Example #1
# --- minimal analysis information

settings = process_manager.service(ConfigObject)
settings['analysisName'] = 'esk109_debugging_tips'
settings['version'] = 0

# --- Analysis values, settings, helper functions, configuration flags.

msg = r"""

To end the eskapade_run session with a python console,
from the cmd line use the this flag: -i

# testing false used for running integration tests. do not remove.
settings['TESTING'] = settings.get('TESTING', False)

# --- now set up the chains and links based on configuration flags

ds = process_manager.service(DataStore)
ds['hello'] = 'world'
ds['d'] = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

# --- now set up the chains and links based on configuration flags

ch = Chain('Overview')
# --- Analysis values, settings, helper functions, configuration flags.

msg = r"""

The setup consists of three simple chains that add progressively more information to the datastore.
In the examples the datastore gets persisted after the execution of each chain, and can be picked
up again as input for the next chain.

- The pickled datastore(s) can be found in the data directory:

- The pickled configuration object(s) and backed-up configuration file can be found in:
logger.info(msg, data_path=settings['resultsDir'] + '/' + settings['analysisName'] + '/data/v0/',
            conf_path=settings['resultsDir'] + '/' + settings['analysisName'] + '/config/v0/')

# dummy information used in this macro, added to each chain below.
f = {'hello': 'world', 'v': [3, 1, 4, 1, 5], 'n_favorite': 7}
g = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
h = [2, 7]

# --- now set up the chains and links based on configuration flags

# chain 1
ch = Chain('chain1')

# the link ToDsDict adds objects to the datastore at link execution.
link = core_ops.ToDsDict(name='intods_1')