def combine_scinv(self): from glob import glob outfile=self.combined_file() stdout.write("Will write to file: %s\n" % outfile) dir=self.output_dir() pattern = self.scinv_file_pattern() pattern=path_join(dir, pattern) flist = glob(pattern) datalist = [] idmin = 0 for f in flist: print f tdata = data = numpy_util.add_fields(tdata, [('zid','i4')]) data['zid'] = idmin + numpy.arange(data.size) idmin += data.size print data['zid'].min(), data['zid'].max() datalist.append(data) hdr = esutil.sfile.read_header(flist[0]) print 'combining data' data = numpy_util.combine_arrlist(datalist) print 'writing file: %s' % outfile esutil.sfile.write(data, outfile, header=hdr)
def _load_data(self): from esutil.numpy_util import combine_arrlist alldata = [] for ccd in xrange(1, 62 + 1): datai = files.read_fits_output(, ftype="psf", psfnum=self.psfnum, shnum=self.shnum, ccd=ccd) if datai is None: fname = files.get_output_path(, ftype="psf", psfnum=self.psfnum, shnum=self.shnum, ccd=ccd) raise ValueError("error reading: %s") alldata.append(datai) data = combine_arrlist(alldata) flags_name = self.model + "_flags" w, = where(data[flags_name] == 0) if w.size == 0: raise ValueError("none with flags==0") data = data[w] self._data = data
def go(self): for psfnum in files.PSFNUMS: for shnum in files.SHNUMS: exp_data=[] for ccd in files.CCDS: pipe=self.load_single(psfnum,shnum,ccd) ccd_data_i=self.get_matched_struct(pipe) w,=where(ccd_data_i['flags'] == 0) ccd_data_i=ccd_data_i[w] self.set_use(ccd_data_i) exp_data.append( ccd_data_i ) exp_data=combine_arrlist(exp_data) self.write_data(exp_data, psfnum, shnum)
def read_exposure_data(dir,exposurename): out_dtype=[('ccd','i1'), ('x','f4'),('y','f4'), ('psf_flags','i4'), ('e1','f4'),('e2','f4'), ('e1interp','f4'),('e2interp','f4')] datalist=[] for ccd in xrange(1,1+62): psf_file = path_join(dir,'%s_%02d_psf.fits' % (exposurename,ccd)) psfe1 = psf['shapelets'][:,3]*sqrt(2) psfe2 = -psf['shapelets'][:,4]*sqrt(2) shear_file = path_join(dir,'%s_%02d_shear.fits' % (exposurename,ccd)) e1interp = shear['interp_psf_coeffs'][:,3]*sqrt(2) e2interp = -shear['interp_psf_coeffs'][:,4]*sqrt(2) mpsf,mshear=numpy_util.match(psf['id'], shear['id']) tdata = numpy.zeros(mpsf.size, dtype=out_dtype) tdata['ccd'] = ccd tdata['x'] = psf['x'][mpsf] tdata['y'] = psf['y'][mpsf] tdata['e1'] = psfe1[mpsf] tdata['e2'] = psfe2[mpsf] tdata['psf_flags'] = psf['psf_flags'][mpsf] tdata['e1interp'] = e1interp[mshear] tdata['e2interp'] = e2interp[mshear] datalist.append(tdata) data = numpy_util.combine_arrlist(datalist) return data
def _load_data(self): from esutil.numpy_util import combine_arrlist ntot=len(self['shnums'])*len(self['psfnums'])*len(self['ccds']) itot=1 if self['progress']: from progressbar import ProgressBar prog=ProgressBar(width=70, color='green') datalist=[] for shnum in self['shnums']: shlist=[] for psfnum in self['psfnums']: for ccd in self['ccds']: if self['progress']: prog.update(frac=float(itot)/ntot) itot += 1 data0=self.read_one(shnum,psfnum,ccd) if data0 is not None: if self['setname'] is not None: else: data=data0 if data is not None: datalist.append(data) del data0 if len(datalist) == 0: if self['verbose']: print 'no data read or passed cuts' self._data=None else: self._data=combine_arrlist(datalist)
