def lensout_read_old(file=None, run=None, lens_split=None, silent=False, old=False): """ Note old means something different here """ if file is None and run is None: raise ValueError("usage: lensout_read(file=, run=)") if file is None: if lens_split is not None: file = sample_file(type="lensout", sample=run, lens_split=lens_split) return lensout_read(file=file) return lensout_read_byrun(run) if not silent: stdout.write("Opening lensout file: %s\n" % file) file = expand_path(file) fobj = open(file, "r") if old: idt = "i4" else: idt = "i8" nlens = numpy.fromfile(fobj, dtype=idt, count=1) if not silent: stdout.write(" nlens: %s\n" % nlens[0]) nbin = numpy.fromfile(fobj, dtype=idt, count=1) if not silent: stdout.write(" nbin: %s\n" % nbin[0]) dt = lensout_dtype_old(nbin[0], old=old) if not silent: stdout.write("Reading with dtype: %s\n" % str(dt)) data = numpy.fromfile(fobj, dtype=dt, count=nlens[0]) fobj.close() return data
def create_pbs_byrun(self, proctype, procrun, espy_v=None, esutil_v=None, stomp_v=None, photo_sweep=None, photo_calib=None, photo_resolve=None): import sdsspy import pbs p = sdsspy.sweeps.Proc(proctype,procrun) extra='' if self.primonly: extra=', primonly=True' pbsdir=path_join('~/pbs',proctype,procrun) pbsdir = expand_path(pbsdir) if not os.path.exists(pbsdir): stdout.write("Making directory: %s\n" % pbsdir) os.makedirs(pbsdir) if espy_v is None: espy_v = "-r ~esheldon/exports/espy-work" if esutil_v is None: esutil_v="-r ~esheldon/exports/esutil-work" if stomp_v is None: stomp_v="-r ~esheldon/exports/stomp-work" if photo_sweep is None: photo_sweep=os.getenv("PHOTO_SWEEP") if photo_resolve is None: photo_resolve=os.getenv("PHOTO_RESOLVE") if photo_calib is None: photo_calib=os.getenv("PHOTO_CALIB") setups = \ [espy_v,esutil_v,stomp_v] setups = ['setup '+s for s in setups] setups += ['export PHOTO_SWEEP=%s' % photo_sweep, 'export PHOTO_CALIB=%s' % photo_calib, 'export PHOTO_RESOLVE=%s' % photo_resolve] qsub_filename=path_join(pbsdir, '' % (proctype,procrun)) loadcol_filename=path_join(pbsdir, '' % (proctype,procrun)) loadcol_file=open(loadcol_filename,'w') loadcol_file.write("import sdsspy\n") loadcol_file.write("p=sdsspy.sweeps.Proc('%s','%s')\n" % (proctype,procrun)) loadcol_file.write("p.make_columns()\n") loadcol_file.close() qsub_file=open(qsub_filename, 'w') irun=0 nrun=len(p._runs) for run in sorted(p._runs): stdout.write("Creating pbs file for run: %s\n" % run) # create the pbs file name rstr=sdsspy.files.run2string(run) job_name = '%s-%s' % (proctype,rstr) pbsfilename='%s-%s-%s.pbs' % (proctype, procrun, rstr) pbsfilename=path_join(pbsdir, pbsfilename) # the python commands to execute python_commands = """ import es_sdsspy import sdssgal gs=sdssgal.GalSelector p=es_sdsspy.sweeps.Proc('sdssgal','%s','gal') p.process_runs(gs, runs=%s%s)""" % (procrun,run,extra) ppy = pbs.PBSPython(pbsfilename,python_commands, job_name=job_name, setups=setups) ppy.write() # write to the submission file qsub_file.write('echo -n "%s/%s " \n' % (irun+1,nrun)) qsub_file.write('qsub %s\n' % pbsfilename) irun += 1 qsub_file.close()
def __init__(self, filename, command, job_name=None, queue='fast', walltime=None, # e.g. '24:00:00' nodes=1, ppn=1, setups=None, no_redirect=False): filename = expand_path(filename) self.filename = filename pbslog=filename+'.pbslog' logf = filename+'.log' # don't put job name there at all if not sent if job_name is not None: jobstring = "#PBS -N %s" % job_name else: jobstring="" if walltime is not None: timestring = '#PBS -l walltime=' % walltime else: timestring = '' if setups is not None: if not isstring(setups): setups = '\n'.join(setups) else: setups="" script="""# vim: set ft=sh : #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -l nodes={nodes}:ppn={ppn} #PBS -q {queue} #PBS -j oe #PBS -o {pbslog} #PBS -m a #PBS -V #PBS -r n #PBS -W umask=0022 {timestring} {jobstring} {setups} logf="{logf}" {command}""" if not no_redirect: command += ''' &> "$logf"''' script += "\n" script=script.format(nodes=nodes, ppn=ppn, queue=queue, pbslog=pbslog, timestring=timestring, jobstring=jobstring, setups=setups, logf=logf, command=command) self.script=script
