Example #1
    def do_watch(self):
        """Watch a keyspace

        This will conduct one watch or one read.

            LOG.debug("%s: pausing", self.name)

                if self.tick is None:
                    # We have no state, so we have effectively
                    # 'fallen off of the history' and need to
                    # resync in full.
                    raise etcd.EtcdEventIndexCleared()
                # Current versions of python-etcd use the timeout in
                # interesting ways.  Slow URL connections + no data
                # to return can lead to timeouts much longer than you
                # might expect.  So we watch for a timeout for
                # ourselves as well.

                # Here, we use both etcd Client timeout and eventlet timeout
                # As etcd.Client timeout is not reliable, enforce
                # the timeout with eventlet.Timeout
                # Most of the time, we timeout thanks to etcd client,
                # if we timeout due to eventlet, we have an ugly error message
                rv = None
                with eventlet.Timeout(self.heartbeat + 5, False):
                    rv = self.etcd_client.watch(self.watch_path,

                if rv:
                    with self.etcd_data_lock:

                        # The processing function is entitled to check all etcd
                        # data.  Update it before we call the processor.
                        if rv.action == 'delete':
                            self.etcd_data.pop(rv.key, None)
                            self.etcd_data[rv.key] = rv.value

                        # We can, in the case of a watch, hint at where the
                        # update went.

                            self.do_work(rv.action, rv.key, rv.value)
                        except Exception:
                            LOG.exception(('%s key %s value %s could'
                                           'not be processed') %
                                          (rv.action, rv.key, rv.value))
                            # TODO(ijw) raise or not raise?  This is probably
                            # fatal and incurable, because we will only repeat
                            # the action on the next round.

                    # Update the tick only when all the above completes so that
                    # exceptions don't cause the count to skip before the data
                    # is processed
                    self.tick = rv.modifiedIndex + 1

            except etcd.EtcdEventIndexCleared:
                # We can't follow etcd history in teaspoons, so
                # grab the current state in its entirety.


        except (etcd.EtcdWatchTimedOut, UrllibTimeoutError):
            # This is normal behaviour, indicating either a watch timeout
            # (nothing changed) or a connection timeout (we should retry)
Example #2
    def do_watch(self):
        """Watch a keyspace

        This will conduct one watch or one read.

            LOG.debug("%s: pausing", self.name)

                if self.tick is None:
                    # We have no state, so we have effectively
                    # 'fallen off of the history' and need to
                    # resync in full.
                    raise etcd.EtcdEventIndexCleared()
                # Current versions of python-etcd use the timeout in
                # interesting ways.  Slow URL connections + no data
                # to return can lead to timeouts much longer than you
                # might expect.  So we watch for a timeout for
                # ourselves as well.

                # Here, we use both etcd Client timeout and eventlet timeout
                # As etcd.Client timeout is not reliable, enforce
                # the timeout with eventlet.Timeout
                # Most of the time, we timeout thanks to etcd client,
                # if we timeout due to eventlet, we have an ugly error message
                with eventlet.Timeout(self.heartbeat + 5):
                    rv = self.etcd_client.watch(self.watch_path,

                vals = [rv]

                next_tick = rv.modifiedIndex + 1

            except etcd.EtcdEventIndexCleared:
                # We can't follow etcd history in teaspoons, so
                # grab the current state and implement it.

                LOG.debug("%s: resyncing in full", self.name)
                rv = self.etcd_client.read(self.watch_path, recursive=True)

                # This appears as if all the keys have been updated -
                # because we can't tell which have been and which haven't.
                vals = rv.children


                next_tick = rv.etcd_index + 1

                LOG.debug("%s watch index recovered: %s", self.name,

            for kv in vals:

                LOG.debug("%s: active, key %s", self.name, kv.key)

                    self.do_work(kv.action, kv.key, kv.value)
                except Exception:
                    LOG.exception('%s key %s value %s could not be processed' %
                                  (kv.action, kv.key, kv.value))
                    # TODO(ijw) raise or not raise?  This is probably
                    # fatal and incurable.

            # Update the tick only when all the above completes so that
            # exceptions don't cause the count to skip before the data
            # is processed
            self.tick = next_tick

        except (etcd.EtcdWatchTimedOut, UrllibTimeoutError, eventlet.Timeout):
            # This is normal behaviour, indicating either a watch timeout
            # (nothing changed) or a connection timeout (we should retry)