def read(fileobj, **keywords): """ Name: Usage: import esutil data = filename/fileobject, typ=None, ext=0, rows=None, fields=None, columns=None, header=False, combine=False, view=None, lower=False, upper=False, noroot=True, seproot=False, verbose=False, ensure_native=False) Purpose: Provide a single interface to read from a variety of file types. Supports reading from a list of files. Inputs: filename/fileobject: File name or an open file object. Can also be a sequence. If a sequence is input, the return value will, by default, be a list of results. If the return types are numpy arrays, one can send the combine=True (the default) keyword to combine them into a single array as long as the data types match. Keywords: type: A string describing the file type, see below. If this is not sent, then the file type is determined from the file extension. ext: The file extension. If multiple extensions are supported by the file type, such as for FITS, then use this keyword to select which is to be read. Default is the first extension with data. rows: For numpy record-type files such as FITS binary tables or simple REC files, setting this keyword will return a subset of the rows. For FITS, this requires reading the entire file and selecting a subset. For REC files only the requested rows are read from disk by using the recfile package. Default is all rows. fields=, columns=: For numpy record-type files such as FITS binary tables or simple REC files, return a subset of the columns or fields. The keywords "fields" and "columns" are synonyms. For FITS, this requires reading the entire file and selecting a subset. For REC files only the requested rows are read from disk by using the recfile package. Default is all columns. header: If True, and the file type supports header+data, return a tuple (data, header). Can also be 'only' in which case only the header is read and returned (rec and fits only for now). Default is False. combine: If a list of filenames/fileobjects is sent, the default behavior is to return a list of data. If combine=True and the data are numpy arrays, attempt to combine them into a single array. Only works if the data types match. Default True view: If the result is derived from a numpy array, set this to pick the view. E.g. pyfits returns a special pyfits type for binary table. You can request a simple numpy array with fields by setting view=numpy.ndarray, or a numpy recarray type with view=numpy.recarray lower,upper: For FITS files, if true convert the case of the fields to all lower or all upper. Certain FITS writers tend to write all fields names as capitals which can result in annoyance. noroot: For XML files, do not return the root name as the base name in the dictionary. Default is True seproot: For XML files, return a tuple (data, rootname) instead of just the data under the root. ensure_native: For numpy arrays, make sure data is in native byte ordering. Currently Supported File Types: fits Flexible Image Transport System rec Simple ascii header followed by data in binary or text form. These files can be written/read using the esutil.sfile module. REC files support appending rows. Also supports reading sub-selections of rows and columns. xml Extensible Markup Language json JavaScript Object Notation. Less flexible than XML but more useful in most practical situations such as storing inhomogeneous data in a portable way. yaml A nice, human readable markup language, especially useful for configuration files. YAML stands for YAML Ain't Markup Language pyobj A straight dump of an object to disk using it's repr(). Files are written using pprint, read simply using eval(open(file).read()). This is not secure so use with caution. Revision History: Use **keywords for input and for sending to all called methods. Much more flexible when adding new keywords and file types. 