.where(file_headings==l)[0][1] except: try: col2 = np.where(file_headings=='_'+l)[0][0] except: col2 = np.where(file_headings=='e_'+l)[0][0] R_obs, R_err = np.loadtxt(Rampazzo_file, unpack=True, skiprows=5, usecols=(col,col2)) R_galaxies = np.loadtxt(Rampazzo_file, unpack=True, skiprows=5, usecols=(0,), dtype=str) mask = R_galaxies==galaxy.upper() order = np.argsort(apertures) lit_value = Lick_to_LIS(l, R_obs[mask][order]) err = np.mean([np.abs(Lick_to_LIS(l, R_obs[mask][order] + R_err[mask][order]) - Lick_to_LIS(l, R_obs[mask][order])), np.abs(Lick_to_LIS(l, R_obs[mask][order] - R_err[mask][order]) - Lick_to_LIS(l, R_obs[mask][order]))], axis=0) ax.errorbar(apertures[order], lit_value, yerr=err, color=color[i]) if l=='H_beta' or l=='Hbeta': l2='hb' elif l=='Mg_b': l2='mgb' elif l=='NaD': l2='nad' elif l=='TiO1': l2='tio1' elif l=='TiO2': l2='tio2' elif l=='Fe5270': l2='fe52' elif l=='Fe5335': l2='fe53' else: l2=l ax3.scatter( np.abs(my_values[l][order] - lit_value)/my_values[l][order], np.abs(my_values[l][order] - lit_value)/np.sqrt(err**2 + my_errors[l][order]**2), color=color[i], s=4*apertures[order]**2, label=l) ax4.scatter(sigma[order], np.abs(my_values[l][order] - lit_value)/my_values[l][order], color=color[i], s=4*apertures[order]**2, label=l) ax5.scatter(sigma[order], np.abs(my_values[l][order] - lit_value)/np.sqrt(err**2 + my_errors[l][order]**2), marker='x', color=color[i], s=4*apertures[order]**2, label=l) t.extend(sigma[order]) g.extend(my_values[l][order]) h.extend(lit_value) j.extend(err) e.extend(my_errors[l][order]) r.extend([lines[i]]*len(sigma)) w.extend(4*apertures[order]**2) ax.set_ylabel(r'Index strength, $\AA$') ax.set_xlabel('Radius, arcsec') fig.savefig('%s/Data/lit_absorption/Rampazzo_aperture_%s_%i_muse.png' % ( cc.base_dir, galaxy, params.gas)) plt.close(fig) ax3.set_ylabel(r'Sigma difference ((Mine - Ramp)/Combined Uncert)') ax3.set_xlabel('Fractional difference ((Mine - Ramp)/Mine)') ax3.legend() fig3.savefig('%s/Data/lit_absorption/Rampazzo_aperture_%s_fractional_muse.png' % ( cc.base_dir, galaxy)) plt.close(fig3) ax4.set_xlabel('Vel dispersion') ax3.set_ylabel('Fractional difference ((Mine - Ramp)/Mine)') ax5.set_ylabel(r'Sigma difference ((Mine - Ramp)/Combined Uncert)') ax4.legend() fig4.savefig('%s/Data/lit_absorption/Rampazzo_aperture_%s_sigma_muse.png' % ( cc.base_dir, galaxy)) plt.close(fig4) return t, g, h, j, e, r, w
def plot_absorption(galaxy, D=None, uncert=True, opt='pop', overplot={}, gradient=True): # Find lines: lines = ['G4300', 'Fe4383', 'Ca4455', 'Fe4531', 'H_beta', 'Fe5015', #'Mg_1', 'Mg_2', 'Mg_b'] limits = {#'G4300', 'Fe4383', 'Ca4455', 'Fe4531', 'H_beta':[1.0,2.9], 'Fe5015':[3.5,5.9], 'Mg_b':[3.1,4.7]} print 'Absorption lines' # Load pickle file from out_dir = '%s/Data/vimos/analysis' % (cc.base_dir) output = "%s/%s/%s" % (out_dir, galaxy, opt) out_plots = "%s/plots/absorption" % (output) if not os.path.exists(out_plots): os.makedirs(out_plots) if D is None and gradient != 'only': out_pickle = '%s/pickled' % (output) pickleFile = open("%s/dataObj.pkl" % (out_pickle), 'rb') D = pickle.load(pickleFile) pickleFile.close() f = header = f[0].header if not gradient: f.close() data_file = "%s/galaxies.txt" % (out_dir) file_headings = np.loadtxt(data_file, dtype=str)[0] col = np.where(file_headings=='SN_%s' % (opt))[0][0] z_gals, x_cent_gals, y_cent_gals, SN_target_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1,4,5,col), dtype='float,int,int,float') galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,),dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] z = z_gals[i_gal] SN_target=SN_target_gals[i_gal] center = (x_cent_gals[i_gal], y_cent_gals[i_gal]) figs = {} axs = {} fig,ax =plt.subplots() figs['Mg_sigma'] = fig axs['Mg_sigma'] = ax # mins = {} # maxs = {} for line in lines: fig,ax =plt.subplots() figs[line] = fig axs[line] = ax # mins[line] = 1000 # maxs[line] = -1000 if gradient !='only': for i, line in enumerate(lines): print " " + line if uncert: ab_line, ab_uncert = D.absorption_line(line, uncert=True) else: ab_line = D.absorption_line(line) abmin, abmax = set_lims(ab_line, positive=True) # if line in limits.keys(): # abmin = limits[line][0] # abmax = limits[line][1] saveTo = '%s/%s.png' % (out_plots, line) ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, ab_line, header, vmin=abmin, vmax=abmax, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Index strength ('+r'$\AA$'+')', title=line, cmap='gnuplot2', redshift=z, flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, save=saveTo) ax.saveTo = saveTo count = 0 if overplot: for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): count +=1 add_(o, color, ax, galaxy, close = count==len(overplot)) if uncert: abmin, abmax = set_lims(ab_uncert) ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, ab_uncert, header, vmin=abmin, vmax=abmax, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Index strength ('+r'$\AA$'+')', title=line, cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, save='%s/%s_uncert.png' % (out_plots, line), close=True) if gradient: r = np.sqrt((D.xBar - center[0])**2 + (D.yBar - center[1])**2) if uncert: axs[line].errorbar(r, ab_line, yerr=ab_uncert, fmt='.', c='k') else: axs[line].scatter(r, ab_line, marker = 'x', c='k') if line == 'Mg_b': x = np.log10(D.components['stellar'].plot['sigma']) xerr = D.components['stellar'].plot['sigma'].uncert/\ D.components['stellar'].plot['sigma']/np.log(10) axs['Mg_sigma'].errorbar(x, ab_line, xerr=xerr, yerr=ab_uncert, fmt='.', c='k') if np.isfinite(ab_line[0]): params, cov = np.polyfit(x,ab_line, 1, w=np.sqrt(1/(xerr)**2 + 1/ab_uncert**2), cov=True) lims = np.array(axs['Mg_sigma'].get_xlim()) axs['Mg_sigma'].plot(lims, np.poly1d(params)(lims), 'k') if gradient: print ' Gradients' index = np.zeros((40,40,2)) for i in range(40): for j in range(40): index[i,j,:] = np.array([i,j]) - center step_size = 2 annuli = np.arange(2, 26, step_size) mg = np.array([]) e_mg = np.array([]) sigma = np.array([]) e_sigma = np.array([]) for a in annuli: params = set_params(reps=10, opt='pop', gas=1, produce_plot=False) mask = (np.sqrt(index[:,:,0]**2 + index[:,:,1]**2) < a) * ( np.sqrt(index[:,:,0]**2 + index[:,:,1]**2) > a - step_size) spec = np.nansum(f[0].data[:,mask], axis=1) noise = np.sqrt(np.nansum(f[1].data[:,mask]**2, axis=1)) lam = np.arange(len(spec))*header['CDELT3'] + header['CRVAL3'] spec, lam, cut = apply_range(spec, lam=lam, set_range=params.set_range, return_cuts=True) lamRange = np.array([lam[0],lam[-1]]) noise = noise[cut] pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, spec, noise, lamRange, header['CDELT3'], params) absorp, uncert = get_absorption(lines, pp=pp, instrument='vimos') for line in lines: axs[line].errorbar(a, absorp[line], yerr=uncert[line], c='r', fmt='.') # mins[line] = min(mins[line], absorp[line]) # maxs[line] = max(maxs[line], absorp[line]) axs['Mg_sigma'].errorbar(np.log10(pp.sol[0][1]), absorp['Mg_b'], xerr=np.std(pp.MCstellar_kin[:,1])/pp.sol[0][1]/np.log(10), yerr=uncert['Mg_b'], c='r', fmt='.') mg = np.append(mg, absorp['Mg_b']) e_mg = np.append(e_mg, uncert['Mg_b']) sigma = np.append(sigma, np.log10(pp.sol[0][1])) e_sigma = np.append(e_sigma, np.std(pp.MCstellar_kin[:,1])/pp.sol[0][1]/np.log(10)) for line in lines: # axs[line].set_ylim(0.9*mins[line], 1.1*maxs[line]) axs[line].set_ylim(0,9) axs[line].set_xlabel('Radius') axs[line].set_ylabel(r'Index \AA') figs[line].savefig('%s/%s_grad.png' %(out_plots, line)) plt.close(figs[line]) if np.isfinite(mg[0]): mask = np.isfinite(mg) params, cov = np.polyfit(sigma[mask], mg[mask], 1, w=np.sqrt(1/(e_sigma)**2 + 1/e_mg**2)[mask], cov=True) lims = np.array(axs['Mg_sigma'].get_xlim()) axs['Mg_sigma'].plot(lims, np.poly1d(params)(lims), 'r') grad = params[0] e_grad = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))[0] else: grad = np.nan e_grad = np.nan axs['Mg_sigma'].set_xlabel(r'log $\sigma$ [km s$^{-1}$]') axs['Mg_sigma'].set_ylabel(r'Mg$_b \, \AA$') if galaxy not in ['pks0718-34', 'ngc0612']: axs['Mg_sigma'].set_ylim([0.9*min(mg), 1.1*max(mg)]) axs['Mg_sigma'].set_xlim(np.log10(200), np.log10(350)) figs['Mg_sigma'].savefig('%s/Mg_sigma.png' % (out_plots)) plt.close(figs['Mg_sigma']) grad_file = '%s/galaxies_resolved_mg_sigma.txt' % (out_dir) galaxy_gals, grad_gals, e_grad_gals = np.loadtxt(grad_file, unpack=True, dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals == galaxy)[0][0] grad_gals[i_gal] = str(round(grad, 3)) e_grad_gals[i_gal] = str(round(e_grad, 3)) with open(grad_file, 'w') as f: temp = "{0:12}{1:15}{2:15}\n" for i in range(len(galaxy_gals)): f.write(temp.format(galaxy_gals[i], grad_gals[i], e_grad_gals[i])) return D