def __init__(self, filename, commands, job_name=None, queue='fast', walltime=None, # e.g. '24:00:00', nodes=1, ppn=1, setups=None, buffer=False): filename = expand_path(filename) self.filename = filename pbslog=filename+'.pbslog' logf = filename+'.log' # don't put job name there at all if not sent if job_name is not None: jobstring = "#PBS -N %s" % job_name else: jobstring="" if walltime is not None: timestring = '#PBS -l walltime=' % walltime else: timestring = '' if setups is not None: if not isstring(setups): setups = '\n'.join(setups) else: setups="" # now the python commands if isinstance(commands, basestring): commands = [commands] commands = [c.strip() for c in commands] commands = '\n'.join(commands) if buffer: ex='python' else: ex='python -u' self.script=""" #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -l nodes={nodes}:ppn={ppn} #PBS -q {queue} #PBS -j oe #PBS -o {pbslog} #PBS -m a #PBS -V #PBS -r n #PBS -W umask=0022 {timestring} {jobstring} {setups} logf="{logf}" {ex} &> "$logf" <<EOF {commands} EOF \n""".format(nodes=nodes, ppn=ppn, queue=queue, pbslog=pbslog, timestring=timestring, jobstring=jobstring, setups=setups, logf=logf, ex=ex, commands=commands)
def create_pbs(type, procrun): import pbs import sdsspy proctype='regauss' procshort='rg' minscore=0.1 #queue = 'slow' #queue = 'batch' queue = 'fast' pbsdir=path_join('~/pbs',proctype,procrun) pbsdir = expand_path(pbsdir) if not os.path.exists(pbsdir): os.makedirs(pbsdir) espy_v = "-r ~esheldon/exports/espy-work" esutil_v="-r ~esheldon/exports/esutil-work" stomp_v="-r ~esheldon/exports/stomp-work" admom_v="-r ~esheldon/exports/admom-work" fimage_v="-r ~esheldon/exports/fimage-work" sdsspy_v="-r ~esheldon/exports/sdsspy-work" photo_redux = os.environ['PHOTO_REDUX'] photo_sweep = os.environ["PHOTO_SWEEP"] photo_resolve = os.environ["PHOTO_RESOLVE"] photo_calib = os.environ["PHOTO_CALIB"] setups = [espy_v,esutil_v,stomp_v,admom_v,fimage_v,sdsspy_v] setups = ['setup '+s for s in setups] setups += ['export PHOTO_REDUX=%s' % photo_redux, 'export PHOTO_SWEEP=%s' % photo_sweep, 'export PHOTO_CALIB=%s' % photo_calib, 'export PHOTO_RESOLVE=%s' % photo_resolve] win = sdsspy.window.Window() runs, reruns = win.runlist(minscore) runs.sort() print("writing to",pbsdir) for run in runs: for camcol in [1,2,3,4,5,6]: # create the pbs file name rstr=sdsspy.files.run2string(run) job_name = '%s%s-%s-%s' % (procshort,type,run,camcol) pbsfilename='%s%s-%s-%s-%s.pbs' % (procshort, type, procrun, rstr, camcol) pbsfilename=path_join(pbsdir, pbsfilename) # the python commands to execute python_commands = """ from lensing.regauss import RegaussSweep from es_sdsspy import sweeps p=sweeps.Proc('%s','%s','%s') p.process_runs(RegaussSweep, runs=%s, camcols=%s)""" % (proctype,procrun,type,run,camcol) ppy = pbs.PBSPython(pbsfilename, python_commands, job_name=job_name, setups=setups, queue=queue) ppy.write()
def create_condor(type, procrun): import pbs import sdsspy proctype='regauss' procshort='rg' minscore=0.1 condor_dir=path_join('~/condor/sweep_reduce',proctype,procrun) condor_dir = expand_path(condor_dir) if not os.path.exists(condor_dir): os.makedirs(condor_dir) win = sdsspy.window.Window() runs, reruns = win.runlist(minscore) runs.sort() print("writing to",condor_dir) for run in runs: for camcol in [1,2,3,4,5,6]: # create the condor file name rstr=sdsspy.files.run2string(run) job_name = '%s%s-%s-%s' % (procshort,type,run,camcol) script_base='%s%s-%s-%s-%s' % (procshort, type, procrun, rstr, camcol) condor_filename=script_base+'.condor' script_filename=script_base+'.py' condor_filename=path_join(condor_dir, condor_filename) script_filename=path_join(condor_dir, script_filename) condor_script=""" Universe = vanilla Notification = Error GetEnv = True Notify_user = [email protected] Requirements = (CPU_Experiment == "astro") && (TotalSlots == 12 || TotalSlots == 8) +Experiment = "astro" Initialdir = {proc_dir} Executable = {script_base}.py Output = {script_base}.out Error = {script_base}.err Log = {script_base}.log Queue\n""".format(proc_dir=condor_dir, script_base=script_base) script="""#!{executable} -u import os os.environ['PHOTO_SWEEP'] = 'hdfs:///user/esheldon/boss/sweeps/dr8_final' os.environ['SWEEP_REDUCE'] = 'hdfs:///user/esheldon/sweep-reduce' from lensing.regauss import RegaussSweep from es_sdsspy import sweeps p=sweeps.Proc('{proctype}','{procrun}','{sweep_type}') p.process_runs(RegaussSweep, runs={run}, camcols={camcol}) \n""".format(executable=sys.executable, proctype=proctype, procrun=procrun, sweep_type=type, run=run, camcol=camcol) print(condor_filename) with open(condor_filename,'w') as fobj: fobj.write(condor_script) with open(script_filename,'w') as fobj: fobj.write(script) os.system('chmod 755 '+script_filename)