2010 """ verbose = keywords.get('verbose', False) # If input is a sequence, read them all. if isinstance(fileobj, (list,tuple)): flist = fileobj nfiles=len(flist) if nfiles==1: return read(flist[0], **keywords) combine = keywords.get('combine', True) # we want to default to verbose in terms of showing progress verbose_progress = keywords.get('verbose', True) # a list was given alldata = [] for i,f in enumerate(flist): if verbose_progress: print("reading %d/%d %s" % (i+1,nfiles,f)) # note, only fields/columns is being passed on but not rows # also note seproot is not being passed on data = read(f, **keywords) alldata.append(data) if combine: fn,fobj,type,fs = _get_fname_ftype_from_inputs(fileobj[0], **keywords) if type == 'fits' or type == 'rec': # this will only work if the all data has the # same structure alldata = numpy_util.combine_arrlist(alldata) return alldata # a scalar was input fname,fobj,type,fs = _get_fname_ftype_from_inputs(fileobj, **keywords) if fs == 'hdfs': with hdfs.HDFSFile(fname, verbose=verbose) as hdfs_file: data =, **keywords) return data else: if verbose: print("reading:",fname) # pick the right reader based on type try: if type == 'fits': data = read_fits(fobj, **keywords) elif type == 'json': data =, **keywords) elif type == 'yaml': data = read_yaml(fobj, **keywords) elif type == 'rec': data = read_rec(fobj, **keywords) elif type == 'xml': data = read_xml(fobj, **keywords) elif type == 'pyobj': data = read_pyobj(fobj, **keywords) else: raise ValueError("Don't know about file type '%s'" % type) finally: pass return data
def read_output_set(run, psfnums, shnums, objtype=None, s2n_field='s2n_w', s2n_min=None, s2n_max=None, s2_max=None, gsens_min=None, gerr_max=None, columns=None, subtract_mean=False, progress=False): """ Read some data based on the input. Multiple files may be read. If files are missing they will be skipped Note only a single shear number is expected but many psfnums can be sent. Only those with flags==0 are kept. parameters ---------- run: string run id psfnums: integers the psf numbers to read shnums: integers The shear numbers to read. objtype: string, optional optionally select only objects with this best-fit model columns: optional only return these columns subtract_mean: bool, optional Calculate the mean g and subtract it """ from esutil.numpy_util import strmatch, combine_arrlist psfnums=get_psfnums(psfnums) shnums=get_shnums(shnums) ntot=len(shnums)*len(psfnums)*62 itot=1 if progress: from progressbar import ProgressBar prog=ProgressBar(width=70, color='green') #prog=ProgressBar(width=70, color='green', block='▣', empty='□') #prog=ProgressBar(width=70, color='green', block='◧', empty='◫') #prog=ProgressBar(width=70, color='green', block='■', empty='□') #prog=ProgressBar(width=70, color='green', block='=', empty='-') datalist=[] for shnum in shnums: shlist=[] for psfnum in psfnums: for ccd in xrange(1,62+1): if progress: #prog.update(frac=float(itot)/ntot, # message='%s/%s' % (itot,ntot)) prog.update(frac=float(itot)/ntot) itot += 1 fname=get_output_path(run=run, psfnum=psfnum, shnum=shnum, ccd=ccd, ftype='shear') if os.path.exists(fname): data0=read_fits_output(run=run, psfnum=psfnum, shnum=shnum, ccd=ccd, ftype='shear', columns=columns, verbose=False) logic=(data0['flags']==0) | (data0['flags']==65536) if objtype: logic=logic & strmatch(data0['model'],objtype) if s2n_min is not None: logic=logic & (data0[s2n_field] > s2n_min) if s2n_max is not None: logic=logic & (data0[s2n_field] < s2n_max) if s2_max is not None: logic=logic & (data0['s2'] < s2_max) if gsens_min is not None: logic=logic \ & (data0['gsens'][:,0] > gsens_min) \ & (data0['gsens'][:,1] > gsens_min) if gerr_max is not None: g1err=sqrt(data0['gcov'][:,0,0]) g2err=sqrt(data0['gcov'][:,1,1]) logic=logic \ & (g1err < gerr_max) & (g2err < gerr_max) wkeep,=where(logic) if wkeep.size==0: print 'No objects passed cuts' else: data0=data0[wkeep] shlist.append(data0) shdata=combine_arrlist(shlist) if subtract_mean: g1mean = shdata['g'][:,0].mean() g2mean = shdata['g'][:,1].mean() shdata['g'][:,0] -= g1mean shdata['g'][:,1] -= g2mean datalist.append(shdata) if len(datalist)==0: raise RuntimeError("no outputs were found") data=combine_arrlist(datalist) return data