def stellar_pop_grad(galaxy, method='median', opt='pop'): print 'Finding population gradients' vin_dir = '%s/Data/vimos/analysis/%s/%s/pop' % (cc.base_dir, galaxy, opt) # Load pickle file from out_dir = '%s/Data/vimos/analysis' % (cc.base_dir) output = "%s/%s/%s" % (out_dir, galaxy, opt) out_plots = "%s/plots/pop_distributions" % (output) if not os.path.exists(out_plots): os.makedirs(out_plots) f = header = f[0].header data_file = "%s/galaxies.txt" % (out_dir) x_cent_gals, y_cent_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(4,5), dtype=int) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,),dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] center = (x_cent_gals[i_gal], y_cent_gals[i_gal]) R_e = get_R_e(galaxy) apertures = np.array([R_e/8, R_e/2, R_e]) str_ap = ['R_e_8', 'R_e_2', 'R_e'] for i, a in enumerate(apertures): params = set_params(reps=100, opt='pop', gas=1, produce_plot=False) mask = in_aperture(center[0], center[1], a/header['CDELT1'], instrument='vimos') spec = np.einsum('ijk,jk->ijk', f[0].data, mask) noise = np.einsum('ijk,jk->ijk', f[1].data**2, mask) spec = np.nansum(spec, axis=(1,2)) noise = np.sqrt(np.nansum(noise, axis=(1,2))) lam = np.arange(len(spec))*header['CDELT3'] + header['CRVAL3'] spec, lam, cut = apply_range(spec, lam=lam, set_range=params.set_range, return_cuts=True) lamRange = np.array([lam[0],lam[-1]]) noise = noise[cut] pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, spec, noise, lamRange, header['CDELT3'], params) pop = population(pp=pp, instrument='vimos', method=method) pop.plot_probability_distribution(saveTo='%s/%s.png' % ( out_plots, str_ap[i])) file = '%s/pop_sigma.txt' % (out_dir) value = np.loadtxt(file, unpack=True, skiprows=2, dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(value[0]==galaxy)[0][0] value[i*9+1, i_gal] = str(round(pp.sol[0][1], 2)) value[i*9+2, i_gal] = str(round(np.std(pp.MCstellar_kin[:,1]), 2)) value[i*9+3, i_gal] = str(round(pop.age, 2)) value[i*9+4, i_gal] = str(round(pop.unc_age, 2)) value[i*9+5, i_gal] = str(round(pop.metallicity, 2)) value[i*9+6, i_gal] = str(round(pop.unc_met, 2)) value[i*9+7, i_gal] = str(round(pop.alpha, 2)) value[i*9+8, i_gal] = str(round(pop.unc_alp, 2)) value[i*9+9, i_gal] = str(round(pop.prob, 2)) temp = '{0:12}{1:7}{2:7}{3:7}{4:7}{5:7}{6:7}{7:7}{8:7}{9:7}{10:7}'+\ '{11:7}{12:7}{13:7}{14:7}{15:7}{16:7}{17:7}{18:7}{19:7}{20:7}'+\ '{21:7}{22:7}{23:7}{24:7}{25:7}{26:7}{27:7}\n' with open(file, 'w') as out: out.write(temp.format('Galaxy', 'sig', 'e_sig', 'age', 'e_age', 'met', 'e_met', 'alpha', 'e_alpha', 'prob', 'sig', 'e_sig', 'age', 'e_age', 'met', 'e_met', 'alpha', 'e_alpha', 'prob', 'sig', 'e_sig', 'age', 'e_age', 'met', 'e_met', 'alpha', 'e_alpha', 'prob')) out.write(temp.format('', 'R_e/8', 'R_e/8', 'R_e/8', 'R_e/8', 'R_e/8', 'R_e/8', 'R_e/8', 'R_e/8', 'R_e/8', 'R_e/2', 'R_e/2', 'R_e/2', 'R_e/2', 'R_e/2', 'R_e/2', 'R_e/2', 'R_e/2', 'R_e', 'R_e', 'R_e/2', 'R_e', 'R_e', 'R_e', 'R_e', 'R_e', 'R_e', 'R_e')) for j in range(len(value[0])): out.write(temp.format(*value[:,j]))
def KDC_pop(galaxy): params = set_params(opt='pop', produce_plot=False, reps=10) spec, noise, lam = get_specFromAperture(galaxy, app_size=1.0) CD = lam[1] - lam[0] spec, lam, cut = apply_range(spec,lam=lam, return_cuts=True, set_range=params.set_range) noise = noise[cut] lamRange = np.array([lam[0],lam[-1]]) pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, spec, noise, lamRange, CD, params) pop = population(pp=pp, galaxy=galaxy) pop.plot_probability_distribution(label=' of core region') data_file = "%s/Data/vimos/analysis/galaxies_core.txt" % (cc.base_dir) age_gals, age_unc_gals, met_gals, met_unc_gals, alp_gals, alp_unc_gals, OIII_eqw_gals,\ OIII_eqw_uncer_gals, age_gals_outer, age_unc_gals_outer, met_gals_outer, \ met_unc_gals_outer, alp_gals_outer, alp_unc_gals_outer = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=2, usecols=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14)) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=2, usecols=(0,),dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] age_gals[i_gal] = pop.age age_unc_gals[i_gal] = pop.unc_age met_gals[i_gal] = pop.metallicity met_unc_gals[i_gal] = pop.unc_met alp_gals[i_gal] = pop.alpha alp_unc_gals[i_gal] = pop.unc_alp # Save plot from pop before clearing from memory f = pop.fig ax = del pop # Calculate OIII equivalent width e_lines = pp.component != 0 e_line_spec = pp.matrix[:,e_lines].T.astype(float) e_line_spec = np.einsum('ij,i->j',e_line_spec, pp.weights[e_lines]) OIII_pos = np.argmin(np.abs(pp.lam - 5007)) # pix in spectrum at 5007A peak_width = 20 # Integrate over 2 * peak_width of pixels OIII_pos += np.argmax(e_line_spec[OIII_pos - peak_width:OIII_pos + peak_width] ) - peak_width # find redshifted peak flux = np.trapz(e_line_spec[OIII_pos - peak_width:OIII_pos + peak_width], x=pp.lam[OIII_pos - peak_width:OIII_pos + peak_width]) OIII_eqw_gals[i_gal] = flux/((pp.galaxy - e_line_spec)[OIII_pos]) i_OIII = np.where('[OIII]5007d' in [e for e in pp.templatesToUse if not e.isdigit()])[0][0] flux_uncert = trapz_uncert(pp.MCgas_uncert_spec[i_OIII, OIII_pos - peak_width:OIII_pos + peak_width], x=pp.lam[OIII_pos - peak_width:OIII_pos + peak_width]) cont_uncert = np.sqrt(np.sum((pp.noise**2 + pp.MCgas_uncert_spec**2)[i_OIII, OIII_pos])) OIII_eqw_uncer_gals[i_gal] = np.sqrt(OIII_eqw_gals[i_gal]**2 * ((flux_uncert/flux)**2 + (cont_uncert/ (pp.galaxy - e_line_spec)[OIII_pos])**2)) # Outside apperture params = set_params(opt='pop', produce_plot=False, reps=10) spec, noise, lam = get_specFromAperture(galaxy, app_size=1.0, inside=False) CD = lam[1] - lam[0] spec, lam, cut = apply_range(spec, lam=lam, return_cuts=True, set_range=params.set_range) noise = noise[cut] lamRange = np.array([lam[0],lam[-1]]) pp_outside = run_ppxf(galaxy, spec, noise, lamRange, CD, params) pop_outside = population(pp=pp_outside, galaxy=galaxy) pop_outside.plot_probability_distribution(f=f, ax_array=ax, label=' of outer region') pop_outside.fig.suptitle('%s Probability Distribution within inner 1 arcsec' % ( galaxy.upper()), y=0.985) h, l =[0,0].get_legend_handles_labels()[1,1].legend(h, l, loc=1) pop_outside.fig.savefig('%s/Data/vimos/analysis/%s/pop_1arcsec.png' % (cc.base_dir, galaxy)) age_gals_outer[i_gal] = pop_outside.age age_unc_gals_outer[i_gal] = pop_outside.unc_age met_gals_outer[i_gal] = pop_outside.metallicity met_unc_gals_outer[i_gal] = pop_outside.unc_met alp_gals_outer[i_gal] = pop_outside.alpha alp_unc_gals_outer[i_gal] = pop_outside.unc_alp del pop_outside temp = "{0:13}{1:6}{2:6}{3:6}{4:6}{5:6}{6:6}{7:9}{8:10}{9:6}{10:6}{11:6}{12:6}"+\ "{13:6}{14:6}\n" with open(data_file, 'w') as f: f.write(' Core (inner 1arcsec) '+ ' Outer \n') f.write(temp.format('Galaxy', 'Age', 'error', 'Metal', 'error', 'Alpha', 'error', 'OIII_eqw', 'error', 'Age', 'error', 'Metal', 'error', 'Alpha', 'error')) for i in range(len(galaxy_gals)): f.write(temp.format(galaxy_gals[i], str(round(age_gals[i],2)), str(round(age_unc_gals[i],2)), str(round(met_gals[i],2)), str(round(met_unc_gals[i],2)), str(round(alp_gals[i],2)), str(round(alp_unc_gals[i],2)), str(round(OIII_eqw_gals[i],4)), str(round(OIII_eqw_uncer_gals[i], 4)), str(round(age_gals_outer[i],2)), str(round(age_unc_gals_outer[i],2)), str(round(met_gals_outer[i],2)), str(round(met_unc_gals_outer[i],2)), str(round(alp_gals_outer[i],2)), str(round(alp_unc_gals_outer[i],2))))
def mg_sigma(galaxy, aperture=1.0): ## ----------===============================================--------- ## ----------============= Input parameters ===============--------- ## ----------===============================================--------- params = set_params(reps=10, produce_plot=False, opt='pop', res=8.4, use_residuals=True) galaxies = np.array(['ngc3557', 'ic1459', 'ic1531', 'ic4296', 'ngc0612', 'ngc1399', 'ngc3100', 'ngc7075', 'pks0718-34', 'eso443-g024']) i_gal = np.where(galaxies == galaxy)[0][0] if cc.device == 'glamdring': dir = cc.base_dir else: dir = '%s/Data/vimos' % (cc.base_dir) data_file = dir + "/analysis/galaxies.txt" # different data types need to be read separetly x_cent_gals, y_cent_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(4,5)) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,),dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] x_cent_pix = x_cent_gals[i_gal] y_cent_pix = y_cent_gals[i_gal] ## ----------===============================================--------- ## ----------=============== Run analysis =================--------- ## ----------===============================================--------- ## ----------========= Reading the spectrum ===============--------- f = galaxy_data = f[0].data header = f[0].header # Normalise each spaxel for population pipeline galaxy_noise = f[1].data ## write key parameters from header - can then be altered in future CRVAL_spec = header['CRVAL3'] CDELT_spec = header['CDELT3'] s = galaxy_data.shape if aperture == 'R_e': ap = get_R_e(galaxy)/header['CDELT1'] else: ap = aperture ## ----------========== Spatially Integrating =============--------- frac_in_ap = in_aperture(x_cent_pix, y_cent_pix, ap, instrument='vimos') galaxy_data = np.einsum('ijk,jk->ijk', galaxy_data, frac_in_ap) galaxy_noise = np.einsum('ijk,jk->ijk', galaxy_noise**2, frac_in_ap) bin_lin = np.nansum(galaxy_data, axis=(1,2)) bin_lin_noise = np.sqrt(np.nansum(galaxy_noise, axis=(1,2))) ## ----------========= Calibrating the spectrum ===========--------- lam = np.arange(s[0])*CDELT_spec + CRVAL_spec bin_lin, lam, cut = apply_range(bin_lin, lam=lam, set_range=params.set_range, return_cuts=True) lamRange = np.array([lam[0],lam[-1]]) bin_lin_noise = bin_lin_noise[cut] pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, bin_lin, bin_lin_noise, lamRange, CDELT_spec, params) ## ----------=============== Find sigma_0 =================--------- sigma_0 = pp.sol[0][1] unc_sigma_0 = np.std(pp.MCstellar_kin[:,1]) if aperture == 'R_e': area = np.sum(frac_in_ap)*header['CDELT1']*header['CDELT2'] if area < 0.97 * np.pi * R_e**2: R = np.sqrt(area/np.pi) sigma_0 = sigma_0 * (R_e/R)**-0.066 unc_sigma_0 = np.sqrt(unc_sigma_0**2 + ((R_e/R)**-0.066 * np.log(R_e/R) * 0.035)**2) # ## ----------============ Find dynamical mass ===============--------- # G = 4.302*10**-6 # kpc (km/s)^2 M_odot^-1 # M = 5.0 * R_e * sigma_0**2/G mg, mg_uncert = get_absorption(['Mg_b'], pp=pp, instrument='vimos', res=8.4) return mg['Mg_b'], mg_uncert['Mg_b'], sigma_0, unc_sigma_0
