def save_multiple_serializable_objects(self, obj_list, id_name):
        This method saves a single AP object in ES
        :param list obj_list: A list of OptHistoryAction() Objects to save in ES
        :param str id_name: A string describing the attributes used to get the object id: "actionId", "generalInfo.apId"
        :return bool: Returns True on a successful operation
        bulk_data = []

        for obj in obj_list:
            # Add timestamp if it exists
            if hasattr(obj, "timestamp"):
                obj.timestamp = current_utc_time()
                doc_id = multi_getattr(obj, id_name)
            except AttributeError as exc:
                raise ESAdapterException(
                    "Couldn't find object id for object %s, %s, %s" %
                    (class_name(obj), id_name, exc))
            obj_dict = {
                "_index": self.index_name_to_save_obj(obj),
                "_type": self.doc_type_name_to_save_obj(obj),
                "_id": doc_id,
                "_source": self._to_JSON(obj)

        # Bulk save the data in ES
        es_response = helpers.bulk(, bulk_data)
        return self.parse_bulk_response(es_response, obj_list)
 def verify_returned_list_size(self, expected_list, actual_list):
     This method verifies that a returned list from ES is the same size as the expected one
     :param list expected_list:
     :param list actual_list:
     # Enter a log entry in case the list size is different
     if type(expected_list) == list and type(actual_list) == list:
         if len(expected_list) != len(actual_list):
                 "Got wrong list size from ES in %s, trying to get %s" %
                 (class_name(self), expected_list))
             "Got wrong list param type in %s, with params %s, %s" %
             (class_name(self), expected_list, actual_list))
Example #3
    def _match_multiple_values(field, value_list):
        Match list for a single value
        :param str field: The name of the field in ES
        :param list value_list:
        :return dict:
        # Make sure input is a list
        if type(value_list) != list:
            raise TypeError("%s in %s didn't received a list: %s" %
                            (func_name(), class_name(ESQuery), value_list))

        return {"terms": {field: value_list}}
    def parse_aggregation_response_to_dict(self, es_response):
        Parses an ES response coming from a query returning a list of aggregated values
        The response is parse to {NAME: VALUE} dictionary
        :param dict es_response: Response from ES
        :return dict object_dict: {Name: Value}
        object_dict = {}
        agg_dict = extract_value(es_response, "aggregations")
        if not agg_dict:
                "Error receiving aggregation dictionary from es query in %s, %s"
                % (class_name(self), es_response))
            return object_dict

        out_dict = {}
        self.aggregation_parser(out_dict, agg_dict)
        return out_dict
    def parse_es_aggregation_list(self, es_response, agg_name):
        This method parses an ES aggregation into a list of values
        :param dictionary es_response: The response from ES
        :param string agg_name: The name of the aggregation to make a list
        :return list :
            item_list_doc = extract_value(es_response, 'aggregations',
                                          agg_name, "buckets")
            item_list = []
            for items in item_list_doc:

            return item_list
        except KeyError as exc:
            raise ESAdapterException(
                "Error while trying to create a list in %s: %s" %
                (class_name(self), exc))
    def get_param_value_from_object(self, doc_id, param_list):
        Get a list of field names and returns a dictionary of {param: [values]}
        :param str doc_id: The ID of the document
        :param list param_list:
        :return dict:
        if type(param_list) is not list:
            raise ESAdapterException(
                "get_param_value_from_object got wrong input list type %s in %s"
                % (param_list, class_name(self)))
        # Get a list of all the action Serial Numbers for the timestamp
        es_response =,
                                         doc_id, param_list))
        param_dict = {}
        for param in param_list:
            value = self.parse_es_aggregation_list(es_response, param)
            if value:
                param_dict[param] = value

        return param_dict
Example #7
    def _create_aggregation_field_dict(field,
        Adds an aggregation dictionary to the main aggs_dict
        :param str field: The name of the field in ES
        :param str agg_type: One of the types of the aggregation, must be of ESAdapter constant
        :param dict order:
        :param int size: The number of terms to bring in an aggregations
        :return dict:

        if agg_type == ESQuery.SUM or\
           agg_type == ESQuery.AVERAGE or\
           agg_type == ESQuery.MAX or\
           agg_type == ESQuery.MIN or\
           agg_type == ESQuery.STATS:
            return {agg_type: {"field": field}}

        elif agg_type == ESQuery.CARDINALITY:
            return {agg_type: {"field": field, "precision_threshold": 100}}

        elif agg_type == ESQuery.TOP_HITS:

            if not size:
                size = 1

            source = {"include": field}
            sort = {"@timestamp": {"order": "desc"}}

            return {
                ESQuery.TOP_HITS: {
                    "size": size,
                    "_source": source,
                    "sort": [sort]

        # show extended statistics,
        # std_deviation_bounds provides an interval of plus/minus 1 standard deviations from the mean
        elif agg_type == ESQuery.EXTENDED_STATS:
            return {ESQuery.EXTENDED_STATS: {"field": field, "sigma": 1}}

        elif agg_type == ESQuery.TERMS:
            return {
                ESQuery.TERMS: {
                    "field": field,
                    "size": size,
                    "order": order
        elif agg_type == ESQuery.HISTOGRAM:
            return {
                ESQuery.HISTOGRAM: {
                    "field": field,
                    "interval": interval,
            raise TypeError("%s received wrong aggregation type %s" %
                            (class_name(ESQuery), agg_type))