def read(fileobj, **keywords): """ Name: Usage: import esutil data = filename/fileobject, typ=None, ext=0, rows=None, fields=None, columns=None, header=False, combine=False, view=None, lower=False, upper=False, noroot=True, seproot=False, verbose=False, ensure_native=False) Purpose: Provide a single interface to read from a variety of file types. Supports reading from a list of files. Inputs: filename/fileobject: File name or an open file object. Can also be a sequence. If a sequence is input, the return value will, by default, be a list of results. If the return types are numpy arrays, one can send the combine=True keyword to combine them into a single array as long as the data types match. Keywords: type: A string describing the file type, see below. If this is not sent, then the file type is determined from the file extension. ext: The file extension. If multiple extensions are supported by the file type, such as for FITS, then use this keyword to select which is to be read. Default is the first extension with data. rows: For numpy record-type files such as FITS binary tables or simple REC files, setting this keyword will return a subset of the rows. For FITS, this requires reading the entire file and selecting a subset. For REC files only the requested rows are read from disk by using the recfile package. Default is all rows. fields=, columns=: For numpy record-type files such as FITS binary tables or simple REC files, return a subset of the columns or fields. The keywords "fields" and "columns" are synonyms. For FITS, this requires reading the entire file and selecting a subset. For REC files only the requested rows are read from disk by using the recfile package. Default is all columns. header: If True, and the file type supports header+data, return a tuple (data, header). Can also be 'only' in which case only the header is read and returned (rec and fits only for now). Default is False. combine: If a list of filenames/fileobjects is sent, the default behavior is to return a list of data. If combine=True and the data are numpy arrays, attempt to combine them into a single array. Only works if the data types match. view: If the result is derived from a numpy array, set this to pick the view. E.g. pyfits returns a special pyfits type for binary table. You can request a simple numpy array with fields by setting view=numpy.ndarray, or a numpy recarray type with view=numpy.recarray lower,upper: For FITS files, if true convert the case of the fields to all lower or all upper. Certain FITS writers tend to write all fields names as capitals which can result in annoyance. noroot: For XML files, do not return the root name as the base name in the dictionary. Default is True seproot: For XML files, return a tuple (data, rootname) instead of just the data under the root. ensure_native: For numpy arrays, make sure data is in native byte ordering. Currently Supported File Types: fits Flexible Image Transport System rec Simple ascii header followed by data in binary or text form. These files can be written/read using the esutil.sfile module. REC files support appending rows. Also supports reading sub-selections of rows and columns. xml Extensible Markup Language json JavaScript Object Notation. Less flexible than XML