def __init__(self, galaxy_name, bin_lin_in, bin_lin_noise_in, CDELT, CRVAL, params, z=0.): if hasattr(CDELT, '__iter__'): raise ValueError( "The routine that has called run_ppxf has not been " + "updated since lamRange was removed as keyword. CRVAL is now " + "provided instead.") self.galaxy_name = galaxy_name self.CDELT = CDELT self.params = params ## ----------========= Calibrating the spectrum ===========--------- lam = np.arange(len(bin_lin_in)) * CDELT + CRVAL bin_lin, lam, cut = apply_range(bin_lin_in, lam=lam, return_cuts=True, set_range=params.set_range) lamRange = np.array([lam[0], lam[-1]]) bin_lin_noise = bin_lin_noise_in[cut] self.bin_lin = bin_lin self.bin_lin_noise = bin_lin_noise self.lamRange = lamRange # if set_range_star is set if self.params.set_range[0] != self.params.set_range_star[0] or \ self.params.set_range[1] != self.params.set_range_star[1]: bin_lin_untruncated = np.copy(bin_lin) bin_lin_noise_untruncated = np.copy(bin_lin_noise) lamRange_untruncated = np.copy(lamRange) lam = np.arange(len(bin_lin_in)) * CDELT + CRVAL bin_lin, lam, cut = apply_range(bin_lin_in, lam=lam, return_cuts=True, set_range=params.set_range_star) lamRange = np.array([lam[0], lam[-1]]) bin_lin_noise = bin_lin_noise_in[cut] self.bin_lin = bin_lin self.bin_lin_noise = bin_lin_noise self.lamRange = lamRange if galaxy_name is not None: if cc.device == 'glamdring': data_file = "%s/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir) else: data_file = "%s/Data/vimos/analysis/galaxies.txt" % ( cc.base_dir) # different data types need to be read separetly z_gals, vel_gals, sig_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1, 2, 3)) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0, ), dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals == galaxy_name)[0][0] self.vel = vel_gals[i_gal] self.sig = sig_gals[i_gal] self.z = z_gals[i_gal] else: self.vel = 150. self.sig = 100. self.z = z self.lamRange = self.lamRange / (1 + self.z) self.FWHM_gal = self.params.FWHM_gal / ( 1 + self.z) # Adjust resolution in Angstrom if self.params.res is not None: res = self.params.res / (1 + self.z) FWHM_dif = res - self.FWHM_gal sigma = FWHM_dif / 2.355 / self.CDELT # Change in px self.bin_lin = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(self.bin_lin, sigma) self.bin_lin_noise = np.sqrt( ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(self.bin_lin_noise**2, sigma)) self.FWHM_gal = res self.rebin() self.load_stellar_templates() if not self.params.temp_mismatch or self.params.gas == 0: self.load_emission_templates() elif self.params.temp_mismatch and self.params.gas == 1: from copy import copy # Fit stellar component only. params_sav = copy(params) self.params.gas = 0 self.params.produce_plot = False self.load_emission_templates() save_bin_log = np.array(self.bin_log) save_bin_log_noise = np.array(self.bin_log_noise) save_lamRange = np.array(self.lamRange) MCstellar_kin = np.array(self.MCstellar_kin) MCstellar_kin_err = np.array(self.MCstellar_kin_err) # if set_range_star is NOT set if self.params.set_range[0] == self.params.set_range_star[0] and \ self.params.set_range[1] == self.params.set_range_star[1]: self.bin_log = np.copy(save_bin_log) self.bin_log_noise = np.copy(save_bin_log_noise) self.lamRange = np.copy(save_lamRange) else: # set_range_star IS set self.bin_lin = np.copy(bin_lin_untruncated) self.bin_lin_noise = np.copy(bin_lin_noise_untruncated) self.lamRange = np.copy(lamRange_untruncated) / (1 + self.z) if self.params.res is not None: res = self.params.res / (1 + self.z) FWHM_dif = res - self.FWHM_gal sigma = FWHM_dif / 2.355 / self.CDELT # Change in px self.bin_lin = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d( self.bin_lin, sigma) self.bin_lin_noise = np.sqrt( ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(self.bin_lin_noise**2, sigma)) self.FWHM_gal = res self.rebin() self.load_stellar_templates() save_bin_log = np.array(self.bin_log) save_bin_log_noise = np.array(self.bin_log_noise) save_lamRange = np.array(self.lamRange) # Find [OIII] kinematics and amplitude, enforce stellar kinematics self.params.stellar_moments *= -1 self.params.start = [ self.sol[0].tolist(), [None] * self.params.gas_moments ] self.params.gas = params_sav.gas self.params.lines = ['[OIII]5007d'] self.load_emission_templates() MCgas_kin = np.array(self.MCgas_kin) MCgas_kin_err = np.array(self.MCgas_kin_err) OIII_uncert_spec = np.array(self.MCgas_uncert_spec) # Find all other gas amplitudes enforcing [OIII] and stellar # kinematics self.params.gas_moments *= -1 self.params.start = [i.tolist() for i in self.sol] self.params.lines = params_sav.lines self.load_emission_templates() self.bin_log = np.copy(save_bin_log) self.bin_lin_noise = np.copy(save_bin_log_noise) self.lamRange = np.copy(save_lamRange) self.MCstellar_kin = MCstellar_kin self.MCstellar_kin_err = MCstellar_kin_err self.MCgas_kin = MCgas_kin self.MCgas_kin_err = MCgas_kin_err self.MCgas_uncert_spec[ self.templatesToUse[self.component!=0]=='[OIII]5007d', :] = \ OIII_uncert_spec.flatten() if params_sav.produce_plot: self.fig, = create_plot(self).produce else: # gas == 2 or gas == 3 from copy import copy # Fit stellar component only. params_sav = copy(params) self.params.gas = 0 self.params.produce_plot = False self.load_emission_templates() save_bin_log = np.array(self.bin_log) save_bin_log_noise = np.array(self.bin_log_noise) save_lamRange = np.array(self.lamRange) MCstellar_kin = np.array(self.MCstellar_kin) MCstellar_kin_err = np.array(self.MCstellar_kin_err) # set_range_star is NOT set if self.params.set_range[0] == self.params.set_range_star[0] and \ self.params.set_range[1] == self.params.set_range_star[1]: self.bin_log = np.copy(save_bin_log) self.bin_log_noise = np.copy(save_bin_log_noise) self.lamRange = np.copy(save_lamRange) else: # set_range_star IS set self.bin_lin = np.copy(bin_lin_untruncated) self.bin_lin_noise = np.copy(bin_lin_noise_untruncated) self.lamRange = np.copy(lamRange_untruncated) / (1 + self.z) if self.params.res is not None: res = self.params.res / (1 + self.z) FWHM_dif = res - self.FWHM_gal sigma = FWHM_dif / 2.355 / self.CDELT # Change in px self.bin_lin = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d( self.bin_lin, sigma) self.bin_lin_noise = np.sqrt( ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(self.bin_lin_noise**2, sigma)) self.FWHM_gal = res self.rebin() self.load_stellar_templates() # Find gas kinematics and amplitude, enforce stellar kinematics self.params.stellar_moments *= -1 self.params.gas = params_sav.gas self.params.lines = params_sav.lines self.load_emission_templates() self.params.start = [self.sol[0].tolist()] self.params.start.extend([[None]*self.params.gas_moments]\ * (len(self.element) - 1)) self.MCstellar_kin = MCstellar_kin self.MCstellar_kin_err = MCstellar_kin_err if params_sav.produce_plot: self.fig, = create_plot(self).produce
