def test_rectReadGmsh(self):
   fname=os.path.join(FINLEY_TEST_MESH_PATH, 'rect_test.msh')
   self.assertRaises(ValueError, ReadGmsh, fname, 2, diracPoints=[(0,0)])
   self.assertRaises(ValueError, ReadGmsh, fname, 2, diracPoints=[(0,0), (1,1)], diracTags=[40])
   self.assertRaises(ValueError, ReadGmsh, fname, 2, diracPoints=[(0,0), (1,1)], diracTags=["cows"])
   z=ReadGmsh(fname, 2, diracPoints=[(0,0), (1,1)], diracTags=[40,51])
   z=ReadGmsh(fname, 2, diracPoints=[(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1)], diracTags=["A", "B", "A", "C"])
   v=interpolate(z.getX(), DiracDeltaFunctions(z))
   if mpisize==1:
     self.assertEqual(v.toListOfTuples(),[(0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1)])
     self.assertEqual(v.getNumberOfDataPoints(), 4)
   self.assertEqual(inf(v[0]), -10)
   self.assertEqual(Lsup(v[1]), 99)
   v.setTaggedValue(500,(-100,-100))   # non-existant tag
   self.assertEqual(inf(v[0]), -10)
   self.assertEqual(Lsup(v[1]), 99)
   self.assertEqual(z.showTagNames(), 'A, B, C')
   self.assertEqual(z.getTag("C"), 42)
Example #2
 def test_rectReadGmsh(self):
   fname=os.path.join(FINLEY_TEST_MESH_PATH, 'rect_test.msh')
   self.assertRaises(ValueError, ReadGmsh, fname, 2, diracPoints=[(0,0)])
   self.assertRaises(ValueError, ReadGmsh, fname, 2, diracPoints=[(0,0), (1,1)], diracTags=[40])
   self.assertRaises(ValueError, ReadGmsh, fname, 2, diracPoints=[(0,0), (1,1)], diracTags=["cows"])
   z=ReadGmsh(fname, 2, diracPoints=[(0,0), (1,1)], diracTags=[40,51])
   z=ReadGmsh(fname, 2, diracPoints=[(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1)], diracTags=["A", "B", "A", "C"])
   v=interpolate(z.getX(), DiracDeltaFunctions(z))
   if mpisize==1:
     self.assertEqual(v.toListOfTuples(),[(0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1)])
     self.assertEqual(v.getNumberOfDataPoints(), 4)
   self.assertEqual(inf(v[0]), -10)
   self.assertEqual(Lsup(v[1]), 99)
   v.setTaggedValue(500,(-100,-100))   # non-existant tag
   self.assertEqual(inf(v[0]), -10)
   self.assertEqual(Lsup(v[1]), 99)
   self.assertEqual(z.showTagNames(), 'A, B, C')
   self.assertEqual(z.getTag("C"), 42)
Example #3
k = kronecker(mydomain)
numg = 3*2500; # number of Gauss points
nump = 16; # number of processes in multiprocessing

prob = MultiScale(domain=mydomain,ng=numg,np=nump,random=False,rtol=1e-2,usePert=False,pert=-2.e-5,verbose=False)

disp = Vector(0.,Solution(mydomain))

stress = prob.getCurrentStress()
proj = Projector(mydomain)
sig = proj(stress)
sig_bounda = interpolate(sig,FunctionOnBoundary(mydomain))
traction = matrix_mult(sig_bounda,mydomain.getNormal())
x = mydomain.getX()
bx = FunctionOnBoundary(mydomain).getX()
footingBase = whereZero(bx[1]-sup(bx[1]))*whereNonPositive(bx[0]-B)
tractFoot = traction*footingBase
forceFoot = integrate(tractFoot,where=FunctionOnBoundary(mydomain))
lengthFoot = integrate(footingBase,where=FunctionOnBoundary(mydomain))
fout.write('0 '+str(forceFoot[0])+' '+str(forceFoot[1])+' '+str(lengthFoot)+'\n')

# Dirichlet BC, rollers at left and right, fixties at bottom, rigid and rough footing
Dbc = whereZero(x[0])*[1,0]+whereZero(x[0]-sup(x[0]))*[1,0]+whereZero(x[1]-inf(x[1]))*[1,1]+whereZero(x[1]-sup(x[1]))*whereNonPositive(x[0]-B)*[1,1]
Vbc = whereZero(x[0])*[0,0]+whereZero(x[0]-sup(x[0]))*[0,0]+whereZero(x[1]-inf(x[1]))*[0,0]+whereZero(x[1]-sup(x[1]))*whereNonPositive(x[0]-B)*[0,vel]
# Neumann BC, surcharge at the rest area of the top surface
Nbc = whereZero(bx[1]-sup(bx[1]))*wherePositive(bx[0]-B)*[0,surcharge]

time_start = time.time()
Example #4
# file to write force on the bottom
graphDir = './result/graphs/msTest2_Explicit/gp'+str(gp)+'/'

