Example #1
    def test_ecl_defaults_methods(self):
        if (has_ecl_local()):
                import ert.ecl.ecl_local as ecl_local

                if hasattr(ecl_local, 'ecl_cmd'):
                    self.assertEqual(EclDefault.ecl_cmd(), ecl_local.ecl_cmd)
                    with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):

                if hasattr(ecl_local, 'ecl_version'):
                    with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):

                if hasattr(ecl_local, 'lsf_resource_request'):
                    with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):

                if hasattr(ecl_local, 'driver_type'):
                    with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):

                if hasattr(ecl_local, 'driver_options'):
                    with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):

            except ImportError:
                self.fail("Unable to import ecl_local.py")
            with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
Example #2
    def test_ecl_defaults_methods(self):
        if (has_ecl_local()):
                import ert.ecl.ecl_local as ecl_local

                if hasattr(ecl_local, 'ecl_cmd'):
                    self.assertEqual(EclDefault.ecl_cmd(), ecl_local.ecl_cmd)
                    with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):

                if hasattr(ecl_local, 'ecl_version'):
                    self.assertEqual(EclDefault.ecl_version(), ecl_local.ecl_version)
                    with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):

                if hasattr(ecl_local, 'lsf_resource_request'):
                    self.assertEqual(EclDefault.lsf_resource_request(), ecl_local.lsf_resource_request)
                    with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
                if hasattr(ecl_local, 'driver_type'):
                    self.assertEqual(EclDefault.driver_type(), ecl_local.driver_type)
                    with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):

                if hasattr(ecl_local, 'driver_options'):
                    self.assertEqual(EclDefault.driver_options(), ecl_local.driver_options)
                    with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):

            except ImportError:
                self.fail("Unable to import ecl_local.py")
            with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
Example #3
    def test_ecl_defaults_methods(self):
            import ert.ecl.ecl_local as ecl_local

            self.assertEqual(EclDefault.ecl_cmd(), ecl_local.ecl_cmd)
            self.assertEqual(EclDefault.ecl_version(), ecl_local.ecl_version)
            self.assertEqual(EclDefault.lsf_resource_request(), ecl_local.lsf_resource_request)
            self.assertEqual(EclDefault.driver_type(), ecl_local.driver_type)
            self.assertEqual(EclDefault.driver_options(), ecl_local.driver_options)
        except ImportError:
            self.fail("Unable to import ecl_local.py")
Example #4
    def run(self,
        Will start an ECLIPSE simulation of the current case.

        The method has a long and nasty argument list, but all
        arguments have sensible defaults, and you probably do not need
        to enter any at all. The arguments are as follows:

          ecl_cmd: The command used to run ECLIPSE. This will
             typically be a script of some kind. The command will be
             called with three commandline arguments: version datafile
          ecl_version: The eclipse version you want to use, this
             should be a string of the type "2010.2".

          driver: This should be an instance of Driver() from
             ert.job_queue.driver. If driver is None the method will
             create a new driver instance.

          driver_type: If the driver is none the method will create a
             new driver instance, it will create a driver of this type
             (i.e. LOCAL, LSF or RSH).

          driver_options: When creating a new driver, these options
             will be used.

          blocking: If blocking is True the method will not return
             before the simulation is complete, otherwise the method
             will return immediately. If blocking is False the ECLIPSE
             simulation will continue even if the python script

        Observe that there are some dependencies between the arguments:

          * If both driver and driver_type are present the existing
            driver instance will be used, and the driver_type argument
            will be ignored.

          * The driver_options argument will only be used when
            creating a new driver instance, and will not be used to
            modify an existing driver instance.

        This method will immediately start/submit an ECLIPSE
        simulation of the current case. If you have many simulations
        you might want use an EclQueue() and the submit() method instead, in
        particular if you are running locally.
        import ert.job_queue.driver as queue_driver

        num_cpu = EclUtil.get_num_cpu(self.datafile)
        argv = [ecl_version, self.datafile, num_cpu]

        if ecl_cmd is None:
            ecl_cmd = EclDefault.ecl_cmd()

        if driver_type is None:
            driver_type = EclDefault.driver_type()

        if ecl_version is None:
            ecl_version = EclDefault.ecl_version()

        if driver is None:
            if driver_options is None:
                driver_options = EclDefault.driver_options()[driver_type]
            driver = queue_driver.Driver(driver_type,
        job = driver.submit(self.base,
        return job
Example #5
    def run( self , 
             ecl_cmd = None,
             ecl_version = None,
             driver = None , 
             driver_type = None,
             driver_options = None, 
             blocking = False ):
        Will start an ECLIPSE simulation of the current case.