def compare_absortion(galaxy, R_sig=False, corr_lines='all'): f = header = f[0].header lines = ['G4300', 'Fe4383', 'Ca4455', 'Fe4531', 'H_beta', 'Fe5015', 'Mg_b'] color = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'c', 'purple', 'k', 'orange'] R_e = get_R_e(galaxy) apertures = np.array([1.5, 2.5, 10, R_e/10, R_e/8, R_e/4, R_e/2]) # arcsec Ramp_sigma = {'ngc3557':[265, 247, 220], 'ic1459':[311, 269, 269], 'ic4296':[340, 310, 320]} R_sigma = interp1d([R_e/8, R_e/4, R_e/2], Ramp_sigma[galaxy], fill_value=(Ramp_sigma[galaxy][0], Ramp_sigma[galaxy][2]), bounds_error=False) data_file = "%s/Data/vimos/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir) z_gals, x_cent_gals, y_cent_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1,4,5), dtype='float,int,int') galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,),dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] z = z_gals[i_gal] center = np.array([x_cent_gals[i_gal], y_cent_gals[i_gal]]) index = np.zeros((40,40,2)) for i in range(40): for j in range(40): index[i,j,:] = np.array([i,j]) - center fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots() fig4, ax4 = plt.subplots() ax5 = ax4.twinx() my_values = {} my_errors = {} sigma = np.array([]) R_s = np.array([]) t=[] e=[] g=[] h=[] j=[] r=[] w=[] y=[] for a in apertures: params = set_params(reps=0, opt='pop', gas=1, lines=corr_lines, produce_plot=False, res=8.4) mask = np.sqrt(index[:,:,0]**2 + index[:,:,1]**2) * header['CDELT3'] < a spec = np.nansum(f[0].data[:,mask], axis=1) noise = np.sqrt(np.nansum(f[1].data[:,mask]**2, axis=1)) lam = np.arange(len(spec))*header['CDELT3'] + header['CRVAL3'] spec, lam, cut = apply_range(spec, lam=lam, set_range=params.set_range, return_cuts=True) lamRange = np.array([lam[0],lam[-1]]) noise = noise[cut] pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, spec, noise, lamRange, header['CDELT3'], params) plot = create_plot(pp) plot.lam = pp.lam*(1+pp.z)/(1+pp.z+(pp.sol[0][0]/c)) fig2, ax2, = plot.produce s = spectrum(lam=pp.lam, lamspec=pp.galaxy) for i, l in enumerate(lines): if l=='H_beta' or l=='Hbeta': l='hb' elif l=='Mg_b': l='mgb' elif l=='NaD': l='nad' elif l=='TiO1': l='tio1' elif l=='TiO2': l='tio2' elif l=='Fe5270': l='fe52' elif l=='Fe5335': l='fe53' ax2.axvspan(*getattr(s,l),color='b', alpha=0.5) ax2.axvspan(getattr(s,l+'cont')[0], getattr(s,l+'cont')[1], color='r', alpha=0.5) ax2.axvspan(getattr(s,l+'cont')[2], getattr(s,l+'cont')[3], color='r', alpha=0.5) lims = ax2.get_ylim() if i%2==0: ax2.text(np.mean(getattr(s,l)), lims[1] - 0.1*(lims[1]-lims[0]), l, size=8, ha='center') else: ax2.text(np.mean(getattr(s,l)), lims[1] - 0.15*(lims[1]-lims[0]), l, size=8, ha='center') fig2.savefig('/Data/lit_absorption/Rampazzo/%s_rad_%.2f.png'%(galaxy, a)) plt.close(fig2) if R_sig: if isinstance(R_sig, bool): absorp, uncert = get_absorption(lines, pp=pp, sigma=R_sigma(a), instrument='vimos', res=8.4) sigma = np.append(sigma, R_sigma(a)) else: absorp, uncert = get_absorption(lines, pp=pp, instrument='vimos', sigma=R_sigma(a)+R_sig*(pp.sol[0][1]-R_sigma(a)), res=8.4) sigma = np.append(sigma, R_sigma(a)+R_sig*(pp.sol[0][1]-R_sigma(a))) else: absorp, uncert = get_absorption(lines, pp=pp, instrument='vimos', res=8.4) sigma = np.append(sigma, pp.sol[0][1]) for l in lines: if a == min(apertures): my_values[l] = np.array([]) my_errors[l] = np.array([]) my_values[l] = np.append(my_values[l], absorp[l]) my_errors[l] = np.append(my_errors[l], uncert[l]) for i, l in enumerate(lines): ax.errorbar(a, absorp[l], yerr=uncert[l], color=color[i], fmt='x') R_s = np.append(R_s, R_sigma(a)) for i, l in enumerate(lines): ax.errorbar(np.nan, np.nan, color=color[i], fmt='x', label=l) ax.legend(facecolor='w') Rampazzo_file = '%s/Data/lit_absorption/Rampazzo_aperture.txt' % (cc.base_dir) file_headings = np.loadtxt(Rampazzo_file, dtype=str)[0] for i, l in enumerate(lines): col = np.where(file_headings==l)[0][0] try: col2 = np.where(file_headings==l)[0][1] except: try: col2 = np.where(file_headings=='_'+l)[0][0] except: col2 = np.where(file_headings=='e_'+l)[0][0] R_obs, R_err = np.loadtxt(Rampazzo_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(col,col2)) R_galaxies = np.loadtxt(Rampazzo_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,), dtype=str) mask = R_galaxies==galaxy order = np.argsort(apertures) lit_value = Lick_to_LIS(l, R_obs[mask][order], res=8.4) err = np.mean([np.abs(Lick_to_LIS(l, R_obs[mask][order] + R_err[mask][order]) - Lick_to_LIS(l, R_obs[mask][order])), np.abs(Lick_to_LIS(l, R_obs[mask][order] - R_err[mask][order]) - Lick_to_LIS(l, R_obs[mask][order]))], axis=0) ax.errorbar(apertures[order], lit_value, yerr=err, color=color[i]) if l=='H_beta' or l=='Hbeta': l2='hb' elif l=='Mg_b': l2='mgb' elif l=='NaD': l2='nad' elif l=='TiO1': l2='tio1' elif l=='TiO2': l2='tio2' elif l=='Fe5270': l2='fe52' elif l=='Fe5335': l2='fe53' else: l2=l ax3.scatter( np.abs(my_values[l][order] - lit_value)/my_values[l][order], np.abs(my_values[l][order] - lit_value)/np.sqrt(err**2 + my_errors[l][order]**2), color=color[i], s=4*apertures[order]**2, label=l) ax4.scatter(sigma[order], np.abs(my_values[l][order] - lit_value)/my_values[l][order], color=color[i], s=4*apertures[order]**2, label=l) ax5.scatter(sigma[order], np.abs(my_values[l][order] - lit_value)/np.sqrt(err**2 + my_errors[l][order]**2), marker='x', color=color[i], s=4*apertures[order]**2, label=l) t.extend(sigma[order]) g.extend(my_values[l][order]) h.extend(lit_value) j.extend(err) e.extend(my_errors[l][order]) r.extend([lines[i]]*len(sigma)) w.extend(4*apertures[order]**2) y.extend(R_s) ax.set_ylabel(r'Index strength, $\AA$') ax.set_xlabel('Radius, arcsec') fig.savefig('%s/Data/lit_absorption/Rampazzo_aperture_%s_%i.png' % ( cc.base_dir, galaxy, params.gas)) plt.close(fig) ax3.set_ylabel(r'Sigma difference ((Mine - Ramp)/Combined Uncert)') ax3.set_xlabel('Fractional difference ((Mine - Ramp)/Mine)') ax3.legend() fig3.savefig('%s/Data/lit_absorption/Rampazzo_aperture_%s_fractional.png' % ( cc.base_dir, galaxy)) plt.close(fig3) ax4.set_xlabel('Vel dispersion') ax3.set_ylabel('Fractional difference ((Mine - Ramp)/Mine)') ax5.set_ylabel(r'Sigma difference ((Mine - Ramp)/Combined Uncert)') ax4.legend() fig4.savefig('%s/Data/lit_absorption/Rampazzo_aperture_%s_sigma.png' % ( cc.base_dir, galaxy)) plt.close(fig4) return t, g, h, j, e, r, w, y
def whole_image(galaxy, verbose=False): print galaxy max_reps = 100 if cc.device == 'glamdring': data_file = "%s/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir) else: data_file = "%s/Data/vimos/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir) galaxy_gals, z_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(0, 1), dtype=str) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0, ), dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals == galaxy)[0][0] z = float(z_gals[i_gal]) D = z * c / H0 # Mpc data_file = "%s/Data/muse/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir) x_gals, y_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1, 2), dtype=int) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(0, ), dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals == galaxy)[0][0] centre = (x_gals[i_gal], y_gals[i_gal]) limits_file = '%s/Data/muse/analysis/galaxies_gasMass.txt' % (cc.base_dir) galaxy_gals, mass, e_mass, bulmer, e_bulmer = np.loadtxt(limits_file, unpack=True, dtype=str, skiprows=1) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals == galaxy)[0][0] max_radius = 90 Mass_sav = 0 radius = float(max_radius) if 'ic' in galaxy: f = elif 'ngc' in galaxy: f =[:-5] + '2.fits') while radius > 2: mask = in_aperture(centre[0], centre[1], radius, instrument='muse') spec = f[1].data noise = f[2].data spec[np.isnan(spec)] = 0 noise[np.isnan(noise)] = 0 spec = np.einsum('ijk,jk->i', spec, mask) #/np.sum(mask) noise = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ijk,jk->i', noise**2, mask)) #/np.sum(mask) if radius == max_radius: reps = max_reps params = set_params(opt='pop', reps=reps, temp_mismatch=True, produce_plot=False) lam = (np.arange(len(spec)) - (f[1].header['CRPIX3'] - 1)) * \ f[1].header['CD3_3'] + f[1].header['CRVAL3'] spec, lam, cut = apply_range(spec, lam=lam, return_cuts=True, set_range=params.set_range) lamRange = np.array([lam[0], lam[-1]]) noise = noise[cut] pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, spec, noise, lamRange, f[1].header['CD3_3'], params) #, pp.matrix[:, # pp.templatesToUse=='Hbeta'].flatten(), 'k') # pp.fig.savefig('%s.png'%(galaxy)) # pp.noise = np.min([pp.noise, np.abs(pp.galaxy-pp.bestfit)],axis=0) OIII_spec = pp.matrix[:, pp.templatesToUse == '[OIII]5007d'].flatten( ) * pp.weights[pp.templatesToUse == '[OIII]5007d'] Hb_spec = pp.matrix[:, pp.templatesToUse=='Hbeta'].flatten() * \ pp.weights[pp.templatesToUse=='Hbeta'] Hb_flux = np.trapz(Hb_spec, x=pp.lam) # Ha_flux = 2.86 * Hb_flux # print 'From Hbeta' # Mass = get_mass(Ha_flux, D, instrument='muse') # Solar masses # if max(OIII_spec)/np.median(pp.noise[ # (pp.lam < 5007./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300)/c)) * # (pp.lam > 5007./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300)/c))]) > 4: # if max(Hb_spec)/np.median(pp.noise[ # (pp.lam < 4861./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300)/c)) * # (pp.lam > 4861./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300)/c))]) > 2.5: # print ' %.2f log10(Solar Masses)' % (np.log10(Mass)) # else: # print ' <%.2f log10(Solar Masses)' % (np.log10(Mass)) # else: # print ' <%.2f log10(Solar Masses)' % (np.log10(Mass)) Ha_spec = pp.matrix[:, pp.templatesToUse=='Halpha'].flatten() * \ pp.weights[pp.templatesToUse=='Halpha'] Ha_flux = np.trapz(Ha_spec, x=pp.lam) Ha_spec2 = pp.matrix[:, pp.templatesToUse=='Halpha'].flatten() \ / np.max(pp.matrix[:, pp.templatesToUse=='Halpha']) \ * np.median(noise[(pp.lam < 6563./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300)/c)) * (pp.lam > 6563./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300)/c))]) Ha_flux2 = np.trapz(Ha_spec2, x=pp.lam) Mass2 = get_Mass(Ha_flux2, D, instrument='muse') if reps == max_reps: Hb_spec_uncert = pp.MCgas_uncert_spec[pp.templatesToUse[ pp.component != 0] == 'Hbeta', :].flatten() Hb_flux_uncert = trapz_uncert(Hb_spec_uncert, x=pp.lam) Ha_spec_uncert = pp.MCgas_uncert_spec[pp.templatesToUse[ pp.component != 0] == 'Halpha', :].flatten() Ha_flux_uncert = trapz_uncert(Ha_spec_uncert, x=pp.lam) Mass = get_Mass(Ha_flux, D, instrument='muse') e_Mass = get_Mass(Ha_flux_uncert, D, instrument='muse') if max(OIII_spec) / np.median(pp.noise[ (pp.lam < 5007. / (1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300) / c)) * (pp.lam > 5007. / (1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300) / c))]) > 4: if max(Ha_spec) / np.median(pp.noise[ (pp.lam < 6563. / (1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300) / c)) * (pp.lam > 6563. / (1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300) / c))]) > 2.5: if reps == max_reps: mass[i_gal] = str(round(np.log10(Mass), 4)) e_mass[i_gal] = str( round(np.abs(e_Mass / Mass / np.log(10)), 4)) if verbose: print '%s +/- %s log10(Solar Masses)' % (mass[i_gal], e_mass[i_gal]) # fig, ax = plt.subplots(2) # = ax[0] # from ppxf import create_plot # fig, ax = create_plot(pp).produce # ax.set_xlim([4800, 4900]) # ax.legend() # = ax[1] # from ppxf import create_plot # fig, ax = create_plot(pp).produce # ax.set_xlim([6500, 6600]) # fig.savefig('%s.png'%(galaxy)) radius = -1 else: # Repeat but calculate uncert reps = max_reps if max(Hb_spec) / np.median(pp.noise[ (pp.lam < 4861. / (1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300) / c)) * (pp.lam > 4861. / (1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300) / c))]) > 2.5: b = Ha_flux / Hb_flux e_bulmer[i_gal] = str( round( b * np.sqrt((Ha_flux_uncert / Ha_flux)**2 + (Hb_flux_uncert / Hb_flux)**2), 2)) bulmer[i_gal] = str(round(b, 2)) else: b = Ha_flux / Hb_flux e_bulmer[i_gal] = str( round( b * np.sqrt((Ha_flux_uncert / Ha_flux)**2 + (Hb_flux_uncert / Hb_flux)**2), 2)) bulmer[i_gal] = '<' + str(round(b, 2)) else: Mass_sav = max(Mass, Mass2, Mass_sav) if Mass_sav == Mass2: e_Mass = np.nan # if radius == max_radius: mass[i_gal] = '<' + str(round(np.log10(Mass_sav), 4)) e_mass[i_gal] = str( round(np.abs(e_Mass / Mass / np.log(10)), 4)) b = Ha_flux / Hb_flux e_bulmer[i_gal] = str( round( b * np.sqrt((Ha_flux_uncert / Ha_flux)**2 + (Hb_flux_uncert / Hb_flux)**2), 2)) bulmer[i_gal] = '<' + str(round(b, 2)) if verbose: print '%s +/- %s log10(Solar Masses)' % (mass[i_gal], e_mass[i_gal]) radius -= 5 reps = 0 else: Mass_sav = max(Mass, Mass2, Mass_sav) if Mass_sav == Mass2: e_Mass = np.nan # if radius == max_radius: mass[i_gal] = '<' + str(round(np.log10(Mass_sav), 4)) e_mass[i_gal] = str(round(np.abs(e_Mass / Mass / np.log(10)), 4)) b = Ha_flux / Hb_flux e_bulmer[i_gal] = str( round( b * np.sqrt((Ha_flux_uncert / Ha_flux)**2 + (Hb_flux_uncert / Hb_flux)**2), 2)) bulmer[i_gal] = '<' + str(round(b, 2)) if verbose: print '%s +/- %s log10(Solar Masses)' % (mass[i_gal], e_mass[i_gal]) radius -= 5 reps = 0 params = set_params(opt='pop', reps=reps, temp_mismatch=True, produce_plot=False) temp = "{0:12}{1:10}{2:10}{3:10}{4:10}\n" with open(limits_file, 'w') as l: l.write(temp.format('Galaxy', 'Mass', 'e_Mass', 'Bul_dec', 'e_Bul_dec')) for i in range(len(galaxy_gals)): l.write( temp.format(galaxy_gals[i], mass[i], e_mass[i], bulmer[i], e_bulmer[i]))
def whole_image(galaxy, verbose=True, instrument='vimos'): print galaxy data_file = "%s/Data/vimos/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,), dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] if instrument=='vimos': from errors2 import run_ppxf, apply_range, set_params, get_dataCubeDirectory res = 0.67 # arcsec/pix z_gals, x_gals, y_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1, 4, 5), dtype='float,int,int') i_gal2 = i_gal fits_ext = 0 elif instrument == 'muse': from errors2_muse import run_ppxf, apply_range, set_params, \ get_dataCubeDirectory res = 0.2 # arcsec/pix z_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1,)) data_file2 = "%s/Data/muse/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir) x_gals, y_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file2, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1,2), dtype=int) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file2, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,), dtype=str) i_gal2 = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] fits_ext = 1 z = z_gals[i_gal] D = z*c/H0 # Mpc centre = (x_gals[i_gal2], y_gals[i_gal2]) limits_file = '%s/Data/%s/analysis/galaxies_gasMass.txt' %(cc.base_dir, instrument) galaxy_gals, mass, e_mass = np.loadtxt(limits_file, unpack=True, dtype=str, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,1,2)) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] if instrument == 'muse': bd, e_bd = np.loadtxt(limits_file, unpack=True, dtype=str, skiprows=1, usecols=(3,4)) if 'ic' in galaxy: f = elif 'ngc' in galaxy: f =[:-5]+'2.fits') f[fits_ext].header['CDELT3'] = f[fits_ext].header['CD3_3'] elif instrument == 'vimos': f = R_e = get_R_e(galaxy)/res mask = in_aperture(centre[0], centre[1], R_e/2, instrument=instrument) spec = f[fits_ext].data noise = f[fits_ext+1].data spec[np.isnan(spec)] = 0 noise[np.isnan(noise)] = 0 spec = np.einsum('ijk,jk->i', spec, mask) noise = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ijk,jk->i', noise**2, mask)) if galaxy == 'ngc1316': params = set_params(opt='pop', reps=4, temp_mismatch=True, produce_plot=False, gas=1, set_range_star=np.array([2000, 5800])) else: params = set_params(opt='pop', reps=4, temp_mismatch=True, produce_plot=False, gas=1) lam = (np.arange(len(spec)) - (f[fits_ext].header['CRPIX3'] - 1)) * \ f[fits_ext].header['CDELT3'] + f[fits_ext].header['CRVAL3'] spec, lam, cut = apply_range(spec, lam=lam, return_cuts=True, set_range=params.set_range) lamRange = np.array([lam[0],lam[-1]]) noise = noise[cut] if instrument == 'vimos': pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, spec, noise, lamRange, f[fits_ext].header['CDELT3'], params) elif instrument=='muse': pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, spec, noise, f[fits_ext].header['CDELT3'], f[fits_ext].header['CRVAL3'], params) residuals = pp.galaxy - pp.bestfit _, residuals, _ = moving_weighted_average(pp.lam, residuals, step_size=3., interp=True) residuals[np.isnan(residuals)] = 0 noise = np.sqrt(residuals**2 + pp.noise**2) # noise = np.array(residuals) OIII_spec = pp.matrix[:, pp.templatesToUse=='[OIII]5007d'].flatten()*\ pp.weights[pp.templatesToUse=='[OIII]5007d'] # These results for Hb are used later, even for MUSE Hb_spec = pp.matrix[:, pp.templatesToUse=='Hbeta'].flatten() * \ pp.weights[pp.templatesToUse=='Hbeta'] Hb_flux = np.trapz(Hb_spec, x=pp.lam) ANR = max(Hb_spec)/np.median( noise[(pp.lam < 4861./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300)/c)) * (pp.lam > 4861. /(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300)/c))]) Hb_spec_uncert = pp.MCgas_uncert_spec[ pp.templatesToUse[pp.component!=0]=='Hbeta', :].flatten() Hb_spec_norm = Hb_spec/np.max(Hb_spec) Hb_spec_uncert = np.sqrt(Hb_spec_uncert**2 + (noise*Hb_spec_norm)**2) Hb_spec_uncert_plus = Hb_spec + Hb_spec_uncert Hb_spec_uncert_minus = Hb_spec - Hb_spec_uncert Hb_flux_uncert_plus = np.trapz(Hb_spec_uncert_plus, x=pp.lam) Hb_flux_uncert_minus = np.trapz(Hb_spec_uncert_minus, x=pp.lam) Hb_flux_uncert = np.mean([abs(Hb_flux_uncert_plus - Hb_flux), abs(Hb_flux - Hb_flux_uncert_minus)]) if instrument == 'vimos': Ha_flux = 2.86 * Hb_flux Ha_flux_uncert = 2.86 * Hb_flux_uncert Ha_flux_uncert_plus = 2.86 * Hb_flux_uncert_plus Ha_flux_uncert_minus = 2.86 * Hb_flux_uncert_minus elif instrument == 'muse': Ha_spec = pp.matrix[:, pp.templatesToUse=='Halpha'].flatten() * \ pp.weights[pp.templatesToUse=='Halpha'] Ha_flux = np.trapz(Ha_spec, x=pp.lam) Ha_spec_uncert = pp.MCgas_uncert_spec[ pp.templatesToUse[pp.component!=0]=='Halpha', :].flatten() Ha_spec_norm = Ha_spec/np.max(Ha_spec) Ha_spec_uncert = np.sqrt(Ha_spec_uncert**2 + (noise*Ha_spec_norm)**2) # Ha_flux_uncert = trapz_uncert(Ha_spec_uncert, x=pp.lam) Ha_spec_uncert_plus = Ha_spec + Ha_spec_uncert Ha_spec_uncert_minus = Ha_spec - Ha_spec_uncert Ha_flux_uncert_plus = np.trapz(Ha_spec_uncert_plus, x=pp.lam) Ha_flux_uncert_minus = np.trapz(Ha_spec_uncert_minus, x=pp.lam) Ha_flux_uncert = np.mean([abs(Ha_flux_uncert_plus - Ha_flux), abs(Ha_flux - Ha_flux_uncert_minus)]) Hb_ANR = np.array(ANR) ANR = max(Ha_spec)/np.median( noise[(pp.lam < 6563./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300)/c)) * (pp.lam > 6563. /(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300)/c))]) Mass = get_Mass(Ha_flux, D, instrument=instrument) e_Mass = get_Mass(Ha_flux_uncert, D, instrument=instrument) OIII_ANR = max(OIII_spec)/np.median(noise[ (pp.lam < 5007./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300)/c)) * (pp.lam > 5007./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300)/c))]) if OIII_ANR > 4 and ANR > 2.5: mass[i_gal] = str(round(np.log10(Mass),4)) e_mass[i_gal] = str(round(np.abs(e_Mass/Mass/ np.log(10)), 4)) if verbose: print '%s +/- %s log10(Solar Masses)' % ( mass[i_gal], e_mass[i_gal]) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(2) from ppxf import create_plot plot = create_plot(pp) = ax[0] plot.produce ax[0].set_xlim([4840, 4880]) ax[0].ax2.set_ylim([0,500000]) ax[0].ax2.plot(pp.lam, residuals, 