Example #1
    def open_help_carousel(self, *args):
        help_carousel_view = HelpCarouselModalView()
        help_carousel_view.title.text = "QuESt Data Manager"

        slide_01_text = "QuESt Data Manager is a collection of tools for acquiring data for use in other QuESt applications. Data acquired here is stored in a data bank accessible throughout the rest of the QuESt suite.\n\nClick on one of the data tools to get started."

        slide_02_text = "Some data sources require registration and credentials. Look out for [font=Modern Pictograms][color=00ADD0]?[/color][/font] symbols for additional information.\n\nThe 'settings' button will open the global settings menu from the navigation bar. Make sure your connection settings are appropriately configured when using QuESt Data Manager as internet access is required to download data."

        slide_03_text = "You can save some of your login information or API keys by entering in the 'QuESt Data Manager' tab in the global settings menu. These values will auto-populate the appropriate fields the next time you launch QuESt. These values are also stored in the quest.ini file in the QuESt installation folder.\n\nNote that QuESt does not store passwords."

        slide_04_text = "Rate structure tables can be modified before saving. You can change the rate for each period. Click on the [font=Modern Pictograms]D[/font] button to copy the value to the next row."

        slide_05_text = "The tables on the right describe the rate schedule for weekdays and weekends. Each row corresponds to a month and each column an hour. The value in each cell matches to a rate in the rates table; you can change each of these as needed. Try using the 'Tab' and arrow keys to navigate each table more quickly.\n\nNote that you cannot change the number of periods."

        slides = [
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "data_manager",
                          "01.png"), slide_01_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "data_manager",
                          "02.png"), slide_02_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "data_manager",
                          "03.png"), slide_03_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "data_manager",
                          "04.png"), slide_04_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "data_manager",
                          "05.png"), slide_05_text),

Example #2
    def open_help_carousel(self, *args):
        help_carousel_view = HelpCarouselModalView()
        help_carousel_view.title.text = "QuESt BTM"

        slide_01_text = "QuESt BTM is an application with tools for analyzing behind-the-meter energy storage use cases."

        slide_02_text = "The Time-of-Use Cost Savings wizard estimates the cost savings with behind-the-meter energy storage.\n\nYou will need the following data to use this tool:\n* Utility rate structure\n* Load profile (or import your own)\n\nYou may also add a co-located photovoltaic power profile or import your own."

        slide_03_text = "Upon completion of the wizard, you will be taken to the summary report screen. There a number of reports you can browse through that summarize different aspects of the simulation results. A brief synopsis of each component of the results including some key numbers.\n\nThe 'Generate report' button can be used to produce a document that summarizes the wizard run."

        slide_04_text = "This document includes your input selections, a primer on the mathematical model used, and all of the charts from the wizard summary reports.\n\nThe resulting HTML document and images are saved to the /results/*/report directory. You can view the report in a web browser."

        slide_05_text = "You can view simulation results in more detail using the Results Viewer tool. You can plot time series data and export simulation results for external processing."

        slides = [
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "btm",
                          "01.png"), slide_01_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "btm",
                          "02.png"), slide_02_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "common",
                          "wizard_report", "01.png"), slide_03_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "common",
                          "wizard_report", "02.png"), slide_04_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "common",
                          "results_viewer", "00.png"), slide_05_text),

Example #3
    def open_help_carousel(self, *args):
        help_carousel_view = HelpCarouselModalView()
        help_carousel_view.title.text = "Results Viewer"

        slide_01_text = "The Results Viewer is a built-in tool to help you look at QuESt optimization results. The recycle view at the bottom contains each optimization run (model) performed during your current session. Typically each item will correspond to a single month.\n\nYou can select which models you want to view simultaneously. We recommend selecting no more than six at a time."

        slide_02_text = "The 'Select data' spinner is for selecting which quantity to plot. The variety of choices here will differ among QuESt applications. While most selections correspond to line plots of time series, some other plots such as box-and-whisker plots may be available."

        slide_03_text = "Click on the 'Plot/Redraw' to render the plot according to your current selections.\n\nNote that the figure is not interactive."

        slide_04_text = "For time series plots, you can adjust the range of time shown using the 'Hours shown' field. This can be used to look at specific points in time in more detail.\n\nYou can hit the 'Enter' key after changing these values to quickly render the plot."

        slide_05_text = "You can export the currently rendered plot to a PNG image file using the 'Export PNG' button.\n\nYou can also export the detailed table of results for each selected model to a CSV file using the 'Export CSV' button. An individual file will be made for each selected model. These files contain details such as decision variable values at each timestep and other relevant quantities."

        slides = [
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "common", "results_viewer", "01.png"), slide_01_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "common", "results_viewer", "02.png"), slide_02_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "common", "results_viewer", "03.png"), slide_03_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "common", "results_viewer", "04.png"), slide_04_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "common", "results_viewer", "05.png"), slide_05_text),

