Example #1
def pep8(dsc, analysis):
    run_command(["dpkg-source", "-x", dsc, "source"])
    with cd('source'):
        out, err, ret = run_command(['pep8', '.'])
        failed = ret != 0

        for issue in parse_pep8(out.splitlines()):

        return (analysis, out, failed)
Example #2
def pep8(dsc, analysis):
    run_command(["dpkg-source", "-x", dsc, "source"])
    with cd('source'):
        out, err, ret = run_command(['pep8', '.'])
        failed = ret != 0

        for issue in parse_pep8(out.splitlines()):

        return (analysis, out, failed)
Example #3
def iterate():
    suites = listize(config['suites'])
    arches = listize(config['arches'])
    with workon(suites, arches, list(PLUGINS.keys())) as job:
        if job is None:
            raise IDidNothingError("No more jobs")

        package_id = job['package']
        type_ = job['package_type']

        logging.debug("Fetching the %s package, id=%s", type_, package_id)
        package = None
        if type_ == 'binary':
            package = proxy.get_binary_package(package_id)
        elif type_ == 'source':
            package = proxy.get_source_package(package_id)
            raise IDidNothingError("SHIT")

        handler, version_getter = load_module(job['type'])
        firehose = create_firehose(package, version_getter)

        with tdir() as fd:
            with cd(fd):
                with checkout(package) as target:
                    firehose, log, err = handler(target, package,
                                                 job, firehose)

                    type_ = {"sources": "source",
                             "binaries": "binary"}[package['_type']]

                    logging.info("Job worker returned, filing reports")
                    report = proxy.submit_report(firehose.to_json(),
                                                 job['_id'], err)

                    logging.info("Sending the XML firehose report to the pool")
                    open('firehose.xml', 'w').write(firehose.to_xml_bytes())
                    remote_firehose_path = proxy.get_firehose_write_location(report)
                    cmd = config['copy'].format(src='firehose.xml',
                    out, err, ret = run_command(cmd)

                    logging.info("Sending the logs to the pool")
                    remote_path = proxy.get_log_write_location(report)
                    open('ethel-log', 'wb').write(log.encode('utf-8'))
                    cmd = config['copy'].format(src='ethel-log',
                    out, err, ret = run_command(cmd)
                    if ret != 0:
                        raise Exception("SHIT.")
Example #4
def perlcritic(dsc, analysis):
    run_command(["dpkg-source", "-x", dsc, "source"])
    with cd('source'):
        out, err, ret = run_command([
            'perlcritic', '--brutal', '.', '--verbose',
            '%f:%l:%c %s    %p    %m\n'
        if ret == 1:
            raise Exception("Perlcritic had an internal error")

        failed = ret == 2
        for issue in parse_perlcritic(out.splitlines()):

        return (analysis, out, failed)
Example #5
def sbuild(package, suite, arch):
    chroot = "%s-%s" % (suite, arch)

    dsc = os.path.basename(package)
    if not dsc.endswith('.dsc'):
        raise ValueError("WTF")

    source, dsc = dsc.split("_", 1)
    version, _ = dsc.rsplit(".", 1)
    local = None
    if "-" in version:
        version, local = version.rsplit("-", 1)

    suite, arch = chroot.split("-", 1)
    sut = DebianBinary(source, version, local, arch)

    out, err, ret = run_command([
    ftbfs = ret != 0
    info = parse_sbuild_log(out, sut=sut)

    return info, out, ftbfs
Example #6
def version():
    out, err, ret = run_command(["sbuild", '--version'])
    # TODO check ret
    vline = out.splitlines()[0]
    v = VERSION.match(vline)
    vdict = v.groupdict()
    return ('sbuild', vdict['version'])
Example #7
def version():
    out, err, ret = run_command(["sbuild", "--version"])
    # TODO check ret
    vline = out.splitlines()[0]
    v = VERSION.match(vline)
    vdict = v.groupdict()
    return ("sbuild", vdict["version"])
Example #8
def version(lintian_binary='lintian'):
    out, err, ret = run_command([
        lintian_binary, '--version'
    #TODO: if ret != 0, not installed !
    name, version = out.split(" ")
    return (name, version.strip())
Example #9
def version():
    out, err, ret = run_command([
        'cppcheck', '--version'
    #TODO: if ret != 0, not installed !
    name, version = out.split(" ")
    return (name, version.strip())
Example #10
def iterate():
    suites = listize(config["suites"])
    arches = listize(config["arches"])
    with workon(suites, arches, list(PLUGINS.keys())) as job:
        if job is None:
            raise IDidNothingError("No more jobs")

        package_id = job["package"]
        type_ = job["package_type"]

        logging.debug("Fetching the %s package, id=%s", type_, package_id)
        package = None
        if type_ == "binary":
            package = proxy.get_binary_package(package_id)
        elif type_ == "source":
            package = proxy.get_source_package(package_id)
            raise IDidNothingError("SHIT")

        handler, version_getter = load_module(job["type"])
        firehose = create_firehose(package, version_getter)

        with tdir() as fd:
            with cd(fd):
                with checkout(package) as target:
                    firehose, log, err = handler(target, package, job, firehose)

                    type_ = {"sources": "source", "binaries": "binary"}[package["_type"]]

                    logging.info("Job worker returned, filing reports")
                    report = proxy.submit_report(firehose.to_json(), job["_id"], err)