'k') ax[0].legend() = ax[1] if 'home' in cc.device else fig.savefig('whole_image2.png') else: if instrument == 'vimos': Hb_spec_norm = gaussian(pp.lam, mean=4861., sigma=pp.sol[0][1]) Hb_spec2 = Hb_spec_norm \ * np.median(noise[(pp.lam < 4861./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300)/c)) * (pp.lam > 4861./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300)/c))]) * 2.5 Hb_flux2 = np.trapz(Hb_spec2, x=pp.lam) Hb_spec_uncert2 = np.abs(noise*Hb_spec_norm) Hb_spec_uncert_plus2 = Hb_spec2 + Hb_spec_uncert2 Hb_spec_uncert_minus2 = Hb_spec2 - Hb_spec_uncert2 Hb_flux_uncert_plus2 = np.trapz(Hb_spec_uncert_plus2, x=pp.lam) Hb_flux_uncert_minus2 = np.trapz(Hb_spec_uncert_minus2, x=pp.lam) Hb_flux_uncert2 = np.mean([abs(Hb_flux_uncert_plus2 - Hb_flux2), abs(Hb_flux2 - Hb_flux_uncert_minus2)]) Ha_flux2 = 2.86 * Hb_flux2 Ha_flux_uncert2 = 2.86 * Hb_flux_uncert2 elif instrument == 'muse': Ha_spec_norm = gaussian(pp.lam, mean=6563., sigma=pp.sol[0][1]) Ha_spec2 = Ha_spec_norm \ * np.median(noise[(pp.lam < 6563./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300)/c)) * (pp.lam > 6563./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300)/c))]) * 2.5 Ha_flux2 = np.trapz(Ha_spec2, x=pp.lam) Ha_spec_uncert2 = np.abs(noise*Ha_spec_norm) Ha_spec_uncert_plus2 = Ha_spec2 + Ha_spec_uncert2 Ha_spec_uncert_minus2 = Ha_spec2 - Ha_spec_uncert2 Ha_flux_uncert_plus2 = np.trapz(Ha_spec_uncert_plus2, x=pp.lam) Ha_flux_uncert_minus2 = np.trapz(Ha_spec_uncert_minus2, x=pp.lam) Ha_flux_uncert2 = np.mean([abs(Ha_flux_uncert_plus2 - Ha_flux2), abs(Ha_flux2 - Ha_flux_uncert_minus2)]) Mass2 = get_Mass(Ha_flux2, D, instrument=instrument) e_Mass2 = get_Mass(Ha_flux_uncert2, D, instrument=instrument) mass[i_gal] = '<'+str(round(np.log10(Mass2),4)) e_mass[i_gal] = str(round(np.abs(e_Mass2/Mass2/ np.log(10)), 4)) if verbose: print '<%s +/- %s log10(Solar Masses)' % ( mass[i_gal], e_mass[i_gal]) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(2) from ppxf import create_plot plot = create_plot(pp) = ax[0] plot.produce ax[0].set_xlim([4800, 4900]) ax[0].ax2.plot(pp.lam, residuals, 'k') ax[0].legend() = ax[1] plot.produce if 'home' in cc.device else fig.savefig('whole_image2.png') if instrument == 'muse': if OIII_ANR > 4 and ANR > 2.5 and Hb_ANR > 2.5: bd[i_gal] = str(round(Ha_flux/Hb_flux, 4)) e_bd[i_gal] = str(round(Ha_flux/Hb_flux * np.sqrt( (Ha_flux_uncert/Ha_flux)**2 + (Hb_flux_uncert/Hb_flux)**2), 4)) elif OIII_ANR > 4 and ANR > 2.5: Hb_spec_norm = gaussian(pp.lam, mean=4861., sigma=pp.sol[0][1]) Hb_spec2 = Hb_spec_norm \ * np.median(noise[(pp.lam < 4861./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300)/c)) * (pp.lam > 4861./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300)/c))]) * 2.5 Hb_flux2 = np.trapz(Hb_spec2, x=pp.lam) Hb_spec_uncert2 = np.abs(noise*Hb_spec_norm) Hb_spec_uncert_plus2 = Hb_spec2 + Hb_spec_uncert2 Hb_spec_uncert_minus2 = Hb_spec2 - Hb_spec_uncert2 Hb_flux_uncert_plus2 = np.trapz(Hb_spec_uncert_plus2, x=pp.lam) Hb_flux_uncert_minus2 = np.trapz(Hb_spec_uncert_minus2, x=pp.lam) Hb_flux_uncert2 = np.mean([abs(Hb_flux_uncert_plus2 - Hb_flux2), abs(Hb_flux2 - Hb_flux_uncert_minus2)]) bd[i_gal] = '>' + str(round(Ha_flux/Hb_flux2, 4)) e_bd[i_gal] = str(round(Ha_flux/Hb_flux2 * np.sqrt( (Ha_flux_uncert/Ha_flux)**2 + (Hb_flux_uncert2/Hb_flux2)**2), 4)) else: #H-beta Hb_spec_norm = gaussian(pp.lam, mean=4861., sigma=pp.sol[0][1]) Hb_spec2 = Hb_spec_norm \ * np.median(noise[(pp.lam < 4861./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300)/c)) * (pp.lam > 4861./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300)/c))]) * 2.5 Hb_flux2 = np.trapz(Hb_spec2, x=pp.lam) Hb_spec_uncert2 = np.abs(noise*Hb_spec_norm) Hb_spec_uncert_plus2 = Hb_spec2 + Hb_spec_uncert2 Hb_spec_uncert_minus2 = Hb_spec2 - Hb_spec_uncert2 Hb_flux_uncert_plus2 = np.trapz(Hb_spec_uncert_plus2, x=pp.lam) Hb_flux_uncert_minus2 = np.trapz(Hb_spec_uncert_minus2, x=pp.lam) Hb_flux_uncert2 = np.mean([abs(Hb_flux_uncert_plus2 - Hb_flux2), abs(Hb_flux2 - Hb_flux_uncert_minus2)]) # H-alpha Ha_spec_norm = gaussian(pp.lam, mean=6563., sigma=pp.sol[0][1]) Ha_spec2 = Ha_spec_norm \ * np.median(noise[(pp.lam < 6563./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300)/c)) * (pp.lam > 6563./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300)/c))]) * 2.5 Ha_flux2 = np.trapz(Ha_spec2, x=pp.lam) Ha_spec_uncert2 = np.abs(noise*Ha_spec_norm) Ha_spec_uncert_plus2 = Ha_spec2 + Ha_spec_uncert2 Ha_spec_uncert_minus2 = Ha_spec2 - Ha_spec_uncert2 Ha_flux_uncert_plus2 = np.trapz(Ha_spec_uncert_plus2, x=pp.lam) Ha_flux_uncert_minus2 = np.trapz(Ha_spec_uncert_minus2, x=pp.lam) Ha_flux_uncert2 = np.mean([abs(Ha_flux_uncert_plus2 - Ha_flux2), abs(Ha_flux2 - Ha_flux_uncert_minus2)]) bd[i_gal] = '<' + str(round(Ha_flux2/Hb_flux2, 4)) e_bd[i_gal] = str(round(Ha_flux2/Hb_flux2 * np.sqrt( (Ha_flux_uncert2/Ha_flux2)**2 + (Hb_flux_uncert2/Hb_flux2)**2), 4)) if instrument == 'vimos': temp = "{0:12}{1:10}{2:10}\n" with open(limits_file, 'w') as l: l.write(temp.format('Galaxy', 'Mass', 'e_Mass')) for i in range(len(galaxy_gals)): l.write(temp.format(galaxy_gals[i], mass[i], e_mass[i])) elif instrument =='muse': temp = "{0:12}{1:10}{2:10}{3:10}{4:10}\n" with open(limits_file, 'w') as l: l.write(temp.format('Galaxy', 'Mass', 'e_Mass', 'Bul_dec', 'e_Bul_dec')) for i in range(len(galaxy_gals)): l.write(temp.format(galaxy_gals[i], mass[i], e_mass[i], bd[i], e_bd[i]))
def whole_image(galaxy, verbose=True): print galaxy if cc.device == 'glamdring': data_file = "%s/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir) else: data_file = "%s/Data/vimos/analysis/galaxies.txt" % (cc.base_dir) z_gals, x_gals, y_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1, 4, 5), dtype='float,int,int') galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,), dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] z = z_gals[i_gal] D = z*c/H0 # Mpc centre = (x_gals[i_gal], y_gals[i_gal]) limits_file = '%s/Data/vimos/analysis/galaxies_gasMass.txt' %(cc.base_dir) galaxy_gals, mass, e_mass = np.loadtxt(limits_file, unpack=True, dtype=str, skiprows=1) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] max_radius = 29 # in spaxels radius = float(max_radius) Mass_sav = 0 f = while radius > 2: mask = in_aperture(centre[0], centre[1], radius, instrument='vimos') spec = f[0].data noise = f[1].data spec[np.isnan(spec)] = 0 noise[np.isnan(noise)] = 0 spec = np.einsum('ijk,jk->i', spec, mask)#/np.sum(mask) noise = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ijk,jk->i', noise**2, mask))#/np.sum(mask) params = set_params(opt='pop', reps=4, temp_mismatch=True, produce_plot=False, gas=1) lam = (np.arange(len(spec)) - (f[0].header['CRPIX3'] - 1)) * \ f[0].header['CDELT3'] + f[0].header['CRVAL3'] spec, lam, cut = apply_range(spec, lam=lam, return_cuts=True, set_range=params.set_range) lamRange = np.array([lam[0],lam[-1]]) noise = noise[cut] pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, spec, noise, lamRange, f[0].header['CDELT3'], params) # pp.noise = np.min([pp.noise, np.abs(pp.galaxy-pp.bestfit)],axis=0) residuals = pp.galaxy - pp.bestfit _, residuals, _ = moving_weighted_average(pp.lam, residuals, step_size=3., interp=True) noise = np.sqrt(residuals**2 + pp.noise**2) OIII_spec = pp.matrix[:, pp.templatesToUse==\ '[OIII]5007d'].flatten()*\ pp.weights[pp.templatesToUse=='[OIII]5007d'] Hb_spec = pp.matrix[:, pp.templatesToUse=='Hbeta'].flatten() * \ pp.weights[pp.templatesToUse=='Hbeta'] Hb_flux = np.trapz(Hb_spec, x=pp.lam) Ha_flux = 2.86 * Hb_flux Hb_spec_uncert = pp.MCgas_uncert_spec[ pp.templatesToUse[pp.component!=0]=='Hbeta', :].flatten() Hb_flux_uncert = trapz_uncert(Hb_spec_uncert, x=pp.lam) Ha_flux_uncert = 2.86 * Hb_flux_uncert Mass = get_Mass(Ha_flux, D) e_Mass = get_Mass(Ha_flux_uncert, D) Hb_spec2 = pp.matrix[:, pp.templatesToUse=='Hbeta'].flatten() \ / np.max(pp.matrix[:, pp.templatesToUse=='Hbeta']) \ * np.median(noise[(pp.lam < 4861./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300)/c)) * (pp.lam > 4861./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300)/c))]) Hb_flux2 = np.trapz(Hb_spec2, x=pp.lam) Ha_flux2 = 2.86 * Hb_flux2 Mass2 = get_Mass(Ha_flux2, D) if max(OIII_spec)/np.median(noise[ (pp.lam < 5007./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300)/c)) * (pp.lam > 5007./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300)/c))]) > 4: if max(Hb_spec)/np.median(noise[ (pp.lam < 4861./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] - 300)/c)) * (pp.lam > 4861./(1 + (pp.sol[1][0] + 300)/c))]) > 2.5: mass[i_gal] = str(round(np.log10(Mass),4)) e_mass[i_gal] = str(round(np.abs(e_Mass/Mass/ np.log(10)), 4)) if verbose: print '%s +/- %s log10(Solar Masses)' % ( mass[i_gal], e_mass[i_gal]) from ppxf import create_plot fig, ax = create_plot(pp).produce ax.set_xlim([4800, 4900]) ax.legend() fig1, ax1 = create_plot(pp).produce ax1.legend() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt radius = -1 else: Mass_sav = max(Mass, Mass2, Mass_sav) if Mass_sav == Mass2: e_Mass = np.nan # if radius == max_radius: mass[i_gal] = '<'+str(round(np.log10(Mass_sav),4)) e_mass[i_gal] = str(round(np.abs(e_Mass/Mass/ np.log(10)), 4)) if verbose: print '<%s +/- %s log10(Solar Masses)' % ( mass[i_gal], e_mass[i_gal]) from ppxf import create_plot fig, ax = create_plot(pp).produce ax.set_xlim([4800, 4900]) ax.legend() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt else: Mass_sav = max(Mass, Mass2, Mass_sav) if Mass_sav == Mass2: e_Mass = np.nan # if radius == max_radius: mass[i_gal] = '<'+str(round(np.log10(Mass_sav),4)) e_mass[i_gal] = str(round(np.abs(e_Mass/Mass/ np.log(10)), 4)) if verbose: print '<%s +/- %s log10(Solar Masses)' % ( mass[i_gal], e_mass[i_gal]) from ppxf import create_plot fig, ax = create_plot(pp).produce ax.set_xlim([4800, 4900]) ax.legend() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt radius -= 1 temp = "{0:12}{1:10}{2:10}\n" with open(limits_file, 'w') as l: l.write(temp.format('Galaxy', 'Mass', 'e_Mass')) for i in range(len(galaxy_gals)): l.write(temp.format(galaxy_gals[i], mass[i], e_mass[i]))