##  model setup  ##

# multiscale model description
dom = ReadGmsh(mshName[:8]+'.msh',numDim=dim,integrationOrder=2)
prob = MultiScale(domain=dom,dim=dim,ng=numg,np=nump,rho=rho,\

# nodal coordinate
dom = prob.getDomain()
x = dom.getX()
bx = FunctionOnBoundary(dom).getX()

# Dirichlet BC positions, smooth lateral boundary
Dbc = whereZero(x[0])*[1,0] + whereZero(x[0]-lx)*[1,0] \
     #~ +whereZero(x[0]-lx)*whereZero(x[1])*[0,1]

# Dirichlet BC values
Dbc_val = whereZero(x[0])*[0,0] + whereZero(x[0]-lx)*[0,0] \
         #~ +whereZero(x[0]-lx)*whereZero(x[1])*[0,0]

# Neumann BC postions, known pressure on the top
Nbc = whereZero(bx[1]-ly)*[0,surcharge]

##  Initialization  ##
Example #5
if isinstance(config.sigma0, dict):
    for k in config.sigma0:
        sigma0.setTaggedValue(k, config.sigma0[k])
if getMPIRankWorld() == 0: 
    print("Reference conductivity sigma0 = %s"%(str(sigma0)))

# define region with fixed conductivity:
if isinstance(config.region_fixed , list):
    fixedm=MaskFromTag(domain, *tuple(config.region_fixed))
    if len(config.region_fixed)> 0 and getMPIRankWorld() == 0: 
        print("Tags of regions with fixed property function : %s"%(config.region_fixed) )
    del x
    if getMPIRankWorld() == 0: 
        print("Properties are fixed at the bottom of the domain.")
# create cost function:
costf=PotentialERT(domain, data=survey, w0=config.w0, w1=config.w1, sigma0=sigma0, region_fixed=fixedm, stationsFMT=config.stationsFMT, alpha0=config.alpha0, alpha1=config.alpha1, weightLogDefect=config.weightLogDefect, logclip=config.clip_property_function)

if args.optimize or args.testSigma0:
    sigma_opt, f_opt,  defect = costf.optimizeSigma0()
    if getMPIRankWorld() == 0: 
         print("Better value for sigma0 = %s, correction factor %s, defect = %s"%(sigma_opt, f_opt,  defect))
         print("update your configuration file %s"%args.config)
         if args.testSigma0: 
Example #6
    #PDE related
    rho = 200.0  #the density contrast of the source
    G = 6.67300 * 10E-11  #gravitational constant
    R = 100.  #radius of the source body
    ################################################ESTABLISHING PARAMETERS
    #the folder to put our outputs in, leave blank "" for script path
    save_path = os.path.join("data", "example10")
    mesh_path = "data/example10m"
    #ensure the dir exists

    ####################################################DOMAIN CONSTRUCTION
    #Geometric and material property related variables.
    domain = ReadGmsh(os.path.join(mesh_path, 'example10m.msh'),
                      2)  # create the domain
    x = domain.getX()
    #Domain related dimensions from the imported file.
    mx = Lsup(x) * m  #meters - model length
    my = Lsup(x) * m  #meters - model width
    rholoc = [mx / 2, my / 2]

    mask = wherePositive(R - length(x - rholoc))
    rhoe = rho * mask
    kro = kronecker(domain)

    #Define the analytic solution.
    def analytic_gz(x, z, R, drho):
        G = 6.67300 * 10E-11
        return G * 2 * np.pi * R * R * drho * (z / (x * x + z * z))

    #Define the boundary conditions.
Example #7
    #################################################ESTABLISHING VARIABLES
    # PDE related
    rho = 200.0  # the density contrast of the source
    G = 6.67300 * 10e-11  # gravitational constant
    R = 100.0  # radius of the source body
    ################################################ESTABLISHING PARAMETERS
    # the folder to put our outputs in, leave blank "" for script path
    save_path = os.path.join("data", "example10")
    mesh_path = "data/example10m"
    # ensure the dir exists

    ####################################################DOMAIN CONSTRUCTION
    # Geometric and material property related variables.
    domain = ReadGmsh(os.path.join(mesh_path, "example10m.msh"), 2)  # create the domain
    x = domain.getX()
    # Domain related dimensions from the imported file.
    mx = Lsup(x) * m  # meters - model length
    my = Lsup(x) * m  # meters - model width
    rholoc = [mx / 2, my / 2]

    mask = wherePositive(R - length(x - rholoc))
    rhoe = rho * mask
    kro = kronecker(domain)

    # Define the analytic solution.
    def analytic_gz(x, z, R, drho):
        G = 6.67300 * 10e-11
        return G * 2 * np.pi * R * R * drho * (z / (x * x + z * z))

    # Define the boundary conditions.