class MPIIOTest(ut.TestCase): """ Test class for the MPI-IO core functionality. Generates random particles, dumps them, reads them in, again and then checks the input against the initially created random particles. """ s = espressomd.system.System(box_l=[1, 1, 1]) # Just a bunch of random interactions such that add_bond does not throw for i in range(nbonds): s.bonded_inter[i] = AngleHarmonic(bend=i, phi0=i) test_particles = random_particles() def setUp(self): """Sets up a system from test_particles and prepares environment for the tests.""" clean_files() # Prior call might not have completed successfully for p in self.test_particles: self.s.part.add(, type=p.type, pos=p.pos, v=p.v) for b in p.bonds: self.s.part[].add_bond(b) def tearDown(self): clean_files() def check_files_exist(self): """Checks if all necessary files have been written.""" for fn in filenames: self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(fn)) def check_sample_system(self): """Checks the particles in the ESPResSo system "self.s" against the true values in "self.test_particles".""" for p, q in zip(self.s.part, self.test_particles): self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(p.type, q.type) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(numpy.copy(p.pos), q.pos) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(numpy.copy(p.v), q.v) self.assertEqual(len(p.bonds), len(q.bonds)) # Check all bonds for bp, bq in zip(p.bonds, q.bonds): # Bond type - "bend" stores the index of the bond self.assertEqual(bp[0].params["bend"], bq[0]) # Bond partners numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(bp[1:], bq[1:]) def test_mpiio(self): filename, types=True, positions=True, velocities=True, bonds=True) self.check_files_exist() self.s.part.clear() # Clear to be on the safe side filename, types=True, positions=True, velocities=True, bonds=True) self.check_sample_system()
def test_bind_three_particles(self): # Setup particles self.s.part.clear() dx = np.array((1, 0, 0)) dy = np.array((0, 1, 0)) dz = np.array((0, 0, 1)) a = np.array((0.499, 0.499, 0.499)) b = a + 0.1 * dx c = a + 0.03 * dx + 0.03 * dy d = a + 0.03 * dx - 0.03 * dy e = a - 0.1 * dx self.s.part.add(id=0, pos=a) self.s.part.add(id=1, pos=b) self.s.part.add(id=2, pos=c) self.s.part.add(id=3, pos=d) self.s.part.add(id=4, pos=e) # Setup bonds res = 181 for i in range(0, res, 1): self.s.bonded_inter[i + 2] = AngleHarmonic(bend=1, phi0=float(i) / (res - 1) * np.pi) cutoff = 0.11 self.s.collision_detection.set_params( mode="bind_three_particles", bond_centers=self.H, bond_three_particles=2, three_particle_binding_angle_resolution=res, distance=cutoff) self.get_state_set_state_consistency() self.s.time_step = 1E-6, recalc_forces=True) self.verify_triangle_binding(cutoff, self.s.bonded_inter[2], res) # Make sure no extra bonds appear, recalc_forces=True) self.verify_triangle_binding(cutoff, self.s.bonded_inter[2], res) # Place the particles in two steps and make sure, the bonds are the # same self.s.part.clear() self.s.part.add(id=0, pos=a) self.s.part.add(id=2, pos=c) self.s.part.add(id=3, pos=d), recalc_forces=True) self.s.part.add(id=4, pos=e) self.s.part.add(id=1, pos=b) self.s.cell_system.set_domain_decomposition(), recalc_forces=True) self.verify_triangle_binding(cutoff, self.s.bonded_inter[2], res) self.s.cell_system.set_n_square() self.s.part[:].bonds = (), recalc_forces=True) self.verify_triangle_binding(cutoff, self.s.bonded_inter[2], res) self.s.time_step = self.time_step
def set_bending_interaction(self): angle_harmonic = AngleHarmonic(bend=3.2, phi0=np.pi) sys.bonded_inter.add(angle_harmonic) list_of_stuff = [ for x in lambda p: in self.attributes.realz_indices) ] for x in list_of_stuff[1:-1]: sys.part[x].add_bond((angle_harmonic, x - 1, x + 1))