Example #1
def build_object(object, world: esper.World, window_options, draw2entity):
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    mxCell = object[0]
    mxGeometry = mxCell[0]
    # Get X, Y coordinates
    x = float(mxGeometry.attrib.get('x', 0))
    y = float(mxGeometry.attrib.get('y', 0))
    width = float(mxGeometry.attrib.get('width', 0))
    height = float(mxGeometry.attrib.get('height', 0))
    pos = Position(x, y, 0, width, height)
    x += (width // 2)
    y += (height // 2)
    # Get the Map for simulation or create one
    # Entity 1 is the simulation entity
    if world.has_component(1, Map):
        simulation_map = world.component_for_entity(1, Map)
        simulation_map = Map()
        world.add_component(1, simulation_map)
    # Get POI tag
    if 'tag' in object.attrib:
        tag = object.attrib['tag']
        tag = 'POI_' + str(len(simulation_map.pois))
        logger.warning(f'POI ({x}, {y}) with no TAG. Using {tag}')
    simulation_map.pois[tag] = (x, y)
    # Alternatively display the POI
    if object.attrib.get('display', False):
        skeleton = Skeleton(object.attrib['id'], mxCell.attrib['style'], tag)
        world.create_entity(pos, skeleton)
    return {}, [], {}
def ParseFile(lines: Iterable[str], world: esper.World):
    working = world.create_entity()
    world.add_component(working, Passport(True))
    for line in lines:
        words = line.strip().split()
        if not words:
            working = world.create_entity()
            world.add_component(working, Passport(True))
        for word in words:
            tag, value = word.split(":")
            world.add_component(working, FIELD_TO_COMPONENT[tag](value))
Example #3
class Main:
    def __init__(self):
        self.world = World()

        self.world.add_processor(DisplayProcessor(), priority=30)
        self.world.add_processor(InputProcessor(), priority=20)
        self.world.add_processor(GameStateProcessor(), priority=100)


    def core_game_loop(self):
        while True:
def asteroid(world: esper.World) -> int:
    global asteroid_counter
    asteroid_counter += 1
    return world.create_entity(
        Renderable("#", colors.OBJECT_JUNK),
        Destructable(20, 100, 0),
        Velocity(0, 0),
        Name("Asteroid", f"AST-{asteroid_counter:05d}")
def enemy_fighter(world: esper.World) -> int:
    return world.create_entity(
        Position(10, 10),
        Renderable("V", colors.OBJECT_ENEMY),
        Velocity(0, 0),
        Acceleration(0, 0, 0.001),
        Destructable(10, 20, 20),
        Name("Some wanker", "WNK-80085")
def player_ship(world: esper.World) -> int:
    return world.create_entity(
        Position(0, 0),
        Renderable("@", colors.OBJECT_PLAYER),
        Velocity(0, 0),
        Acceleration(0, 0, 0.001),
        Destructable(1000, 1000, 1000),
        Name("Player ship", "PLR-12345")
Example #7
def build_object(cell, world: World, window_options, draw2entity):
    (components, style) = mxCellDecoder.parse_object(cell, window_options)
    ent = world.create_entity()
    # Custom components
    for key, val in cell.attrib.items():
        if key.startswith('component_'):
            component_name = key[10:]  # removes "component_" from the name
            init_values = json.loads(val)
            component = dynamic_importer.init_component(
                component_name, init_values)
    for c in components:
        world.add_component(ent, c)
    return {style['id']: [ent, style]}, [(ent, style['id'])], {}
Example #8
def build_simulation_objects(content_root: Element, world: esper.World,
                             window_options: WindowOptions,
                             available_builders: dict):
    """ Parses the XML Elements into esper entities.

        Parsing is done by transforming Element's attributes and annotations into components.
        There are 2 types of objects:
            1. Untyped objects -- Do not possess any type annotation. Used for building walls, for example.
                                  They have only basic components (e.g. Collision, Position, ...)
            2. Typed objects -- Possess a type annotation. Enclosed in <object> tags in the XML file.
                                Parsed by a specific builder according to the type.
                                Not all typed objects are transformed into entities.