but more useful in most practical situations such as storing inhomogeneous data in a portable way. yaml A nice, human readable markup language, especially useful for configuration files. YAML stands for YAML Ain't Markup Language pyobj A straight dump of an object to disk using it's repr(). Files are written using pprint, read simply using eval(open(file).read()). This is not secure so use with caution. Revision History: Use **keywords for input and for sending to all called methods. Much more flexible when adding new keywords and file types. 2010 """ verbose = keywords.get('verbose', False) # If input is a sequence, read them all. if isinstance(fileobj, (list,tuple)): combine = keywords.get('combine', False) # a list was given alldata = [] for f in fileobj: # note, only fields/columns is begin passed on but not rows # also note seproot is not being passed on data = read(f, **keywords) alldata.append(data) if combine: if len(fileobj) == 1: alldata = alldata[0] else: fn,fobj,type,fs = _get_fname_ftype_from_inputs(fileobj[0], **keywords) if type == 'fits' or type == 'rec': # this will only work if the all data has the # same structure if verbose: stderr.write("Combining arrays\n") alldata = numpy_util.combine_arrlist(alldata) return alldata # a scalar was input fname,fobj,type,fs = _get_fname_ftype_from_inputs(fileobj, **keywords) if fs == 'hdfs': with hdfs.HDFSFile(fname, verbose=verbose) as hdfs_file: data =, **keywords) return data else: if verbose: stderr.write("Reading: %s\n" % fname) # pick the right reader based on type try: if type == 'fits': data = read_fits(fobj, **keywords) elif type == 'json': data =, **keywords) elif type == 'yaml': data = read_yaml(fobj, **keywords) elif type == 'rec': data = read_rec(fobj, **keywords) elif type == 'xml': data = read_xml(fobj, **keywords) elif type == 'pyobj': data = read_pyobj(fobj, **keywords) else: raise ValueError("Don't know about file type '%s'" % type) finally: pass return data
def doplot(serun, exposurename, example_wcs_byccd, nx=3,ny=3,diff=False, imageformat='png', ptypes=['unbinned','comparebinned']): stdout.write("serun: %s\n" % serun) stdout.write("exposurename: %s\n" % exposurename) stdout.write("\tReading checkpsf data\n") alldata = [] allstats = [] for ccd in range(1,62+1): try: data = deswl.files.wlse_read(exposurename,ccd,'checkpsf', serun=serun) fields=['e1','e2','e1interp','e2interp'] stats = du.stats_xy(data, fields, nx=nx, ny=ny, typ='median') ccd_wcs = example_wcs_byccd[ccd] fx,fy = ccd_wcs.image2sky(data['x'], data['y']) mfx,mfy = ccd_wcs.image2sky(stats['mx'],stats['my']) newdata = numpy_util.add_fields(data, [('fx','f4'),('fy','f4')]) newdata['fx'] = fx - 337.3 newdata['fy'] = fy + 15.0 fadd=[('mfx','f4'),('mfy','f4'),('me1diff','f4'),('me2diff','f4')] newstats = numpy_util.add_fields(stats,fadd) newstats['mfx'] = mfx - 337.3 newstats['mfy'] = mfy + 15.0 newstats['me1diff'] = newstats['me1interp']-newstats['me1'] newstats['me2diff'] = newstats['me2interp']-newstats['me2'] alldata.append(newdata) allstats.append(newstats) except: stdout.write("Failed ccd=%s\n" % ccd) print sys.exc_info() data = numpy_util.combine_arrlist(alldata) stats = numpy_util.combine_arrlist(allstats) stdout.write("\tPlotting whiskers\n") plt = du.setuplot('Agg') plt.clf() nplots = len(ptypes) xsize=8*nplots fig=plt.figure(figsize=(xsize,7)) iplot = 1 u, v = polar2whisker(data['e1'], data['e2']) uinterp, vinterp = polar2whisker(data['e1interp'], data['e2interp']) mu, mv = polar2whisker(stats['me1'],stats['me2']) muinterp, mvinterp = polar2whisker(stats['me1interp'],stats['me2interp']) mudiff, mvdiff = polar2whisker(stats['me1diff'],stats['me2diff']) # example