        The method has a long and nasty argument list, but all
        arguments have sensible defaults, and you probably do not need
        to enter any at all. The arguments are as follows:

          ecl_cmd: The command used to run ECLIPSE. This will
             typically be a script of some kind. The command will be
             called with three commandline arguments: version datafile
          ecl_version: The eclipse version you want to use, this
             should be a string of the type "2010.2".

          driver: This should be an instance of Driver() from
             ert.job_queue.driver. If driver is None the method will
             create a new driver instance.

          driver_type: If the driver is none the method will create a
             new driver instance, it will create a driver of this type
             (i.e. LOCAL, LSF or RSH).

          driver_options: When creating a new driver, these options
             will be used.

          blocking: If blocking is True the method will not return
             before the simulation is complete, otherwise the method
             will return immediately. If blocking is False the ECLIPSE
             simulation will continue even if the python script

        Observe that there are some dependencies between the arguments:

          * If both driver and driver_type are present the existing
            driver instance will be used, and the driver_type argument
            will be ignored.

          * The driver_options argument will only be used when
            creating a new driver instance, and will not be used to
            modify an existing driver instance.

        This method will immediately start/submit an ECLIPSE
        simulation of the current case. If you have many simulations
        you might want use an EclQueue() and the submit() method instead, in
        particular if you are running locally.
        import ert.job_queue.driver as queue_driver
        num_cpu = EclUtil.get_num_cpu( self.datafile )
        argv = [ecl_version , self.datafile , num_cpu]

        if ecl_cmd is None:
            ecl_cmd = EclDefault.ecl_cmd()

        if driver_type is None:
            driver_type = EclDefault.driver_type()

        if ecl_version is None:
            ecl_version = EclDefault.ecl_version()

        if driver is None:
            if driver_options is None:
                driver_options = EclDefault.driver_options()[ driver_type ]
            driver = queue_driver.Driver( driver_type , max_running = 0 , options = driver_options )
        job = driver.submit( self.base , ecl_cmd , self.path , argv , blocking = blocking)
        return job
Example #6
    def __init__(self,
        Create a new queue instance to manage ECLIPSE simulations.

        The constructor will create a new EclQueue instance which can
        be used to manage ECLIPSE simulations. All the ECLIPSE
        simulations managed by this queue instance will be 'of the
        same type', i.e. they will run the same ECLIPSE version using
        the same command to run ECLIPSE. 

        The queue starts running (i.e. managing jobs) as soon as it is
        created. Subsequently the user must add jobs to run using the
        submit() method, or alternatively the submit() method of an
        EclCase instance.
        The queue will run in a separate thread, and there is nothing
        preventing your script from finishing (i.e. exit) even though
        the queue thread is still running; in that case the jobs which
        are still waiting in the queue will not be started[1]. To
        protect against this premature exit you must use on of the

          - queue.block_waiting()
          - queue.block()
          - while queue.running:

        All simulations which have been started by the queue instance
        will continue running even if the queue itself goes out of
        scope and the script exits.

        There are many arguments to the constructor, all of them are
        optional with sensible default values. There are essentially
        three groups of arguments:

        Driver related arguments  
        driver: This should be an instance of Driver (or one of the
           descendants LSFDriver, LocalDriver, or ...) from the
           ert.job_queue.driver module. If the driver is None the
           queue will instanstiate a driver itself.

        driver_type: If the driver is None the queue needs to
           instantiate a private driver. It will then instantiate a
           driver of the type given by driver_type.

        driver_options: If the queue needs to instantiate a private
           driver it will pass the options given by the
           driver_options argument to the driver constructor.
        There is some dependance between the driver related arguments;
        if a @driver argument is passed the @driver_type and
        @driver_options arguments are not considered.

        ECLIPSE related arguments
        ecl_version: The ECLIPSE version used when simulating. This
           should be a string of the type "2009.1".

        ecl_cmd: The path to the executable used to invoke
           ECLIPSE. The executable will be invoked with commandline
                         version   data_file   num_cpu
           And this executable is responsible for then starting the
           real ECLIPSE binary. 

        Other arguments
        max_running: The maximum number of jobs the queue can run
           concurrently. The default value max_running=0 means that
           the queue can start an unlimited number of jobs; in the
           case of e.g. LSF the default value can be sensible,
           otherwise you should probably set a value.

        size: This is the total number of simulations we want to run
           with the queue; this is further documented in the
           ert.job_queue.queue.JobQueue class.