def mg_sigma(galaxy, aperture=1.0): ## ----------===============================================--------- ## ----------============= Input parameters ===============--------- ## ----------===============================================--------- params = set_params(reps=10, produce_plot=False, opt='pop', res=8.4, use_residuals=True) if cc.device == 'glamdring': dir = cc.base_dir else: dir = '%s/Data/muse' % (cc.base_dir) data_file = dir + "/analysis/galaxies.txt" # different data types need to be read separetly x_cent_gals, y_cent_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1, 2)) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0, ), dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals == galaxy)[0][0] x_cent_pix = x_cent_gals[i_gal] y_cent_pix = y_cent_gals[i_gal] ## ----------===============================================--------- ## ----------=============== Run analysis =================--------- ## ----------===============================================--------- ## ----------========= Reading the spectrum ===============--------- f = galaxy_data = f[1].data header = f[1].header galaxy_noise = f[2].data ## write key parameters from header - can then be altered in future CRVAL_spec = header['CRVAL3'] CDELT_spec = header['CD3_3'] s = galaxy_data.shape if aperture == 'R_e': ap = get_R_e(galaxy) / header['CDELT1'] else: ap = aperture ## ----------========== Spatially Integrating =============--------- frac_in_ap = in_aperture(x_cent_pix, y_cent_pix, ap, instrument='muse') galaxy_data = np.einsum('ijk,jk->ijk', galaxy_data, frac_in_ap) galaxy_noise = np.einsum('ijk,jk->ijk', galaxy_noise**2, frac_in_ap) bin_lin = np.nansum(galaxy_data, axis=(1, 2)) bin_lin_noise = np.sqrt(np.nansum(galaxy_noise, axis=(1, 2))) ## ----------========= Calibrating the spectrum ===========--------- lam = np.arange(s[0]) * CDELT_spec + CRVAL_spec bin_lin, lam, cut = apply_range(bin_lin, lam=lam, set_range=params.set_range, return_cuts=True) lamRange = np.array([lam[0], lam[-1]]) bin_lin_noise = bin_lin_noise[cut] pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, bin_lin, bin_lin_noise, lamRange, CDELT_spec, params) ## ----------=============== Find sigma_0 =================--------- sigma_0 = pp.sol[0][1] unc_sigma_0 = np.std(pp.MCstellar_kin[:, 1]) if aperture == 'R_e': area = np.sum(frac_in_ap) * header['CDELT1'] * header['CDELT2'] if area < 0.97 * np.pi * R_e**2: R = np.sqrt(area / np.pi) sigma_0 = sigma_0 * (R_e / R)**-0.066 unc_sigma_0 = np.sqrt(unc_sigma_0**2 + ( (R_e / R)**-0.066 * np.log(R_e / R) * 0.035)**2) # ## ----------============ Find dynamical mass ===============--------- # G = 4.302*10**-6 # kpc (km/s)^2 M_odot^-1 # M = 5.0 * R_e * sigma_0**2/G ## ----------============ Find dynamical mass ===============--------- mg, mg_uncert = get_absorption(['Mg_b'], pp=pp, instrument='muse', res=8.4) return mg['Mg_b'], mg_uncert['Mg_b'], sigma_0, unc_sigma_0
def plot_stellar_pop(galaxy, method='median', D=None, opt='pop', overplot={}, gradient=True): print 'Plotting stellar population' if cc.device == 'glamdring': vin_dir = '%s/analysis/%s/%s/pop' % ( cc.base_dir, galaxy, opt) else: vin_dir = '%s/Data/vimos/analysis/%s/%s/pop' % (cc.base_dir, galaxy, opt) # Load pickle file from out_dir = '%s/Data/vimos/analysis' % (cc.base_dir) output = "%s/%s/%s" % (out_dir, galaxy, opt) out_plots = "%s/plots/population" % (output) if not os.path.exists(out_plots): os.makedirs(out_plots) if D is None and gradient !='only': pickle_file = '%s/pickled' % (output) pickleFile = open("%s/dataObj.pkl" % (pickle_file), 'rb') D = pickle.load(pickleFile) pickleFile.close() f = header = f[0].header if not gradient: f.close() data_file = "%s/galaxies.txt" % (out_dir) file_headings = np.loadtxt(data_file, dtype=str)[0] col = np.where(file_headings=='SN_%s' % (opt))[0][0] z_gals, x_cent_gals, y_cent_gals, SN_target_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(1,4,5,col), dtype='float,int,int,float') galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(data_file, skiprows=1, usecols=(0,),dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals==galaxy)[0][0] z = z_gals[i_gal] SN_target=SN_target_gals[i_gal] center = (x_cent_gals[i_gal], y_cent_gals[i_gal]) if gradient != 'only': age = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) met = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) alp = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) unc_age = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) unc_met = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) unc_alp = np.zeros(D.number_of_bins) if method == 'median': for i in xrange(D.number_of_bins): ag, me, al = np.loadtxt('%s/%i.dat' % (vin_dir, i), unpack=True) age[i] = ag[0] unc_age[i] = ag[1] met[i] = me[0] unc_met[i] = me[1] alp[i] = al[0] unc_alp[i] = al[1] title = '%s median and standard deviation' %(galaxy.upper()) elif method == 'mostlikely': for i in xrange(D.number_of_bins): ag, me, al = np.loadtxt('%s/distribution/%i.dat' % ( vin_dir, i), unpack=True) for plot, unc_plot, pop in zip([age,met,alp], [unc_age,unc_met,unc_alp], [ag,me,al]): hist = np.histogram(pop, bins=40) x = (hist[1][0:-1]+hist[1][1:])/2 hist = hist[0] plot[i] = x[np.argmax(hist)] gt_fwhm = hist >= np.max(hist)/2 unc_plot[i] = np.max(x[gt_fwhm]) - np.min(x[gt_fwhm]) title = 'Mostlikely' u_title = 'FWHM' if gradient: figs = {} axs = {} rad = {} rad_err = {} for i in ['age', 'met', 'alp']: fig, ax = plt.subplots() figs[i] = fig axs[i] = ax rad[i] = [] rad_err[i] = [] if gradient != 'only': # Age ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, age, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Age (Gyrs)', vmin=0, vmax=15, title=title + ' Age', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, redshift=z) if overplot: for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): add_(o, color, ax, galaxy) plt.gcf().savefig('%s/Age.png' % (out_plots)) plt.close() plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, unc_age, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Age (Gyrs)', vmin=0, vmax=15, title=u_title+' Age', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, close=True, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, save='%s/Age_uncert.png'%(out_plots)) # Metalicity ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, met, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Metalicity [Z/H]', vmin=-2.25, vmax=0.67, title=title+' Metalicity', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center) if overplot: for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): add_(o, color, ax, galaxy) plt.gcf().savefig('%s/Metalicity.png' % (out_plots)) plt.close() plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, unc_met, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Metalicity', vmin=0, vmax=0.67+2.25, title=u_title+' Metalicity [Z/H]', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, save='%s/Metalicity_uncert.png'%(out_plots), close=True) # Alpha ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, alp, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Element Ratio [alpha/Fe]', vmin=-0.3, vmax=0.5, title=title+' Alpha Enhancement', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center) if overplot: for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): add_(o, color, ax, galaxy) plt.gcf().savefig('%s/Alpha.png' % (out_plots)) plt.close() plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, unc_alp, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Element Ratio [alpha/Fe]', vmin=0, vmax=0.5+0.3, title=u_title+' Alpha Enhancement', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, save='%s/Alpha_uncert.png'%(out_plots), close=True) # Moved to # -----------============ Thesis plots ==========--------------- # thesis_out = '%s/Documents/thesis/chapter4/vimos'%(cc.home_dir) # ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, # D.xBar, D.yBar, age, header, # vmin=0, vmax=15, # cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, # signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, # center=center) # if