Example #4
    def open_intro_help_carousel(self):
        help_carousel_view = HelpCarouselModalView()
        help_carousel_view.title.text = "Welcome to QuESt"

        slide_01_text = "QuESt is an application suite for energy storage valuation.\n\nThe list on the left contains the currently available applications. Click on an application to learn a little more about it. Once you have selected an application, click on the 'Get started' button underneath its description to open it."

        slide_02_text = "At the top of the QuESt window is the action bar. The QuESt logo on the left end of the action bar serves as a back button; click on it to return to the previous screen. On the right end of the action bar is the navigation toolbar. The buttons here change depending on the context but several, like those pictured, persist.\n\nYou can use the 'home' button to return to this index screen at any time."

        slide_03_text = "In QuESt, input data management is separate from the analysis tools. Use the QuESt Data Manager to acquire data before proceeding to other QuESt applications and using their analysis tools."

        slide_04_text = "In some QuESt applications, it is possible to import and use your own data. Look out for prompts such as these to open the data importer interface. Please refer to each individual application and tool for specific details!"

        slide_05_text = "Looking for more help? Check the navigation bar while in each QuESt application for a 'help' button to open an information carousel like this one for application-specific help."

        slides = [
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "index",
                          "01.png"), slide_01_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "index",
                          "02.png"), slide_02_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "index",
                          "03.png"), slide_03_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "index",
                          "04.png"), slide_04_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "index",
                          "05.png"), slide_05_text),

Example #5
    def open_help_carousel(self, *args):
        help_carousel_view = HelpCarouselModalView()
        help_carousel_view.title.text = "QuESt Valuation"

        slide_01_text = "QuESt Valuation is an application for estimating the revenue potential for an energy storage system providing ISO/RTO services. It takes a retrospective analysis approach using historical data.\n\nData is required to use the tools in QuESt Valuation. Options in the user interface such as market area selection are entirely based on the contents of your QuESt data bank."

        slide_02_text = "The Wizard mode under the Simulation tab walks you through a series of prompts to set up the analysis. This mode is streamlined for a simpler experience compared to the Batch Runs mode.\n\nYou will need the following data to use this tool:\n* Market data for each ISO/RTO that you want to look at"

        slide_03_text = "Upon completion of the wizard, you will be taken to the summary report screen. There a number of reports you can browse through that summarize different aspects of the simulation results. A brief synopsis of each component of the results including some key numbers.\n\nThe 'Generate report' button can be used to produce a document that summarizes the wizard run."

        slide_04_text = "This document includes your input selections, a primer on the mathematical model used, and all of the charts from the wizard summary reports.\n\nThe resulting HTML document and images are saved to the /results/*/report directory. You can view the report in a web browser."

        slide_05_text = "The Batch Runs mode is more advanced than the Wizard mode. The workflow for using this mode is identical but offers more flexibility and options.\n\nThere are two panels for your input: 'Data' and 'Parameters'. You can toggle between the two using the buttons at the bottom. Note that changing market area or pricing node selections will reset the other input widgets."

        slide_06_text = "The parameters available are more numerous than those in the Wizard mode and may also vary among the market areas. The default values indicated by the hint text for each parameter will be used if you do not enter in a new value.\n\nTry using the 'Tab' key to quickly navigate among the text input fields."

        slide_07_text = "The parameter sweep can be used for parameter sensitivity analysis. The sweep will be applied to each month of data selected.\n\nIn this example, a sweep over the power rating from 5 to 20 MW in ten evenly-spaced points will be performed for each month selected in the 'Data' tab. If four months were selected then a total of 40 models will be solved."

        slide_08_text = "When you are done with your selections, click the 'Go!' button to proceed. The models will be built and solved in the background. Upon completion, a popup will open to inform you of the results and provide any pertinent warnings.\n\nYou can proceed to the QuESt Valuation results viewer via the popup, navigation bar, or QuESt Valuation home screen to look at the results."

        slide_09_text = "You can view simulation results in more detail using the Results Viewer tool. You can plot time series data and export simulation results for external processing."

        slides = [
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "valuation",
                          "01.png"), slide_01_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "valuation",
                          "02.png"), slide_02_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "common",
                          "wizard_report", "01.png"), slide_03_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "common",
                          "wizard_report", "02.png"), slide_04_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "valuation",
                          "03.png"), slide_05_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "valuation",
                          "04.png"), slide_06_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "valuation",
                          "05.png"), slide_07_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "valuation",
                          "06.png"), slide_08_text),
            (os.path.join("es_gui", "resources", "help_views", "common",
                          "results_viewer", "00.png"), slide_09_text),

Example #6
 def open_help(self):