size to plot psize=0.01 if 'unbinned' in ptypes or 'compareunbinned' in ptypes: stdout.write("\t\tDoing plot type 'unbinned'\n") ax = fig.add_subplot(1,nplots,iplot) iplot += 1 # plot individual stars scale=3. whiskers(ax, data['fx'], data['fy'], u, v, scale=scale, linewidth=0.25) # a measure of scale xtext=-1.2 ax.text(xtext, 0.9, str(psize), verticalalignment='center') whiskers(ax, xtext+0.18, 0.9, psize, 0.0, color='blue', scale=scale) if 'compareunbinned' in ptypes: stdout.write("\t\tOverplotting 'compareunbinned'\n") whiskers(ax, data['fx'], data['fy'], uinterp, vinterp, scale=scale, color='red', linewidth=0.25) # add a legend ypos = 1.1 ystep = 0.07 xtext = -1.1 ax.text(xtext, ypos-ystep, "data", verticalalignment='center') whiskers(ax, xtext+0.23, ypos-ystep, psize, 0.0, color='black', scale=scale) ax.text(xtext, ypos-2*ystep, "interp", verticalalignment='center') whiskers(ax, xtext+0.23, ypos-2*ystep, psize, 0.0, color='red', scale=scale) ax.set_xlim(-1.3,1.3) ax.set_ylim(-1.3,1.3) set_minor_ticks(ax) if 'comparebinned' in ptypes: # comparison plot for the binned data ax = fig.add_subplot(1,nplots,iplot) iplot += 1 scale=10. whiskers(ax, stats['mfx'], stats['mfy'], mu, mv, scale=scale) whiskers(ax, stats['mfx'], stats['mfy'], muinterp, mvinterp, scale=scale, color='red') # legend ypos = 1.1 ystep = 0.07 xtext = -1.1 ax.text(xtext, ypos, str(psize), verticalalignment='center') whiskers(ax, xtext+0.23, ypos, psize, 0.0, color='blue', scale=scale) ax.text(xtext, ypos-ystep, "data", verticalalignment='center') whiskers(ax, xtext+0.23, ypos-ystep, psize, 0.0, color='black', scale=scale) ax.text(xtext, ypos-2*ystep, "interp", verticalalignment='center') whiskers(ax, xtext+0.23, ypos-2*ystep, psize, 0.0, color='red', scale=scale) ax.set_xlim(-1.3,1.3) ax.set_ylim(-1.3,1.3) set_minor_ticks(ax) if 'diffbinned' in ptypes: # comparison plot for the binned data ax = fig.add_subplot(1,nplots,iplot) iplot += 1 scale=50. psize=0.001 whiskers(ax, stats['mfx'], stats['mfy'], mudiff, mvdiff, scale=scale) ax.text(xtext, ypos, str(psize), verticalalignment='center') whiskers(ax, xtext+0.23, ypos, psize, 0.0, color='blue', scale=scale) ax.set_xlim(-1.3,1.3) ax.set_ylim(-1.3,1.3) set_minor_ticks(ax) outdir='/home/users/esheldon/www/tmp/plots' outdir=os.path.join(outdir, serun) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) ptypes_string = '-'.join(ptypes) outfile = "%s-checkpsf-%s.%s" % (exposurename,ptypes_string, imageformat) outfile=os.path.join(outdir,outfile) stdout.write("\tWriting plot file: %s\n" % outfile) plt.savefig(outfile, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)
def plot_shearxy_byccd(serun, region, example_wcs_byccd=None, outfile=None, typ='pdf'): """ Take the input data, split by ccd, and plot each separately. The x,y are converted to a ra,dec type system that preserved the layout of the camera. We don't use the actual ra/dec here because we want to be able to combine multiple exposures on the same plot. """ from numpy import arctan2, pi fpath=deswl.files.wlse_collated_path(serun,'gal',ftype='rec',region=region) data =, verbose=True) if data.size == 0: stdout.write("No objects in region: %s\n" % region) return outdir=os.path.dirname(fpath) outdir=os.path.join(outdir, 'plots') if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) outfile=os.path.basename(fpath).replace('.rec', '-shear-byccd.'