overplot: # for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): # add_(o, color, ax, galaxy) # plt.gcf().savefig('%s/%s_age.png' % (thesis_out, galaxy)) # plt.close() # plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, # D.xBar, D.yBar, unc_age, header, vmin=0, vmax=15, # cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, # signal_noise=D.SNRatio, close=True, # signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, # save='%s/%s_age_uncert.png'%(thesis_out, galaxy)) # # Metalicity # ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, # D.xBar, D.yBar, met, header, vmin=-2.25, vmax=0.67, # cmap='gnuplot2', # flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, # signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center) # if overplot: # for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): # add_(o, color, ax, galaxy) # plt.gcf().savefig('%s/%s_metallicity.png' % (thesis_out, galaxy)) # plt.close() # plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, # unc_met, header, vmin=0, vmax=0.67+2.25, cmap='gnuplot2', # flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, # signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, close=True, # save='%s/%s_metallicity_uncert.png' % (thesis_out, galaxy)) # # Alpha # ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, # alp, header, vmin=-0.3, vmax=0.5, cmap='gnuplot2', # flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, # signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center) # if overplot: # for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): # add_(o, color, ax, galaxy) # plt.gcf().savefig('%s/%s_alpha.png' % (thesis_out, galaxy)) # plt.close() # plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, # unc_alp, header, vmin=0, vmax=0.5+0.3, cmap='gnuplot2', # flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, # signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, close=True, # save='%s/%s_alpha_uncert.png'%(thesis_out, galaxy)) # ------=========== Detailed (no clip on color axis) =========--------- out_plots = "%s/plots/population_detail" % (output) if not os.path.exists(out_plots): os.makedirs(out_plots) # Age vmin, vmax = set_lims(age) ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, age, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Age (Gyrs)', title=title + ' Age', cmap='gnuplot2', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, redshift=z) if overplot: for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): add_(o, color, ax, galaxy) plt.gcf().savefig('%s/Age.png' % (out_plots)) plt.close() vmin, vmax = set_lims(unc_age) plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, unc_age, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Age (Gyrs)', title=u_title+' Age', cmap='gnuplot2', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, close=True, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, save='%s/Age_uncert.png'%(out_plots)) # Metalicity vmin, vmax = set_lims(met) ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, met, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Metalicity [Z/H]', title=title+' Metalicity', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center) if overplot: for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): add_(o, color, ax, galaxy) plt.gcf().savefig('%s/Metalicity.png' % (out_plots)) plt.close() vmin, vmax = set_lims(unc_met) plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, unc_met, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Metalicity', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, title=u_title+' Metalicity [Z/H]', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, save='%s/Metalicity_uncert.png'%(out_plots),close=True) # Alpha vmin, vmax = set_lims(alp) ax = plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, alp, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Element Ratio [alpha/Fe]', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, title=title+' Alpha Enhancement', cmap='gnuplot2', flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center) if overplot: for o, color in overplot.iteritems(): add_(o, color, ax, galaxy) plt.gcf().savefig('%s/Alpha.png' % (out_plots)) plt.close() vmin, vmax = set_lims(unc_alp) plot_velfield_nointerp(D.x, D.y, D.bin_num, D.xBar, D.yBar, unc_alp, header, nodots=True, colorbar=True, label='Element Ratio [alpha/Fe]', title=u_title+' Alpha Enhancement', cmap='gnuplot2', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, flux_unbinned=D.unbinned_flux, signal_noise=D.SNRatio, signal_noise_target=SN_target, center=center, close=True, save='%s/Alpha_uncert.png'%(out_plots)) if gradient: r = np.sqrt((D.xBar - center[0])**2 + (D.yBar - center[1])**2) for i in ['age', 'met', 'alp']: if i=='age': y = np.log10(eval(i)) y_err = np.abs(eval('unc_'+i)/np.array(eval(i))/ np.log(10)) else: y = eval(i) y_err = eval('unc_'+i) axs[i].errorbar(r, y, yerr=y_err, fmt='.', c='k') params, cov = np.polyfit(r, y, 1, w=1/y_err, cov=True) axs[i].plot(r, np.poly1d(params)(r), '--k') # params, residuals, _, _, _ = numpy.polyfit(r, y, 1, w=1/y_err, # full=True) # chi2 = residuals / (len(r) - 2) figs[i].text(0.15, 0.84, r'grad: %.3f $\pm$ %.3f'%(params[0], np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))[0])) if gradient: out_plots = "%s/plots/population" % (output) index = np.zeros((40,40,2)) for i in range(40): for j in range(40): index[i,j,:] = np.array([i,j]) - center step_size = 4 annuli = np.arange(step_size, 26, step_size).astype(float) age_rad = np.zeros(len(annuli)) met_rad = np.zeros(len(annuli)) alp_rad = np.zeros(len(annuli)) age_err_rad = np.zeros(len(annuli)) met_err_rad = np.zeros(len(annuli)) alp_err_rad = np.zeros(len(annuli)) for i, a in enumerate(annuli): params = set_params(reps=0, opt='pop', gas=1, produce_plot=False) mask = (np.sqrt(index[:,:,0]**2 + index[:,:,1]**2) < a) * ( np.sqrt(index[:,:,0]**2 + index[:,:,1]**2) > a - step_size) spec = np.nansum(f[0].data[:,mask], axis=1) noise = np.sqrt(np.nansum(f[1].data[:,mask]**2, axis=1)) lam = np.arange(len(spec))*header['CDELT3'] + header['CRVAL3'] spec, lam, cut = apply_range(spec, lam=lam, set_range=params.set_range, return_cuts=True) lamRange = np.array([lam[0],lam[-1]]) noise = noise[cut] pp = run_ppxf(galaxy, spec, noise, lamRange, header['CDELT3'], params) pop = population(pp=pp, instrument='vimos', method=method) # pop.plot_probability_distribution() # # axs['age'].errorbar(a, np.log10(pop.age), # yerr=np.abs(pop.unc_age/pop.age/np.log(10)), c='r', fmt='.') # axs['met'].errorbar(a, pop.metallicity, yerr=pop.unc_met, c='r', # fmt='.') # axs['alp'].errorbar(a, pop.alpha, yerr=pop.unc_alp, c='r', # fmt='.') for i in ['age', 'met', 'alp']: if i=='met': i2='metallicity' elif i=='alp': i2 = 'alpha' else: i2=i rad[i].append(getattr(pop, i2)) rad_err[i].append(getattr(pop, 'unc_'+i)) annuli *= header['CDELT1'] gradient_file = '%s/galaxies_pop_gradients.txt' % (out_dir) ageRe, ageG, e_ageG, metRe, metG, e_metG, alpRe, alpG, e_alpG = \ np.loadtxt(gradient_file, usecols=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), unpack=True, skiprows=1) galaxy_gals = np.loadtxt(gradient_file, usecols=(0,), unpack=True, skiprows=1, dtype=str) i_gal = np.where(galaxy_gals == galaxy)[0][0] R_e = get_R_e(galaxy) for i in ['age', 'met', 'alp']: axs[i].set_xlabel('Radius (arcsec)') if i=='age': y = np.log10(rad[i]) y_err = np.abs(np.array(rad_err[i])/np.array(rad[i])/ np.log(10)) else: y = np.array(rad[i]) y_err = np.array(rad_err[i]) axs[i].errorbar(annuli, y, yerr=y_err, fmt='x', c='r') params, cov = np.polyfit(annuli, y, 1, w=1/y_err, cov=True) axs[i].plot(annuli, np.poly1d(params)(annuli), '-r') # params, residuals, _, _, _ = numpy.polyfit(annuli, y, 1, # w=1/y_err, full=True) # chi2 = residuals / (len(annuli) - 2) figs[i].text(0.15, 0.8, r'grad: %.3f $\pm$ %.3f'%(params[0], np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))[0]), color='r') if i =='age': axs[i].set_ylabel('log(Age (Gyr))') ageG[i_gal], e_ageG[i_gal] = params[0],np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))[0] ageRe[i_gal] = np.poly1d(params)(R_e) elif i == 'met': axs[i].set_ylabel('Metalicity [Z/H]') metG[i_gal], e_metG[i_gal] = params[0],np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))[0] metRe[i_gal] = np.poly1d(params)(R_e) elif i == 'alp': axs[i].set_ylabel('Alpha Enhancement [alpha/Fe]') alpG[i_gal], e_alpG[i_gal] = params[0],np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))[0] alpRe[i_gal] = np.poly1d(params)(R_e) figs[i].savefig('%s/%s_grad.png' % (out_plots, i)) plt.close(i) temp = "{0:12}{1:7}{2:7}{3:7}{4:7}{5:7}{6:7}{7:7}{8:7}{9:7}\n" with open(gradient_file, 'w') as f: f.write(temp.format('Galaxy', 'ageRe', 'ageG', 'e_ageG', 'metRe', 'metG', 'e_metG', 'alpRe', 'alpG', 'e_alpG')) for i in range(len(galaxy_gals)): f.write(temp.format(galaxy_gals[i], str(round(ageRe[i],1)), str(round(ageG[i],3)), str(round(e_ageG[i],3)), str(round(metRe[i],1)), str(round(metG[i],3)), str(round(e_metG[i],3)), str(round(alpRe[i],1)), str(round(alpG[i],3)), str(round(e_alpG[i],3)))) return D