            draw2entity: dict -- Maps ids from drawio to entities in the simulation.
            objects: list -- List of typed objects that have been transformed into entities.
            interactive: dict -- Maps what entities can be interacted with (e.g. picked up).
                                 Key is the entity name, value is the entity id
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    logger.info(f'Available builders: {available_builders}')
    draw2entity = {}
    objects: List[Tuple[int, str]] = []
    interactive = {}
    # If any object in the XML has dependencies that appear after it in the XML
    # The builder can return a DependencyNotFound error, causing the cell to be deferred.
    # Deferred cells are re-evaluated after the first pass is complete.
    deferred: List[Element] = []
    # 1st pass
    for cell in content_root:
        if cell.tag == 'mxCell' and 'style' in cell.attrib:
             style) = mxCellDecoder.parse_mxCell(cell, window_options)
            ent = world.create_entity()
            for c in components:
                world.add_component(ent, c)
            draw2entity[style['id']] = [ent, style]
        if cell.tag == 'object':
            cell_type = cell.attrib['type']
                pending_updates = \
                    available_builders[cell_type].__dict__['build_object'](cell, world, window_options, draw2entity)
                objects += pending_updates[1]
            except DependencyNotFound as err:
                logger.debug(f'Cell {cell.tag} deferred - {err}')
    # 2nd pass
    for cell in deferred:
        if cell.tag == 'mxCell' and 'style' in cell.attrib:
             style) = mxCellDecoder.parse_mxCell(cell, window_options)
            ent = world.create_entity()
            for c in components:
                world.add_component(ent, c)
            draw2entity[style['id']] = [ent, style]
        if cell.tag == 'object':
            cell_type = cell.attrib['type']
                pending_updates = \
                    available_builders[cell_type].__dict__['build_object'](cell, world, window_options, draw2entity)
                objects += pending_updates[1]
            except DependencyNotFound as err:
                logger.error(f'Cell {cell.tag} failed processing - {err}')

    return draw2entity, objects, interactive
Example #9
def build_simulation_objects(content_root, batch: pyglet.graphics.Batch,
                             world: esper.World, window_options):
    # Create Walls
    draw2entity = {}
    interactive = {}
    objects = []
    windowSize = window_options[0]
    for cell in content_root:
        if cell.tag == 'mxCell' and 'style' in cell.attrib:
             style) = mxCellDecoder.parse_mxCell(cell, batch, window_options)
            ent = world.create_entity()
            for c in components:
                world.add_component(ent, c)
            draw2entity[style['id']] = [ent, style]
        if cell.tag == 'object':
            if cell.attrib['type'] == 'robot':
                 style) = mxCellDecoder.parse_object(cell, batch,
                ent = world.create_entity()
                # Custom components
                for key, val in cell.attrib.items():
                    if key.startswith('component_'):
                        component_name = key[
                            10:]  # removes "component_" from the name
                        init_values = json.loads(val)
                        component = dynamic_importer.init_component(
                            component_name, init_values)
                for c in components:
                    world.add_component(ent, c)
                draw2entity[style['id']] = [ent, style]
                objects.append((ent, style['id']))
            elif cell.attrib['type'] == 'pickable':
                skeleton = copy.copy(cell)
                 style) = mxCellDecoder.parse_object(cell, batch,
                pick = Pickable(float(cell.attrib['weight']),
                                cell.attrib['name'], skeleton)
                ent = world.create_entity()
                for c in components:
                    world.add_component(ent, c)
                interactive[style['name']] = ent
            elif cell.attrib['type'] == 'path':
                mxCell = cell[0]
                points = Path.from_mxCell(mxCell, windowSize[1])
                obj = mxCell.attrib.get('source', None)
                (ent, _) = draw2entity.get(obj, (None, None))
                if ent is None:
                    print(f"Path origin ({obj}) not found. Trying target.")
                    print(f"Adding path to entity {ent}")
                    world.add_component(ent, Path(points))
            elif cell.attrib['type'] == 'map-path':
                mxCell = cell[0]
                points = Path.from_mxCell(mxCell, windowSize[1])
                objId = cell.attrib.get('origin', '')
                key = cell.attrib.get('key', '')
                if key == '':
                    print(f"Map entry without key. Using default value")
                    key = 'Default'
                (ent, _) = draw2entity.get(objId, (None, None))
                if ent is None:
                    print(f"Path origin ({obj}) not found. Trying target.")
                    if world.has_component(ent, Map):
                        map = world.component_for_entity(ent, Map)
                        if key == 'Default':
                            key += str(len(map))
                        map.paths[key] = points
                        if key == 'Default':
                            key += '0'
                        newMap = Map({key: points})
                        world.add_component(ent, newMap)
                print("Unrecognized object", cell)
    return draw2entity, objects, interactive