        Use example
        import ert.ecl.ecl as ecl
        import ert.job_queue.driver as driver
        queue = ecl.EclQueue( driver_type = driver.LOCAL , max_running = 4 , size = 100)
        data_file_fmt = "/path/to/ECLIPSE/sim%d/ECL.DATA"
        for i in range(100):
            queue.submit( data_file_fmt % i )
        [1]: It should be possible with a fork based solution to let
             the queue stay alive and continue managing jobs even
             after the main thread has exited - not yet :-(
        if ecl_cmd is None:
            ecl_cmd = EclDefault.ecl_cmd()

        if driver_type is None:
            driver_type = EclDefault.driver_type()

        if ecl_version is None:
            ecl_version = EclDefault.ecl_version()

        self.ecl_version = ecl_version
        self.ecl_cmd = ecl_cmd
        if driver is None:
            if driver_options is None:
                driver_options = EclDefault.driver_options()[driver_type]
            driver = Driver(driver_type,

        super(EclQueue, self).__init__(driver, size=size)
Example #7
    def __init__(self,

        Create a new queue instance to manage ECLIPSE simulations.

        The constructor will create a new EclQueue instance which can
        be used to manage ECLIPSE simulations. All the ECLIPSE
        simulations managed by this queue instance will be 'of the
        same type', i.e. they will run the same ECLIPSE version using
        the same command to run ECLIPSE. 

        The queue starts running (i.e. managing jobs) as soon as it is
        created. Subsequently the user must add jobs to run using the
        submit() method, or alternatively the submit() method of an
        EclCase instance.
        The queue will run in a separate thread, and there is nothing
        preventing your script from finishing (i.e. exit) even though
        the queue thread is still running; in that case the jobs which
        are still waiting in the queue will not be started[1]. To
        protect against this premature exit you must use on of the

          - queue.block_waiting()
          - queue.block()
          - while queue.running:

        All simulations which have been started by the queue instance
        will continue running even if the queue itself goes out of
        scope and the script exits.

        There are many arguments to the constructor, all of them are
        optional with sensible default values. There are essentially
        three groups of arguments:

        Driver related arguments  
        driver: This should be an instance of Driver (or one of the
           descendants LSFDriver, LocalDriver, or ...) from the
           ert.job_queue.driver module. If the driver is None the
           queue will instanstiate a driver itself.

        driver_type: If the driver is None the queue needs to
           instantiate a private driver. It will then instantiate a
           driver of the type given by driver_type.

        driver_options: If the queue needs to instantiate a private
           driver it will pass the options given by the
           driver_options argument to the driver constructor.
        There is some dependance between the driver related arguments;
        if a @driver argument is passed the @driver_type and
        @driver_options arguments are not considered.

        ECLIPSE related arguments
        ecl_version: The ECLIPSE version used when simulating. This
           should be a string of the type "2009.1".

        ecl_cmd: The path to the executable used to invoke
           ECLIPSE. The executable will be invoked with commandline
                         version   data_file   num_cpu
           And this executable is responsible for then starting the
           real ECLIPSE binary. 

        Other arguments
        max_running: The maximum number of jobs the queue can run
           concurrently. The default value max_running=0 means that
           the queue can start an unlimited number of jobs; in the
           case of e.g. LSF the default value can be sensible,
           otherwise you should probably set a value.

        size: This is the total number of simulations we want to run
           with the queue; this is further documented in the
           ert.job_queue.queue.JobQueue class.

        Use example
        import ert.ecl.ecl as ecl
        import ert.job_queue.driver as driver
        queue = ecl.EclQueue( driver_type = driver.LOCAL , max_running = 4 , size = 100)
        data_file_fmt = "/path/to/ECLIPSE/sim%d/ECL.DATA"
        for i in range(100):
            queue.submit( data_file_fmt % i )
        [1]: It should be possible with a fork based solution to let
             the queue stay alive and continue managing jobs even
             after the main thread has exited - not yet :-(
        if ecl_cmd is None:
            ecl_cmd = EclDefault.ecl_cmd()

        if driver_type is None:
            driver_type = EclDefault.driver_type()

        if ecl_version is None:
            ecl_version = EclDefault.ecl_version()

        self.ecl_version = ecl_version
        self.ecl_cmd = ecl_cmd
        if driver is None:
            if driver_options is None:
                driver_options = EclDefault.driver_options()[driver_type]
            driver = Driver(driver_type, max_running=max_running, options=driver_options)

        super(EclQueue, self).__init__(driver, size=size)