                    logging.info("Sending the XML firehose report to the pool")
                    open("firehose.xml", "w").write(firehose.to_xml_bytes())
                    remote_firehose_path = proxy.get_firehose_write_location(report)
                    cmd = config["copy"].format(src="firehose.xml", dest=remote_firehose_path)
                    out, err, ret = run_command(cmd)

                    logging.info("Sending the logs to the pool")
                    remote_path = proxy.get_log_write_location(report)
                    open("ethel-log", "wb").write(log.encode("utf-8"))
                    cmd = config["copy"].format(src="ethel-log", dest=remote_path)
                    out, err, ret = run_command(cmd)
                    if ret != 0:
                        raise Exception("SHIT.")
Example #11
 def binary():
     info = proxy.get_deb_info(package['_id'])
     url_base = info['root']
     out, err, ret = run_command(['wget'] + [
         os.path.join(url_base, x) for x in info['packages']])
     if ret != 0:
         raise Exception("zomgwtf")
     yield package['binaries']
Example #12
 def binary():
     info = proxy.get_deb_info(package['_id'])
     url_base = info['root']
     out, err, ret = run_command(
         ['wget'] + [os.path.join(url_base, x) for x in info['packages']])
     if ret != 0:
         raise Exception("zomgwtf")
     yield package['binaries']
Example #13
def cppcheck(dsc, analysis):
    run_command(["dpkg-source", "-x", dsc, "source"])
    with cd('source'):
        out, err, ret = run_command(['cppcheck', '--enable=all', '.', '--xml'])

        xmlbytes = err.encode()

        failed = False
        if err.strip() == '':
            return (analysis, err, failed)

        for issue in parse_cppcheck(xmlbytes):
            if not failed and issue.severity in [
                    'performance', 'portability', 'error', 'warning'
                failed = True

        return (analysis, err, failed)
Example #14
def cppcheck(dsc, analysis):
    run_command(["dpkg-source", "-x", dsc, "source"])
    with cd('source'):
        out, err, ret = run_command([
            'cppcheck', '--enable=all', '.', '--xml'

        xmlbytes = err.encode()

        failed = False
        if err.strip() == '':
            return (analysis, err, failed)

        for issue in parse_cppcheck(xmlbytes):
            if not failed and issue.severity in [
                'performance', 'portability', 'error', 'warning'
                failed = True

        return (analysis, err, failed)
Example #15
def desktop_file_validate(package_root, analysis):
    log = ""
    failed = False
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(package_root):
        for fp in filenames:
            out, err, ret = run_command(['desktop-file-validate', fp])
            for issue in parse_desktop_file_validate(out.splitlines()):
                failed = True
            log += out
    log = log.strip()
    return (analysis, log, failed)
Example #16
def desktop_file_validate(package_root, analysis):
    log = ""
    failed = False
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(package_root):
        for fp in filenames:
            out, err, ret = run_command(['desktop-file-validate', fp])
            for issue in parse_desktop_file_validate(out.splitlines()):
                failed = True
            log += out
    log = log.strip()
    return (analysis, log, failed)
Example #17
def lintian(packages, analysis, lintian_binary='lintian'):
    log = ""
    failed = False

    for package in packages:
        out, err, ret = run_command([lintian_binary, "-IE", "--pedantic",
                                     "--show-overrides", package])
        for issue in parse_lintian(out.splitlines(), package):
            if issue.severity in ['warning', 'error']:
                failed = True
        log += out

    return (analysis, log, failed)
Example #18
def sbuild(package, suite, arch):
    chroot = "%s-%s" % (suite, arch)

    dsc = os.path.basename(package)
    if not dsc.endswith(".dsc"):
        raise ValueError("WTF")

    source, dsc = dsc.split("_", 1)
    version, _ = dsc.rsplit(".", 1)
    local = None
    if "-" in version:
        version, local = version.rsplit("-", 1)

    suite, arch = chroot.split("-", 1)
    sut = DebianBinary(source, version, local, arch)

    out, err, ret = run_command(["sbuild", "-A", "-c", chroot, "-v", "-d", suite, "-j", "8", package])
    ftbfs = ret != 0
    info = parse_sbuild_log(out, sut=sut)

    return info, out, ftbfs
Example #19
def version():
    out, err, ret = run_command(['pep8', '--version'])
    #TODO: if ret != 0, not installed !
    return ('pep8', out.strip())
Example #20
def run(dsc, source, job, firehose):
    run_command(["dpkg-source", "-x", dsc, "source"])
    with cd('source'):
        return desktop_file_validate('source', firehose)
Example #21
def version():
    out, err, ret = run_command(['cppcheck', '--version'])
    #TODO: if ret != 0, not installed !
    name, version = out.split(" ")
    return (name, version.strip())
Example #22
def version():
    out, err, ret = run_command([
        'pep8', '--version'
    #TODO: if ret != 0, not installed !
    return ('pep8', out.strip())
Example #23
def run(dsc, source, job, firehose):
    run_command(["dpkg-source", "-x", dsc, "source"])
    with cd('source'):
        return desktop_file_validate('source', firehose)
Example #24
def version():
    out, err, ret = run_command([ 'perlcritic', '--version' ])
    #TODO : check ret for perlcritic installation
    return ('perlcritic', out.strip())