+typ) outfile=os.path.join(outdir, outfile) stdout.write("Will write image: %s\n" % outfile) plt=setuplot('Agg') plt.clf() if example_wcs_byccd is None: example_wcs_byccd = get_exposure_wcs_example() h,rev = esutil.stat.histogram(data['ccd'], rev=True, min=1,max=62) allstats = [] #for ccd in range(1,63): running_shear1=0.0 running_shear2=0.0 running_shear_weight=0.0 for iccd in range(len(h)): if rev[iccd] != rev[iccd+1]: w = rev[ rev[iccd]:rev[iccd+1] ] ccd = data['ccd'][w[0]] stdout.write('\tccd=%s\n' % ccd) # no copy is made here! stats = stats_shearxy(data[w], nx=3, ny=3) ccd_wcs = example_wcs_byccd[ccd] xx,yy = ccd_wcs.image2sky(stats['mx'],stats['my']) xx -= 337.3 yy += 15.0 stats['mx'] = xx stats['my'] = yy allstats.append(stats) weights = 1.0/(stats['mshear1_err']**2 + stats['mshear2_err']**2) s1 = stats['mshear1']*weights s2 = stats['mshear2']*weights s1sum=s1.sum() s2sum=s2.sum() wsum = weights.sum() running_shear1 += s1sum running_shear2 += s2sum running_shear_weight += wsum thise1 = s1sum/wsum thise2 = s2sum/wsum thisangle = 0.5*arctan2(thise2, thise1)*180./pi stdout.write("\t\t<e1>=%s\n" % thise1 ) stdout.write("\t\t<e2>=%s\n" % thise2 ) stdout.write("\t\t<angle>=%s\n" % thisangle ) #plt.plot(xx,yy,'.',markersize=1) stats = numpy_util.combine_arrlist(allstats) mshear1 = running_shear1/running_shear_weight mshear2 = running_shear2/running_shear_weight mangle = 0.5*arctan2(mshear2, mshear1)*180.0/pi mshear = numpy.sqrt( mshear1**2 + mshear2**2 ) mangle_err = stats['mangle'].std()/numpy.sqrt(stats['mangle'].size) print "mins:",stats['mshear1'].min(), stats['mshear2'].min(), \ stats['mshear'].min() print "maxs:",stats['mshear1'].max(), stats['mshear2'].max(), \ stats['mshear'].max() stdout.write("overall averages: \n\tshear1: " "%s\n\tshear2: %s\n\tangle: %s\n" % (mshear1, mshear2,mangle)) stdout.write('\tangle error approximately %s\n' % mangle_err) # x component of the "vector" version u = stats['mshear']*numpy.cos(stats['mangle'])#*10000 # y component of the "vector" version v = stats['mshear']*numpy.sin(stats['mangle'])#*10000 # scale=1 means a vector of length 1 will cover essentially # all the plot. I want them slightly smaller, so I'm using # scale=1.5 scale=1.5 ax=plt.axes() from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator as ml ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(ml(0.1)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(ml(0.1)) #plt.quiver(stats['mx'], stats['my'], u, v,headwidth=0, # scale=scale, pivot='middle') whiskers(plt, stats['mx'], stats['my'], u, v) xtext=336.0 - 337.3 whiskers(plt, 336.18-337.3, -14.1+15.0, 0.05, 0.0, color='blue') plt.text(xtext, -14.1+15, "0.05", verticalalignment='center') ystart=-15.6 + 15 ystep=-0.08 istep = 0 ytext=ystart+istep*ystep plt.text(xtext, ytext, r"$\langle \gamma_1 \rangle=%0.3f$" % mshear1, verticalalignment='center') istep+=1 ytext=ystart+istep*ystep plt.text(xtext, ytext, r"$\langle \gamma_2 \rangle=%0.3f$" % mshear2, verticalalignment='center') istep+=1 ytext=ystart+istep*ystep plt.text(xtext,ytext,r"$\langle \theta \rangle=%0.2f^{\circ}$" % mangle, verticalalignment='center') # plot a whisker representing the average istep+=1 ytext=ystart+istep*ystep svec1 = mshear*numpy.cos( mangle*pi/180. ) svec2 = mshear*numpy.sin( mangle*pi/180. ) plt.text(xtext, ytext, r"$\langle \gamma \rangle=%0.3f$" % mshear, verticalalignment='center') istep+=1 ytext=ystart+istep*ystep whiskers(plt, 336.225-337.3, ytext, svec1, svec2, color='red') label = 'region%s' % region ax=plt.axes() plt.text(0.90, 0.9, label, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=18) # this is so the arrows have the right angle plt.axis('equal') plt.ylim(-16.1+15.0,-13.9+15.0) if outfile is not None: stdout.write("Writing file: %s\n" % outfile) plt.savefig(outfile, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.2) else: #print 'mean shear: ',stats['mshear'] return example_wcs_byccd