Example #1
 def selection(self, start, stop, base=0):
     if start <= base + len(self.source) and base <= stop:
         start = clamp(0, len(self.source), start - base)
         stop = clamp(0, len(self.source), stop - base)
         (x0, y0), (w0, h0) = self.surface.selection(start, stop)
         (x1, y1), (w1, h1) = self.box.value
         return rectangle(vec2(x0, y1), vec2(w0, h1))
Example #2
 def selection(self, head, tail):
     head = clamp(0, len(self.offsets) - 1, head)
     tail = clamp(0, len(self.offsets) - 1, tail)
     start = min(head, tail)
     stop = max(head, tail)
     base = self.geometry.base
     size = self.geometry.size
     x0 = self.offsets[start]
     x1 = self.offsets[stop]
     return rectangle(base + vec2(x0-1, -1), vec2(x1 - x0 + 1, size.y+1))
Example #3
def _selection(inner, outer, direction, start, stop, base=0):
    if start <= base + 1 and base <= stop:
        start = clamp(0, 1, start - base)
        stop  = clamp(0, 1, stop  - base)
        if direction == 'x':
            x0 = (inner.left.value, inner.right.value)[start]
            x1 = (inner.left.value, inner.right.value)[stop]
            y0 = outer.top.value
            y1 = outer.bottom.value
            x0 = outer.left.value
            x1 = outer.right.value
            y0 = (inner.top.value, inner.bottom.value)[start]
            y1 = (inner.top.value, inner.bottom.value)[stop]
        return rectangle(vec2(x0,y0), vec2(x1-x0, y1-y0)).offset((1,1,1,1))
Example #4
 def move(self, scroll):
     (w, h) = self.box.value.size
     self.scroll = vec2(clamp(self.viewport.x - w, 0, scroll.x), clamp(self.viewport.y - h, 0, scroll.y))
Example #5
 def caret(self, index):
     index = clamp(0, len(self.offsets) - 1, index)
     base = self.geometry.base
     size = self.geometry.size
     y = max(size.y, 8)
     return rectangle(base + vec2(self.offsets[index]-1, -1), vec2(1, y+1))
Example #6
 def move(self, position, drag):
     index = clamp(0, len(self.field), position)
     if drag:
         self.head = index
         self.head = self.tail = index